52% of Our Border Patrol Agents are Hispanic & 100% of them want The Wall!

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
If you think our Hispanic American Citizens here in the USA don't oppose Illegal Immigration you are either tragically stupid and uninformed or you are just a LIAR.

All 16 patrol districts on the border were recently asked to submit proposals to the White House to mitigate the illegal immigration surge we are having after The Democrats took The House back in the 2018 midterms, and all 16 districts proposed a wall, wall and fencing reinforcements and improvements and strengthening border security with more infrastructure, technology and manpower.

Border Patrol agents back Trump wall, survey finds

Border Patrol agents say they can’t be much clearer: They want more walls along the U.S.-Mexico border.

In a survey conducted by the National Border Patrol Council, the agents’ union, they overwhelmingly supported adding a “wall system” in strategic locations, embracing President Trump’s argument that it will boost their ability to nab or deter would-be illegal immigrants.

Agents also said they need the government to change the “catch and release” policy. They often have to immediately release illegal border crossers they arrest, giving them the chance to disappear into the shadows with the 11 million other illegal immigrants in the U.S.

The findings, shared with The Washington Times, appear to undercut the argument of congressional Democrats, who released a report last month concluding that line agents didn’t support Mr. Trump’s plans for a wall. The report was based on an internal tool used by Homeland Security to evaluate security gaps.

The NBPC’s survey, of more than 600 agents in two of the Border Patrol’s busiest sectors, found just the opposite: A stunning 89 percent of line agents say a “wall system in strategic locations is necessary to securing the border.” Just 7 percent disagreed.

Fact Check: Are Half of All Border Patrol Agents Hispanic?

Fact Check:

Pavlich mentioned the proportion of Border Patrol agents after pundits and politicians (Democrats) made Nazi comparisons when criticizing the Trump administration’s separation of families crossing the southern border.

“This is the United States of America. It isn’t Nazi Germany, and there’s a difference,” Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein said in an MSNBC interview last week.

Former CIA Director and CNN national security analyst Michael Hayden tweeted a photo on June 16 of the Birkenau death camp at Auschwitz. “Other governments have separated mothers and children,” he said.

Pavlich noted the prevalence of Hispanic Border Patrol agents in response. “Something you won’t hear much about: 52 percent of Border Patrol agents are Hispanic,” she tweeted. “But sure, continue your Nazi narrative.”

The U.S. Customs and Border Protection Public Affairs Office told The Daily Caller News Foundation that about 51 percent of Border Patrol agents were Hispanic or Latino at the end of fiscal year 2016. About 50 percent of all Border Patrol staff, not just agents, were Hispanic or Latino.

The percentage of Hispanic agents was about the same nearly a decade ago. The Houston Chronicle reported in 2008 that 52 percent of Border Patrol agents were Hispanic.

The Border Patrol has a much higher percentage of Hispanic and Latino agents than the general population. The U.S. Census Bureau estimated that about 18 percent of the population was Hispanic or Latino in 2017.

The agency also has a higher proportion of Hispanic and Latino staff than some other law enforcement agencies. A Bureau of Justice Statistics report on local police department personnel across the U.S. found that 11.6 percent of police officers were Hispanic or Latino in 2013. The Dallas News reported that about 7 percent of Secret Service agents were Hispanic in 2014.
Who is against a “wall system” in strategic locations"?

If Trump would have presented it like that vice a big beautiful 2000 miles long wall like he initially said then we would not even be having a debate.
Who is against a “wall system” in strategic locations"?

If Trump would have presented it like that vice a big beautiful 2000 miles long wall like he initially said then we would not even be having a debate.

I am beginning to agree with Gator on 99% of his posts. Someone slap me. LOL.
Who is against a “wall system” in strategic locations"?

If Trump would have presented it like that vice a big beautiful 2000 miles long wall like he initially said then we would not even be having a debate.

So all you loons are against a big beautiful wall but a "wall system" is great?
Who is against a “wall system” in strategic locations"?

If Trump would have presented it like that vice a big beautiful 2000 miles long wall like he initially said then we would not even be having a debate.
He did during his campaign.
Who is against a “wall system” in strategic locations"?

If Trump would have presented it like that vice a big beautiful 2000 miles long wall like he initially said then we would not even be having a debate.
Who is against a wall system in strategic locations? Well for starters the leadership of the Democratic Party and every Media outlet other than Fox. I agree that much of what has led to the shutdown has been lack of clear definition of what "The Wall" means.
Much of what has lead to the shutdown was the lie that Mexico is paying for it, reimbursing us for it, is being taxed for it, is donating the funds for it or is in some other out of body way funding it.

When the cornerstone of your entire campaign and presidency is based on a lie….there is going to be issues when the shit hits the fan.
Who is against a “wall system” in strategic locations"?

If Trump would have presented it like that vice a big beautiful 2000 miles long wall like he initially said then we would not even be having a debate.


Wrong. A Wall System is what has been proposed to The DemNazis all along. They are just a little too enamored of their replacement theology, and too dependent on Mexican Drug Cartel money funding their campaigns to vote for a Wall System.
Much of what has lead to the shutdown was the lie that Mexico is paying for it, reimbursing us for it, is being taxed for it, is donating the funds for it or is in some other out of body way funding it.

When the cornerstone of your entire campaign and presidency is based on a lie….there is going to be issues when the shit hits the fan.
Wrong again. New Taxes for remittances being sent to the tune of Billions U$ Dollars a day sent back to Mexico can pay for The Wall. Also, more security equals more Drug Money Seizures which actually can be used to fund border security. Trump in his plain speaking way is telling The Truth. Mexico will be paying for The Wall.

Revealed: How immigrants in America are sending $120 BILLION to their struggling families back home | Daily Mail Online

The amount of money being sent by migrants across the entire world reached $530 billion last year, making it a larger economy than Iran or Argentina, the data from the World Bank showed.

This worldwide figure has tripled in the last ten years and is now three times bigger than the total aid budgets given by countries around the world. It has sparked debate whether this so-called remittance money could be a viable alternative to relying on help from other governments.

In the United States last year, more than $120 billion was sent by workers to families abroad - making it the largest sender of remittances in the world. More than $23 billion went to Mexico, $13.45 billion to China, $10.84 billion to India and $10 billion to the Philippines, among other recipients.

As soon as we get the check from Mexico, it will be built.

Maybe we'll pay these border agents when the shutdown is over.
They'll get paid, and even though their paychecks may be delayed they'll still get them and they still agree with President Trump.

They are all on vacation according to Brent Bozell. They are in the Union , of course they want the wall, make their jobs easier. No offense, but they can sit on their butts.

Like CC said, when Mexico pays for it.
As soon as we get the check from Mexico, it will be built.

Maybe we'll pay these border agents when the shutdown is over.
They'll get paid, and even though their paychecks may be delayed they'll still get them and they still agree with President Trump.

Oh sure, Don says they agree. Also TSA, they're not being paid either. Be a damn shame if something happens, some "event".

Your "leaders" would blame each other forever. And you would swallow-n-follow sans question.
As soon as we get the check from Mexico, it will be built.

Maybe we'll pay these border agents when the shutdown is over.
They'll get paid, and even though their paychecks may be delayed they'll still get them and they still agree with President Trump.

They are all on vacation according to Brent Bozell. They are in the Union , of course they want the wall, make their jobs easier. No offense, but they can sit on their butts.

Like CC said, when Mexico pays for it.
If you think getting murdered by an Illegal Alien, being shot at, rocks thrown at you, or nearly dying from fentanyl exposure is sitting on your "butt" you are a complete asshole.
Border Patrol Agents depend on border funding for their livelihood
As soon as we get the check from Mexico, it will be built.

Maybe we'll pay these border agents when the shutdown is over.
They'll get paid, and even though their paychecks may be delayed they'll still get them and they still agree with President Trump.

Oh sure, Don says they agree. Also TSA, they're not being paid either. Be a damn shame if something happens, some "event".

Your "leaders" would blame each other forever. And you would swallow-n-follow sans question.
So let me get this straight...

DemNazi hoping for something bad to happen during the Shutdown so they can blame it on The President?

Not surprised at all by that.

You know that it's Congress that has control of all of that, correct?

You sir are a dumbass+.
As soon as we get the check from Mexico, it will be built.

Maybe we'll pay these border agents when the shutdown is over.
They'll get paid, and even though their paychecks may be delayed they'll still get them and they still agree with President Trump.

They are all on vacation according to Brent Bozell. They are in the Union , of course they want the wall, make their jobs easier. No offense, but they can sit on their butts.

Like CC said, when Mexico pays for it.

As soon as we get the check from Mexico, it will be built.

Maybe we'll pay these border agents when the shutdown is over.
They'll get paid, and even though their paychecks may be delayed they'll still get them and they still agree with President Trump.

They are all on vacation according to Brent Bozell. They are in the Union , of course they want the wall, make their jobs easier. No offense, but they can sit on their butts.

Like CC said, when Mexico pays for it.
If you think getting murdered by an Illegal Alien, being shot at, rocks thrown at you, or nearly dying from fentanyl exposure is sitting on your "butt" you are a complete asshole.

America has become a nation of snowflakes afraid of everything.
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As soon as we get the check from Mexico, it will be built.

Maybe we'll pay these border agents when the shutdown is over.
They'll get paid, and even though their paychecks may be delayed they'll still get them and they still agree with President Trump.

They are all on vacation according to Brent Bozell. They are in the Union , of course they want the wall, make their jobs easier. No offense, but they can sit on their butts.

Like CC said, when Mexico pays for it.

Something very very pathological about a people constantly claiming to be free who clamor for militarized police, endless global wars and occupations, corporate for profit detainment centers and prisons with convict labor leasing, constant corporate state surveillance; and now they want to be walled in by these people in power.

You muy
As soon as we get the check from Mexico, it will be built.

Maybe we'll pay these border agents when the shutdown is over.
They'll get paid, and even though their paychecks may be delayed they'll still get them and they still agree with President Trump.

They are all on vacation according to Brent Bozell. They are in the Union , of course they want the wall, make their jobs easier. No offense, but they can sit on their butts.

Like CC said, when Mexico pays for it.
If you think getting murdered by an Illegal Alien, being shot at, rocks thrown at you, or nearly dying from fentanyl exposure is sitting on your "butt" you are a complete asshole.

America has become a nation of snowflakes afraid of everything.

No one is being "Walled In" You can leave America any time if you are a citizen with a valid passport. They "Wall People In" Places Like China, where you cannot leave if they have an issue with you. Their Travel Bans keep people in the Country. Try moving to North Korea some time.

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