70% of American's oppose military strike on Iran


Litre of the Band
Aug 14, 2005
Long Beach, Ca
The majority of American's are sick of war and 70% are against a military strike on Iran, according to "...a nationwide opinion survey just released as a report (“Foreign Policy in the New Millennium”) by the Chicago Council on Global Affairs. Conducted in late May and early June 2012..."

Here's a few other positions (the majority of American's have) on issues regarding the military:

69 percent said that, despite the war in Afghanistan, the United States was no safer from terrorism.

67 percent of respondents said they [Iraq/Afghanistan wars] had not been worth fighting

82 percent of those surveyed favored bringing U.S. troops home from Afghanistan by 2014 or by an earlier date.

68 percent of respondents favored cutting U.S. spending on the military

56 percent of respondents agreed that, when dealing with international problems, the United States should be “more willing to make decisions within the United Nations,” even if that meant that the United States would not always get its way.

78 percent of respondents said that the United States was playing the role of a world policeman more than it should.​

Overall...Americans favor a less militarized U.S. government approach to world affairs than currently exists.
Word to the right, next time they start talking about what is (and what is not) patriotic.
what else is new----the average american does tend to be a bit isolationist The same type of sentiments were very prevalent in the late 1930s in response to germany's actions In fact there was far more support of STAYING OUT OF IT Sit tight ----things will begin to happen as far as afghanistan is concerned------what a silly mistake------from the VERY BEGINNING The idea of training taliban and arming taliban pigs was very very stupidl I am sorry no one asked me
what else is new----the average american does tend to be a bit isolationist The same type of sentiments were very prevalent in the late 1930s in response to germany's actions In fact there was far more support of STAYING OUT OF IT Sit tight ----things will begin to happen as far as afghanistan is concerned------what a silly mistake------from the VERY BEGINNING The idea of training taliban and arming taliban pigs was very very stupidl I am sorry no one asked me
We're not isolationist, we're anti-military.
If we hadn't of gone into Afghanistan and Iraq for non-existent reasons then we probably could have dealt with Iran's very real problem of trying to develop nuclear weapons.

Plus, Iran may have held off of pursuing nukes in the first place, provided that the United States wasn't so visibly stretched out over the middle east.

And I don't really see how this is "typical isolationist america" seeing how we've been in two consecutive wars and was involved in Libya. We've been pretty active in global affairs as of late, imo.
what else is new----the average american does tend to be a bit isolationist The same type of sentiments were very prevalent in the late 1930s in response to germany's actions In fact there was far more support of STAYING OUT OF IT Sit tight ----things will begin to happen as far as afghanistan is concerned------what a silly mistake------from the VERY BEGINNING The idea of training taliban and arming taliban pigs was very very stupidl I am sorry no one asked me
We're not isolationist, we're anti-military.

Anti Military? who?
what else is new----the average american does tend to be a bit isolationist The same type of sentiments were very prevalent in the late 1930s in response to germany's actions In fact there was far more support of STAYING OUT OF IT Sit tight ----things will begin to happen as far as afghanistan is concerned------what a silly mistake------from the VERY BEGINNING The idea of training taliban and arming taliban pigs was very very stupidl I am sorry no one asked me
We're not isolationist, we're anti-military.

wrong---ISOLATONIST that is why Khartoum got away with a genocide in southern sudan and the nigerian muslims got away with a genocide in BIAFRA and the west pakistani army got away with a genocide in east pakistan. As to Afghanistan----I see no reason to be there ------no one ever gave me a good reason I believe that aiding the taliban pigs did a lot more harm than good But I have known lots of pakistanis who are VERY PROUD of the taliban -------the cream of pakistani youth----right off the campuses of the best universities over there --------it is sick but true
The majority of American's are sick of war and 70% are against a military strike on Iran, according to "...a nationwide opinion survey just released as a report (“Foreign Policy in the New Millennium”) by the Chicago Council on Global Affairs. Conducted in late May and early June 2012..."

Word to the right, next time they start talking about what is (and what is not) patriotic.

Here's a few other positions (the majority of American's have) on issues regarding the military:

69 percent said that, despite the war in Afghanistan, the United States was no safer from terrorism.

67 percent of respondents said they [Iraq/Afghanistan wars] had not been worth fighting

82 percent of those surveyed favored bringing U.S. troops home from Afghanistan by 2014 or by an earlier date.

68 percent of respondents favored cutting U.S. spending on the military

56 percent of respondents agreed that, when dealing with international problems, the United States should be “more willing to make decisions within the United Nations,” even if that meant that the United States would not always get its way.

78 percent of respondents said that the United States was playing the role of a world policeman more than it should.​

Overall...Americans favor a less militarized U.S. government approach to world affairs than currently exists.
I'm pretty much on board with most of this stuff with the exception of the two which I high-lighted in red.

We should keep the US Military strong and declare the United Nations an enemy of the United States.

(and kick their sorry America hating asses out of our country)
Overall MIDDLE AMERICA truly believes that the less money the US SPENDS ---the more will end up in the pockets of Middle Americans Middle america votes its pocket ------and with neither discernment nor knowlege nor intellect
IF we are going to reduce foreign aid, lets start with humanitarian aid that way our military won't be needed to protect humanitarian aid going into war zones.
Iran's very real problem of trying to develop nuclear weapons.

1. Iran was working on non-military nuclear programme prior to US and Israel marking it as their next target;

2. In the past 100 years Iran did not attack anyone; how many nations were attacked by US?

So, why do you think Iran working on nuclear weapon (if it does) is a problem, while Israel and US having nuclear weapons is OK'?
Iran's very real problem of trying to develop nuclear weapons.

1. Iran was working on non-military nuclear programme prior to US and Israel marking it as their next target;

2. In the past 100 years Iran did not attack anyone; how many nations were attacked by US?

So, why do you think Iran working on nuclear weapon (if it does) is a problem, while Israel and US having nuclear weapons is OK'?

Are Israel and the U.S calling for the destructiion of a nation ???? YOur post is BEYOND ignorant.
I'm pretty much on board with most of this stuff with the exception of the two which I high-lighted in red.

We should keep the US Military strong and declare the United Nations an enemy of the United States.

(and kick their sorry America hating asses out of our country)
The military is strong and budget cuts will not change that. But there is no reason we should be using US tax dollars to:

  • fight these bullshit wars
  • pay the Taliban to guard our convoys out to remote outposts
  • fund al Qaeda in Syria
  • continue drone terrorism
  • train green on blue assasinations
We do not need to be spending on things that aren't necessary.

As far as the UN, what's wrong with it?

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