4 Day To Leave the US


Diamond Member
May 17, 2015
How far along are you in packing your bags.....?

Enjoy the trip!

I don't think Trump (or anyone else) is miserable

They are making themselves miserable and also looking silly fighting something that can't be undone.

It's actually comical - they are making the media quite happy :)
Republicans never say they will leave the country according to who is elected,they don't have the ability to move out of the trailer park..
Republicans never say they will leave the country according to who is elected,they don't have the ability to move out of the trailer park..
Nonsense. They have the maturity to talk sensibly and have control over what they fear most, a Democratic administration.

Unlike those celebrity who choose to cut off their nose to spite their face. Really quite immature.
Just sit an wait , the rubes are dying off faster then flies
Actually, other than immigration, it's the low educated that breed in greater numbers.

Trailer trash, the white christers you hate so much tend to be more conservative.

I'm taking the 20th off to watch the toddlers have their emotional meltdowns. Hollywood can't produce movies that good.
Iceweasel, I'll be watching too. Next Saturday we can exchange notes on what we saw. I'll watch C-Span whenever possible because I like the lack of editorial comment.
I'm taking the 20th off to watch the toddlers have their emotional meltdowns. Hollywood can't produce movies that good.
Iceweasel, I'll be watching too. Next Saturday we can exchange notes on what we saw. I'll watch C-Span whenever possible because I like the lack of editorial comment.
I'll find a good station and surf the net at the same time. CNN won't be on my short list.
They can no longer afford to move, since they gambled all their money on shorting the markets claiming Wall Street would not like Trump.-oops
Republicans never say they will leave the country according to who is elected,they don't have the ability to move out of the trailer park..

Mitt Romney may take issue with that.....

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