70,000 people saw the sun move at Fatima but atheists say there's no proof of God

70,000 pilgrims turning up to see the miraculous children are anything but objective observers. It's not a casual dismissal so much as awareness of psychology and herd-psychology, all this was.

Proof will convince even Hitchens and Bill Maher, "Yup, that's God all right."

Eyewitness testimony is worthless where these kinds of things are concerned. How many eyewitnesses were there for the Ferguson shooting? If we took eyewitness testimony at face value we'd have arrested the officer by now. Reason we haven't is eyewitness testimony is crap.
I needn't any exceptional event to believe in God.

The miracles are happening everywhere and every time around us. every new born that was created from a single cell is a miracle. every huge tree that grew from a tiny seed is a miracle.

so it is my advice to you not to base you belief in God on exceptional phenomena.

I can neither accept neither reject such story, it seems a strange phenomena but strange doesn't necessarily mean wrong.

in my opinion it may be related to not yet well understood phenomena that may affect visual sensors of people (some jinns or devils for example). or some weather effects.

there is also the possibility of being a lie propagated by the spanish government for some political reason.

by the way you should know that there is only one God. The catholic/orthodox story of three is wrong.
There is only one god but Islam is just as wrong as everybody else.

All particles making up all atoms making up all things in the universe are as close to 'touching' as matters. Where one atom ends, another begins. Where my body ends, the Earth begins, where it ends you begin, where the top of your head ends the sky begins and on up into space and teh whole of the universe.

There's only 1 god because there's only 1 thing in this universe, God itself. And we're all just a portion of it. The sum total of all reality in the universe IS God. It's not a discrete entity like you might think you are, rather it's merely the sum product of existence. We believe we're individuals but we're not. If they could think, blood cells in our bodies might think they were discrete individual beings too despite being part of a greater whole organism. But at the subatomic level, everything touches everything else. If all matter is connected then we're all one thing. And because all matter does touch something else on out into space, the whole universe is touching every other part of it. One thing, not many things. One God.
I needn't any exceptional event to believe in God.

The miracles are happening everywhere and every time around us. every new born that was created from a single cell is a miracle. every huge tree that grew from a tiny seed is a miracle.

so it is my advice to you not to base you belief in God on exceptional phenomena.

I can neither accept neither reject such story, it seems a strange phenomena but strange doesn't necessarily mean wrong.

in my opinion it may be related to not yet well understood phenomena that may affect visual sensors of people (some jinns or devils for example). or some weather effects.

there is also the possibility of being a lie propagated by the spanish government for some political reason.

by the way you should know that there is only one God. The catholic/orthodox story of three is wrong.
Actually there is no 'god' as perceived by theists – to believe in one 'god' or three, both are just as wrong.
Of course not. That's why they take it on faith, as do your disbelief in God.

It requires no 'faith' to acknowledge the fact that something that doesn't exist, doesn't.

Man's creation of 'god' is the aberration, where those free from faith simply recognize this truth.

Of course, the acknowledgement that you believe a god does not exist is . . . wait for it . . . faith. Look up basic terms, yo.
Let's clarify this a bit more.
Reports of the sun moving and changing colors was reported in various nations newspapers of the time. However, in all cases, they were just reporting a story heard from those thousands who had flocked to Our Lady of Fatima and claimed to have seen it.
No one in other parts of the nation, or outside the nation, witnessed any such thing. Scientists and doctors cited the more likely phenomenon of "mass hysteria," which has been known to occur in groups.

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