5 Common Myths about "The Settlements".

montelatici, et al,

Well, this is somewhat strange.

It is not just historical information, it is fact. The only migrants to Palestinian that arrived in any number were European Zionists. But I am happy you agree.

I'm not sure that "migrants" (moves from place to place to do seasonal work) is the right word. I would have said "immigrants" (persons who plan permanent residence in another country).

You do not know what you are talking about, Palestine was not enemy occupied territory. It had ceased to be when the Turkish garrison surrendered to the British on December 11, 1917.

Pre-Mandate Palestine The Occupied Enemy Territory Administration (OETA) was a joint British and French military administration over Levantine and Mesopotamian provinces of the former Ottoman Empire between 1918–20, set up following the Sinai and Palestine Campaign of World War I. The administration ended following the assignment of the French Mandate of Syria and Lebanon and British Mandate for Palestine at the 19–26 April 1920 San Remo conference.

The Muslims and Christians had every right to resist the expropriation of their home by the British you idiot.

The British did not expropriate [take away (property) from its owner] except as was required by military necessity, as is required to maintain, restore, and ensure, as far as possible, public order and safety under the provisions of Article 43 of the Hague Regulations.

The Mandate and Civil Administration are NOT do not represent "expropriation." Immigration of Jewish People to the territory began well before the Sultan ordered Grand Admiral Reis of the Turkish Navy to evacuation of Jews from Spain that were under Papal supported exile and threat under the Catholic inquisition.

Most Respectfully,
The British through the Balfour Declaration declared their intention to expropriate the land from the Christian and Muslim inhabitants. Who do you think you are kidding? Stop your bullshitting.
montelatici, et al,

The Balfour Declaration is not that long. Maybe your should re-read it.

The British through the Balfour Declaration declared their intention to expropriate the land from the Christian and Muslim inhabitants. Who do you think you are kidding? Stop your bullshitting.

The civil rights clause (which includes property ownership protections) takes the priority. There is no intention expressed at all. In fact, property was not even mentioned.

Foreign Office, November 2nd, 1917.

Dear Lord Rothschild,

I have much pleasure in conveying to you, on behalf of His Majesty's Government, the following declaration of sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations which has been submitted to, and approved by, the Cabinet.

"His Majesty's Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of the object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious' rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country".

I should be grateful if you would bring this declaration to the knowledge of the Zionist Federation.

Yours sincerely,

(Signed) Arthur James Balfour

Most Respectfully,
montelatici, et al,

The Balfour Declaration is not that long. Maybe your should re-read it.

The British through the Balfour Declaration declared their intention to expropriate the land from the Christian and Muslim inhabitants. Who do you think you are kidding? Stop your bullshitting.

The civil rights clause (which includes property ownership protections) takes the priority. There is no intention expressed at all. In fact, property was not even mentioned.

Foreign Office, November 2nd, 1917.

Dear Lord Rothschild,

I have much pleasure in conveying to you, on behalf of His Majesty's Government, the following declaration of sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations which has been submitted to, and approved by, the Cabinet.

"His Majesty's Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of the object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious' rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country".

I should be grateful if you would bring this declaration to the knowledge of the Zionist Federation.

Yours sincerely,

(Signed) Arthur James Balfour

Most Respectfully,
Balfour A Jew
Rothchilds A Jew

You will note Rocco the word PALESTINE is clearly delineated...........They by the way were both ZIONISTAS and so were ALL the British High Level Administrators in Palestine from 1922 to 1948.


What a Shameful Crock of SHIT that Proved to be.........All that happened was the attempt to EXTERMINATE THE PALESTINIANS,TO THIEVE THEIR LAND

At times Rocco,you totally disappoint me ......The Balfour signature could just as well have been signed Adolf Hitler...disappointed indeed...steven
The Mandate and Civil Administration are NOT do not represent "expropriation." Immigration of Jewish People to the territory began well before the Sultan ordered Grand Admiral Reis of the Turkish Navy to evacuation of Jews from Spain that were under Papal supported exile and threat under the Catholic inquisition.

I just love it when Rambling RoccoR blunders about in the historical record, "Grand Admiral Reis" - no such thing. "Reis" is the Turkish military rank equivalent to "Captain" on a ship ("Grand Admiral Captain"...not so much :rolleyes:). The person sent to help evacuate the approximately 150,000 Sephardic Jewish population from Spain was called Ahmed Kemaleddin, otherwise known as Kemal Reis, and these refugees were settled mainly in the Empire's European provinces in the major cities such as Istanbul, Sarajevo, Salonica, Adrianople and Nicopolis, or in Anatolia; in cities like Bursa, Aydın, Tokat and Amasya. Only a tiny minority settled in the Levant, most in Damascus and Cairo in Egypt, but some went to Safed, which was the most important Jewish town in Palestine at the time, and inevitably to Jerusalem. In the Ottoman empire, where Jewish people had no real restrictions in travel most Jewish people chose to live anywhere but Palestine. Kemal Reis wasn't made an Admiral until 1495, which would have made him "Kemal Reis Pasha", just sayin' :cool:
theliq, Challenger, et al,

Yeah, I'm not beyond making a mistake.

Balfour A Jew
Rothchilds A Jew

You will note Rocco the word PALESTINE is clearly delineated...........They by the way were both ZIONISTAS and so were ALL the British High Level Administrators in Palestine from 1922 to 1948.


What a Shameful Crock of SHIT that Proved to be.........All that happened was the attempt to EXTERMINATE THE PALESTINIANS,TO THIEVE THEIR LAND

At times Rocco,you totally disappoint me ......The Balfour signature could just as well have been signed Adolf Hitler...disappointed indeed...steven

Yes, it said "Palestine." It said nothing of that other (expropriate this or that). And, the term "Palestine" is undefined in 1917. It will not be defined until the first Palestine Order in Council is released.

So, you distrust high ranking Jews?

All kinds of law can protect rights. But if you deliberately move forward on a platform of unlawful deeds, then expect a reaction. And the Arab Palestinians have an established pattern of criminal behaviors.

I understand that I have no chance of getting you to objectively address the issues. Be that as it may, I (every now and then) like to set the record straight.

The Mandate and Civil Administration are NOT do not represent "expropriation." Immigration of Jewish People to the territory began well before the Sultan ordered Grand Admiral Reis of the Turkish Navy to evacuation of Jews from Spain that were under Papal supported exile and threat under the Catholic inquisition.

I just love it when Rambling RoccoR blunders about in the historical record, "Grand Admiral Reis" - no such thing. "Reis" is the Turkish military rank equivalent to "Captain" on a ship ("Grand Admiral Captain"...not so much :rolleyes:). The person sent to help evacuate the approximately 150,000 Sephardic Jewish population from Spain was called Ahmed Kemaleddin, otherwise known as Kemal Reis, and these refugees were settled mainly in the Empire's European provinces in the major cities such as Istanbul, Sarajevo, Salonica, Adrianople and Nicopolis, or in Anatolia; in cities like Bursa, Aydın, Tokat and Amasya. Only a tiny minority settled in the Levant, most in Damascus and Cairo in Egypt, but some went to Safed, which was the most important Jewish town in Palestine at the time, and inevitably to Jerusalem. In the Ottoman empire, where Jewish people had no real restrictions in travel most Jewish people chose to live anywhere but Palestine. Kemal Reis wasn't made an Admiral until 1495, which would have made him "Kemal Reis Pasha", just sayin' :cool:

When you say Admiral (name) Reis, you imply that the person is BOTH Admiral Fleet/Task Force and Captain of the Flagship. Most Allied Powers have an Admiral and a Captain of the Flag Ship.

Grand admiral
is a historic naval rank, the highest rank in the several European navies that used it. It is best known for its use in Germany as Großadmiral. A comparable rank in other navies is that of fleet admiral. In the US, we don't have Fleet Admirals, except in war-time.

Fleet Admiral.png

Grand (or sometime Chief) Admiral is a term (like Pasha, higher rank in the Ottoman Empire political and military system) to denote the command of a principle fleet or more than one fleet. Admiral Reis commanded the Ottoman Indian Ocean Fleet, based in Suez and Basra; and the Mediterranean Fleet.

Depending on your perspective, anyone rank can be expressed in a number of ways:

• Major General Charles George Gordon CB, also known as Chinese Gordon, Gordon Pasha, and Gordon of Khartoum, was a British Army officer and administrator.
Uluj Ali (Turkish: Uluç Ali Reis, later Uluç Ali Paşa and finally Kılıç Ali Paşa; born Giovanni Dionigi Galeni; 1519 - 21 June 1587) was a Muslim corsair of Italian origin, who converted to Islam and later became an Ottoman admiral (Reis) and Chief Admiral (Kaptan-ı Derya) of the Ottoman Fleet in the 16th century.

Famous Turkish admirals like Kemal Reis (who twice defeated the Venetian fleet at the First Battle of Lepanto in 1499 and the Second Battle of Lepanto in 1500); Kemal Reis (c. 1451 – 1511) was a Turkish privateer and Ottoman admiral. He was also the paternal uncle of the famous Ottoman admiral and cartographer Piri Reis who accompanied him in most of his important naval expeditions. Piri Reis (full name Hadji Muhiddin Piri Ibn Hadji Mehmed, reis/rais is Arabic for captain) (about 1465–1554 or 1555) was an Ottoman-Turkish Kaptan-ı Derya, geographer and cartographer born between 1465 and 1470 in Gallipoli on the Aegean coast of Turkey.

Last names of people often have a secondary meaning.

• Bruno Richard Hauptmann (November 26, 1899 – April 3, 1936) was a German-born carpenter who was convicted of the abduction and murder of the 20-month-old son of aviator Charles Lindbergh and his wife Anne Morrow Lindbergh. Hauptmann is a German word usually translated as captain when it is used as an officer's rank in the German, Austrian and Swiss armies.

• Alexander Grünwald, (born 1 May 1989) is an Austrian footballer who plays as a Midfielder. Grünwald (transliterated Gruenwald) is German for "green forest" and may refer to:

Ottoman Sultans and Their Jewish Subjects

SULTAN YILDIRIM BAYEZID (Born) 1360 - (Deceased) 1403 CE

In 1394 Sultan Yildirim Bayezid invited the French Jews who were molested by King Charles VI, to the Ottoman Empire. They were settled in Edirne and the Balkans. The French Kings had the habit of inviting the Jews to establish commerce and borrowing money from them. However often, when payment was due, they expelled them; only to reinvite them when they nedded further financing.

SULTAN MURAD II (Born) 1402 - (Deceased) 1451 CE

In 1421 he accepted to Adrianople and Salonica the German Jews who fled persecutions. In 1444 Sultan Murad abdicated in favour of his son Mehmed II, however, on account of war, upon the latters's request, he came back to power and resumed his reign in 1446. During the reign of Murad II, Ishak Pasa was appointed as chief doctor of the palace and a firman was issued in his family's favour exempting them from all taxes. The Jewish doctor Yakup also served in the palace.

FATIH SULTAN MEHMED (Born) 1429 - (Deceased) 1481 CE

MEHMED II, THE CONQUEROR (FATIH) Reigned from 1444 to 1446 until his father took over on account of war. He came again to throne in 1451. He conquered Constantinople in 1453. The oppressed Jews were relieved to see him occupy the city. He allowed Jews from today's Greek Islands and Crete to settle in Istanbul. Fatih's declaration is as follows: "Listen sons of the Hebrew who live in my country...May all of you who desire come to Constantinople and may the rest of your people find here a shelter". The Bavarian King Ludwig the III, under the influence of the Italian Monk Jean de Capistrano expelled the Jews out and forced them to settle on the banks of the Danube River, Capistrano helped John Hunyadi in 1456 when the Ottomans besieged Belgrade. In 1410 Jean Huss was excommunicated and burned on order of the pope Alexander the V. The pope Nicholas the V, summoned Jean de Capistrano to go to Slovakia and fight the followers of Jean Huss. Of course Capistrano did not forget the Jews and as a result, by order of the Sultan, a regiment called "The sons of Moses" was formed. Since Capistrano also prepared a crusade against the Ottomans, the same regiment participated in the war which ensued. The doctors Isak Pasa Galeon and Ribbi Sonsino were also appointed to that regiment. Before being killed, Ribbi Sonsino chopped away the head of Jean de Capistrano and the church declared the latter a saint. After the war Mehmed II (Fatih) invited the Ashkenazi Jews of Transylvania and Slovakia to the Ottoman Empire. The synagogues Ahrida, Karaferya, Yanbol and Cuhadji which were damaged due to a fire have been repaired on Fatih's order. According to a votive foundation document dated 1451-1481, the doctors Moses Hamon, Isak Pas a Galeon, Hekim Yakup, Ephraim Sandji and Hekim Abraham were appointed as palace doctors.

AND ---

SULTAN II BAYEZID (Born) 1447 - (Deceased) 1512 CE

During the years 1490 to 1497 Sultan Bayezid II accepted the exiled Jews from Italy, Spain and Portugal. In 1492 Kemal Reis and his fleet were sent to Cadiz to take the Jews in charge. During the reign of Bayezid II, the king and queen of Spain, Ferdinand and Isabella, signed an edict of expulsion for the Jews. The edict was issued under the pressure of the church on the 31st of March 1492 and the Jews had to leave the country until the 2nd of August 1492. The last lot of Jews gathered in the port of Cadiz faced a dilemma: Those who left port were attacked by the pirates, those who went on land were burned at the stake by the inquisition. About a thousand people waited in anguish. At the last minute arrived a small fleet manned by the Turkish admiral Kemal Reis who took the refugees under his protection. Thus organizing a convoy of Jewish immigrants towards the Ottoman empire. Of the approximately 600,000 Spanish Jews, half were baptized, 100,000 went to Portugal, some went to the Netherlands, Italy, North Africa and the New World. But, the biggest lot reached the Ottoman Empire, numbering about 150,000 people. When the Jews who went to Portugal were exiled too in 1497, a big majority of them found refuge in the Ottoman Empire. Whereas the migration of forcibly converted Jews to Ottoman lands lasted several decades. In 1501 he accepted the Jews who fled from France. At a later period, the Jews of Spanish and Portuguese origin who went to Brazil were tracked by the inquisition who persecuted and compelled them to emigrate to New Amsterdam, today's New York. The immigrants met in the Ottoman Empire about 50,000 Romaniot, Karaite and Ashkenazi Jews. The Jews which may have entered Anatolia following the collapse of the Khazars; those who may have followed Alp Arslan after his entry to Anatolia and the communities which existed in the south-east since ancient times are not part of the estimated figures.

AND YES, sometimes I just ramble on...


You like to engage in arguments that rebut my character, motive, or other attributes rather than address the content my presentation. You like to search for some trivial flaw rather than focus on the salient points. I get that, have at it. But the substantive content of the argument remains for tomorrow. You have not defeated it.

Most Respectfully,
Israel's Supreme Court has ruled that Amona must be demolished because it is built on private Palestinian land.

But hundreds of activists threw stones at and resisted police officers as they moved in to enforce the court order.

Israel police evict settlers from unauthorised Amona outpost - BBC News

None of the stone throwers were shot!

Thank God for that. The officers learned a thing or two from the Amona catastrophe of 2006.

But I realize yiou're bummed that no Israeli blood was spilled.

Tough break, huh.
The difference is if they had been Arab the police would have opened fire
theliq, Challenger, et al,

Yeah, I'm not beyond making a mistake.

Balfour A Jew
Rothchilds A Jew

You will note Rocco the word PALESTINE is clearly delineated...........They by the way were both ZIONISTAS and so were ALL the British High Level Administrators in Palestine from 1922 to 1948.


What a Shameful Crock of SHIT that Proved to be.........All that happened was the attempt to EXTERMINATE THE PALESTINIANS,TO THIEVE THEIR LAND

At times Rocco,you totally disappoint me ......The Balfour signature could just as well have been signed Adolf Hitler...disappointed indeed...steven

Yes, it said "Palestine." It said nothing of that other (expropriate this or that). And, the term "Palestine" is undefined in 1917. It will not be defined until the first Palestine Order in Council is released.

So, you distrust high ranking Jews?

All kinds of law can protect rights. But if you deliberately move forward on a platform of unlawful deeds, then expect a reaction. And the Arab Palestinians have an established pattern of criminal behaviors.

I understand that I have no chance of getting you to objectively address the issues. Be that as it may, I (every now and then) like to set the record straight.

The Mandate and Civil Administration are NOT do not represent "expropriation." Immigration of Jewish People to the territory began well before the Sultan ordered Grand Admiral Reis of the Turkish Navy to evacuation of Jews from Spain that were under Papal supported exile and threat under the Catholic inquisition.

I just love it when Rambling RoccoR blunders about in the historical record, "Grand Admiral Reis" - no such thing. "Reis" is the Turkish military rank equivalent to "Captain" on a ship ("Grand Admiral Captain"...not so much :rolleyes:). The person sent to help evacuate the approximately 150,000 Sephardic Jewish population from Spain was called Ahmed Kemaleddin, otherwise known as Kemal Reis, and these refugees were settled mainly in the Empire's European provinces in the major cities such as Istanbul, Sarajevo, Salonica, Adrianople and Nicopolis, or in Anatolia; in cities like Bursa, Aydın, Tokat and Amasya. Only a tiny minority settled in the Levant, most in Damascus and Cairo in Egypt, but some went to Safed, which was the most important Jewish town in Palestine at the time, and inevitably to Jerusalem. In the Ottoman empire, where Jewish people had no real restrictions in travel most Jewish people chose to live anywhere but Palestine. Kemal Reis wasn't made an Admiral until 1495, which would have made him "Kemal Reis Pasha", just sayin' :cool:

When you say Admiral (name) Reis, you imply that the person is BOTH Admiral Fleet/Task Force and Captain of the Flagship. Most Allied Powers have an Admiral and a Captain of the Flag Ship.

Grand admiral
is a historic naval rank, the highest rank in the several European navies that used it. It is best known for its use in Germany as Großadmiral. A comparable rank in other navies is that of fleet admiral. In the US, we don't have Fleet Admirals, except in war-time.

Grand (or sometime Chief) Admiral is a term (like Pasha, higher rank in the Ottoman Empire political and military system) to denote the command of a principle fleet or more than one fleet. Admiral Reis commanded the Ottoman Indian Ocean Fleet, based in Suez and Basra; and the Mediterranean Fleet.

Depending on your perspective, anyone rank can be expressed in a number of ways:

• Major General Charles George Gordon CB, also known as Chinese Gordon, Gordon Pasha, and Gordon of Khartoum, was a British Army officer and administrator.
Uluj Ali (Turkish: Uluç Ali Reis, later Uluç Ali Paşa and finally Kılıç Ali Paşa; born Giovanni Dionigi Galeni; 1519 - 21 June 1587) was a Muslim corsair of Italian origin, who converted to Islam and later became an Ottoman admiral (Reis) and Chief Admiral (Kaptan-ı Derya) of the Ottoman Fleet in the 16th century.

Famous Turkish admirals like Kemal Reis (who twice defeated the Venetian fleet at the First Battle of Lepanto in 1499 and the Second Battle of Lepanto in 1500); Kemal Reis (c. 1451 – 1511) was a Turkish privateer and Ottoman admiral. He was also the paternal uncle of the famous Ottoman admiral and cartographer Piri Reis who accompanied him in most of his important naval expeditions. Piri Reis (full name Hadji Muhiddin Piri Ibn Hadji Mehmed, reis/rais is Arabic for captain) (about 1465–1554 or 1555) was an Ottoman-Turkish Kaptan-ı Derya, geographer and cartographer born between 1465 and 1470 in Gallipoli on the Aegean coast of Turkey.

Last names of people often have a secondary meaning.

• Bruno Richard Hauptmann (November 26, 1899 – April 3, 1936) was a German-born carpenter who was convicted of the abduction and murder of the 20-month-old son of aviator Charles Lindbergh and his wife Anne Morrow Lindbergh. Hauptmann is a German word usually translated as captain when it is used as an officer's rank in the German, Austrian and Swiss armies.

• Alexander Grünwald, (born 1 May 1989) is an Austrian footballer who plays as a Midfielder. Grünwald (transliterated Gruenwald) is German for "green forest" and may refer to:

Ottoman Sultans and Their Jewish Subjects
SULTAN YILDIRIM BAYEZID (Born) 1360 - (Deceased) 1403 CE
In 1394 Sultan Yildirim Bayezid invited the French Jews who were molested by King Charles VI, to the Ottoman Empire. They were settled in Edirne and the Balkans. The French Kings had the habit of inviting the Jews to establish commerce and borrowing money from them. However often, when payment was due, they expelled them; only to reinvite them when they nedded further financing.
SULTAN MURAD II (Born) 1402 - (Deceased) 1451 CE

In 1421 he accepted to Adrianople and Salonica the German Jews who fled persecutions. In 1444 Sultan Murad abdicated in favour of his son Mehmed II, however, on account of war, upon the latters's request, he came back to power and resumed his reign in 1446. During the reign of Murad II, Ishak Pasa was appointed as chief doctor of the palace and a firman was issued in his family's favour exempting them from all taxes. The Jewish doctor Yakup also served in the palace.
FATIH SULTAN MEHMED (Born) 1429 - (Deceased) 1481 CE

MEHMED II, THE CONQUEROR (FATIH) Reigned from 1444 to 1446 until his father took over on account of war. He came again to throne in 1451. He conquered Constantinople in 1453. The oppressed Jews were relieved to see him occupy the city. He allowed Jews from today's Greek Islands and Crete to settle in Istanbul. Fatih's declaration is as follows: "Listen sons of the Hebrew who live in my country...May all of you who desire come to Constantinople and may the rest of your people find here a shelter". The Bavarian King Ludwig the III, under the influence of the Italian Monk Jean de Capistrano expelled the Jews out and forced them to settle on the banks of the Danube River, Capistrano helped John Hunyadi in 1456 when the Ottomans besieged Belgrade. In 1410 Jean Huss was excommunicated and burned on order of the pope Alexander the V. The pope Nicholas the V, summoned Jean de Capistrano to go to Slovakia and fight the followers of Jean Huss. Of course Capistrano did not forget the Jews and as a result, by order of the Sultan, a regiment called "The sons of Moses" was formed. Since Capistrano also prepared a crusade against the Ottomans, the same regiment participated in the war which ensued. The doctors Isak Pasa Galeon and Ribbi Sonsino were also appointed to that regiment. Before being killed, Ribbi Sonsino chopped away the head of Jean de Capistrano and the church declared the latter a saint. After the war Mehmed II (Fatih) invited the Ashkenazi Jews of Transylvania and Slovakia to the Ottoman Empire. The synagogues Ahrida, Karaferya, Yanbol and Cuhadji which were damaged due to a fire have been repaired on Fatih's order. According to a votive foundation document dated 1451-1481, the doctors Moses Hamon, Isak Pas a Galeon, Hekim Yakup, Ephraim Sandji and Hekim Abraham were appointed as palace doctors.
AND ---

SULTAN II BAYEZID (Born) 1447 - (Deceased) 1512 CE

During the years 1490 to 1497 Sultan Bayezid II accepted the exiled Jews from Italy, Spain and Portugal. In 1492 Kemal Reis and his fleet were sent to Cadiz to take the Jews in charge. During the reign of Bayezid II, the king and queen of Spain, Ferdinand and Isabella, signed an edict of expulsion for the Jews. The edict was issued under the pressure of the church on the 31st of March 1492 and the Jews had to leave the country until the 2nd of August 1492. The last lot of Jews gathered in the port of Cadiz faced a dilemma: Those who left port were attacked by the pirates, those who went on land were burned at the stake by the inquisition. About a thousand people waited in anguish. At the last minute arrived a small fleet manned by the Turkish admiral Kemal Reis who took the refugees under his protection. Thus organizing a convoy of Jewish immigrants towards the Ottoman empire. Of the approximately 600,000 Spanish Jews, half were baptized, 100,000 went to Portugal, some went to the Netherlands, Italy, North Africa and the New World. But, the biggest lot reached the Ottoman Empire, numbering about 150,000 people. When the Jews who went to Portugal were exiled too in 1497, a big majority of them found refuge in the Ottoman Empire. Whereas the migration of forcibly converted Jews to Ottoman lands lasted several decades. In 1501 he accepted the Jews who fled from France. At a later period, the Jews of Spanish and Portuguese origin who went to Brazil were tracked by the inquisition who persecuted and compelled them to emigrate to New Amsterdam, today's New York. The immigrants met in the Ottoman Empire about 50,000 Romaniot, Karaite and Ashkenazi Jews. The Jews which may have entered Anatolia following the collapse of the Khazars; those who may have followed Alp Arslan after his entry to Anatolia and the communities which existed in the south-east since ancient times are not part of the estimated figures.

AND YES, sometimes I just ramble on...


You like to engage in arguments that rebut my character, motive, or other attributes rather than address the content my presentation. You like to search for some trivial flaw rather than focus on the salient points. I get that, have at it. But the substantive content of the argument remains for tomorrow. You have not defeated it.

Most Respectfully,
I did not rebut your Character at all Rocco,you did in this instance, that yourself,I don't think you or I are trivial but you did leave yourself open to be criticized,which you should clearly understand,without taking my comments personally.As for your comment re the Palestinians having established pattens of Criminal behaviour.....this is a dispossessed People fighting for their freedom and Land......The Zionists and Settlers have behaved far,far worse but you never mention or ever mentioned this...Why...the Death Toll since 1945 speaks for itself....15+ x more Palestinians have been Slaughtered than Jews in this Schism....maybe more.

Did I trust the British Zionist Administrators.....only as far as I could Spit them...they only worked to enable the Zionists to get their way....and Fcuk the Palestinians over...I trust Zionists and Settlers even less today.....they only want Jews in this area,sorry Zionists...only then they can create Armeggedion sic,incredibly they are today being helped by Nutty Christians from America to see this fulfilled

There is no Substantive Content on your side because it is a pack of lies..FULL STOP.

Rocco,with respect....a term you use wantonly because you have no interest in my side of the discussion ...Ever......You have a Myopic Closed Mind...which is as I have said...Shameful.I am theliq,Never to be Defeated........because unlike you and your hordes I do not HATE.....I believe in Truth and Justice and Rights,for all.steve,...Salient Points MY ARSE
montelatici, et al,

Well, this is somewhat strange.

It is not just historical information, it is fact. The only migrants to Palestinian that arrived in any number were European Zionists. But I am happy you agree.

I'm not sure that "migrants" (moves from place to place to do seasonal work) is the right word. I would have said "immigrants" (persons who plan permanent residence in another country).

You do not know what you are talking about, Palestine was not enemy occupied territory. It had ceased to be when the Turkish garrison surrendered to the British on December 11, 1917.

Pre-Mandate Palestine The Occupied Enemy Territory Administration (OETA) was a joint British and French military administration over Levantine and Mesopotamian provinces of the former Ottoman Empire between 1918–20, set up following the Sinai and Palestine Campaign of World War I. The administration ended following the assignment of the French Mandate of Syria and Lebanon and British Mandate for Palestine at the 19–26 April 1920 San Remo conference.
The Muslims and Christians had every right to resist the expropriation of their home by the British you idiot.

The British did not expropriate [take away (property) from its owner] except as was required by military necessity, as is required to maintain, restore, and ensure, as far as possible, public order and safety under the provisions of Article 43 of the Hague Regulations.

The Mandate and Civil Administration are NOT do not represent "expropriation." Immigration of Jewish People to the territory began well before the Sultan ordered Grand Admiral Reis of the Turkish Navy to evacuation of Jews from Spain that were under Papal supported exile and threat under the Catholic inquisition.

Most Respectfully,

You wrote: "This information was reviewed by the UNSCOP in its recommendation to the General Assembly. Up until 1 JULY 1920, this territory was considered the Enemy Occupied Territory."

"Occupied Enemy Territory" is far different from "Enemy Occupied Territory", you propagandist p.o.s.

Again, you are dealing with people that are orders of magnitude smarter and more informed than you are. Quit making a fool of yourself. Long rambling bullshit may impress the other brainwashed Zionists, but it is just bullshit to anyone with half a brain.
montelatici, et al,

The Balfour Declaration is not that long. Maybe your should re-read it.

The British through the Balfour Declaration declared their intention to expropriate the land from the Christian and Muslim inhabitants. Who do you think you are kidding? Stop your bullshitting.

The civil rights clause (which includes property ownership protections) takes the priority. There is no intention expressed at all. In fact, property was not even mentioned.

Foreign Office, November 2nd, 1917.

Dear Lord Rothschild,

I have much pleasure in conveying to you, on behalf of His Majesty's Government, the following declaration of sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations which has been submitted to, and approved by, the Cabinet.

"His Majesty's Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of the object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious' rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country".

I should be grateful if you would bring this declaration to the knowledge of the Zionist Federation.

Yours sincerely,

(Signed) Arthur James Balfour

Most Respectfully,

The native Palestinian Muslims and Christians knew full well that their civil rights/self-determination would not be protected, and that the only small chance of not being colonized was to resist the best they could against the world's foremost colonial power. The British knew that they would not protect the civil rights of the native inhabitants as well. It was kabuki theater for the other members of the League of Nations.

The British only formally acknowledged that protecting the civil rights of the native people was incompatible with the establishment of the Jewish colony much later, in 1947 in a UN Resolution A/364:

"176. With regard to the principle of self-determination, although international recognition was extended to this principle at the end of the First World War and it was adhered to with regard to the other Arab territories, at the time of the creation of the "A" Mandates, it was not applied to Palestine, obviously because of the intention to make possible the creation of the Jewish National Home there. Actually, it may well be said that the Jewish National Home and the sui generis Mandate for Palestine run counter to that principle.

montelatici, et al,

Yes, you are correct. I apologize.

montelatici, et al,

Well, this is somewhat strange.

It is not just historical information, it is fact. The only migrants to Palestinian that arrived in any number were European Zionists. But I am happy you agree.

I'm not sure that "migrants" (moves from place to place to do seasonal work) is the right word. I would have said "immigrants" (persons who plan permanent residence in another country).

You do not know what you are talking about, Palestine was not enemy occupied territory. It had ceased to be when the Turkish garrison surrendered to the British on December 11, 1917.

Pre-Mandate Palestine The Occupied Enemy Territory Administration (OETA) was a joint British and French military administration over Levantine and Mesopotamian provinces of the former Ottoman Empire between 1918–20, set up following the Sinai and Palestine Campaign of World War I. The administration ended following the assignment of the French Mandate of Syria and Lebanon and British Mandate for Palestine at the 19–26 April 1920 San Remo conference.
The Muslims and Christians had every right to resist the expropriation of their home by the British you idiot.

The British did not expropriate [take away (property) from its owner] except as was required by military necessity, as is required to maintain, restore, and ensure, as far as possible, public order and safety under the provisions of Article 43 of the Hague Regulations.

The Mandate and Civil Administration are NOT do not represent "expropriation." Immigration of Jewish People to the territory began well before the Sultan ordered Grand Admiral Reis of the Turkish Navy to evacuation of Jews from Spain that were under Papal supported exile and threat under the Catholic inquisition.

Most Respectfully,

You wrote: "This information was reviewed by the UNSCOP in its recommendation to the General Assembly. Up until 1 JULY 1920, this territory was considered the Enemy Occupied Territory."

"Occupied Enemy Territory" is far different from "Enemy Occupied Territory", you propagandist p.o.s.

Again, you are dealing with people that are orders of magnitude smarter and more informed than you are. Quit making a fool of yourself. Long rambling bullshit may impress the other brainwashed Zionists, but it is just bullshit to anyone with half a brain.

Reference RoccoR Posting #152:

The correct title is "Occupied Enemy Territory Administration (OETA)" --- and the phrase that is derivative of the Administration (as montelatici correctly points out) should read "Occupied Enemy Territory." It appears that I did transpose the terms.

The phrase intent was that the Allied Forces "Occupied" the "Enemy Territory" bring the enemy population (the territorial inhabitants - mostly Arab) under Article 42/43 HR.

Most Respectfully,
montelatici, et al,

Yes, you are correct. I apologize.

montelatici, et al,

Well, this is somewhat strange.

It is not just historical information, it is fact. The only migrants to Palestinian that arrived in any number were European Zionists. But I am happy you agree.

I'm not sure that "migrants" (moves from place to place to do seasonal work) is the right word. I would have said "immigrants" (persons who plan permanent residence in another country).

You do not know what you are talking about, Palestine was not enemy occupied territory. It had ceased to be when the Turkish garrison surrendered to the British on December 11, 1917.

Pre-Mandate Palestine The Occupied Enemy Territory Administration (OETA) was a joint British and French military administration over Levantine and Mesopotamian provinces of the former Ottoman Empire between 1918–20, set up following the Sinai and Palestine Campaign of World War I. The administration ended following the assignment of the French Mandate of Syria and Lebanon and British Mandate for Palestine at the 19–26 April 1920 San Remo conference.
The Muslims and Christians had every right to resist the expropriation of their home by the British you idiot.

The British did not expropriate [take away (property) from its owner] except as was required by military necessity, as is required to maintain, restore, and ensure, as far as possible, public order and safety under the provisions of Article 43 of the Hague Regulations.

The Mandate and Civil Administration are NOT do not represent "expropriation." Immigration of Jewish People to the territory began well before the Sultan ordered Grand Admiral Reis of the Turkish Navy to evacuation of Jews from Spain that were under Papal supported exile and threat under the Catholic inquisition.

Most Respectfully,

You wrote: "This information was reviewed by the UNSCOP in its recommendation to the General Assembly. Up until 1 JULY 1920, this territory was considered the Enemy Occupied Territory."

"Occupied Enemy Territory" is far different from "Enemy Occupied Territory", you propagandist p.o.s.

Again, you are dealing with people that are orders of magnitude smarter and more informed than you are. Quit making a fool of yourself. Long rambling bullshit may impress the other brainwashed Zionists, but it is just bullshit to anyone with half a brain.

Reference RoccoR Posting #152:

The correct title is "Occupied Enemy Territory Administration (OETA)" --- and the phrase that is derivative of the Administration (as montelatici correctly points out) should read "Occupied Enemy Territory." It appears that I did transpose the terms.

The phrase intent was that the Allied Forces "Occupied" the "Enemy Territory" bring the enemy population (the territorial inhabitants - mostly Arab) under Article 42/43 HR.

Most Respectfully,

No, the British considered the Arabs, in general, their allies against the Turks, and thus the inhabitants were considered a liberated population. The Ottoman troops stationed in the Arab part of the Ottoman Empire were always Anatolians or Europeans by regulation.
Israel's Supreme Court has ruled that Amona must be demolished because it is built on private Palestinian land.

But hundreds of activists threw stones at and resisted police officers as they moved in to enforce the court order.

Israel police evict settlers from unauthorised Amona outpost - BBC News

None of the stone throwers were shot!

Thank God for that. The officers learned a thing or two from the Amona catastrophe of 2006.

But I realize yiou're bummed that no Israeli blood was spilled.

Tough break, huh.
The difference is if they had been Arab the police would have opened fire

Perhaps. Perhaps not.

If they were Arabs they wouldn't have been expelled from the hill at all.
montelatici, et al,

Well, we could have an estranged talk on this point.

No, the British considered the Arabs, in general, their allies against the Turks, and thus the inhabitants were considered a liberated population. The Ottoman troops stationed in the Arab part of the Ottoman Empire were always Anatolians or Europeans by regulation.

Just to name a few sparkling Arab Palestinians that operated against the Allied Powers in both World Wars.

Amin al-Husseini, became the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, commissioned in the [URL='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military_of_the_Ottoman_Empire']WWI Ottoman Army as an Artillery Officer and was assigned to the 47th Brigade became the first President of the All Palestine Government.[/URL]

Haj Amin Husseini, General, Ottoman Empire Army, and would become the First President the all Palestine Government.

[URL='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Izz_ad-Din_al-Qassam']Jamal al-Husayni, during the period movements in 1918-19, was l-Muntada al-Adabia was an organisation set up in the last years of the [URL='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ottoman_Empire']Ottoman Empire
to promote Arabic culture. connected to the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam[/URL] (Palestinian) Black Hand in Haifa [/URL]

Fawzi al-Qawuqji, WWI Ottoman Army Captain in the 12th Ottoman corps. Arab Liberation Army (ALA) Field Commander, awarded both the Ottoman Majidi Medal the German Iron Cross for the work with the General Staff of General Otto von Kreiss. Promoted to the rank of Colonel in the Wehrmacht.

Hasan Salama commander of the Palestinian Holy War Army (HWA) and Special Commando unit of the Waffen SS.

As I have said before, I draw a distinction between those that are Hostile Arab Palestinians, those that material and financial support, those that incite and advocate for further violence and those that merely celebrate terrorist actions and praise that which the majority of the western world deplores. If the Great Maker of the Eternal Blue Sky were ever to send angelic beings to Gaza or Ramallah, they might very well suffer the same fate as the legendary Sodom. No country is without flaws. And there is no segment of history in which everyone got their wish.

Most Respectfully,
The British did not expropriate [take away (property) from its owner] except as was required by military necessity,
IOW, politically removing the Palestinians from Palestine. They were kicked to the curb to make way for the foreign settler colonial project.
montelatici, et al,

Well, we could have an estranged talk on this point.

No, the British considered the Arabs, in general, their allies against the Turks, and thus the inhabitants were considered a liberated population. The Ottoman troops stationed in the Arab part of the Ottoman Empire were always Anatolians or Europeans by regulation.

Just to name a few sparkling Arab Palestinians that operated against the Allied Powers in both World Wars.

Amin al-Husseini, became the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, commissioned in the WWI Ottoman Army as an Artillery Officer and was assigned to the 47th Brigade became the first President of the All Palestine Government.

Haj Amin Husseini, General, Ottoman Empire Army, and would become the First President the all Palestine Government.

Jamal al-Husayni, during the period movements in 1918-19, was l-Muntada al-Adabia was an organisation set up in the last years of the Ottoman Empire to promote Arabic culture. connected to the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam (Palestinian) Black Hand in Haifa

Fawzi al-Qawuqji, WWI Ottoman Army Captain in the 12th Ottoman corps. Arab Liberation Army (ALA) Field Commander, awarded both the Ottoman Majidi Medal the German Iron Cross for the work with the General Staff of General Otto von Kreiss. Promoted to the rank of Colonel in the Wehrmacht.

Hasan Salama commander of the Palestinian Holy War Army (HWA) and Special Commando unit of the Waffen SS.

As I have said before, I draw a distinction between those that are Hostile Arab Palestinians, those that material and financial support, those that incite and advocate for further violence and those that merely celebrate terrorist actions and praise that which the majority of the western world deplores. If the Great Maker of the Eternal Blue Sky were ever to send angelic beings to Gaza or Ramallah, they might very well suffer the same fate as the legendary Sodom. No country is without flaws. And there is no segment of history in which everyone got their wish.

Most Respectfully,

Husseini was stationed in Anatolia (Izmir) and was not a general.

The The Sherifian (Arab) troops that accompanied the British in the attack on Jerusalem included at least 500 Palestinian Muslims and dozens of Palestinian Christians.

There are no people in the post colonial era (1947) that have been treated, by an international organization and powerful nations, as a people, as badly as the Palestinians have been. It was a bald faced, intentional plan to removal of the native people of a land to make room for European colonists.
Israel's Supreme Court has ruled that Amona must be demolished because it is built on private Palestinian land.

But hundreds of activists threw stones at and resisted police officers as they moved in to enforce the court order.

Israel police evict settlers from unauthorised Amona outpost - BBC News

None of the stone throwers were shot!

Thank God for that. The officers learned a thing or two from the Amona catastrophe of 2006.

But I realize yiou're bummed that no Israeli blood was spilled.

Tough break, huh.
The difference is if they had been Arab the police would have opened fire

Perhaps. Perhaps not.

If they were Arabs they wouldn't have been expelled from the hill at all.
Of course not, Amona Was on Private Palestinian owned land
Israel's Supreme Court has ruled that Amona must be demolished because it is built on private Palestinian land.

But hundreds of activists threw stones at and resisted police officers as they moved in to enforce the court order.

Israel police evict settlers from unauthorised Amona outpost - BBC News

None of the stone throwers were shot!

Thank God for that. The officers learned a thing or two from the Amona catastrophe of 2006.

But I realize yiou're bummed that no Israeli blood was spilled.

Tough break, huh.
The difference is if they had been Arab the police would have opened fire

Perhaps. Perhaps not.

If they were Arabs they wouldn't have been expelled from the hill at all.
Of course not, Amona Was on Private Palestinian owned land

And now it's gone.

And no one was physically hurt.

So what's the problem here? *sarcasm*
The British did not expropriate [take away (property) from its owner] except as was required by military necessity,
IOW, politically removing the Palestinians from Palestine. They were kicked to the curb to make way for the foreign settler colonial project.
Yes Tinnie,the people I term,THE SYNTHETICS,a programme that have bought the flotsom and jetson of converts to Judiaism to a place they have No place to be.

All Synthetics should be Returned to their Country of Origin prior to Conversion,leaving only True Semitic Jews in Palestine.

Israel and the Synthetics programme of mass movement of these people has changed the natural balance of this region...they are a Cult that do not belong there

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