Dastardly Devos grilled by Dems


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
Why the Democratic Party fears Betsy DeVos

here's a sample, my friends:

“When you approach a public school, you are protested. When you enter, you are booed,” said Rep. Frederica Wilson. “You are the most unpopular person in our government. Millions will register to vote in 2020. Many will vote to remove you more than to remove the president.”
Public school teachers' unions own the Democrat party, lock, stock, & barrel.

Any action or policy initiative that the teacher's don't like is fought aggressively and at times violently.

I don't know much about DeVos but her sticking around with all the abuse she gets proves she has balls. She can be Sec of Ed forever, as far as I'm concerned.
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you're not gonna take entrepreneurial risk if you're burdened by student debt, my friends!

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