54 years ago November 22 1963

Where were YOU on 11/22/63? If you weren't born yet, admit the only thing you know about this historic event is what you've read.

That Friday we had a rally so our class schedule was different. We were scheduled to play in the semi final game that afternoon at Kezar. I heard The President was shot on my way from Geometric to Physics, and when I entered the lab the teacher had a small transistor radio on the lab table in front of the room.

It was there we learned President Kennedy had died...

Sunday morning my mom, sister and I went to church, the priest gave a moving sermon and there were lots of tears. Upon arriving home my dad told us the someone had killed LHO.

What's your story.

Classroom in high school sitting about halfway back near the big window to my left. Gazing out the window looking forward to the Thanksgiving holiday with a sense of imminence since we were in the last class of the day on a Friday, a relaxed class with a cool music teacher. She was very sweet.

The public address speaker starts sputtering. Usually that never happened except at the beginning of the day. After a few fumbling noises the sounds of radio news came on describing what appeared to be a shooting in Dallas. Much like 9/11 four decades later there were many conflicting reports of what had or had not happened. We all listened in silence, aware that they wouldn't be doing this unless it was big.

Then the radio went silent and our principal, a Texan who had that same halting slow speech we'd soon get used to from LBJ, came on and said, "John F. Kennedy, 35th President of the United States....(Texas size pause).... is dead". Collective shriek went up from the room. The teacher slumped, her head buried in her hands.

The process of getting up and going home after that is a blur. The next seared memory is continuing to watch television as we'd been doing for two days on Sunday, and seeing LHO murdered on live TV. Even as a kid I could see it was staged.

Yep that was a very dark Thanksgiving weekend for all Americans...well excepting those you committed the crime.

My entire family (7 of us) was watching as Ruby assassinated Oswald, right there on the black and white TV screen. My father a WWII veteran was incensed. He said how the Hell did they let that guy in there to shoot Oswald?

Yet another proof of conspiracy. The Dallas PD building was likely the most guarded building in the world that day, yet a known Mafioso walks right in and pulls a gun.

Lots of theories abound. What we know is what you posted above, "That day forever changed America...and we still suffer from it today."
I think it was a FALSE FLAG!! :D


A "false flag" is when one entity commits an act of aggression and blames it on another entity. And it's not uncommon in the world.

This however is simply a highly-organized mob style hit, to eliminate what that mob sees as a threat. Followed of course by a coverup. Neither of which were executed smoothly.

It was nothing more than an act of murder by one man Oswald with no evidence of involvement of anyone else

One man armed with an amazing "U-turn bump stock" that shot boomerang bullets.

Quite the inventor he was.

no bullets came from the front of the vehicle
It is very likely HW ordered the hit on George de Mohrenschildt. They knew each other.

from wiki....George de Mohrenschildt - Wikipedia
On September 17, 1976, the CIA requested that the FBI locate Mohrenschildt, because he had "attempted to get in touch with the CIA Director."[50] On September 5, 1976, Mohrenschildt had written a letter to the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, George H. W. Bush, asking for his assistance. He was acquainted with the Bush family; George H.W. Bush had roomed with Mohrenschildt's nephew, Edward G. Hooker, at Phillips Academy in Andover, Massachusetts.[51] The letter said:

You will excuse this hand-written letter. Maybe you will be able to bring a solution to the hopeless situation I find myself in. My wife and I find ourselves surrounded by some vigilantes; our phone bugged; and we are being followed everywhere. Either FBI is involved in this or they do not want to accept my complaints. We are driven to insanity by the situation. I have been behaving like a damn fool ever since my daughter Nadya died from [cystic fibrosis] over three years ago. I tried to write, stupidly and unsuccessfully, about Lee H Oswald and must have angered a lot of people — I do not know. But to punish an elderly man like myself and my highly nervous and sick wife is really too much. Could you do something to remove the net around us? This will be my last request for help and I will not annoy you any more. Good luck in your important job. Thank you so much.[52][53]

George H. W. Bush responded:

Let me say first that I know it must have been difficult for you to seek my help in the situation outlined in your letter. I believe I can appreciate your state of mind in view of your daughter's tragic death a few years ago, and the current poor state of your wife's health. I was extremely sorry to hear of these circumstances. In your situation I can well imagine how the attentions you described in your letter affect both you and your wife. However, my staff has been unable to find any indication of interest in your activities on the part of Federal authorities in recent years. The flurry of interest that attended your testimony before the Warren Commission has long subsided. I can only speculate that you may have become "newsworthy" again in view of the renewed interest in the Kennedy assassination, and thus may be attracting the attention of people in the media. I hope this letter had been of some comfort to you, George, although I realize I am unable to answer your question completely.

— George Bush, Director of the Central Intelligence Agency. [CIA Exec Reg. # 76,51571 9.28.76]

And Scumbag HW even admitted Mohrenschildt was on the CIA payroll.
In a 1976 CIA internal memo regarding Mohrenschildt, Director George H. W. Bush stated: "At one time he had/or spent plenty of money."[68]

Our Nazi CIA agent likely knows HW well, which may explain his lame attempts at protecting HW and the CIA.

Much more on George de Mohrenschildt here -- The Mysterious Mr. DeMohrenschildt

With supporting/intertwining roles by the Harrimans, H.W's father Prescott Bush and his father Sam, Allen Dulles, Woodrow Wilson, the bank that financed the rise of Nazi Germany, William F. Buckley and others.

Rich background.

Not recommended for those who can't handle the complex. Better they stay with a lone nut who fires U-turn bullets at record speed, for no reason.
It is very likely HW ordered the hit on George de Mohrenschildt. They knew each other.

from wiki....George de Mohrenschildt - Wikipedia
On September 17, 1976, the CIA requested that the FBI locate Mohrenschildt, because he had "attempted to get in touch with the CIA Director."[50] On September 5, 1976, Mohrenschildt had written a letter to the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, George H. W. Bush, asking for his assistance. He was acquainted with the Bush family; George H.W. Bush had roomed with Mohrenschildt's nephew, Edward G. Hooker, at Phillips Academy in Andover, Massachusetts.[51] The letter said:

You will excuse this hand-written letter. Maybe you will be able to bring a solution to the hopeless situation I find myself in. My wife and I find ourselves surrounded by some vigilantes; our phone bugged; and we are being followed everywhere. Either FBI is involved in this or they do not want to accept my complaints. We are driven to insanity by the situation. I have been behaving like a damn fool ever since my daughter Nadya died from [cystic fibrosis] over three years ago. I tried to write, stupidly and unsuccessfully, about Lee H Oswald and must have angered a lot of people — I do not know. But to punish an elderly man like myself and my highly nervous and sick wife is really too much. Could you do something to remove the net around us? This will be my last request for help and I will not annoy you any more. Good luck in your important job. Thank you so much.[52][53]

George H. W. Bush responded:

Let me say first that I know it must have been difficult for you to seek my help in the situation outlined in your letter. I believe I can appreciate your state of mind in view of your daughter's tragic death a few years ago, and the current poor state of your wife's health. I was extremely sorry to hear of these circumstances. In your situation I can well imagine how the attentions you described in your letter affect both you and your wife. However, my staff has been unable to find any indication of interest in your activities on the part of Federal authorities in recent years. The flurry of interest that attended your testimony before the Warren Commission has long subsided. I can only speculate that you may have become "newsworthy" again in view of the renewed interest in the Kennedy assassination, and thus may be attracting the attention of people in the media. I hope this letter had been of some comfort to you, George, although I realize I am unable to answer your question completely.

— George Bush, Director of the Central Intelligence Agency. [CIA Exec Reg. # 76,51571 9.28.76]

And Scumbag HW even admitted Mohrenschildt was on the CIA payroll.
In a 1976 CIA internal memo regarding Mohrenschildt, Director George H. W. Bush stated: "At one time he had/or spent plenty of money."[68]

Our Nazi CIA agent likely knows HW well, which may explain his lame attempts at protecting HW and the CIA.

no evidence
if only the blind could see.

only if the paranoid could see
Check this out. Very well done video, but I suspect statists can't understand.

Could it be the withheld JFK files expose the scumbag HW, as this guy outlines very effectively?

"LOOK AT THE EVIDENCE WE DO KNOW." If only statists could. Why a cover up, if Oswald acted alone?

he was the single shooter

that does not mean there wasnt cia funny business that got him there

the released files show quite an involvement in knowing about oswalds actions and movements

Ah, the first crack appears. 'Bout time.

Diga me this hombre. If Rump is here to "drain the swamp", why did he pass up the opportunity to drain this one? Why doesn't he just release everything? Is he skeered?
Boy oh BOY .. suggest moving this thread here: :rolleyes-41:

Conspiracy Theories
Yeah...it's best to conclude that anything that disputes the government's story even though we know the government lies all the time, that it must be a conspiracy. The statist can't handle the truth about their beloved government. So they prefer to wallow in ignorance.
A "false flag" is when one entity commits an act of aggression and blames it on another entity. And it's not uncommon in the world.

This however is simply a highly-organized mob style hit, to eliminate what that mob sees as a threat. Followed of course by a coverup. Neither of which were executed smoothly.

It was nothing more than an act of murder by one man Oswald with no evidence of involvement of anyone else

One man armed with an amazing "U-turn bump stock" that shot boomerang bullets.

Quite the inventor he was.

no bullets came from the front of the vehicle
It is very likely HW ordered the hit on George de Mohrenschildt. They knew each other.

from wiki....George de Mohrenschildt - Wikipedia
On September 17, 1976, the CIA requested that the FBI locate Mohrenschildt, because he had "attempted to get in touch with the CIA Director."[50] On September 5, 1976, Mohrenschildt had written a letter to the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, George H. W. Bush, asking for his assistance. He was acquainted with the Bush family; George H.W. Bush had roomed with Mohrenschildt's nephew, Edward G. Hooker, at Phillips Academy in Andover, Massachusetts.[51] The letter said:

You will excuse this hand-written letter. Maybe you will be able to bring a solution to the hopeless situation I find myself in. My wife and I find ourselves surrounded by some vigilantes; our phone bugged; and we are being followed everywhere. Either FBI is involved in this or they do not want to accept my complaints. We are driven to insanity by the situation. I have been behaving like a damn fool ever since my daughter Nadya died from [cystic fibrosis] over three years ago. I tried to write, stupidly and unsuccessfully, about Lee H Oswald and must have angered a lot of people — I do not know. But to punish an elderly man like myself and my highly nervous and sick wife is really too much. Could you do something to remove the net around us? This will be my last request for help and I will not annoy you any more. Good luck in your important job. Thank you so much.[52][53]

George H. W. Bush responded:

Let me say first that I know it must have been difficult for you to seek my help in the situation outlined in your letter. I believe I can appreciate your state of mind in view of your daughter's tragic death a few years ago, and the current poor state of your wife's health. I was extremely sorry to hear of these circumstances. In your situation I can well imagine how the attentions you described in your letter affect both you and your wife. However, my staff has been unable to find any indication of interest in your activities on the part of Federal authorities in recent years. The flurry of interest that attended your testimony before the Warren Commission has long subsided. I can only speculate that you may have become "newsworthy" again in view of the renewed interest in the Kennedy assassination, and thus may be attracting the attention of people in the media. I hope this letter had been of some comfort to you, George, although I realize I am unable to answer your question completely.

— George Bush, Director of the Central Intelligence Agency. [CIA Exec Reg. # 76,51571 9.28.76]

And Scumbag HW even admitted Mohrenschildt was on the CIA payroll.
In a 1976 CIA internal memo regarding Mohrenschildt, Director George H. W. Bush stated: "At one time he had/or spent plenty of money."[68]

Our Nazi CIA agent likely knows HW well, which may explain his lame attempts at protecting HW and the CIA.

Much more on George de Mohrenschildt here -- The Mysterious Mr. DeMohrenschildt

With supporting/intertwining roles by the Harrimans, H.W's father Prescott Bush and his father Sam, Allen Dulles, Woodrow Wilson, the bank that financed the rise of Nazi Germany, William F. Buckley and others.

Rich background.

Not recommended for those who can't handle the complex. Better they stay with a lone nut who fires U-turn bullets at record speed, for no reason.
The mere fact that Oswald knew George de Mohrenschildt, is proof enough of a conspiracy...than add to it that old George eats a shotgun shell two days before testifying...just makes the government's case collapse like a house of cards.
Technically, figuring out any conspiracy requires theories to suss them out.

Obviously we have official agencies that have no interest in figuring this one out and have huge interest in covering up and "classifying" what they do know. That leaves the task to unpaid citizenry. Somebody has to take on the responsibility.
It was nothing more than an act of murder by one man Oswald with no evidence of involvement of anyone else

One man armed with an amazing "U-turn bump stock" that shot boomerang bullets.

Quite the inventor he was.

no bullets came from the front of the vehicle
It is very likely HW ordered the hit on George de Mohrenschildt. They knew each other.

from wiki....George de Mohrenschildt - Wikipedia
On September 17, 1976, the CIA requested that the FBI locate Mohrenschildt, because he had "attempted to get in touch with the CIA Director."[50] On September 5, 1976, Mohrenschildt had written a letter to the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, George H. W. Bush, asking for his assistance. He was acquainted with the Bush family; George H.W. Bush had roomed with Mohrenschildt's nephew, Edward G. Hooker, at Phillips Academy in Andover, Massachusetts.[51] The letter said:

You will excuse this hand-written letter. Maybe you will be able to bring a solution to the hopeless situation I find myself in. My wife and I find ourselves surrounded by some vigilantes; our phone bugged; and we are being followed everywhere. Either FBI is involved in this or they do not want to accept my complaints. We are driven to insanity by the situation. I have been behaving like a damn fool ever since my daughter Nadya died from [cystic fibrosis] over three years ago. I tried to write, stupidly and unsuccessfully, about Lee H Oswald and must have angered a lot of people — I do not know. But to punish an elderly man like myself and my highly nervous and sick wife is really too much. Could you do something to remove the net around us? This will be my last request for help and I will not annoy you any more. Good luck in your important job. Thank you so much.[52][53]

George H. W. Bush responded:

Let me say first that I know it must have been difficult for you to seek my help in the situation outlined in your letter. I believe I can appreciate your state of mind in view of your daughter's tragic death a few years ago, and the current poor state of your wife's health. I was extremely sorry to hear of these circumstances. In your situation I can well imagine how the attentions you described in your letter affect both you and your wife. However, my staff has been unable to find any indication of interest in your activities on the part of Federal authorities in recent years. The flurry of interest that attended your testimony before the Warren Commission has long subsided. I can only speculate that you may have become "newsworthy" again in view of the renewed interest in the Kennedy assassination, and thus may be attracting the attention of people in the media. I hope this letter had been of some comfort to you, George, although I realize I am unable to answer your question completely.

— George Bush, Director of the Central Intelligence Agency. [CIA Exec Reg. # 76,51571 9.28.76]

And Scumbag HW even admitted Mohrenschildt was on the CIA payroll.
In a 1976 CIA internal memo regarding Mohrenschildt, Director George H. W. Bush stated: "At one time he had/or spent plenty of money."[68]

Our Nazi CIA agent likely knows HW well, which may explain his lame attempts at protecting HW and the CIA.

Much more on George de Mohrenschildt here -- The Mysterious Mr. DeMohrenschildt

With supporting/intertwining roles by the Harrimans, H.W's father Prescott Bush and his father Sam, Allen Dulles, Woodrow Wilson, the bank that financed the rise of Nazi Germany, William F. Buckley and others.

Rich background.

Not recommended for those who can't handle the complex. Better they stay with a lone nut who fires U-turn bullets at record speed, for no reason.
The mere fact that Oswald knew George de Mohrenschildt, is proof enough of a conspiracy...than add to it that old George eats a shotgun shell two days before testifying...just makes the government's case collapse like a house of cards.
To say nothing of George's extensive involvement with the Bush family.
It was nothing more than an act of murder by one man Oswald with no evidence of involvement of anyone else

One man armed with an amazing "U-turn bump stock" that shot boomerang bullets.

Quite the inventor he was.

no bullets came from the front of the vehicle
It is very likely HW ordered the hit on George de Mohrenschildt. They knew each other.

from wiki....George de Mohrenschildt - Wikipedia
On September 17, 1976, the CIA requested that the FBI locate Mohrenschildt, because he had "attempted to get in touch with the CIA Director."[50] On September 5, 1976, Mohrenschildt had written a letter to the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, George H. W. Bush, asking for his assistance. He was acquainted with the Bush family; George H.W. Bush had roomed with Mohrenschildt's nephew, Edward G. Hooker, at Phillips Academy in Andover, Massachusetts.[51] The letter said:

You will excuse this hand-written letter. Maybe you will be able to bring a solution to the hopeless situation I find myself in. My wife and I find ourselves surrounded by some vigilantes; our phone bugged; and we are being followed everywhere. Either FBI is involved in this or they do not want to accept my complaints. We are driven to insanity by the situation. I have been behaving like a damn fool ever since my daughter Nadya died from [cystic fibrosis] over three years ago. I tried to write, stupidly and unsuccessfully, about Lee H Oswald and must have angered a lot of people — I do not know. But to punish an elderly man like myself and my highly nervous and sick wife is really too much. Could you do something to remove the net around us? This will be my last request for help and I will not annoy you any more. Good luck in your important job. Thank you so much.[52][53]

George H. W. Bush responded:

Let me say first that I know it must have been difficult for you to seek my help in the situation outlined in your letter. I believe I can appreciate your state of mind in view of your daughter's tragic death a few years ago, and the current poor state of your wife's health. I was extremely sorry to hear of these circumstances. In your situation I can well imagine how the attentions you described in your letter affect both you and your wife. However, my staff has been unable to find any indication of interest in your activities on the part of Federal authorities in recent years. The flurry of interest that attended your testimony before the Warren Commission has long subsided. I can only speculate that you may have become "newsworthy" again in view of the renewed interest in the Kennedy assassination, and thus may be attracting the attention of people in the media. I hope this letter had been of some comfort to you, George, although I realize I am unable to answer your question completely.

— George Bush, Director of the Central Intelligence Agency. [CIA Exec Reg. # 76,51571 9.28.76]

And Scumbag HW even admitted Mohrenschildt was on the CIA payroll.
In a 1976 CIA internal memo regarding Mohrenschildt, Director George H. W. Bush stated: "At one time he had/or spent plenty of money."[68]

Our Nazi CIA agent likely knows HW well, which may explain his lame attempts at protecting HW and the CIA.

no evidence

Translation: :lalala:

Guess it's hard for some sycophants to swallow since HW cultivated the "wimp" image so well.
They still think he's as stupid as he looks.

your posts became worthless the instant you

attempted to pass off that stopped footage

as the limo being stopped

what a flop you are
I think it was a FALSE FLAG!! :D


A "false flag" is when one entity commits an act of aggression and blames it on another entity. And it's not uncommon in the world.

This however is simply a highly-organized mob style hit, to eliminate what that mob sees as a threat. Followed of course by a coverup. Neither of which were executed smoothly.

It was nothing more than an act of murder by one man Oswald with no evidence of involvement of anyone else

One man armed with an amazing "U-turn bump stock" that shot boomerang bullets.

Quite the inventor he was.

no bullets came from the front of the vehicle

Course not. They did U-turns. Like magic.
Yeah that's the ticket. :eusa_liar:

never happened another flop
It was nothing more than an act of murder by one man Oswald with no evidence of involvement of anyone else

One man armed with an amazing "U-turn bump stock" that shot boomerang bullets.

Quite the inventor he was.

no bullets came from the front of the vehicle
It is very likely HW ordered the hit on George de Mohrenschildt. They knew each other.

from wiki....George de Mohrenschildt - Wikipedia
On September 17, 1976, the CIA requested that the FBI locate Mohrenschildt, because he had "attempted to get in touch with the CIA Director."[50] On September 5, 1976, Mohrenschildt had written a letter to the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, George H. W. Bush, asking for his assistance. He was acquainted with the Bush family; George H.W. Bush had roomed with Mohrenschildt's nephew, Edward G. Hooker, at Phillips Academy in Andover, Massachusetts.[51] The letter said:

You will excuse this hand-written letter. Maybe you will be able to bring a solution to the hopeless situation I find myself in. My wife and I find ourselves surrounded by some vigilantes; our phone bugged; and we are being followed everywhere. Either FBI is involved in this or they do not want to accept my complaints. We are driven to insanity by the situation. I have been behaving like a damn fool ever since my daughter Nadya died from [cystic fibrosis] over three years ago. I tried to write, stupidly and unsuccessfully, about Lee H Oswald and must have angered a lot of people — I do not know. But to punish an elderly man like myself and my highly nervous and sick wife is really too much. Could you do something to remove the net around us? This will be my last request for help and I will not annoy you any more. Good luck in your important job. Thank you so much.[52][53]

George H. W. Bush responded:

Let me say first that I know it must have been difficult for you to seek my help in the situation outlined in your letter. I believe I can appreciate your state of mind in view of your daughter's tragic death a few years ago, and the current poor state of your wife's health. I was extremely sorry to hear of these circumstances. In your situation I can well imagine how the attentions you described in your letter affect both you and your wife. However, my staff has been unable to find any indication of interest in your activities on the part of Federal authorities in recent years. The flurry of interest that attended your testimony before the Warren Commission has long subsided. I can only speculate that you may have become "newsworthy" again in view of the renewed interest in the Kennedy assassination, and thus may be attracting the attention of people in the media. I hope this letter had been of some comfort to you, George, although I realize I am unable to answer your question completely.

— George Bush, Director of the Central Intelligence Agency. [CIA Exec Reg. # 76,51571 9.28.76]

And Scumbag HW even admitted Mohrenschildt was on the CIA payroll.
In a 1976 CIA internal memo regarding Mohrenschildt, Director George H. W. Bush stated: "At one time he had/or spent plenty of money."[68]

Our Nazi CIA agent likely knows HW well, which may explain his lame attempts at protecting HW and the CIA.

Much more on George de Mohrenschildt here -- The Mysterious Mr. DeMohrenschildt

With supporting/intertwining roles by the Harrimans, H.W's father Prescott Bush and his father Sam, Allen Dulles, Woodrow Wilson, the bank that financed the rise of Nazi Germany, William F. Buckley and others.

Rich background.

Not recommended for those who can't handle the complex. Better they stay with a lone nut who fires U-turn bullets at record speed, for no reason.
The mere fact that Oswald knew George de Mohrenschildt, is proof enough of a conspiracy...than add to it that old George eats a shotgun shell two days before testifying...just makes the government's case collapse like a house of cards.

One man armed with an amazing "U-turn bump stock" that shot boomerang bullets.

Quite the inventor he was.

no bullets came from the front of the vehicle
It is very likely HW ordered the hit on George de Mohrenschildt. They knew each other.

from wiki....George de Mohrenschildt - Wikipedia
On September 17, 1976, the CIA requested that the FBI locate Mohrenschildt, because he had "attempted to get in touch with the CIA Director."[50] On September 5, 1976, Mohrenschildt had written a letter to the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, George H. W. Bush, asking for his assistance. He was acquainted with the Bush family; George H.W. Bush had roomed with Mohrenschildt's nephew, Edward G. Hooker, at Phillips Academy in Andover, Massachusetts.[51] The letter said:

You will excuse this hand-written letter. Maybe you will be able to bring a solution to the hopeless situation I find myself in. My wife and I find ourselves surrounded by some vigilantes; our phone bugged; and we are being followed everywhere. Either FBI is involved in this or they do not want to accept my complaints. We are driven to insanity by the situation. I have been behaving like a damn fool ever since my daughter Nadya died from [cystic fibrosis] over three years ago. I tried to write, stupidly and unsuccessfully, about Lee H Oswald and must have angered a lot of people — I do not know. But to punish an elderly man like myself and my highly nervous and sick wife is really too much. Could you do something to remove the net around us? This will be my last request for help and I will not annoy you any more. Good luck in your important job. Thank you so much.[52][53]

George H. W. Bush responded:

Let me say first that I know it must have been difficult for you to seek my help in the situation outlined in your letter. I believe I can appreciate your state of mind in view of your daughter's tragic death a few years ago, and the current poor state of your wife's health. I was extremely sorry to hear of these circumstances. In your situation I can well imagine how the attentions you described in your letter affect both you and your wife. However, my staff has been unable to find any indication of interest in your activities on the part of Federal authorities in recent years. The flurry of interest that attended your testimony before the Warren Commission has long subsided. I can only speculate that you may have become "newsworthy" again in view of the renewed interest in the Kennedy assassination, and thus may be attracting the attention of people in the media. I hope this letter had been of some comfort to you, George, although I realize I am unable to answer your question completely.

— George Bush, Director of the Central Intelligence Agency. [CIA Exec Reg. # 76,51571 9.28.76]

And Scumbag HW even admitted Mohrenschildt was on the CIA payroll.
In a 1976 CIA internal memo regarding Mohrenschildt, Director George H. W. Bush stated: "At one time he had/or spent plenty of money."[68]

Our Nazi CIA agent likely knows HW well, which may explain his lame attempts at protecting HW and the CIA.

no evidence

Translation: :lalala:

Guess it's hard for some sycophants to swallow since HW cultivated the "wimp" image so well.
They still think he's as stupid as he looks.

your posts became worthless the instant you

attempted to pass off that stopped footage

as the limo being stopped

what a flop you are

I can't control how somebody creates their gif. I gave you multiple multiple reports from press, police, Secret Service, public officials and bystanders all saying the car stopped. First in post 90 and then more yesterday. You remember, when the witness described JFK being hit in the "forehead".

Got plenty more too.

What that gif, the best I could find at the time, shows is not in the motion of the JFK limo stopping --- it's in the motion of the other vehicles around it suddenly closing in. Did they all speed up at once, like some flock of birds?

The question of whether the car stopped or not is of course not crucial. Obviously a target can be hit on a moving target or on a stopped one. That had already happened while the car was indisputably moving.

Rather, the question is why the Zap film, which was under the control of the CIA, had been doctored to imply that the car never stopped. Why would they do that?

Go ahead, take your best guess. And make it weigh more than "grunt.... Oswald... grunt... leftist.... grunt... me score internet points.... grunt...."

Think you can handle that, Haiku-boi?
Last edited:
no bullets came from the front of the vehicle
It is very likely HW ordered the hit on George de Mohrenschildt. They knew each other.

from wiki....George de Mohrenschildt - Wikipedia
On September 17, 1976, the CIA requested that the FBI locate Mohrenschildt, because he had "attempted to get in touch with the CIA Director."[50] On September 5, 1976, Mohrenschildt had written a letter to the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, George H. W. Bush, asking for his assistance. He was acquainted with the Bush family; George H.W. Bush had roomed with Mohrenschildt's nephew, Edward G. Hooker, at Phillips Academy in Andover, Massachusetts.[51] The letter said:

You will excuse this hand-written letter. Maybe you will be able to bring a solution to the hopeless situation I find myself in. My wife and I find ourselves surrounded by some vigilantes; our phone bugged; and we are being followed everywhere. Either FBI is involved in this or they do not want to accept my complaints. We are driven to insanity by the situation. I have been behaving like a damn fool ever since my daughter Nadya died from [cystic fibrosis] over three years ago. I tried to write, stupidly and unsuccessfully, about Lee H Oswald and must have angered a lot of people — I do not know. But to punish an elderly man like myself and my highly nervous and sick wife is really too much. Could you do something to remove the net around us? This will be my last request for help and I will not annoy you any more. Good luck in your important job. Thank you so much.[52][53]

George H. W. Bush responded:

Let me say first that I know it must have been difficult for you to seek my help in the situation outlined in your letter. I believe I can appreciate your state of mind in view of your daughter's tragic death a few years ago, and the current poor state of your wife's health. I was extremely sorry to hear of these circumstances. In your situation I can well imagine how the attentions you described in your letter affect both you and your wife. However, my staff has been unable to find any indication of interest in your activities on the part of Federal authorities in recent years. The flurry of interest that attended your testimony before the Warren Commission has long subsided. I can only speculate that you may have become "newsworthy" again in view of the renewed interest in the Kennedy assassination, and thus may be attracting the attention of people in the media. I hope this letter had been of some comfort to you, George, although I realize I am unable to answer your question completely.

— George Bush, Director of the Central Intelligence Agency. [CIA Exec Reg. # 76,51571 9.28.76]

And Scumbag HW even admitted Mohrenschildt was on the CIA payroll.
In a 1976 CIA internal memo regarding Mohrenschildt, Director George H. W. Bush stated: "At one time he had/or spent plenty of money."[68]

Our Nazi CIA agent likely knows HW well, which may explain his lame attempts at protecting HW and the CIA.

no evidence

Translation: :lalala:

Guess it's hard for some sycophants to swallow since HW cultivated the "wimp" image so well.
They still think he's as stupid as he looks.

your posts became worthless the instant you

attempted to pass off that stopped footage

as the limo being stopped

what a flop you are

I can't control how somebody creates their gif. I gave you multiple multiple reports from press, police, Secret Service, public officials and bystanders all saying the car stopped. First in post 90 and then more yesterday. You remember, when the witness described JFK being hit in the "forehead".

Got plenty more too.

The question of whether the car stopped or not is of course not crucial. Obviously a target can be hit on a moving target or on a stopped one. That had already happened while the car was indisputably moving.

Rather, the question is why the Zap film, which was under the control of the CIA, had been doctored to imply that the car never stopped. Why would they do that?

Go ahead, take your best guess. And make it weigh more than "grunt.... Oswald... grunt... leftist.... grunt... me score internet points.... grunt...."

Think you can handle that, Haiku-boi?

so are you saying you are too stupid to realize it was a phony

either way you are totally discredited

It is very likely HW ordered the hit on George de Mohrenschildt. They knew each other.

from wiki....George de Mohrenschildt - Wikipedia
On September 17, 1976, the CIA requested that the FBI locate Mohrenschildt, because he had "attempted to get in touch with the CIA Director."[50] On September 5, 1976, Mohrenschildt had written a letter to the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, George H. W. Bush, asking for his assistance. He was acquainted with the Bush family; George H.W. Bush had roomed with Mohrenschildt's nephew, Edward G. Hooker, at Phillips Academy in Andover, Massachusetts.[51] The letter said:

You will excuse this hand-written letter. Maybe you will be able to bring a solution to the hopeless situation I find myself in. My wife and I find ourselves surrounded by some vigilantes; our phone bugged; and we are being followed everywhere. Either FBI is involved in this or they do not want to accept my complaints. We are driven to insanity by the situation. I have been behaving like a damn fool ever since my daughter Nadya died from [cystic fibrosis] over three years ago. I tried to write, stupidly and unsuccessfully, about Lee H Oswald and must have angered a lot of people — I do not know. But to punish an elderly man like myself and my highly nervous and sick wife is really too much. Could you do something to remove the net around us? This will be my last request for help and I will not annoy you any more. Good luck in your important job. Thank you so much.[52][53]

George H. W. Bush responded:

Let me say first that I know it must have been difficult for you to seek my help in the situation outlined in your letter. I believe I can appreciate your state of mind in view of your daughter's tragic death a few years ago, and the current poor state of your wife's health. I was extremely sorry to hear of these circumstances. In your situation I can well imagine how the attentions you described in your letter affect both you and your wife. However, my staff has been unable to find any indication of interest in your activities on the part of Federal authorities in recent years. The flurry of interest that attended your testimony before the Warren Commission has long subsided. I can only speculate that you may have become "newsworthy" again in view of the renewed interest in the Kennedy assassination, and thus may be attracting the attention of people in the media. I hope this letter had been of some comfort to you, George, although I realize I am unable to answer your question completely.

— George Bush, Director of the Central Intelligence Agency. [CIA Exec Reg. # 76,51571 9.28.76]

And Scumbag HW even admitted Mohrenschildt was on the CIA payroll.
In a 1976 CIA internal memo regarding Mohrenschildt, Director George H. W. Bush stated: "At one time he had/or spent plenty of money."[68]

Our Nazi CIA agent likely knows HW well, which may explain his lame attempts at protecting HW and the CIA.

no evidence

Translation: :lalala:

Guess it's hard for some sycophants to swallow since HW cultivated the "wimp" image so well.
They still think he's as stupid as he looks.

your posts became worthless the instant you

attempted to pass off that stopped footage

as the limo being stopped

what a flop you are

I can't control how somebody creates their gif. I gave you multiple multiple reports from press, police, Secret Service, public officials and bystanders all saying the car stopped. First in post 90 and then more yesterday. You remember, when the witness described JFK being hit in the "forehead".

Got plenty more too.

What that gif, the best I could find at the time, shows is not in the motion of the JFK limo stopping --- it's in the motion of the other vehicles around it suddenly closing in. Did they all speed up at once, like some flock of birds?

The question of whether the car stopped or not is of course not crucial. Obviously a target can be hit on a moving target or on a stopped one. That had already happened while the car was indisputably moving.

Rather, the question is why the Zap film, which was under the control of the CIA, had been doctored to imply that the car never stopped. Why would they do that?

Go ahead, take your best guess. And make it weigh more than "grunt.... Oswald... grunt... leftist.... grunt... me score internet points.... grunt...."

Think you can handle that, Haiku-boi?

so are you saying you are too stupid to realize it was a phony

either way you are totally discredited


Aaaaaaand right back to "grunt...... me score internet points..... grunt..... "

Here ya go HB, third post full of quotes.

  • Mrs. Ruth M. Smith---confirmed that the Presidential limousine had come to a stop. [CD 206, p. 9; Murder From Within by Fred Newcomb & Perry Adams (1974), p. 97]
  • TSBD Supervisor Roy Truly---after the first shot "…I saw the President's car swerve to the left and stop somewheres down in the area…[it stopped] for a second or two or something like that…I just saw it stop." [L.P. Terry---"…The parade stopped right in front of the building [TSBD]." [Crossfire by Jim Marrs (1989), p. 26]3 H 221, 266]
  • L.P. Terry---"…The parade stopped right in front of the building [TSBD]." [Crossfire by Jim Marrs (1989), p. 26]
  • Peggy Joyce Hawkins---she was on the front steps of the TSBD and "…estimated that the President's car was less than 50 feet away from her when he was shot, that the car slowed down almost coming to a full stop." [Murder From Within by Fred Newcomb & Perry Adams (1974), p. 97]
  • Billy Lovelady---"I recall that following the shooting, I ran toward the spot where President Kennedy's car had stopped." [22 H 662]
  • An unnamed witness---from his vantage point in the courthouse building, stated that "The cavalcade stopped there and there was bedlam." [Dallas Times Herald, 11/24/63; Murder From Within by Fred Newcomb & Perry Adams (1974), p. 97]
  • Postal Inspector Harry Holmes (from the Post Office Annex, while viewing through binoculars)---"…The car almost came to a stop, and Mrs. Kennedy pulled loose of him and crawled out over the turtleback of this Presidential car." [7 H 291]. He noticed the car pull to a halt, and Holmes thought: "They are dodging something being thrown." [The Day Kennedy Was Shot by Jim Bishop (1967), p. 176]
  • Peggy Burney---she stated that JFK's car had come to a stop. [Dallas Times Herald, 11/24/63; Murder From Within by Fred Newcomb & Perry Adams (1974), p. 97; interestingly, during the 11/20/93 C-SPAN "Journalists Remember" conference, Vivian Castleberry of the Dallas Times Herald made the claim that her first cousin, Peggy Burney, was Abraham Zapruder's assistant "and was next to him when he shot his famous film. She called and said, 'Vivian, today I saw the President die.'"!---See Sheldon Inkol's article on this conference in the January 1994 Fourth Decade]
  • David Broeder--"…The President's car paused momentarily, then on orders from a Secret Service agent, spurted ahead." [Washington Evening Star, 11/23/63, p. 8]
This is now your third heapin' helpin' of accounts of the limo stopping HB. And still have plenty more. The question still on the table is ---- why would the CIA want to doctor the Zapruder film to imply the car had not stopped, when hundreds of accounts say it did? Hm?

Perhaps Lee Harvey Oswald the Super-Speed gunman with no reason, not only fired magic U-turn bullets that whipped around to hit a target he was BEHIND, from the FRONT, also contained magic mushroom flooby dust that spread mass hallucinations with orders to make everybody think the car stopped, while the CIA, who would NEVER EVER tell a lie, holds the truth that the car did not stop?

That about it, Haiku-boi?

Why would LHO want people to think that? Hm?
Last edited:
no evidence

Translation: :lalala:

Guess it's hard for some sycophants to swallow since HW cultivated the "wimp" image so well.
They still think he's as stupid as he looks.

your posts became worthless the instant you

attempted to pass off that stopped footage

as the limo being stopped

what a flop you are

I can't control how somebody creates their gif. I gave you multiple multiple reports from press, police, Secret Service, public officials and bystanders all saying the car stopped. First in post 90 and then more yesterday. You remember, when the witness described JFK being hit in the "forehead".

Got plenty more too.

What that gif, the best I could find at the time, shows is not in the motion of the JFK limo stopping --- it's in the motion of the other vehicles around it suddenly closing in. Did they all speed up at once, like some flock of birds?

The question of whether the car stopped or not is of course not crucial. Obviously a target can be hit on a moving target or on a stopped one. That had already happened while the car was indisputably moving.

Rather, the question is why the Zap film, which was under the control of the CIA, had been doctored to imply that the car never stopped. Why would they do that?

Go ahead, take your best guess. And make it weigh more than "grunt.... Oswald... grunt... leftist.... grunt... me score internet points.... grunt...."

Think you can handle that, Haiku-boi?

so are you saying you are too stupid to realize it was a phony

either way you are totally discredited


Aaaaaaand right back to "grunt...... me score internet points..... grunt..... "

Here ya go HB, third post full of quotes.

  • Mrs. Ruth M. Smith---confirmed that the Presidential limousine had come to a stop. [CD 206, p. 9; Murder From Within by Fred Newcomb & Perry Adams (1974), p. 97]
  • TSBD Supervisor Roy Truly---after the first shot "…I saw the President's car swerve to the left and stop somewheres down in the area…[it stopped] for a second or two or something like that…I just saw it stop." [L.P. Terry---"…The parade stopped right in front of the building [TSBD]." [Crossfire by Jim Marrs (1989), p. 26]3 H 221, 266]
  • L.P. Terry---"…The parade stopped right in front of the building [TSBD]." [Crossfire by Jim Marrs (1989), p. 26]
  • Peggy Joyce Hawkins---she was on the front steps of the TSBD and "…estimated that the President's car was less than 50 feet away from her when he was shot, that the car slowed down almost coming to a full stop." [Murder From Within by Fred Newcomb & Perry Adams (1974), p. 97]
  • Billy Lovelady---"I recall that following the shooting, I ran toward the spot where President Kennedy's car had stopped." [22 H 662]
  • An unnamed witness---from his vantage point in the courthouse building, stated that "The cavalcade stopped there and there was bedlam." [Dallas Times Herald, 11/24/63; Murder From Within by Fred Newcomb & Perry Adams (1974), p. 97]
  • Postal Inspector Harry Holmes (from the Post Office Annex, while viewing through binoculars)---"…The car almost came to a stop, and Mrs. Kennedy pulled loose of him and crawled out over the turtleback of this Presidential car." [7 H 291]. He noticed the car pull to a halt, and Holmes thought: "They are dodging something being thrown." [The Day Kennedy Was Shot by Jim Bishop (1967), p. 176]
  • Peggy Burney---she stated that JFK's car had come to a stop. [Dallas Times Herald, 11/24/63; Murder From Within by Fred Newcomb & Perry Adams (1974), p. 97; interestingly, during the 11/20/93 C-SPAN "Journalists Remember" conference, Vivian Castleberry of the Dallas Times Herald made the claim that her first cousin, Peggy Burney, was Abraham Zapruder's assistant "and was next to him when he shot his famous film. She called and said, 'Vivian, today I saw the President die.'"!---See Sheldon Inkol's article on this conference in the January 1994 Fourth Decade]
  • David Broeder--"…The President's car paused momentarily, then on orders from a Secret Service agent, spurted ahead." [Washington Evening Star, 11/23/63, p. 8]
This is now your third heapin' helpin' of accounts of the limo stopping HB. And still have plenty more. The question still on the table is ---- why would the CIA want to doctor the Zapruder film to imply the car had not stopped, when hundreds of accounts say it did? Hm?

Perhaps Lee Harvey Oswald the Super-Speed gunman with no reason, not only fired magic U-turn bullets that whipped around to hit a target he was BEHIND, from the FRONT, also contained magic mushroom flooby dust that spread mass hallucinations with orders to make everybody think the car stopped, while the CIA, who would NEVER EVER tell a lie, holds the truth that the car did not stop?

That about it, Haiku-boi?

Why would LHO want people to think that? Hm?

Now if you ever get past this brain strain and finally accept what all these witnesses report, the next question would be --- why would the car stop?

One nefarious reason that's been suggested is that driver William Greer was bribed to stop at that mark, presumably after Phase One and Phase Two fail to hit the target, so as to afford a more hittable sitting duck. In this theory Greer turns around, sees that JFK has not yet been mortally wounded, and follows orders to stop there, long enough for the shooters to get a better shot.

A more plausible reasoning is that Greer could not help but notice that a bullet had just come through his windshield, from the front, and he didn't want to drive toward gunfire. He turns around after that bullet hits to see what's going on, then decides to stop, then hears more shots and a massive SPLAT, turns around again and sees Kennedy's brains flying, and takes off.

But that's your next project, once you've come to accept that the car did stop and venture an explanation as to why the CIA would want to present the impression that it didn't. First things first.
Oswald read that JFKs motorcade would be driving by his window at work. So he brought his gun to work, fired three shots and blew JFKs brains out

No other plausible explanation

Yep, happens every day.
You failed to provide a plausible explanation
In any crime, you can always uncover odd stuff that does not support the explanation of the crime or any explanation in which case it is not evidence. Conspiracy theorists love this stuff.
Yeah that explains the numerous inconsistencies, discrepancies, and coincidental events in the deep state murder of JFK.
In a criminal investigation, there will always be anomalies; that is evidence that does not support a reasonable theory of the crime, unexplained fingerprints, discrepancies in statements, unexpected events, etc. However, the simplest explanation, Oswald, a long gunman, acting alone with motive, means, and opportunity supported by overwhelming evidence killed the president.
There is no such video and i just posted the Zapruder film which proves you wrong.

His hands were moving in the classic Thorburn reaction which has been seen in many victims hundreds of times and is caused by a bullet to the back.

Brain and skull fragments went to the front AND rear AND sides as is typical.

You are the3 one being educated and pwned AGAIN
About ten years before JFK was murdered by the State you love, two people were executed for Soviet espionage. You might have heard of them. Ethel and Julius Rosenberg.

It can be argued rather successfully that they did less than what Oswald is purported to have done. He defected to the USSR and claimed to have given them classified information he learned while stationed in Atsugi, Japan a U2 base...he loudly renounced his US citizenship. ...funny...since when does an avowed commie enlist in the Marine Corp....LMFAO.

Then...by magic and hocus pocus, he is allowed back in the USA without a peep (the Rosenberg's were electrocuted). This alone blows up the lying State's narrative...along with about a thousand other things associated with the Deep State murder of JFK.

The most famous CIA operative of all time...no doubt his name is on the Memorial Wall at Langley...will in spirit.
No it cannot be argued that the Rosenburgs did LESS than Oswald.

What they did was give nuclear weapons secrets to the USSR.

Oswald merely traveled to the USSR which is neither treason nor illegal.

He never made any such claim about giving them secret information as he had none to give.

You have never presented any evidence that he worked for the CIA and you are incapable of doing so.

he never was and that is the end of it.
Oh now that is hilarious and proves once again you are a CIA plant.

A US Marine defecting to the USSR, renouncing his US Citizenship, and loudly proclaiming he would gladly give the Soviets classified information he learned while working on a U2 base at the height of the Cold War...is NOT merely traveling to the USSR.

You are getting your ass beat big time. You better enlist more support from your friends at Langley.

There is no evidence or proof of anyone being a CIA plant.

He had no classified information to give.

He did not work on a U2 base silly. He worked at an enormous airbase in Yokohoma japan which was sectioned off in different areas. The U2 flew out of a CIA compound which he never entered.
You need to brush up on your CIA deception training, because you are failing miserably. You better inform Langley you need support.

I never stated Oswald worked on the U2. However, he did work at a U2 base in Atsugi Japan.

This from CIA controlled Wiki...you need better deception training.
One of the aircraft based at Atsugi at least since 1957[4] was the U-2 spy plane. The plane made local Japanese headlines when it ran low on fuel and made an emergency landing at a glider-club landing strip. This same plane was piloted by Gary Powers, which provoked an international incident when it was downed over the Soviet Union.[5]

Lee Harvey Oswald was based at Atsugi during his time in the United States Marines. He was a radar operator assigned to Marine Air Control Squadron 1.[6][7][8] He was stationed there from September 1957 to November 1958.[9]

Being on the same base as an airplane means nothing especially since the base was enormous and divided among different agencies.

Oswald had no access to the CIA compound and had no classified information about the U2 or about anything else to give to the Soviets which IS what you said.
"by the leftist Oswald" :lmao:

--- who wasn't even up in the window where only Malcolm Wallace's fingerprints were found..
--- who couldn't possibly have delivered the fatal shot from the front, when he was behind the car....
--- who couldn't possibly have fired enough bullets for three to hit Kennedy, another to hit Connally, another to hit the windshield, another to hit the street and another to land in the grass...
--- who was CIA trained and knew by the time the cops came into the movie theater that he had been set up, that if he ran out the side door he'd be met with a hail of bullets conveniently putting him out of the way so he couldn't say what he knew, which is why he started yelling "I am not resisting arrest" to the witnesses....
--- who had to be messily dispatched in a brutal and obviously set-up mob killing on live TV to make sure he never told what he knew...

Holy SHIT how freaking gullible are you?

the trolls can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are after you took them to school here.dont forget how johnson illegally destroyed the evidence of the limo because has it been available for examination you would have more than one forensic cop on the spot saying the bullet hole was an entrance shot.

Yep, as I recall LBJ had the car completely cleaned up and repaired by Ford before it could be evidenced. And actually he did exactly the same thing with the truck involved in the Marshall killing (also involving Wallace) years before. Exact same M.O.

However there were witnesses to it including at Parkland hospital before that could take place. And I believe there are photos.

Oh by the way if anybody's interested, this Malcolm Wallace was killed in 1971 at the ripe old age of 49, when he mysteriously fell asleep at the wheel of his car and crashed, apparently from carbon monoxide poisoning after "somebody" fucked with his exhaust pipe. Which is ironic since that's exactly the method Wallace tried to use for the Marshall killing.

Sometimes you set up a car crash... sometimes it's a plane crash.... sometimes you send Jack Ruby in with a pistol ..... whatever it takes.
...and a really natural death was George de Mohrenschildt (a CIA agent)....who just happened to swallow a shotgun shell just two days before testifying before the HSCA...he also was considered a "crucial witness."

It's just plain happenstance....:confused::rolleyes:o_O:cool:
He was never a CIA agent boy. And neither was oswald.

As usual you only have idiotic assertions with no evidence
Yes he was and your old CIA boy friend George HW 'Scumbag' Bush admitted he was on the CIA payroll...just like you.

I sure hope you don't mysteriously swallow a shot gun shell.
The CIA get's information from many sources and they always pay for it. DeMohrenschildt was one of many such people who traveled abroad and reported on what he saw.

This does not make him an agent and he was not one.

He was paid for information but was never on a payroll and that is fact. Nor was there any admission of this as it was never a secret.
President Kennedy was assassinated by the leftist Oswald

JFK Assassination - News, Pictures, and Videos - CBS News

"by the leftist Oswald" :lmao:

--- who wasn't even up in the window where only Malcolm Wallace's fingerprints were found..
--- who couldn't possibly have delivered the fatal shot from the front, when he was behind the car....
--- who couldn't possibly have fired enough bullets for three to hit Kennedy, another to hit Connally, another to hit the windshield, another to hit the street and another to land in the grass...
--- who was CIA trained and knew by the time the cops came into the movie theater that he had been set up, that if he ran out the side door he'd be met with a hail of bullets conveniently putting him out of the way so he couldn't say what he knew, which is why he started yelling "I am not resisting arrest" to the witnesses....
--- who had to be messily dispatched in a brutal and obviously set-up mob killing on live TV to make sure he never told what he knew...

Holy SHIT how freaking gullible are you?

the trolls can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are after you took them to school here.dont forget how johnson illegally destroyed the evidence of the limo because has it been available for examination you would have more than one forensic cop on the spot saying the bullet hole was an entrance shot.

Yep, as I recall LBJ had the car completely cleaned up and repaired by Ford before it could be evidenced. And actually he did exactly the same thing with the truck involved in the Marshall killing (also involving Wallace) years before. Exact same M.O.

However there were witnesses to it including at Parkland hospital before that could take place. And I believe there are photos.

Oh by the way if anybody's interested, this Malcolm Wallace was killed in 1971 at the ripe old age of 49, when he mysteriously fell asleep at the wheel of his car and crashed, apparently from carbon monoxide poisoning after "somebody" fucked with his exhaust pipe. Which is ironic since that's exactly the method Wallace tried to use for the Marshall killing.

Sometimes you set up a car crash... sometimes it's a plane crash.... sometimes you send Jack Ruby in with a pistol ..... whatever it takes.
Actually you recall wrong.

the limo was cleaned and repaired but only AFTER the evidence was collected. Including the windshield which clearly proved that the bullets came from above and behind.

Wallace had no involvement

you only find the way pogo recalls it is from whacky websites

Yes he ignores any real evidence and focuses on the most inane and loopy bullshit on youtube.

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