5 worst proposed (and operational) US weapons


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
The article hints that the Army has problematic systems too. Namely the Comanche helicopter or Crusader self-propelled artillery. Systems rushed into service before the technology has reached maximum usability.

It should be noted that all 5 of these are currently on active duty with personnel doing their best to deal with the shortcomings.

1. F-35 Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter


Acting Secretary of Defense Patrick Shanahan has colorfully described the F-35 program as "f---ed up."

2. Zumwalt-class destroyer


They lack working guns which rounds cost $1 million each

3. Littoral Combat Ship


The Littoral Combat Ship (LCS), sometimes referred to as the "Little Crappy Ship," has suffered from uncontrolled cost overruns, delivery delays, and various mechanical problems.

4. Ford-class aircraft carrier


The electromagnetic catapults don’t work correctly.

5. Electromagnetic naval railgun


It suffers from rate of fire limitations, significant energy demands, and other troubling technological problems that make this weapon a poor replacement for existing guns or missile systems.

Details and more @ Here are 5 of the worst weapons projects the US military has in the works
Isn't this stuff classified? Back when FDR was king, people used to get a visit from the FBI for this stuff. Are there any secrets left?
This is an international forum and we have alleged Vets who dig up classified stuff and tell foreign governments about the "problems" real or imagined and how bad they think things are. Somehow I don't think that's right and when you consider that the former head of the CIA has become a stooge for foreign propaganda intended to bring down the current administration I really wonder if there are any secrets left to protect.
This is an international forum and we have alleged Vets who dig up classified stuff and tell foreign governments about the "problems" real or imagined and how bad they think things are. Somehow I don't think that's right and when you consider that the former head of the CIA has become a stooge for foreign propaganda intended to bring down the current administration I really wonder if there are any secrets left to protect.

As one who has had the authority to classify items up to the level of Top Secret, I can tell you there are many things considered Secret that are really common knowledge.

For example, when I was at the Embassy in Austria, we would receive a daily information brief from the Embassy public affairs office containing new of local intelligence. It was classified For Official Use Only - and came from local news sources!

I've seen Top Secret documents with similar data.

How much of what was/is on Wikileaks was actually information that needed to be classified?
The Ford is an awesome aircraft carrier. I have read recently that they have pretty much got the bugs worked out with the launch system. Steam is old school technology that has it limitations. Electromagnetic rail is the launch technology of the future..
This is an international forum and we have alleged Vets who dig up classified stuff and tell foreign governments about the "problems" real or imagined and how bad they think things are. Somehow I don't think that's right and when you consider that the former head of the CIA has become a stooge for foreign propaganda intended to bring down the current administration I really wonder if there are any secrets left to protect.

Well I work in the arms industry....and get real time feedback from service men. I'm not sure if there's a purposeful misinformation campaign going on or not but the reports on the littoral combat ship are glowing.

And I quote:

" Fastest, deadliest and most effective muthafukka floating" and "taking out large targets up to 70 miles out with amazing accuracy".
This post isn't based on a search for the truth, it's pure propaganda mostly based on hatred for the President that filters down to hatred for the Military and the U.S. in general. Lefties have become willing tools for foreign propaganda agents while they falsely accuse the President.

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