54% of Wisconsin Voters against Recall


Platinum Member
Sep 10, 2009
Los Angeles CA
Looks like the Labor Union thugs and bullies will get another dose of reality after Walker survives this recall....:lol: :lol:

So much for that recall effort. According to a new Rasmussen poll of likely Wisconsin voters, Gov. Scott Walker should survive an effort to throw out his 2010 election, a campaign driven by pro-union activists angered that he limited collective bargaining rights for public employees in a budget-cutting move.
It’s a huge and positive switch for Scott’s fortunes. Opponents made headlines when they easily collected 1 million signatures on a recall petition. Walker this week said he would not challenge the signatures-including names like “Donald Duck”-because there isn’t enough time before the May recall election.

Poll: Wisconsin's Walker to survive union recall drive | Washington Examiner

54% in Wisconsin Oppose Recall of GOP Governor Walker - Rasmussen Reports™
The unions are showing their "fuck you" attitude to the rank and file, blowing union dues on doomed efforts like this one, and the last recall election. Total failures that do nothing but waste resources.
Next time someone tells you "unions represent the working man" tell them Fuck you.
What the hell is wrong with these union worker's ?
Their monthly retirement checks are not sustainable.
If they keep it that high and don't get it reduced, there will not be any money for them at all when it runs out.
And the left have the audacity to call the right stupid.
Just another example of liberoidals expending a bunch of effort and money without any results to show for it.

A fool and his money are soon parted.....
Except that the fools in question are hijacking the money of the WI taxpayers, to pay for another election that they're almost certain to lose.
Just another example of liberoidals expending a bunch of effort and money without any results to show for it.

A fool and his money are soon parted.....
Except that the fools in question are hijacking the money of the WI taxpayers, to pay for another election that they're almost certain to lose.

The repercussions of this could have lasting effects... The taxpayers who aren't thrilled wilth their money being wasted might have a lingering sour taste for anything with a D running for office...

Imagine the good that union money could have done for it's members instead of pissing it away on this recall...

Signatures don't vote...
the socialist/marxist/communist unions , committees and guilds are sure busy up there wasting the taxpayers money..................

maybe they should have a new election every day.............
Democrats will claim the election is unfair because they lost and demand riots in the streets. Can you imagine what they will do when obama loses?
Every poll i`ve seen has walker stasticaly tied with his possible opponents. Plus his job disaproval rating is 52%. Add that to the fact that the unemployment rate was 7.4% before walker and now is at 7.3%. that ranks wisconsin 49th in job creation. All he did was take benifits from working people and gave the money to tax breaks for his wealthy donors.
In New Hampshire, 68% of voters are against repealing the gay marriage law. So who's doing the bullying there?
Walker doesn't seem too worried about this either. He is not even going to challenge the signatures, even though 10-20% are bogus.....

MADISON, Wis. (AP) — Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker won't challenge any of the 1 million petition signatures seeking his recall from office because his campaign staff didn't have enough time to scrutinize them all, a top aide said Monday.

The Republican governor had until 5 p.m. Monday to challenge signatures submitted last month. Despite being granted a 20-day extension to pore over the recall petitions, Walker's campaign managed to look through only about 400,000 of them, campaign spokeswoman Ciara Matthews said. She said the campaign determined that 10 percent to 20 percent of those 400,000 were erroneous, including entries that listed fake addresses and names, including Donald Duck's.

"We have essentially been given an impossible deadline," Matthews said.

The Government Accountability Board, which oversees Wisconsin elections, still has three weeks to determine whether at least 540,208 of the signatures are valid. That is the minimum number needed to trigger a recall election. And the Walker's campaign asked the Government Accountability Board on Monday to consider the findings of two tea party affiliated groups that have been examining the signatures independently.

Walker won't file recall petition challenges
Walker doesn't seem too worried about this either. He is not even going to challenge the signatures, even though 10-20% are bogus.....

MADISON, Wis. (AP) — Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker won't challenge any of the 1 million petition signatures seeking his recall from office because his campaign staff didn't have enough time to scrutinize them all, a top aide said Monday.

The Republican governor had until 5 p.m. Monday to challenge signatures submitted last month. Despite being granted a 20-day extension to pore over the recall petitions, Walker's campaign managed to look through only about 400,000 of them, campaign spokeswoman Ciara Matthews said. She said the campaign determined that 10 percent to 20 percent of those 400,000 were erroneous, including entries that listed fake addresses and names, including Donald Duck's.

"We have essentially been given an impossible deadline," Matthews said.

The Government Accountability Board, which oversees Wisconsin elections, still has three weeks to determine whether at least 540,208 of the signatures are valid. That is the minimum number needed to trigger a recall election. And the Walker's campaign asked the Government Accountability Board on Monday to consider the findings of two tea party affiliated groups that have been examining the signatures independently.

Walker won't file recall petition challenges

I'd say not challenging them is a strategic move. Even if 30% turn out to be invalid, that still leaves plenty of comfort margin for there to be enough valid signatures. They probably realize that it's better to focus their efforts and time in other ways.
The unions are showing their "fuck you" attitude to the rank and file, blowing union dues on doomed efforts like this one, and the last recall election. Total failures that do nothing but waste resources.
Next time someone tells you "unions represent the working man" tell them Fuck you.

it's too bad federal law doesn't 'require' unions to inform member they are entitled to a refund on any portion of their dues that is used for a political purpose they don't support. I would imagine quite a few members would be asking for refunds if they knew they could.

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