50,000 Students at Son's University. 26 Education Majors Graduated


Diamond Member
Jul 18, 2018
Hey, all you perpetual b1tchers of "public education". Did you get that number? Did it settle in?

At my son's college graduation yesterday, TWENTY SIX students graduated with a degree in education. Enough to fill exactly ONE elementary school of decent size in the ENTIRE STATE.

And in case you ask: yes, it formally was known as a very good education school and no, no one is going into education anymore. So while you continue to whine and moan, congrats on being nothing more than 21st century armchair complainers like everyone else. You generally have no idea what's going on but have taken society down a few more pegs with your incessant complaints.

When former felons fill the classrooms now, look in the mirror.

MUSKEGON COUNTY, Mich. — According to a survey of Michigan school superintendents, more than half started the 2019-20 school year with unfilled teaching positions.

It left school administrators scrambling to find long-term subs to fill the classroom positions.

And the growing need for teachers isn't new for superintendents like Brian Davis, superintendent of Holland Public Schools.

Davis is concerned about a significant decline in the number of students in Michigan graduating from educator preparation programs.

In the 2003-04 school year, Michigan issued 9,664 new teaching certificates. The number dropped in 2017-18 to 3,819.

"That should be heightened cause for concern," Davis said.

Lakeshore educators say teacher shortage will be a challenge for years to come
So while you continue to whine and moan, congrats on being nothing more than 21st century armchair complainers like everyone else. You generally have no idea what's going on but have taken society down a few more pegs with your incessant complaints.

Taxpayers, especially voting taxpayers have the right to complain Sue.

So while you continue to whine and moan, congrats on being nothing more than 21st century armchair complainers like everyone else. You generally have no idea what's going on but have taken society down a few more pegs with your incessant complaints.

Taxpayers, especially voting taxpayers have the right to complain Sue.


Of course they do. But the complaints I'm addressing specifically are ARMCHAIR complaints, the kind that are lazy and uninformed and ultimately do nothing but tear down. In every town all across America are public schools. If yours are terrible get off your lazy butt and GET INVOLVED. Run for school board, volunteer, make an appt with the principal and talk. Instead, they've destroyed the system by the 21st century laziest method possible: by talking it down and down and down so now young people aren't going into it.

Like I said.

Enjoy the continued rot coming to you when felons are teaching kids. We did this, folks.
So while you continue to whine and moan, congrats on being nothing more than 21st century armchair complainers like everyone else. You generally have no idea what's going on but have taken society down a few more pegs with your incessant complaints.

Taxpayers, especially voting taxpayers have the right to complain Sue.


Of course they do. But the complaints I'm addressing specifically are ARMCHAIR complaints, the kind that are lazy and uninformed and ultimately do nothing but tear down. In every town all across America are public schools. If yours are terrible get off your lazy butt and GET INVOLVED. Run for school board, volunteer, make an appt with the principal and talk. Instead, they've destroyed the system by the 21st century laziest method possible: by talking it down and down and down so now young people aren't going into it.

Like I said.

Enjoy the continued rot coming to you when felons are teaching kids. We did this, folks.

One becomes 'involved' as a parent Sue

Further levels of involvement are actively pursued from sea to shining sea, in fact the positions you speak of are so actively pursued , there are many vying for position to serve

Hey, all you perpetual b1tchers of "public education". Did you get that number? Did it settle in?

At my son's college graduation yesterday, TWENTY SIX students graduated with a degree in education. Enough to fill exactly ONE elementary school of decent size in the ENTIRE STATE.

And in case you ask: yes, it formally was known as a very good education school and no, no one is going into education anymore. So while you continue to whine and moan, congrats on being nothing more than 21st century armchair complainers like everyone else. You generally have no idea what's going on but have taken society down a few more pegs with your incessant complaints.

When former felons fill the classrooms now, look in the mirror.

MUSKEGON COUNTY, Mich. — According to a survey of Michigan school superintendents, more than half started the 2019-20 school year with unfilled teaching positions.

It left school administrators scrambling to find long-term subs to fill the classroom positions.

And the growing need for teachers isn't new for superintendents like Brian Davis, superintendent of Holland Public Schools.

Davis is concerned about a significant decline in the number of students in Michigan graduating from educator preparation programs.

In the 2003-04 school year, Michigan issued 9,664 new teaching certificates. The number dropped in 2017-18 to 3,819.

"That should be heightened cause for concern," Davis said.

Lakeshore educators say teacher shortage will be a challenge for years to come

Like everything else in life, you get what you pay for

A High School Student looks at teacher salaries and lack of respect and decides on another profession
Hey, all you perpetual b1tchers of "public education". Did you get that number? Did it settle in?

At my son's college graduation yesterday, TWENTY SIX students graduated with a degree in education. Enough to fill exactly ONE elementary school of decent size in the ENTIRE STATE.

And in case you ask: yes, it formally was known as a very good education school and no, no one is going into education anymore. So while you continue to whine and moan, congrats on being nothing more than 21st century armchair complainers like everyone else. You generally have no idea what's going on but have taken society down a few more pegs with your incessant complaints.

When former felons fill the classrooms now, look in the mirror.

MUSKEGON COUNTY, Mich. — According to a survey of Michigan school superintendents, more than half started the 2019-20 school year with unfilled teaching positions.

It left school administrators scrambling to find long-term subs to fill the classroom positions.

And the growing need for teachers isn't new for superintendents like Brian Davis, superintendent of Holland Public Schools.

Davis is concerned about a significant decline in the number of students in Michigan graduating from educator preparation programs.

In the 2003-04 school year, Michigan issued 9,664 new teaching certificates. The number dropped in 2017-18 to 3,819.

"That should be heightened cause for concern," Davis said.

Lakeshore educators say teacher shortage will be a challenge for years to come

Like everything else in life, you get what you pay for

A High School Student looks at teacher salaries and lack of respect and decides on another profession

It's never, ever been a job you go into for the money

The lack of respect broke the profession

At root, the entire society is now broken
The lack of respect broke the profession

Try competing w/ HD, LOWES, Bob Villa , Home improvement companies ,maintenance men , along with an entire contingent of DIY'ers socially constructed to undermine any serious tradesman Sue

I could speak at length about this here, but i'll save you the aggravation

Systemic failures are always multi faceted complexities with no one culprit , which is why one should think twice when you hear someone focusing blame

A grand ex was Scott Walker's demonizing school unions

He obviously had alternative motives

Hey, all you perpetual b1tchers of "public education". Did you get that number? Did it settle in?

At my son's college graduation yesterday, TWENTY SIX students graduated with a degree in education. Enough to fill exactly ONE elementary school of decent size in the ENTIRE STATE.

And in case you ask: yes, it formally was known as a very good education school and no, no one is going into education anymore. So while you continue to whine and moan, congrats on being nothing more than 21st century armchair complainers like everyone else. You generally have no idea what's going on but have taken society down a few more pegs with your incessant complaints.

When former felons fill the classrooms now, look in the mirror.

MUSKEGON COUNTY, Mich. — According to a survey of Michigan school superintendents, more than half started the 2019-20 school year with unfilled teaching positions.

It left school administrators scrambling to find long-term subs to fill the classroom positions.

And the growing need for teachers isn't new for superintendents like Brian Davis, superintendent of Holland Public Schools.

Davis is concerned about a significant decline in the number of students in Michigan graduating from educator preparation programs.

In the 2003-04 school year, Michigan issued 9,664 new teaching certificates. The number dropped in 2017-18 to 3,819.

"That should be heightened cause for concern," Davis said.

Lakeshore educators say teacher shortage will be a challenge for years to come
Boo hoo... As fun as high school was, and as easy as it is for virtually anyone of an even modest IQ to complete; the entire curriculum could be wrapped up by age 16, and in half as many hours a day. Public schooling is a waste of tax payer dollars. Its little more than a baby sitting service. I learned more in my own intellectual pursuits than I ever learned from the government curriculum. Those with a passion for learning will do so.
Hey, all you perpetual b1tchers of "public education". Did you get that number? Did it settle in?

At my son's college graduation yesterday, TWENTY SIX students graduated with a degree in education. Enough to fill exactly ONE elementary school of decent size in the ENTIRE STATE.

And in case you ask: yes, it formally was known as a very good education school and no, no one is going into education anymore. So while you continue to whine and moan, congrats on being nothing more than 21st century armchair complainers like everyone else. You generally have no idea what's going on but have taken society down a few more pegs with your incessant complaints.

When former felons fill the classrooms now, look in the mirror.

MUSKEGON COUNTY, Mich. — According to a survey of Michigan school superintendents, more than half started the 2019-20 school year with unfilled teaching positions.

It left school administrators scrambling to find long-term subs to fill the classroom positions.

And the growing need for teachers isn't new for superintendents like Brian Davis, superintendent of Holland Public Schools.

Davis is concerned about a significant decline in the number of students in Michigan graduating from educator preparation programs.

In the 2003-04 school year, Michigan issued 9,664 new teaching certificates. The number dropped in 2017-18 to 3,819.

"That should be heightened cause for concern," Davis said.

Lakeshore educators say teacher shortage will be a challenge for years to come
Boo hoo... As fun as high school was, and as easy as it is for virtually anyone of an even modest IQ to complete; the entire curriculum could be wrapped up by age 16, and in half as many hours a day. Public schooling is a waste of tax payer dollars. Its little more than a baby sitting service. I learned more in my own intellectual pursuits than I ever learned from the government curriculum. Those with a passion for learning will do so.

I know you don't give a crap for anyone's kids but your own, so it's beyond your range of capability to ask where kids without capable or caring parents will send their kids. But whatever
The lack of respect broke the profession

Try competing w/ HD, LOWES, Bob Villa , Home improvement companies ,maintenance men , along with an entire contingent of DIY'ers socially constructed to undermine any serious tradesman Sue

I could speak at length about this here, but i'll save you the aggravation

Systemic failures are always multi faceted complexities with no one culprit , which is why one should think twice when you hear someone focusing blame

A grand ex was Scott Walker's demonizing school unions

He obviously had alternative motives


What in the world are you babbling about now

Hey, all you perpetual b1tchers of "public education". Did you get that number? Did it settle in?

At my son's college graduation yesterday, TWENTY SIX students graduated with a degree in education. Enough to fill exactly ONE elementary school of decent size in the ENTIRE STATE.

And in case you ask: yes, it formally was known as a very good education school and no, no one is going into education anymore. So while you continue to whine and moan, congrats on being nothing more than 21st century armchair complainers like everyone else. You generally have no idea what's going on but have taken society down a few more pegs with your incessant complaints.

When former felons fill the classrooms now, look in the mirror.

MUSKEGON COUNTY, Mich. — According to a survey of Michigan school superintendents, more than half started the 2019-20 school year with unfilled teaching positions.

It left school administrators scrambling to find long-term subs to fill the classroom positions.

And the growing need for teachers isn't new for superintendents like Brian Davis, superintendent of Holland Public Schools.

Davis is concerned about a significant decline in the number of students in Michigan graduating from educator preparation programs.

In the 2003-04 school year, Michigan issued 9,664 new teaching certificates. The number dropped in 2017-18 to 3,819.

"That should be heightened cause for concern," Davis said.

Lakeshore educators say teacher shortage will be a challenge for years to come
Boo hoo... As fun as high school was, and as easy as it is for virtually anyone of an even modest IQ to complete; the entire curriculum could be wrapped up by age 16, and in half as many hours a day. Public schooling is a waste of tax payer dollars. Its little more than a baby sitting service. I learned more in my own intellectual pursuits than I ever learned from the government curriculum. Those with a passion for learning will do so.
Spoken like someone who couldn’t cut it in college
The "Education" major is scorned. The data about Ed majors having the lowest SAT scores of any major has had its impact. And an Education major is seen as a "generic" degree for which you don't have to master any particular subject.

That doesn't necessarily mean that young grads don't want to teach. I personally would rather have my son taught Chemistry or Math by someone with a DEGREE in Chemistry or Math, not just some modest number of credits. Same for History, English, or a foreign language.

What about hiring? Would a school district prefer grads with Education majors? I rather doubt it. I think QPA in the major teaching area would trump an Ed degree.
The "Education" major is scorned. The data about Ed majors having the lowest SAT scores of any major has had its impact. And an Education major is seen as a "generic" degree for which you don't have to master any particular subject.

That doesn't necessarily mean that young grads don't want to teach. I personally would rather have my son taught Chemistry or Math by someone with a DEGREE in Chemistry or Math, not just some modest number of credits. Same for History, English, or a foreign language.

What about hiring? Would a school district prefer grads with Education majors? I rather doubt it. I think QPA in the major teaching area would trump an Ed degree.
Once again, you get what you pay for

Those with degrees in Chemistry and Math get better offers outside of teaching
My wife is a school teacher. Her first year of teaching was 1969. She is retired now.

She says teaching in the public schools sucks now.

They have dumbed down the classrooms to make sure the idiot minorities can graduate so nobody really learns much. Then there is the SJW bullshit and the parents don't give a shit.

Thanks to the Liberals for screwing up what use to be the best public schools in the world. Now US public schools hardly make the top 20. Liberals screw up everything they touch.
My wife is a school teacher. Her first year of teaching was 1969. She is retired now.

She says teaching in the public schools sucks now.

They have dumbed down the classrooms to make sure the idiot minorities can graduate so nobody really learns much. Then there is the SJW bullshit and the parents don't give a shit.

Thanks to the Liberals for screwing up what use to be the best public schools in the world. Now US public schools hardly make the top 20. Liberals screw up everything they touch.
Most school boards in the country are run by Conservatives
Hey, all you perpetual b1tchers of "public education". Did you get that number? Did it settle in?

At my son's college graduation yesterday, TWENTY SIX students graduated with a degree in education. Enough to fill exactly ONE elementary school of decent size in the ENTIRE STATE.

And in case you ask: yes, it formally was known as a very good education school and no, no one is going into education anymore. So while you continue to whine and moan, congrats on being nothing more than 21st century armchair complainers like everyone else. You generally have no idea what's going on but have taken society down a few more pegs with your incessant complaints.

When former felons fill the classrooms now, look in the mirror.

MUSKEGON COUNTY, Mich. — According to a survey of Michigan school superintendents, more than half started the 2019-20 school year with unfilled teaching positions.

It left school administrators scrambling to find long-term subs to fill the classroom positions.

And the growing need for teachers isn't new for superintendents like Brian Davis, superintendent of Holland Public Schools.

Davis is concerned about a significant decline in the number of students in Michigan graduating from educator preparation programs.

In the 2003-04 school year, Michigan issued 9,664 new teaching certificates. The number dropped in 2017-18 to 3,819.

"That should be heightened cause for concern," Davis said.

Lakeshore educators say teacher shortage will be a challenge for years to come

Like everything else in life, you get what you pay for

A High School Student looks at teacher salaries and lack of respect and decides on another profession

I humbly disagree. When I was in school, we were taught by nuns and religious brothers who didn't get paid crap. Yet, our performance was heads and shoulders above the students in the government schools where the teachers were paid a lot more.

You have to have the devotion to teach.

Further, school boards bar teachers from administering the "Board of Education" to the young people's behinds to bring home a point. As a result, kids run wild like they never did back in my day. As a result , teachers are getting their own asses kicked, students are shivving each other over lunch money, etc.

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