45 Democrats who Should Be Under Investigation For Espionage RIGHT NOW


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
A simple background check of the Awans AFTER their espionage against the United States had been discovered immediately showed they were connected to terrorists, were under investigation for kidnapping their mother, and had been spending all of her money - her dead husband's / their dead father's money.... HAD ANY OF THE DMEOCRATS BOTHERED TO DO ANY BACKGROUND CHECK ON THE AWANS AT ALL, they would have discovered immediately there should have been no way in hell they could / should have been hired to pick up trash on grounds of the Lincoln Memorial let alone be given access to classified House files and given access to every DNC members' e-mail, their usernames, AND their passwords!

DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz and 44 other Democrats, however, did not see the need to do any background check on them before giving them such positions / access.

44 Dems, Including Wasserman-Schultz, Exempted Muslim Spy Ring From Background Checks - FITNAPHOBIA

'Every one of the 44 House Democrats who hired Pakistan-born IT aides who later allegedly made “unauthorized access” to congressional data appears to have chosen to exempt them from background checks, according to congressional documents.

All of them appear to have waived background checks on Imran Awan and his family members, even though the family of server administrators could collectively read all the emails and files of 1 in 5 House Democrats, and despite background checks being recommended for such positions, according to an inspector general’s report. The House security policy requires offices to fill out a form attesting that they’ve initiated background checks, but it also includes a loophole allowing them to simply say that another member vouched for them.'

45 Democrats COMPROMISED NATIONAL SECURITY by choosing to take advantage of a loophole rather than take the steps to safeguard classified data, a choice that that enable terrorist-connected Pakistani spies to steal TERABYTES worth of classified data from House files.


Hillary showed no concern for safe-guarding classified information, as she violated numerous laws by illegally possessing, storing, handling, and destroying classified, even allowing foreign actors to aces her un-encrypted illegal server where she had TOP SECRET+ data stored.

45 Democrats did not even do the MINIMUM required to safeguard highly classified House information from damn-near blatantly obvious Pakistani spies.... (even the lowest-level background check would have alerted them to their connection to terrorists and criminal problems)

FBI Director James Comey showed no problem with leaking classified information.....

Every time you turn around some flaming liberal, like Chelsea Manning or Reality Winner is leaking some our nation's most classified secrets....while their peers and other snowflakes hail them as heroes. At least Reality just got a dose of REALITY by being found guilty and sentenced for her espionage.

These 45 Liberals should be next....right behind Hillary and Comey.

Overall, it seems Democrats in general can not be / should not be entrusted with classified information.
So the Dems operate like the Repubs, no surprise there...
Nice....in response to reality you dropped your pants and showed your IQ... :p
I guess in yer genius hat you forgot to mention the security issues that Trump aides were experiencing.
Dude, Obama appointed a KNOWN TAX CHEAT as Secretary of the TREASURY!



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