73% of Black Babies are Born out of Wedlock


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
I just heard this on the Factor and did not believe it. But apparently it's true. White women are trending higher than in the 90's as well.

Most children in U.S. born out of wedlock | Mail Online

These thugs have no father figure to teach them values or kick their butt when needed. Real responsible men these are.

There is part of the problem with society today.Demise of the American family.

Compared to the 1990s when a third of Americans were born out of wedlock, now 41 per cent of babies do not have married parents. There are racial divides:
73 per cent of black babies are born outside marriage
53 per cent of of Latino babies are born outside marriage
29 per cent of white babies are born outside marriage
And educational divides:
92 per cent of college-educated women are married when they have a child
62 per cent of those with post-secondary schooling are married when they give birth
43 per cent of women with a high school diploma are married when they give birth
Data compiled by Child Trends

That's all someone else's fault.

And you're a racist for even bringing it up.

So stop it or I'll get you fired.



No doubt- Facts are confusing sometimes.

And who is paying for all these illegitimate babies?

Never mind...

I just heard this on the Factor and did not believe it. But apparently it's true. White women are trending higher than in the 90's as well.

Most children in U.S. born out of wedlock | Mail Online

These thugs have no father figure to teach them values or kick their butt when needed. Real responsible men these are.

There is part of the problem with society today.Demise of the American family.

Compared to the 1990s when a third of Americans were born out of wedlock, now 41 per cent of babies do not have married parents. There are racial divides:
73 per cent of black babies are born outside marriage
53 per cent of of Latino babies are born outside marriage
29 per cent of white babies are born outside marriage
And educational divides:
92 per cent of college-educated women are married when they have a child
62 per cent of those with post-secondary schooling are married when they give birth
43 per cent of women with a high school diploma are married when they give birth
Data compiled by Child Trends

A very productive comment, one sure to bring the races together so all of us can enjoy the unalienable rights of life, liberty and happiness. I'm sure your motive was to bring to light an issue for the Government to solve. Thanks so much for that and for the service of your ancestor whose intent I'm sure was to keep the poor black slaves happy, alive and at liberty to stay in their place - a goal I'm sure you support even today.
I just heard this on the Factor and did not believe it. But apparently it's true. White women are trending higher than in the 90's as well.

Most children in U.S. born out of wedlock | Mail Online

These thugs have no father figure to teach them values or kick their butt when needed. Real responsible men these are.

There is part of the problem with society today.Demise of the American family.

Compared to the 1990s when a third of Americans were born out of wedlock, now 41 per cent of babies do not have married parents. There are racial divides:
73 per cent of black babies are born outside marriage
53 per cent of of Latino babies are born outside marriage
29 per cent of white babies are born outside marriage
And educational divides:
92 per cent of college-educated women are married when they have a child
62 per cent of those with post-secondary schooling are married when they give birth
43 per cent of women with a high school diploma are married when they give birth
Data compiled by Child Trends

A very productive comment, one sure to bring the races together so all of us can enjoy the unalienable rights of life, liberty and happiness. I'm sure your motive was to bring to light an issue for the Government to solve. Thanks so much for that and for the service of your ancestor whose intent I'm sure was to keep the poor black slaves happy, alive and at liberty to stay in their place - a goal I'm sure you support even today.

At least we know why Barack Obama is King Race baiter since he is within reported demographic

Just reporting information typically suppressed. If you don't like the content that's fine with me.

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who cares?

Those of us who pay federal income taxes care. And for many of them it will be life long handouts from the government, first supporting them as babies and kids and later likely their illegitimate offspring too just like their moms, grandmoms, aunts, friends, etc. Imagine all the money just one person could get in a lifetime from all the various government programs and whatnot, and then multiply by however many millions and it's a huge ticket for current and future taxpayers.

Oh, how racist of me not to want to support others' irresponsibility.
I just heard this on the Factor and did not believe it. But apparently it's true. White women are trending higher than in the 90's as well.

Most children in U.S. born out of wedlock | Mail Online

These thugs have no father figure to teach them values or kick their butt when needed. Real responsible men these are.

There is part of the problem with society today.Demise of the American family.

Compared to the 1990s when a third of Americans were born out of wedlock, now 41 per cent of babies do not have married parents. There are racial divides:
73 per cent of black babies are born outside marriage
53 per cent of of Latino babies are born outside marriage
29 per cent of white babies are born outside marriage
And educational divides:
92 per cent of college-educated women are married when they have a child
62 per cent of those with post-secondary schooling are married when they give birth
43 per cent of women with a high school diploma are married when they give birth
Data compiled by Child Trends

A very productive comment, one sure to bring the races together so all of us can enjoy the unalienable rights of life, liberty and happiness. I'm sure your motive was to bring to light an issue for the Government to solve. Thanks so much for that and for the service of your ancestor whose intent I'm sure was to keep the poor black slaves happy, alive and at liberty to stay in their place - a goal I'm sure you support even today.

At least we know why Barack Obama is King Race baiter since he is within reported demographic

Just reporting information typically suppressed. If you don't like the content that's fine with me.


What's to like? You and others like you are part of the problem and you relish that role. IMO that's reprehensible.
who cares?

Those of us who pay federal income taxes care. And for many of them it will be life long handouts from the government, first supporting them as babies and kids and later likely their illegitimate offspring too just like their moms, grandmoms, aunts, friends, etc. Imagine all the money just one person could get in a lifetime from all the various government programs and whatnot, and then multiply by however many millions and it's a huge ticket for current and future taxpayers.

Oh, how racist of me not to want to support others' irresponsibility.

So, black babies born out of wedlock are born to worthless welfare queens and will never amount to anything beyond a leech on society.

Nah, that's not racist at all.
who cares?

Those of us who pay federal income taxes care. And for many of them it will be life long handouts from the government, first supporting them as babies and kids and later likely their illegitimate offspring too just like their moms, grandmoms, aunts, friends, etc. Imagine all the money just one person could get in a lifetime from all the various government programs and whatnot, and then multiply by however many millions and it's a huge ticket for current and future taxpayers.

Oh, how racist of me not to want to support others' irresponsibility.

So, black babies born out of wedlock are born to worthless welfare queens and will never amount to anything beyond a leech on society.

Nah, that's not racist at all.

I hate to break it to you but facts are not racist.
I just heard this on the Factor and did not believe it. But apparently it's true. White women are trending higher than in the 90's as well.

Most children in U.S. born out of wedlock | Mail Online

These thugs have no father figure to teach them values or kick their butt when needed. Real responsible men these are.

There is part of the problem with society today.Demise of the American family.

Compared to the 1990s when a third of Americans were born out of wedlock, now 41 per cent of babies do not have married parents. There are racial divides:
73 per cent of black babies are born outside marriage
53 per cent of of Latino babies are born outside marriage
29 per cent of white babies are born outside marriage
And educational divides:
92 per cent of college-educated women are married when they have a child
62 per cent of those with post-secondary schooling are married when they give birth
43 per cent of women with a high school diploma are married when they give birth
Data compiled by Child Trends

A very productive comment, one sure to bring the races together so all of us can enjoy the unalienable rights of life, liberty and happiness. I'm sure your motive was to bring to light an issue for the Government to solve. Thanks so much for that and for the service of your ancestor whose intent I'm sure was to keep the poor black slaves happy, alive and at liberty to stay in their place - a goal I'm sure you support even today.

so you know his ancestor owned slaves?

what if his ancestor is buried in a battlefield cemetery with other soldiers of the AOP?
Those of us who pay federal income taxes care. And for many of them it will be life long handouts from the government, first supporting them as babies and kids and later likely their illegitimate offspring too just like their moms, grandmoms, aunts, friends, etc. Imagine all the money just one person could get in a lifetime from all the various government programs and whatnot, and then multiply by however many millions and it's a huge ticket for current and future taxpayers.

Oh, how racist of me not to want to support others' irresponsibility.

So, black babies born out of wedlock are born to worthless welfare queens and will never amount to anything beyond a leech on society.

Nah, that's not racist at all.

I hate to break it to you but facts are not racist.

I hate to break it to you, but there were no facts in that post; just bigoted assumptions.
So, black babies born out of wedlock are born to worthless welfare queens and will never amount to anything beyond a leech on society.

Nah, that's not racist at all.

I hate to break it to you but facts are not racist.

I hate to break it to you, but there were no facts in that post; just bigoted assumptions.


the facts are that black americans disproportionally engage in self-destructive behavior.They can not blame whitey for institutionalized racism when they do it to themselves.

Your post is an example of why there will never be an honest discussion about race in this country.Now go ahead and call me a bigot and once again prove my point about a true discussion instead of a lecture.
So, black babies born out of wedlock are born to worthless welfare queens and will never amount to anything beyond a leech on society.

Nah, that's not racist at all.

I hate to break it to you but facts are not racist.

I hate to break it to you, but there were no facts in that post; just bigoted assumptions.

We both know I could sit here for hours and post links supporting my statement.
Of course you do have some that are strong enough to pull themselves up and out of the ghetto. But they have so many strikes against them it's not likely.
And the parents,or lack there of,are the very reason they have those strikes.
the facts are that black americans disproportionally engage in self-destructive behavior.They can not blame whitey for institutionalized racism when they do it to themselves.

The fact is you're a racist.

the fact is, you proved my point

and here is the rest of my quote you cowardly and conveniently omitted:

Your post is an example of why there will never be an honest discussion about race in this country.Now go ahead and call me a bigot and once again prove my point about a true discussion instead of a lecture.
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I hate to break it to you but facts are not racist.

I hate to break it to you, but there were no facts in that post; just bigoted assumptions.

We both know I could sit here for hours and post links supporting my statement.
Of course you do have some that are strong enough to pull themselves up and out of the ghetto. But they have so many strikes against them it's not likely.
And the parents,or lack there of,are the very reason they have those strikes.
Well since you bring up the parents, then why is it that they were having all these children out of wedlock supposedly to begin with over time ?

It seems that this has been a trend that has gone on, and it sadly was supported indirectly and funded directly by the federal government without a whole lot of accountability involved when doing so (look how out of hand it had all gotten). Now why was this allowed to get so big and out of control in a nation that is supposedly suppose to be a smart and modern day civilized nation ? Was their some sort of hidden agenda dating way back for some, that wanted this action to go on in hopes that someday it would place enough people into a system quickly enough, in order to equal out the power to be shared in that system in which they may have felt they were to weak in numbers to have ever gotten a fair shake in ? And so in this thought, was babies made by the thousands even in poverty regardless of, in order to keep that system from being abusive in it's power over the ones who were doing it for this reason, otherwise by flooding the system with human beings in order to hopefully as found by this method "stop" it from preying upon a weak population found in a specific race of people, and this all due to the numbers that those among that population figured projected weakness because of the lower numbers in which they had amongst that population in America ? Has the government, along with Hollywood actually funded and promoted the growing of a people in numbers, just so that they would be able to fend more for themselves against those it figured was abusive in it's power over and above them ?

Now it appears that the trend is turning more so to include many of the young high school aged teens, and this is a diverse group now of all stripes, who want to parrot the trend that had existed in which they now know existed before them and/or before their generation. Now the government is having to expand on the promises and entitlements because of the added numbers coming aboard who are now climbing higher and higher on the ladder of statistics in which are being found within this old trend that had formed in the past in which they know of, even though it had actually gotten started for other reasons in life, but here we are doing it all over again, but with an expanded diverse group who includes many as the numbers continue to grow upwards.

Now how are they becoming informed enough to begin this same trend down the same roads as what has been the case for others before them ? Are they being learned of these things in the public school systems now, coupled with the glorifying of these survivalist minded cultural trends found in others, and all through watching to much unsupervised TV when they were young, and so are they now following the trend because they see it as a way also to survive as found in the strength within the numbers as well for their culture and generation ? Where is all this leading us towards in the end for America now ? Is there a huge power vacuum formed, and that vacuum is attempting to be found by anyone who see's weakness or a doorway opened in which to jump through ?

Has the weakness found in it all (the abuses of the past, and the miss-use of power in the past), now positioned those whom think it is their time to rule in America, into a position to do just that, but in an extremely partisan and biased way ? I don't care who has the power in America, just as long as they recognize this isn't about groups wanting to someday dominate and have their own power in revenge of or to have such a power to dominate with out of evilness or evil intent to be found within them, but rather to have the power to promote Americans of all stripes as just that "Americans" who love Americanism, and love God in which had blessed this nation over time, and has helped her throughout the entire process of having this nation full of diverse people whom all fall under one flag, and that flag being the United States of America for which it stands, one nation under God with liberty and justice for all.

Anything other than that, and we will self destruct under the weight of it all eventually.

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