50,000 New Yorkers died fighting slavery — is that not reparations?

It is pathetic to see these idiots that don't know jackshit about History to say the Civil War was fought over slavery. Even Lincoln himself said he didn't give a shit about the Negroes being slaves or not, he just wanted to "save the Union".

Moon Bats don't know any more about History than they know about Economics, Biology, Climate Science, Ethics or the Constitution.

New York nowadays is largely Democrats and it is the filthy ass Democrats that pushing this silly Reparations bullshit. Let the New Yorkers wallow in the filth they created.
My ancestors worked for the Dutch East Indies company. There are loads of records in Recif, Brazil and the Hague..and New York.

Your ancestors were slave boaters??
Yes. Dutch sea captains and sailors. They hauled sugar, Rum and slaves.

No wonder you are welcome in CIA infested Saudi Arabia...

By chance were your ancestors around to observe Jesus?
My ancestors worked for the Dutch East Indies company. There are loads of records in Recif, Brazil and the Hague..and New York.

One final point. The Jews who settled in what became the Confederacy were from Eastern Europe, virtually all countries there except Romania (obvious why, right vlad?). And those were the first ones bringing in the slaves to the US. So you are saying those Eastern European Jews who came here first with slaves... had no connection to the slave trade.... even though they were ALREADY "CUSTOMERS"
One final point. The Jews who settled in what became the Confederacy were from Eastern Europe, virtually all countries there except Romania (obvious why, right vlad?). And those were the first ones bringing in the slaves to the US. So you are saying those Eastern European Jews who came here first with slaves... had no connection to the slave trade.... even though they were ALREADY "CUSTOMERS"

I didn't say anything like that. Many Jews who were expelled from Spain and Portugal went to Amsterdam and from there to Brazil and the Caribbean. They needed labor for the sugar plantations.

The first Jews in the colonies were from Brazil after the English routed the Dutch and Portuguese.

Sephardic Jews from Dutch Brazil in 1654 arrived in New Amsterdam.

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