5 Common Myths about "The Settlements".

Israel's Supreme Court has ruled that Amona must be demolished because it is built on private Palestinian land.

But hundreds of activists threw stones at and resisted police officers as they moved in to enforce the court order.

Israel police evict settlers from unauthorised Amona outpost - BBC News

None of the stone throwers were shot!
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There are "Arabs" in Morocco and Algeria that are ethnically Berbers. Arab is not an ethnic group you idiot. Arabs are people that speak Arabic. Just as Hispanics are people that speak Spanish.

The ancestors of the Muslims and Christians of Palestine were once Roman citizens. They are the native people of Palestine. You are so confused.

That Mohamed spread the language of Arabia across Northern Africa, does not make the people of Morocco, Arabic.

Technically, people who speak spanish are not Hispanic, you kind of got to be of Hispania origin to be hispanic.

Thanks for making my point. The native people of Palestine are not Arabians, but they speak Arabic. A language adopted after the Muslim Arabians conquered the territory from the Christian Romans. The ancestors of the native Palestinians have practiced many religions throughout history, including Judaism. They converted en masse to Christianity after Christianity became the state religion of Rome in 380 AD as it was the law that only Christians could reside in Roman Palestine.
In May 2014 an Israeli police investigation revealed the entire outpost lay on private Palestinian land, and that documents used by settlers to claim they had purchased the sites were forged.[4] In December 2014, the Israeli High Court ordered the state to completely evacuate and demolish the settlement within two years.[5] The international community considers all Israeli settlements in the West Bank illegal under international law.[6]
Amona, Mateh Binyamin - Wikipedia
The Christians and Muslims of Palestine are Arabs, not Arabians. They are the native people of Palestine, that before converting to Christianity, practiced different religions, Judaism included. Arab denotes a linguistic and cultural definition, not an ethnic definition. The Arabians invaded Christian Palestine and conquered it, but did not displace the Christian population. They were the ruling class. You are just a propagandist.
They can't be Arabs if they are from Palestine, Palestine never was and will never be, Arabia. Only in opposite World is an Arab not an Arab. I guess Americans are the English?

Very good point. monte would call all Americans today "English". Just like all Americans today are not descended from the Puritans who landed on Plymouth Rock from the Mayflower (much less the Native American Indians), in the same way all the Palestinians today are not descended from the native Canaanites from 5000 years ago. They are Arab migrants from Arabia and other Arab countries.
The only migrants that arrived in any number are the European Zionists. As can be discerned from archived official records (links to which have been posted numerous times), the Muslim and Christian Palestinians are the native people of Palestine most of whose ancestors practiced various religions over the centuries, ultimately the majority, but not all, converting to Islam.

Your propaganda does not trump facts.
Israel's Supreme Court has ruled that Amona must be demolished because it is built on private Palestinian land.

But hundreds of activists threw stones at and resisted police officers as they moved in to enforce the court order.

Israel police evict settlers from unauthorised Amona outpost - BBC News

None of the stone throwers were shot!

Thank God for that. The officers learned a thing or two from the Amona catastrophe of 2006.

But I realize yiou're bummed that no Israeli blood was spilled.

Tough break, huh.
The only migrants that arrived in any number are the European Zionists. As can be discerned from archived official records (links to which have been posted numerous times), the Muslim and Christian Palestinians are the native people of Palestine most of whose ancestors practiced various religions over the centuries, ultimately the majority, but not all, converting to Islam.

Your propaganda does not trump facts.

Your propaganda is fact-less. The geographic area of Pal'istan was the subject of several invasions by various invaders. You can play games with how you define those invaders but the invaders migrated countless people from the invading culture to that geographic area.
There are "Arabs" in Morocco and Algeria that are ethnically Berbers. Arab is not an ethnic group you idiot. Arabs are people that speak Arabic. Just as Hispanics are people that speak Spanish.

The ancestors of the Muslims and Christians of Palestine were once Roman citizens. They are the native people of Palestine. You are so confused.

That Mohamed spread the language of Arabia across Northern Africa, does not make the people of Morocco, Arabic.

Technically, people who speak spanish are not Hispanic, you kind of got to be of Hispania origin to be hispanic.
And besides that, what does it matter?
I shall ignore the ignorant, although stating as such kind of contradicts, but just know, if you post one line stupidity and I do not respond, that is why.
  1. 1.
    relating to Spain or to Spanish-speaking countries, especially those of Latin America.
  1. 1.
    a Spanish-speaking person living in the US, especially one of Latin American descent.
Start a spanish thread, here we are talking about Israel, your gibberish is spamming the thread. If you can not add anything intelligent you should excuse yourself.
The only migrants that arrived in any number are the European Zionists. As can be discerned from archived official records (links to which have been posted numerous times), the Muslim and Christian Palestinians are the native people of Palestine most of whose ancestors practiced various religions over the centuries, ultimately the majority, but not all, converting to Islam.

Your propaganda does not trump facts.
The only people who arrived in any number? Who did the counting in 1904, when the Arabs migrated in large numbers in order to save their children's eyesight, beings how the only place in the entire Middle East with a modern hospital that cured the disease for blindness, for free, was in Israel. Who was doing the counting? "The Sick Old Man Of Europe"?

Google it, all of you, if you do not know which I speak. I ain't got time to educate you folks who obviously have zero understanding of Middle Eastern History.

I would add a bit about Islam right now, but I do not want to distract your response from this, which is what you should focus on.
The only migrants that arrived in any number are the European Zionists. As can be discerned from archived official records (links to which have been posted numerous times), the Muslim and Christian Palestinians are the native people of Palestine most of whose ancestors practiced various religions over the centuries, ultimately the majority, but not all, converting to Islam.

Your propaganda does not trump facts.
The only people who arrived in any number? Who did the counting in 1904, when the Arabs migrated in large numbers in order to save their children's eyesight, beings how the only place in the entire Middle East with a modern hospital that cured the disease for blindness, for free, was in Israel. Who was doing the counting? "The Sick Old Man Of Europe"?

Google it, all of you, if you do not know which I speak. I ain't got time to educate you folks who obviously have zero understanding of Middle Eastern History.

I would add a bit about Islam right now, but I do not want to distract your response from this, which is what you should focus on.

You probably believe the propaganda you've been fed, but they are alternative facts, i.e. lies. You see I have forgotten more about the Middle East than you will ever learn.



during the period
1st JULY, 1920--30th JUNE, 1921.



"Four-fifths of the whole population are Moslems. A small proportion of these are Bedouin Arabs; the remainder, although they speak Arabic and are termed Arabs, are largely of mixed race. Some 77,000 of the population are Christians, in large majority belonging to the Orthodox Church, and speaking Arabic. The minority are members of the Latin or of the Uniate Greek Catholic Church, or--a small number--are Protestants.

The Jewish element of the population numbers 76,000. Almost all have entered Palestine during the last 40 years. Prior to 1850 there were in the country only a handful of Jews...."


As for after the British took over, we have records:


A Survey of Palestine Volume 2 | Berman Jewish Policy Archive @ Stanford University
montelatici, et al,

YES, you are 100% correct. This is oe of the Five Most Common Myths.

during the period
1st JULY, 1920--30th JUNE, 1921.

A Survey of Palestine Volume 2 | Berman Jewish Policy Archive @ Stanford University

This information was reviewed by the UNSCOP in its recommendation to the General Assembly. Up until 1 JULY 1920, this territory was considered the Enemy Occupied Territory.

In April 1920, the decision had been made, that the primary concern of the Mandate was to establish a Jewish National Home. If was the fault of the General Arab Population that attempted to create a disturbance between the Arabs and the Jewish.

While this is a nice historical piece of information, it is of no current value today. Let the decision rest.

Now if you want to discuss Article 42 and 43 of the 1907 Hague Land Warfare Regulations, as well as Article 64 and 68 of the Fourth Geneva Convention, THEN, that might be more relevant to the current situation.

Most Respectfully,
You probably believe the propaganda you've been fed, but they are alternative facts, i.e. lies. You see I have forgotten more about the Middle East than you will ever learn.

Prior to 1850 there were in the country only a handful of Jews...."
Prior to 1850 there were only six jews in all of Israel? Certainly you will have to back-down or redefine that statement or simply look the fool.

I am glad you brought up, prior to 1850. Prior to 1850 the only people concerned with the development of Palestine where Christians. Not one Arab put forth his own money to build one school, or one hospital in all of Palestine. What did happen is simple and clear, Christians of the World, in the 1800's poured money into Palestine which attracted Arabs in large numbers. It was literally the only place in the Middle East where an Arab could provide a better life for their children.

You want to talk about the first person to actually purchase land in Palestine from the Ottoman Empire! The person who opened that door, so that hospitals and schools could be built.

Or lets talk about who was selling land to the Jews in the 1800's, the late 1800's.
montelatici, et al,

YES, you are 100% correct. This is oe of the Five Most Common Myths.

during the period
1st JULY, 1920--30th JUNE, 1921.

A Survey of Palestine Volume 2 | Berman Jewish Policy Archive @ Stanford University

This information was reviewed by the UNSCOP in its recommendation to the General Assembly. Up until 1 JULY 1920, this territory was considered the Enemy Occupied Territory.

In April 1920, the decision had been made, that the primary concern of the Mandate was to establish a Jewish National Home. If was the fault of the General Arab Population that attempted to create a disturbance between the Arabs and the Jewish.

While this is a nice historical piece of information, it is of no current value today. Let the decision rest.

Now if you want to discuss Article 42 and 43 of the 1907 Hague Land Warfare Regulations, as well as Article 64 and 68 of the Fourth Geneva Convention, THEN, that might be more relevant to the current situation.

Most Respectfully,

It is not just historical information, it is fact. The only migrants to Palestinian that arrived in any number were European Zionists. But I am happy you agree.

You do not know what you are talking about, Palestine was not enemy occupied territory. It had ceased to be when the Turkish garrison surrendered to the British
on December 11, 1917.

The Muslims and Christians had every right to resist the expropriation of their home by the British you idiot.
It is not just historical information, it is fact. The only migrants to Palestinian that arrived in any number were European Zionists. But I am happy you agree.

You do not know what you are talking about, Palestine was not enemy occupied territory. It had ceased to be when the Turkish garrison surrendered to the British
on December 11, 1917.

The Muslims and Christians had every right to resist the expropriation of their home by the British you idiot.
Not that it matters how many and where the people came from that built the rubble of Islamic ruled Palestine into a modern nation, but, what about the 49,000 Yemen Jews. Certainly that is a significant number! Your idea that the only migrants that migrated to Palestine in any number were European Jews is simply laughable.
It is not just historical information, it is fact. The only migrants to Palestinian that arrived in any number were European Zionists. But I am happy you agree.

You do not know what you are talking about, Palestine was not enemy occupied territory. It had ceased to be when the Turkish garrison surrendered to the British
on December 11, 1917.

The Muslims and Christians had every right to resist the expropriation of their home by the British you idiot.
Not that it matters how many and where the people came from that built the rubble of Islamic ruled Palestine into a modern nation, but, what about the 49,000 Yemen Jews. Certainly that is a significant number! Your idea that the only migrants that migrated to Palestine in any number were European Jews is simply laughable.

What is laughable is that you can't discriminate between Zionist invaders that invaded and intended to expropriate the land from the native inhabitants, from the native Muslims and Christians of Palestine.
IOW, we stole your shit. Get over it.

Out of curiosity, how is that different from monte's claim that meh, the Roman Christians conquered the indigenous Jews, forcibly made everyone Christian, then the Arab Muslims invaded and conquered the Christians, making nearly everyone Arab Muslim?

The problem with you two is that you want to play the game only when the Arab Muslims come out on the winning end.

I have no issue with the "can't unbreak the egg" (we stole your shit) argument. Where you get silly is where you want that rule to apply except when the Jews are breaking eggs and/or 'stealing' your shit.
The only fact is that the indigenous people practiced different religions at different times and that did not change the ancestry of the inhabitants of Palestine before the Zionist Europeans arrived. The Europeans are the only ones who are not indigenous, by definition. The Romans, Arabs, Crusaders and Turks were rulers, the people remained the same. The Zionist Europeans came to settle European population in the area. Get it through your head, Europeans, Russians, Yemenis etc. are not natives of Palestine.
IOW, we stole your shit. Get over it.

Out of curiosity, how is that different from monte's claim that meh, the Roman Christians conquered the indigenous Jews, forcibly made everyone Christian, then the Arab Muslims invaded and conquered the Christians, making nearly everyone Arab Muslim?

The problem with you two is that you want to play the game only when the Arab Muslims come out on the winning end.

I have no issue with the "can't unbreak the egg" (we stole your shit) argument. Where you get silly is where you want that rule to apply except when the Jews are breaking eggs and/or 'stealing' your shit.
It is history that Palestine has been invaded and conquered many times in the past. Hundreds of years ago it was not illegal to do so. However, in the last 100-200 years the world wanted to be a more civilized place. Conquest, i.e. stealing people shit, is now illegal. Israel just needs to catch up and join the civilized world.

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