41 Palestinian children killed during the aggression on Gaza

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
GENEVA, GAZA, (PIC)-- A European human rights organization issued a detailed report about the child victims from Gaza, killed by the Israeli forces during the recent aggression on the Gaza Strip.

The report issued by the Euro-Mediterranean Observatory of Human Rights today, pointed out that the Israeli forces killed 41 Palestinian children, including seven infants and 21 under the age of ten, during the military operation which was launched on 14 November following the assassination of a military commander in the armed wing of Hamas.

It added that the figures and indicators collected by the observatory, in terms of the number of victims and the raids on the Strip, show that this aggression has been the largest since the end of the 2008 war, and noted that the vast majority of victims were civilians.

41 Palestinian children killed during the aggression on Gaza
I guess the Pals better stop setting up their missiles in schoolyards.

The Israeli's have places for the women and children to go when there's airstrikes....where do the Pal women and kids go? What's been put in place for their protection?? Stop crying......................
GENEVA, GAZA, (PIC)-- A European human rights organization issued a detailed report about the child victims from Gaza, killed by the Israeli forces during the recent aggression on the Gaza Strip.

The report issued by the Euro-Mediterranean Observatory of Human Rights today, pointed out that the Israeli forces killed 41 Palestinian children, including seven infants and 21 under the age of ten, during the military operation which was launched on 14 November following the assassination of a military commander in the armed wing of Hamas.

It added that the figures and indicators collected by the observatory, in terms of the number of victims and the raids on the Strip, show that this aggression has been the largest since the end of the 2008 war, and noted that the vast majority of victims were civilians.

41 Palestinian children killed during the aggression on Gaza

All those animals had to do was to stop firing Rockets into Israel the minute Israel left. Whoever gets killed or hurt; They asked for it. :D
Israel needed to protect itself.

On April 16, 2001 the Hamas terrorist organization launched its first rocket into Israel.
Since the beginning of 2012, 1,822 rocket hits have been identified in Israeli territory.



GENEVA, GAZA, (PIC)-- A European human rights organization issued a detailed report about the child victims from Gaza, killed by the Israeli forces during the recent aggression on the Gaza Strip.

The report issued by the Euro-Mediterranean Observatory of Human Rights today, pointed out that the Israeli forces killed 41 Palestinian children, including seven infants and 21 under the age of ten, during the military operation which was launched on 14 November following the assassination of a military commander in the armed wing of Hamas.

It added that the figures and indicators collected by the observatory, in terms of the number of victims and the raids on the Strip, show that this aggression has been the largest since the end of the 2008 war, and noted that the vast majority of victims were civilians.

41 Palestinian children killed during the aggression on Gaza
That's 41 they won't have to kill in 2022.
Israel needed to protect itself.

On April 16, 2001 the Hamas terrorist organization launched its first rocket into Israel.
Since the beginning of 2012, 1,822 rocket hits have been identified in Israeli territory.




It is Israel's war. It can stop it any time it wants.
Palestine needs to stop sending missiles.

Of course sherri's source.....:lol:

Scathing report by watchdog says indiscriminate fire on Israel is a war crime and calls on Gaza’s Islamist government to ‘stop unlawful attacks and punish those responsible’. "Palestinian rocket attacks on Israel’s civilian population have no lawful justification and are a war crime, Human Rights Watch said in a scathing report published on Monday, assigning Hamas blame for civilian deaths in Israel and Gaza during last month’s Operation Pillar of Defense."

“Palestinian armed groups made clear in their statements that harming civilians was their aim,” said Sarah Leah Whitson, Middle East director at Human Rights Watch. “There is simply no legal justification for launching rockets at populated areas.”
Human Rights Watch blasts Hamas for targeting Israeli civilians with rockets | The Times of Israel
The truth is that the Palestinians are a pain the ass!

They are treated far worse by their own Arab people than by Israel ever has! Kuwait expelled 450,000 Palestinians in 1991, in Jordan they killed thousands of them....and the list goes on and on .... they are detested by everybody because they are only troublemakers!

That's all they are!:mad:
Israel needed to protect itself.

On April 16, 2001 the Hamas terrorist organization launched its first rocket into Israel.
Since the beginning of 2012, 1,822 rocket hits have been identified in Israeli territory.




It is Israel's war. It can stop it any time it wants.
Israel has stopped hundreds and thousands of times. Then the unwashed heathens fire more rockets. Time for the rocket rangers to desist.
Israel needed to protect itself.

On April 16, 2001 the Hamas terrorist organization launched its first rocket into Israel.
Since the beginning of 2012, 1,822 rocket hits have been identified in Israeli territory.




It is Israel's war. It can stop it any time it wants.

It is the Palestinians War. All they have to do is to stop shooting Rockets into Israel
It wasn't Hamas who launched an offensive on Israel here was it...that's why it's called a surprise attack.

Israel launches offensive against Gaza - World Socialist Web Site

Israel launched the latest offensive despite a truce that had been brokered by Egypt, largely ending an escalating confrontation that began last Saturday when Palestinian militants fired an anti-tank missile at an Israeli jeep, wounding four soldiers. The attack came after repeated incursions by Israeli tanks and bulldozers past the fence that walls Gaza’s population into what is effectively the world’s largest open-air prison, holding some 1.7 million Palestinians.

Just days before the latest offensive, Home Front Defense Minister Avi Dichter, the former head of the Shin Bet, the intelligence agency responsible for Israel’s so-called targeted assassinations, told the Israeli press, “We have no other choice; Israel must perform a reformatting of Gaza, and rearrange it, as we did in Judea and Samaria during Operation Defensive Shield.”
What Israel means is they don't want a flourishing Hamas and a prosperous Gaza, they don't want the people to lead good lives with also a possibly stronger para military presence so they would strike every few years to weaken Gaza groups and to weaken the Gaza infrastructure. But this won't work out the way Israel thinks it will in the future. Because things are changing.
It wasn't Hamas who launched an offensive on Israel here was it...that's why it's called a surprise attack.

Israel launches offensive against Gaza - World Socialist Web Site

Israel launched the latest offensive despite a truce that had been brokered by Egypt, largely ending an escalating confrontation that began last Saturday when Palestinian militants fired an anti-tank missile at an Israeli jeep, wounding four soldiers. The attack came after repeated incursions by Israeli tanks and bulldozers past the fence that walls Gaza’s population into what is effectively the world’s largest open-air prison, holding some 1.7 million Palestinians.

Just days before the latest offensive, Home Front Defense Minister Avi Dichter, the former head of the Shin Bet, the intelligence agency responsible for Israel’s so-called targeted assassinations, told the Israeli press, “We have no other choice; Israel must perform a reformatting of Gaza, and rearrange it, as we did in Judea and Samaria during Operation Defensive Shield.”

All those Animals had to do was to stop Rocket attacks after Israel left. Whatever they get they deserve and much more :clap2:
It wasn't Hamas who launched an offensive on Israel here was it...that's why it's called a surprise attack.

Israel launches offensive against Gaza - World Socialist Web Site

Israel launched the latest offensive despite a truce that had been brokered by Egypt, largely ending an escalating confrontation that began last Saturday when Palestinian militants fired an anti-tank missile at an Israeli jeep, wounding four soldiers. The attack came after repeated incursions by Israeli tanks and bulldozers past the fence that walls Gaza’s population into what is effectively the world’s largest open-air prison, holding some 1.7 million Palestinians.

Just days before the latest offensive, Home Front Defense Minister Avi Dichter, the former head of the Shin Bet, the intelligence agency responsible for Israel’s so-called targeted assassinations, told the Israeli press, “We have no other choice; Israel must perform a reformatting of Gaza, and rearrange it, as we did in Judea and Samaria during Operation Defensive Shield.”

All those Animals had to do was to stop Rocket attacks after Israel left. Whatever they get they deserve and much more :clap2:

Israel's Iron Dome missile interception system continued to fire away on Friday, destroying more than 130 rockets. But Israeli Defense Forces [IDF] said more than 330 rockets from Gaza have landed in Israel since Wednesday. Israel also has been massing tanks along the border with Gaza.

Let those Animals keep it up. More will die :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
There's no war currently PV....we don't know where you're fading...keep up that ciroc and grey goose, that's one conclusion.
"Israel needed to protect itself."


PTtinmore: "It is Israel's war. It can stop it any time it wants."

Israel does a good job of restraining itself against the terrorists that they live with. hamas, alQUeda....islamic jihad. the citizens even voted them into office.

Sorry i don't exactly know your stance...are you purposely pretending to be
naive to the whole scheme of things ? you know, how a country has to deal with terrorists in their midst [every second of the day] ? constant drama.

imagine if 'they' - hamass, etc., has WHAT israel has. . .
. . .You think 'they' would be as 'humane' to Israel as Israel is to them ?
i don't think so.

How are they going to stop "IT" ? they already tried giving them land and made other concessions some years ago, they responded with a suicide bomber. so what should they do ?

I think they have restraint, considering the palestinians have [and voted for] terrorists as their gov't. hamass.

Israel needed to protect itself.

On April 16, 2001 the Hamas terrorist organization launched its first rocket into Israel.
Since the beginning of 2012, 1,822 rocket hits have been identified in Israeli territory.



Rocket fire from Gaza and Palestinian ceasefire violations after Operation Cast Lead (Jan 2009)

It is Israel's war. It can stop it any time it wants.
Israel has stopped hundreds and thousands of times. Then the unwashed heathens fire more rockets. Time for the rocket rangers to desist.

When was it that Israel stopped its occupation?
It is Israel's war. It can stop it any time it wants.
Israel has stopped hundreds and thousands of times. Then the unwashed heathens fire more rockets. Time for the rocket rangers to desist.

When was it that Israel stopped its occupation?

The ---very limited measures Israel exerts on its defeated enemy which continues
to strive to DESTROY ISRAEL are entirely legal -------both from the POV of law and
from the POV of ethics ----
The actions of that enemy in placing bombs on the stinking whorish asses
of its daughters and the launching of poison baby brain smashing nail bombs
and the RELIGIOUS CREED which described a "god" that demands that its
worshippers sneak into homes to slit the throats of infants---are both illegal
and reprehensible to any remotely civilized human

the vulgar sluts and dogs who dance on the dead bodies of Israeli infants and
lick the shit off the anuses of the throat slitters-----are what they (you) are
I guess the Pals better stop setting up their missiles in schoolyards.

The Israeli's have places for the women and children to go when there's airstrikes....where do the Pal women and kids go? What's been put in place for their protection?? Stop crying......................


But they do not set up missiles in schoolyards, that is just the Zionist lie!

The lust for more blood of the Gentile child by the Zionist Jew is so insatiable, the lies they flow like honey to justify taking lives of baby Palestinians.

Just look at what the Jew just did in Gaza, in Novemember, addressed in that report, they searched for the very youngest victims, they wanted to kill the Palestinian journalist to stop his words telling about the abuses of the Occupation, so they deliberately attacked a Palestinian home of a young Palestinain journalist where he lived with his wife and his 11 month old baby and a four year son and his brother and his brother's young and pregnant 19 year old wife.

And they deliberately and with the intenet to kill Palestinian children attacked the home of that young Palestinian journalist and murdered this child and another child in that mother's womb and the 19 year old mother to be and her young husband:


The Occupiers will not even let concrete into Gaza to build bomb shelters and if they had bomb shelters Israel would intentionally bomb the babies inside those shelters, they would look to their baby killing ally, the US, for bunker busting bombs to kill every last innocent child inside those bomb shelters!

There's no war currently PV....we don't know where you're fading...keep up that ciroc and grey goose, that's one conclusion.

I never said there was a " War". I was referring to those Animals from Gaza increasing their Rocket attacks into Israel. Wait a minute.... That's not a War? However Israel retaliating is? Keep drinking and Vodka with your KOOL- AID. That's one conclusion :D

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