700 Teachers Leaving Omaha Schools

Sweet Sue is not our enemy..........Chill on attacking her Please.

There are good and bad ones in our country. Ensure to target the right ones who were exposed as being Dirt Bags during Covid when Parents got to see some of the BS going on.

One of the few good things if ONLY THING to come out of the Covid BS.

Anyways.............Sweet Sue is not our enemy.


As I have said many times. No better than what the Left did during Defund the Police--and it will have the same result.

Thank you though eagle--this is a reasonable approach. But who needs reason in the 21st century? Feels so much better to get your hate on I guess. So stupid
Who the heck would want to be a teacher these days?

They Are being attacked by right wingers from every angle....

Teachers are mask forcing Nazis, teachers teach your 5 year old about explicit sex, teachers are groomers, teachers make your kids feel bad by teaching critical race theory, teachers brainwash kids....

teachers are just scummy liberals....


I guess those bitching political pawn parents need to brush up on home schooling

Stop doing those things to kids. Things will be pleasant and right again.

And maybe stop cutting Advanced Placement, Honors courses, any kind of awards and recognition for academic achievement. The public schools' JOB is academic achievement. NOT social justice, NOT clinical psychology by polling them on their personal issues and preferences.

THE GOOD teachers will stay. The few NOISY bad ones will leave.
I had excellent teachers through out my studies. They were men, women, veterans, scholars, black, white, Hispanic, old, young, liberal, conservative, etc...

The OP claims to be a teacher. I have my doubts. But if she is, clearly we're reaching the bottom of the barrel.

It's not the 1940s anymore.. Law schools turn out social justice warriors. Journalism schools forgot about journalism and taught political activism. And ED schools are turning out the Woking Dead who may know how to teach -- but their PRIMARY mission is to save the kids from their unwoke parents. Wont end well.

Academic standards are falling in all 3 colleges since "you had teachers". Not even allowed to celebrate excellence in education anymore for fear of offending..

Any teacher serious about actual education achievement in the classroom is gonna feel isolated and depressed.
It's not the 1940s anymore.. Law schools turn out social justice warriors. Journalism schools forgot about journalism and taught political activism. And ED schools are turning out the Woking Dead who may know how to teach -- but their PRIMARY mission is to save the kids from their unwoke parents. Wont end well.

Academic standards are falling in all 3 colleges since "you had teachers". Not even allowed to celebrate excellence in education anymore for fear of offending..

Any teacher serious about actual education achievement in the classroom is gonna feel isolated and depressed.

Agree with this with one caveat. Since education is compulsory you're going to have no small number of students who are not going to be high achievers academically. Therefore education should not just be about achievement in the three Rs but about finding what kids excel at and fostering that. Our district has a great construction tech program at the high school and sends a lot of kids into the trades for example. So yes to celebrating excellence in academics but that should be broad too, even to being a good citizen in school, because expecting kids to learn to get along is part of their education (basic stuff, not all this social justice baloney).
Agree with this with one caveat. Since education is compulsory you're going to have no small number of students who are not going to be high achievers academically. Therefore education should not just be about achievement in the three Rs but about finding what kids excel at and fostering that. Our district has a great construction tech program at the high school and sends a lot of kids into the trades for example. So yes to celebrating excellence in academics but that should be broad too, even to being a good citizen in school, because expecting kids to learn to get along is part of their education (basic stuff, not all this social justice baloney).

Agreed. For awhile there -- there was no alternate path. Even dishonored such classes as shop, music, art and home ec. I think those are BETTER TESTS for aptitude at age -- than some hired shyster company to come into class and start prying into "individual" evals on touchy stuff like character, emotional state, home life, etc.

Apprenticeships are coming back and summer programs also. BUT -- kids need to be prepared ACADEMICALLY for most of these options. And there's too much fluff in the curriculums. It got there because there's big industries pitching fluff stuff to school admins and teacher's unions and school boards. Math and science programs are FILLED with what used to be history/social studies/civics but WITHOUT ANY CONTEXT FOR LEARNING.

I know. The wife and I got recruited CONSTANTLY by friends and neighbors to tutor their kids in math/science. I was appalled at how CONFUSED and FRUSTRATED the kids were. Because the curriculum is FAR from the subjects and OVER-THUNK by college academics. Like teaching 12 different ways to multiply numbers BEFORE you teach them the ONE WAY that ALWAYS works.

And kids crying to us about teachers marking down their work because they were asked to "estimate" some math result and their answer was TOO accurate.
Thanks, I knew you could do it. Well done you for the first time supported a claim you made, how does it feel?
I am right and you were wrong how does that feel. Why just say thanks for correcting me AMart?
Agreed. For awhile there -- there was no alternate path. Even dishonored such classes as shop, music, art and home ec. I think those are BETTER TESTS for aptitude at age -- than some hired shyster company to come into class and start prying into "individual" evals on touchy stuff like character, emotional state, home life, etc.

Apprenticeships are coming back and summer programs also. BUT -- kids need to be prepared ACADEMICALLY for most of these options. And there's too much fluff in the curriculums. It got there because there's big industries pitching fluff stuff to school admins and teacher's unions and school boards. Math and science programs are FILLED with what used to be history/social studies/civics but WITHOUT ANY CONTEXT FOR LEARNING.

I know. The wife and I got recruited CONSTANTLY by friends and neighbors to tutor their kids in math/science. I was appalled at how CONFUSED and FRUSTRATED the kids were. Because the curriculum is FAR from the subjects and OVER-THUNK by college academics. Like teaching 12 different ways to multiply numbers BEFORE you teach them the ONE WAY that ALWAYS works.

And kids crying to us about teachers marking down their work because they were asked to "estimate" some math result and their answer was TOO accurate.

Agree with this and I think you're talking about Common Core math--almost universally hated and I would add developmentally a disaster for kids. The eggheads up top never learn (ironically). They've just been shown that their reading adventure of the last 20+ years was counterproductive but then they had to go messing with math too. It will end the same way.
It's not the 1940s anymore.. Law schools turn out social justice warriors. Journalism schools forgot about journalism and taught political activism. And ED schools are turning out the Woking Dead who may know how to teach -- but their PRIMARY mission is to save the kids from their unwoke parents. Wont end well.

Academic standards are falling in all 3 colleges since "you had teachers". Not even allowed to celebrate excellence in education anymore for fear of offending..

Any teacher serious about actual education achievement in the classroom is gonna feel isolated and depressed.

We used to have parent involvement. Because people who had kids planned to have kids. But personal responsibility became someone else's problem.

Of course alot of this is because what we used to have in the nation was a social structure. You study well, learn a trade or go to college, you get a job and stay at a company for decades. You made a great living being what used to be called a "company man" (a lot of women were "company men"). And one day, companies got greedy, pensions were replaced by 401k plans, skilled workers were replaced by temps, companies were offshored because they could pay someone in Asia a dollar a day instead of 10 dollars an hour. So if you're a student and you see your dad (if he's around) on his third career...does that make you more or less likely into following in his footsteps?

As always, you'll have some angry, snide retort. I need a good laugh. Hit me with it.
Yes, you are correct, I was wrong about that.

btw I'm not trying to score points by saying I was right or whatever. You cred as a poster went up IMO bc you can admit when you're wrong (not that my opinion means anything) bc so few people can. One of the most stupid facets of the internet: I am never wrong.

Yeah you are and so am I. Be a human, admit it and move on
btw I'm not trying to score points by saying I was right or whatever. You cred as a poster went up IMO bc you can admit when you're wrong (not that my opinion means anything) bc so few people can. One of the most stupid facets of the internet: I am never wrong.

Yeah you are and so am I. Be a human, admit it and move on


I honestly have no trouble admitting I was wrong. I have never viewed this forums as some sort of contest to be won or lost.

I was surprised by the demographics of the school district based on the demographics of the city as a whole.
As predicted...and here we go. Add this to the raging dumpster fire that is our nation. Keep finding that rare teacher wanting to talk to your kids about her pansexuality, fellow conservatives. The bigger issue is that the school down the street won't have enough teachers, period.

But who looks at the big picture anymore?

No, one looks at the big picture they just attack every fucking thing based on horse shit propaganda. Teachers are still the same people who have ae been in your community all your life there is no grand scheme to turn your child gay or into transsexuals. They are there to teach your children TY hey have no benefit in changing your children's sexuality. Meanwhile teachers lives are being threatened for shit pay. Ya, fuck it why put up with it have fun with Thd following generations of morons.
If teachers kept to the profession of teaching rather than trying to become surrogate parents which they have no business doing there would be no issues. The Collectivist state has subverted the art of teaching in service to political enslavement of the mind. What the teachers are doing in school today is no longer teaching it's indoctrination and yes it's going to draw an angry reaction from parents.
Teachers should pass on life lessons to their students. Sadly most teachers lives are such a mess that they have no good advice to offer. So it all works out for the best. ;)

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