47% of able bodied people in Maine don't work.

Untold millions of illegals don't seem to have difficulty finding a job, its time for American deadbeats to get off their ass and earn their keep.
Agree. Most immigrants do the jobs Americans think they are too good for. If Americans actually lived by the work ethic they are always pontificating about, there would be no jobs for immigrants and no reason for them to come here.

It chaps my ass the amount of overtime I work and taxes I pay while so many able bodied people sit around on their fat ass sucking up the welfare.

And Republican Tea Party Conservatives WANT you angry about it, regardless of the facts of the matter.
Come on guys.......Stop playing the games the politicians keep playing for the country............They keep us at each others throats for a reason..........

Carsey Institute Indicator Website

The Labor participation rate for main is ranked 26th in the country.
That rate is 65.3%.

I know their is a political divide in this country. Both sides know this...........One side wants more Gov't the other side doesn't.

I stand on the side to live within our means and end the reckless spending in this country. But I see that the parties want us divided so we will not put the Gov't on a leash.........so they play sides and propaganda pitting Americans against Americans............

I posted data...........and expect to see data from others to either confirm or deny the numbers I posted.
the Labor participation rate is low here, but the people here DO WORK...where I live, mainly on their own Farms, their own Homesteads....the wife works right along side her husband, and on occasion she may even work part time in the summer cleaning hotel rooms, or summer rental cottages for the visitors for $15.00 an hour and still do her chores to maintain their farm....just because she doesn't participate in working all winter and Spring, does not mean she is not working....just that she is not participating in what the gvt has determined as "the work force".... And there are lots and lots of Mainers that have opened up their own Internet shops together, selling vintage items or wood work items or handmade jellies or handmade furniture shops, where they do not work in "the work force" and pay Social Security etc, because it is considered a business or hobby....the income still gets added to their IRS taxed income, but may not be considered as participating in the work force.... and people BARTER up here...my husband is a guitarist, singer, song writer part time and this group of really cool farmers around here have hired him for several of their Lobster bake Parties to sing and have paid him a couple of hundred, for each of these parties he worked.... well, we became friends with these homesteaders and we began trading with them...my green and red peppers for their peaches kind of thing.....1 farms cattle/bison, one farms chickens and one farms pigs and is trying to get in to free range turkeys as well....(he's actually trying to get us to put up some coops for winter, on our property but we said no)

Anyway, just yesterday...the farmer that has cattle, also does construction work in the summer only...came over and tore apart our old rotten deck and made a new larger one with my husband...it took well over 8 hours to do...and we were going to pay him at least a couple of hundred for his direction and help and tools that he brought but he would NOT take a dime, but agreed to the next party that they had, that Matt would perform for free....even Steven, without a dollar being spent....

Sooo, it's like a whole 'nuthe'r country up here, compared to all of the States I have lived in....and that's part of why I love it here.

Yes, we do have a lot of poor people here, that do rely on social programs to make ends meet..... they are not getting rich off of it, and they would work in the workforce if there was work to be had...but one thing they are not doing, at least in my region of Maine, is sitting on their bums just collecting a check....they are working whether it is planting a garden to get their vegetables or making a deal/barter for cleaning someone's house for some beef or pork, until the jobs open up for the next summer's vacationers....even if it is not work in the workforce....
I understand your response and believe that these types of things happen all over the country as well. Neighbors help neighbors down here as well. When they call for help we help. and we don't charge either. Many a time I've went to neighbors homes and even their families homes to fix electrical problems for them. No problem there..........and when they see I need help moving something they are right there for me as well.

I posted the labor participation rate because I see it as an indicator of work........and you are right that some seasonal work and families don't always work in the overall data as compiled..............So in some ways it is skewed just as the unemployment numbers are as well. Such as part time work or those that fall out of the system.

All in all the nations Labor Participation rate has been getting worse since 2000 and continues to go down which is not good for America............it needs to reverse course not only in Maine, but for the entire country...............and since businesses and industries are leaving this country.......we need to find a way to get them back or it will only get worse for America.
Untold millions of illegals don't seem to have difficulty finding a job, its time for American deadbeats to get off their ass and earn their keep.
Agree. Most immigrants do the jobs Americans think they are too good for. If Americans actually lived by the work ethic they are always pontificating about, there would be no jobs for immigrants and no reason for them to come here.

It chaps my ass the amount of overtime I work and taxes I pay while so many able bodied people sit around on their fat ass sucking up the welfare.

And Republican Tea Party Conservatives WANT you angry about it, regardless of the facts of the matter.
Sock post. I'm a Conservative and support the Tea Party......................

I posted data which is different from the OP..........but I see a serious need to CUT GOV'T, and stop the cycle of debt that will continue to destroy the value of the dollar and our way of life.
Untold millions of illegals don't seem to have difficulty finding a job, its time for American deadbeats to get off their ass and earn their keep.

The illegals will work so cheaply, they price Americans out of work. I have no documentation, but I've seen it in jobs like home repair and services. Home depot full of day workers every day, undercutting wages.
HD does not hire illegals.
Untold millions of illegals don't seem to have difficulty finding a job, its time for American deadbeats to get off their ass and earn their keep.

The illegals will work so cheaply, they price Americans out of work. I have no documentation, but I've seen it in jobs like home repair and services. Home depot full of day workers every day, undercutting wages.
HD does not hire illegals.
The day workers don't work at HD, they stand outside HD, usually just outside the fence, and wait for someone to drive by and pick them up for a day job.

All you have to do is drive by, hold up a number of fingers for how many workers you are looking for and that many people will jump into the back of your truck. You don't really see it that often away from the border but it is EXTREMELY prevalent in places like CA.
What republican and libertarian voters have been led to believe. This is a product of the republican machine pounding out a message that our economic problems are caused by ordinary Americans getting free stuff. A take off from Reagan's speech about the welfare mom and her cadillac, although she couldn't be found. The Maine Governor can't back up what he says anymore than the republican machine coming up with evidence of massive voter fraud by democrats. If they have, then where is the evidence? How many people have been charged and convicted of voter fraud?
Take away the free stuff and people out of work will start working. It's easy to create a job, but even easier to sit on your ass collecting welfare checks.
What republican and libertarian voters have been led to believe. This is a product of the republican machine pounding out a message that our economic problems are caused by ordinary Americans getting free stuff. A take off from Reagan's speech about the welfare mom and her cadillac, although she couldn't be found. The Maine Governor can't back up what he says anymore than the republican machine coming up with evidence of massive voter fraud by democrats. If they have, then where is the evidence? How many people have been charged and convicted of voter fraud?
Take away the free stuff and people out of work will start working. It's easy to create a job, but even easier to sit on your ass collecting welfare checks.

That's what father coughlin and the republicans said in the thirties in response to FDR. "America will go broke", but America became the strongest, most successful country in the world and fought a war in spite of all the FDR socialism. This is the stuff the republican attack machine pumps out 24/7, blame the little guy for our economic woes, but not one word about corporate welfare, or the war for profit industry, which is costing trillions, or no mentioning massive corporate welfare. They just feed you stories of welfare moms, food stamps, etc.
You're a fucking idiot. The percentage of worthless Americans has been going up since FDR and has just now reached 47%.

Revert to vulgarity when you have no decent response.
There is no decent response to your marxist bullshit. You folks need to be shot.

Whoa.... I think it's time to take a vacation for these boards, maybe even politics. Advocating killing people that do no share your political beliefs is entering the scary zone brah~
Untold millions of illegals don't seem to have difficulty finding a job, its time for American deadbeats to get off their ass and earn their keep.

The illegals will work so cheaply, they price Americans out of work. I have no documentation, but I've seen it in jobs like home repair and services. Home depot full of day workers every day, undercutting wages.

Spot on. Honestly: 100% illegal-alien construction crews are COMMON now. One guy is sorta-legit...he has at least one ID that is almost legal, and he might sorta speak English. Everyone else is paid in cash, and nobody bothers with little things like green cards, payroll taxes, comp, or insurance!
Untold millions of illegals don't seem to have difficulty finding a job, its time for American deadbeats to get off their ass and earn their keep.
Agree. Most immigrants do the jobs Americans think they are too good for. If Americans actually lived by the work ethic they are always pontificating about, there would be no jobs for immigrants and no reason for them to come here.

Bullshit. Illegals have destroyed many industries, especially construction. You just cannot compete with someone who does not pay workers' comp, health care, payroll taxes, or insurance!
Untold millions of illegals don't seem to have difficulty finding a job, its time for American deadbeats to get off their ass and earn their keep.

The illegals will work so cheaply, they price Americans out of work. I have no documentation, but I've seen it in jobs like home repair and services. Home depot full of day workers every day, undercutting wages.
HD does not hire illegals.
The day workers don't work at HD, they stand outside HD, usually just outside the fence, and wait for someone to drive by and pick them up for a day job.

All you have to do is drive by, hold up a number of fingers for how many workers you are looking for and that many people will jump into the back of your truck. You don't really see it that often away from the border but it is EXTREMELY prevalent in places like CA.

I see it in Massachusetts. Every time I do, I am tempted to run up and scream, "IMMIGRATION--RUN!"
What republican and libertarian voters have been led to believe. This is a product of the republican machine pounding out a message that our economic problems are caused by ordinary Americans getting free stuff. A take off from Reagan's speech about the welfare mom and her cadillac, although she couldn't be found. The Maine Governor can't back up what he says anymore than the republican machine coming up with evidence of massive voter fraud by democrats. If they have, then where is the evidence? How many people have been charged and convicted of voter fraud?
Take away the free stuff and people out of work will start working. It's easy to create a job, but even easier to sit on your ass collecting welfare checks.
What republican and libertarian voters have been led to believe. This is a product of the republican machine pounding out a message that our economic problems are caused by ordinary Americans getting free stuff. A take off from Reagan's speech about the welfare mom and her cadillac, although she couldn't be found. The Maine Governor can't back up what he says anymore than the republican machine coming up with evidence of massive voter fraud by democrats. If they have, then where is the evidence? How many people have been charged and convicted of voter fraud?
Take away the free stuff and people out of work will start working. It's easy to create a job, but even easier to sit on your ass collecting welfare checks.

That's what father coughlin and the republicans said in the thirties in response to FDR. "America will go broke", but America became the strongest, most successful country in the world and fought a war in spite of all the FDR socialism. This is the stuff the republican attack machine pumps out 24/7, blame the little guy for our economic woes, but not one word about corporate welfare, or the war for profit industry, which is costing trillions, or no mentioning massive corporate welfare. They just feed you stories of welfare moms, food stamps, etc.

Father Coughlin started out as a big defender of FDR and only started attacking him because his programs weren't radical enough. Only the ignorant claim Coughlin was some kind of conservative.

We won the war despite FDR's campaign to destroy our economy only because the fascist nations adopted the exact same economic program. The destroyed their economies at an even faster rate than FDR destroyed ours.
What republican and libertarian voters have been led to believe. This is a product of the republican machine pounding out a message that our economic problems are caused by ordinary Americans getting free stuff. A take off from Reagan's speech about the welfare mom and her cadillac, although she couldn't be found. The Maine Governor can't back up what he says anymore than the republican machine coming up with evidence of massive voter fraud by democrats. If they have, then where is the evidence? How many people have been charged and convicted of voter fraud?
ACTUALLY, and for the board's information, 65% of Maine's able bodied work force, WORKS or is counted in the workforce...35% are not participating, NOT 47% as your title states Jason.

Interactive Labor Force Statistics SA
Take away the free stuff and people out of work will start working. It's easy to create a job, but even easier to sit on your ass collecting welfare checks.
Take away the free stuff and people out of work will start working. It's easy to create a job, but even easier to sit on your ass collecting welfare checks.

That's what father coughlin and the republicans said in the thirties in response to FDR. "America will go broke", but America became the strongest, most successful country in the world and fought a war in spite of all the FDR socialism. This is the stuff the republican attack machine pumps out 24/7, blame the little guy for our economic woes, but not one word about corporate welfare, or the war for profit industry, which is costing trillions, or no mentioning massive corporate welfare. They just feed you stories of welfare moms, food stamps, etc.
You're a fucking idiot. The percentage of worthless Americans has been going up since FDR and has just now reached 47%.

Revert to vulgarity when you have no decent response.
There is no decent response to your marxist bullshit. You folks need to be shot.

Whoa.... I think it's time to take a vacation for these boards, maybe even politics. Advocating killing people that do no share your political beliefs is entering the scary zone brah~
Other than you, who said anything about killing people?

Your source is further out of the ballpark that the governor according to politifact--probably because they tried to include "people seeking work" in their number

Maine Gov. Paul LePage says 47 percent of able-bodied Maine residents aren t working PolitiFact

Sorry, I'm not understanding what you said.

the governor said 47%; your source says 65%; politifact calculated it at 50% which puts the governor closer to accurate than the person who wrote the linked article. In short about only half of people in maine work. That is somewhere in the national average these days though.

However, retirees are included in that figure. So retirees are included as ones sitting home receiving free stuff. This includes military.

Well if they aren't working they "aren't working". It is a demographic distribution issue as much as anything else.
Untold millions of illegals don't seem to have difficulty finding a job, its time for American deadbeats to get off their ass and earn their keep.

The illegals will work so cheaply, they price Americans out of work. I have no documentation, but I've seen it in jobs like home repair and services. Home depot full of day workers every day, undercutting wages.
HD does not hire illegals.
The day workers don't work at HD, they stand outside HD, usually just outside the fence, and wait for someone to drive by and pick them up for a day job.

All you have to do is drive by, hold up a number of fingers for how many workers you are looking for and that many people will jump into the back of your truck. You don't really see it that often away from the border but it is EXTREMELY prevalent in places like CA.

I see it in Massachusetts. Every time I do, I am tempted to run up and scream, "IMMIGRATION--RUN!"
For some reason it is rather rare here is WA. I am not exactly sure why.

There are not a whole lot of Mexican immigrants here on the whole. You see a lot of white people doing lawns and the like - something that you almost never see in southern CA. might have to do with the weather and cost of living here - cold and high as hell. That makes it quite difficult to undercut wages - you would have a hard time eating.
Untold millions of illegals don't seem to have difficulty finding a job, its time for American deadbeats to get off their ass and earn their keep.

The illegals will work so cheaply, they price Americans out of work. I have no documentation, but I've seen it in jobs like home repair and services. Home depot full of day workers every day, undercutting wages.
HD does not hire illegals.
The day workers don't work at HD, they stand outside HD, usually just outside the fence, and wait for someone to drive by and pick them up for a day job.

All you have to do is drive by, hold up a number of fingers for how many workers you are looking for and that many people will jump into the back of your truck. You don't really see it that often away from the border but it is EXTREMELY prevalent in places like CA.

I see it in Massachusetts. Every time I do, I am tempted to run up and scream, "IMMIGRATION--RUN!"
For some reason it is rather rare here is WA. I am not exactly sure why.

There are not a whole lot of Mexican immigrants here on the whole. You see a lot of white people doing lawns and the like - something that you almost never see in southern CA. might have to do with the weather and cost of living here - cold and high as hell. That makes it quite difficult to undercut wages - you would have a hard time eating.

The illegals are too busy in WA selling meth, source National Geographic Special.
For some reason it is rather rare here is WA. I am not exactly sure why.

There are not a whole lot of Mexican immigrants here on the whole. You see a lot of white people doing lawns and the like - something that you almost never see in southern CA. might have to do with the weather and cost of living here - cold and high as hell. That makes it quite difficult to undercut wages - you would have a hard time eating.

It's cold and expensive in Massachusetts, but they flock here!

It's actually quite easy to undercut wages when you do not pay health insurance, payroll taxes, workers' comp, car insurance, or much of anything else...especially when you ALSO get welfare!

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