Iowa State University Imposes “Cultural Humility"

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
Dec 13 2019
Iowa State University Imposes “Cultural Humility”
Campus indoctrination goes beyond instruction on which identity groups must be revered. If you are a member of the core population that created and still constitutes the main populace of American, you must be trained to hate yourself, your kind, and your heritage. Iowa State University calls this “cultural humility.” Students, educrats, and instructors alike are subjected to the brainwashing.

Via The College Fix:

In response to [radical] student demands, last month the school’s administration released a statement outlining the significant diversity initiatives the school will be implementing. Those include “cultural competency and cultural humility training before the start of spring semester 2020″ for the school’s president, senior vice presidents, deans and other high-ranking administrators.

As well, next semester, the school’s Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching will “conduct annual training for faculty in each academic department on the importance of, and approaches to, creating an inclusive classroom environment.”

“Inclusive” is Orwellian for rigidly exclusive of anything not in full compliance with the lunatic fringe of leftist ideology.

The school’s hiring and tenure processes will also be subject to “diversity, equity and inclusion training.”

You don’t want white male heterosexuals getting hired or promoted if you can help it. That would not be consistent with cultural humility.

As for the students,

Further, starting next semester, “everyone who lives in a residence hall will be required to take annual online diversity, equity, and inclusion training,” according to the university.

School officials were almost uniformly silent on the content of the proposed trainings.

The public is not ready for the extreme moonbattery inculcated on campus just yet. But if the universities churn out enough indoctrinated zombies, it soon will be.

Campus police will also be subjected to brainwashing, so that they know who they can expect to obey the law and who must be treated with special deference, under the rubric of “racial intelligence training.”

Surprisingly, a leftist student demand was no acceded to. Students Against Racism displayed its open-minded tolerance by demanding that the Students for Trump club be shut down. That won’t happen for now, so long as SfT follows the Student Organization Recognition policy, because “We cannot punish individuals for having bigoted or hateful thoughts.” Even if a club supporting the POTUS is not officially banned, no one is left wondering whose side the educrats are on.

On a tip from Dragon’s Lair.
Note that everyone who lives in residence halls has to be indoctrinated. They don't have enough campus housing, I bet, and are trying to get more people to move out to apartments.
Dec 13 2019
Iowa State University Imposes “Cultural Humility”
Campus indoctrination goes beyond instruction on which identity groups must be revered. If you are a member of the core population that created and still constitutes the main populace of American, you must be trained to hate yourself, your kind, and your heritage. Iowa State University calls this “cultural humility.” Students, educrats, and instructors alike are subjected to the brainwashing.

Via The College Fix:

In response to [radical] student demands, last month the school’s administration released a statement outlining the significant diversity initiatives the school will be implementing. Those include “cultural competency and cultural humility training before the start of spring semester 2020″ for the school’s president, senior vice presidents, deans and other high-ranking administrators.

As well, next semester, the school’s Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching will “conduct annual training for faculty in each academic department on the importance of, and approaches to, creating an inclusive classroom environment.”

“Inclusive” is Orwellian for rigidly exclusive of anything not in full compliance with the lunatic fringe of leftist ideology.

The school’s hiring and tenure processes will also be subject to “diversity, equity and inclusion training.”

You don’t want white male heterosexuals getting hired or promoted if you can help it. That would not be consistent with cultural humility.

As for the students,

Further, starting next semester, “everyone who lives in a residence hall will be required to take annual online diversity, equity, and inclusion training,” according to the university.

School officials were almost uniformly silent on the content of the proposed trainings.

The public is not ready for the extreme moonbattery inculcated on campus just yet. But if the universities churn out enough indoctrinated zombies, it soon will be.

Campus police will also be subjected to brainwashing, so that they know who they can expect to obey the law and who must be treated with special deference, under the rubric of “racial intelligence training.”

Surprisingly, a leftist student demand was no acceded to. Students Against Racism displayed its open-minded tolerance by demanding that the Students for Trump club be shut down. That won’t happen for now, so long as SfT follows the Student Organization Recognition policy, because “We cannot punish individuals for having bigoted or hateful thoughts.” Even if a club supporting the POTUS is not officially banned, no one is left wondering whose side the educrats are on.

On a tip from Dragon’s Lair.
More liberal lunacy. I'm glad I'm not a college student in these times.

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