46 million food stamps, 37 million fed by food banks,21 million school lunches???


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
I don't get it!

It appears at least 46 Million Americans Are on Food Stamps
That means at least $200/person per month PLUS:
Record 46 Million Americans Are on Food Stamps - CNBC

As the nation’s leading domestic hunger-relief charity, our food bank network members supply food to more than 37 million Americans each year, including 14 million children and 3 million seniors. Feeding America benefits from the unique relationship between our 202 local member food banks at the front lines of hunger relief and the central efforts of our national office.

How we Fight Hunger| Feeding America

The number of students receiving subsidized lunches rose to 21 million last school year from 18 million in 2006-7

Are these "poor" getting ALL their food for free?
OR is something else happening???

I mean I am all for a helping hand... but seriously folks there really comes a time!!!!
This organization is a team of professionals dedicated to helping people overseas. According to the MercyCorps website, this organization takes a different approach to feeding the hungry. Instead of merely handing out food, this organization teaches people to fish, plant gardens and raise livestock to ensure long-term benefits instead of a one-time donation.
This organization also ensures fair prices at local markets for food and food supplies.

Feed The Children
This organization, according to the Feed The Children website, is a Christian, nonprofit, international relief organization based out of Oklahoma that delivers food to individuals, children and family. Feed The Children provides food in the United States as well as internationally and provides food through distribution centers.

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LeSEA Global Feed The Hungry
This is a religious organization that helps feed people in the United States and overseas. According to the Feed The Hungry website, this organization puts food directly into the hands of local church leaders who know whom to help in their own communities to prevent the food from rotting, being left unattended and stolen from corrupt government officials.

Feeding America
This organization feeds all 50 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico through food banks. According to the Feeding America website, this organization is the nation's leading domestic hunger-relief charity and provides food assistance to more than 37 million people annually.

FEED sells sturdy cloth reusable grocery bags to help fund the UN World Food Program’s efforts to provide food to children in dire need. Currently, proceeds from the sale of the each 100lb feed bag, for example, will go directly to feeding 100 children in Rwanda school lunch. You read that right: one bag, 100 children!

Heifer International
Give a heifer, a goat, or a water buffalo. Or bundle them together and give a “milk menagerie.” You can also choose a llama, a trio of rabbits, or a flock of geese. When it comes to meeting needs, a little goes a long, long way, which is why with Heifer you can even give some honeybees. The web site is informative and inspiring for kids.

The Salvation Army, to their limit. Last year alone, The Salvation Army provided more than 64 million meals to people in need.

Read more: Organizations That Feed the Hungry | eHow.com Organizations That Feed the Hungry | eHow.com

MEANWHILE the Dick-charge WORKS to put more people out of work! So he can have more people on food stamps!

Two coal companies in Pennsylvania blamed President Obama and his Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for the layoffs announced last week.

“[T]he escalating costs and uncertainty generated by recently advanced EPA regulations and interpretations have created a challenging business climate for the entire coal industry,” said PBS Coals Inc. President and CEO D. Lynn Shanks in a statement on Friday, as noted by the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. The company also cited weaker-than-normal demand for coal.

Shanks’ comment on the EPA came as he announced a 28 percent work force reduction. “PBS Coals Inc. and its affiliate company, RoxCoal Inc., laid off about 225 workers as part of an immediate idling of some deep and surface mines in Somerset County,” Post-Gazette added. “The company now employs 795 workers.”

Yes, the Obama "promise to essentially put coal out of business is indeed making progress.

So wait, we have the administration restricting the oil industry in Alaska and the EPA causing layoffs in coal country, and my guess is Obama will attempt to brag about how many jobs he’s created tomorrow night. Any takers?

That said, guess who is getting “fast tracked”?

The Interior Department set aside about 285,000 acres for commercial-scale solar in Arizona, California, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico and Utah. The federal government will offer incentives for development, help facilitate access to existing or planned electric infrastructure and ease the permitting process in the 17 zones.

“Energy from sources like wind and solar have doubled since the president took office, and with today’s milestone, we are laying a sustainable foundation to keep expanding our nation’s domestic energy resources,” Interior Secretary Ken Salazar said. …

The development program approved Friday cuts some up-front costs for developers, as the federal government already has performed National Environmental Policy Act assessments for the sites.
We're coming out of a depression. Millions of people have lost their jobs, and they can't get new jobs because those jobs do not exist.

There are five applicants for each available job in the country. So that's going to put a lot of people on the dole.

A minimum wage job does not provide a single person with a living wage. A family of 4 with both parents working minumum wage jobs cannot survive without government assistance.

Higher paying jobs are reserved for those with specific skills. However many cannot afford the training.

Instead of bitching about welfare, why don't the robot righties bother coming up with logical solutions - job creation, a higher minimum wage, and education benefits?
That's an old report on food stamps, they announced just after the elelction were are at 50 million now.
I don't get it!

It appears at least 46 Million Americans Are on Food Stamps
That means at least $200/person per month PLUS:
Record 46 Million Americans Are on Food Stamps - CNBC
The CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood always reveal that they know they are full of shit by their exaggerations! If they believed they really had a case they would not exaggerate.

Here in NJ food stamps are in the news because of a Twitter bet made by Newark Mayor Cory Booker to try to live on food stamps for one week. NJ has one of the highest standards of living and therefore pays one of the highest amounts of food stamps. The average monthly food stamp benefit was $133.26 per person in New Jersey in fiscal year 2011, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
And if you watch MSNBC eventually you will see a few
promos with Lawrence O'Donnell practically in tears over the fact
that we just don't do enough to help the poor and underprivileged.

We really should be spending more?....
I don't get it!

It appears at least 46 Million Americans Are on Food Stamps
That means at least $200/person per month PLUS:
Record 46 Million Americans Are on Food Stamps - CNBC
The CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood always reveal that they know they are full of shit by their exaggerations! If they believed they really had a case they would not exaggerate.

Here in NJ food stamps are in the news because of a Twitter bet made by Newark Mayor Cory Booker to try to live on food stamps for one week. NJ has one of the highest standards of living and therefore pays one of the highest amounts of food stamps. The average monthly food stamp benefit was $133.26 per person in New Jersey in fiscal year 2011, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

In 2011, it helped almost 45 million low-income Americans to afford a nutritionally adequate diet in a typical month.
In fiscal year 2011, the federal government spent about $78 billion on SNAP. About 92 percent went directly to benefits that households used to purchase food
Policy Basics: Introduction to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) — Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

Average per month $132.89...

Hey I'll do something I'VE YET to hear ANY Obamatron, much less Obama admit when confronted with the fact that Obama SAID:

"Today I am pledging to cut the deficit we inherited in half " AND YET INSTEAD of CUTTING HE INCREASED by 1,000% the deficit!

AND can you and Obama ADMIT LIKE I admit "I AM WRONG" when I said $200 more admit HE INCREASED NOT CUT in half the DEFICIT!!
Food stamps are every bit as much a subsidy for low wages as it is a fight against hunger. Many businesses would not exist as they are now if they had to actually pay enough to meet all their employees needs.
I don't get it!

It appears at least 46 Million Americans Are on Food Stamps
That means at least $200/person per month PLUS:
Record 46 Million Americans Are on Food Stamps - CNBC

As the nation’s leading domestic hunger-relief charity, our food bank network members supply food to more than 37 million Americans each year, including 14 million children and 3 million seniors. Feeding America benefits from the unique relationship between our 202 local member food banks at the front lines of hunger relief and the central efforts of our national office.

How we Fight Hunger| Feeding America

The number of students receiving subsidized lunches rose to 21 million last school year from 18 million in 2006-7

Are these "poor" getting ALL their food for free?
OR is something else happening???

I mean I am all for a helping hand... but seriously folks there really comes a time!!!!

Dang! And those red states still want to secede? They will starve.:badgrin:
Food stamps are every bit as much a subsidy for low wages as it is a fight against hunger. Many businesses would not exist as they are now if they had to actually pay enough to meet all their employees needs.
We should eliminate food stamps. Poor Americans are already too fat.

I guess you like your poor people skinny and bloated Ethiopia style. Don't worry, the cheap starch they must subsist on will kill them soon enough.
I don't get it!

Try not eating for 72 hours then you'll get it.

It appears at least 46 Million Americans Are on Food Stamps
That means at least $200/person per month PLUS:
Record 46 Million Americans Are on Food Stamps - CNBC

Uhh, not according to your own fucking link:
The costs, at $6.025 billion for the month, are just off the all-time record though the average monthly benefit per person has declined modestly to $132.96.
In other news - 1 American on US Messageboard can't fucking read.

Are these "poor" getting ALL their food for free?
OR is something else happening???

I mean I am all for a helping hand... but seriously folks there really comes a time!!!!

So in your opinion not enough Americans are starving and mal-nourished?
Maybe you should write "Feeding America", tell them they ought to be spending a little more money making sure kids DON'T get enough to eat.
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A great many of todays poor and working poor were formerly middle class. They understand exactly what put them where they are at, and they vote. 6Nov12 was a demostration of that.

Now you people just keep telling them they are lazy and shiftless, and should starve. That is sure to get their votes in 2014.
A great many of todays poor and working poor were formerly middle class. They understand exactly what put them where they are at, and they vote. 6Nov12 was a demostration of that.

Now you people just keep telling them they are lazy and shiftless, and should starve. That is sure to get their votes in 2014.

The right wing honestly believes that insulting people will gain their votes. Either that or they think they can win an election without people voting for them.

I can't imagine how any retired person who worked all their lives, or low ranking enlisted members of the military, or any number of people who have contributed their part (and more in many cases) to society and happen to not have owed federal taxes in 2012 would have even considered voting for Romney after he metaphorically spit in their faces and literally said they have a dependency problem.
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