4.2% GDP growth, 5.8% for quarter, no phony Pub crises, disfunction- TY for nothing....

Hey dumb fucks, you think the man on the factory floor is going to forget who nearly put us into the Second Great Republican Depression?
FINALLY! Could have gotten out of this mess years ago, Pub dupes. So could Iraq, Syria, Afghan, Libya, Ukraine. Pub world depressions cause chaos, chumps, and only the USA has the power to start and end them....
All that with a "Do Nothing Congress"!

I vote for MORE "Do Nothing"!

Tell you what - make sure that traitor Harry "Howdy Doody" Reid remains Majority Leader and your wish will come true. 6 more years of bills piling up on that asshole's desk.

Nothing that you'll have to worry about though. After November, he will be ancient history
Which bills should he move forward?

Dems cry 8216 obstructionists 8217 while House passed over 350 bills that sit on Harry Reid 8217 s desk - BizPac Review

Oh I don't know....
But there are maybe one or two out of the 350 that the House has passed....
And every one is bs propaganda, DOA before even passed, for hater dupe morons ONLY. Check any one, brainwashed dingbat.

So which party has been in control for the better part of a decade?
Now damn it....don't let those pesky FACTS get in the way of this idiot's "argument". Franco is one dumb son-of-a- bitch
Except for less than 6 months, 7/2009-2-2010, Pubs have been able to block anything, brainwashed shyttehead.
Dupes are so dumb they'll believe anything...

A) Since Pubs in opposition only want to stop ALL legislation, as Voodoo is their way of stealing from the nonrich....all they wanted was to make Obama a one term Pres., damn the country and the world.....
B)The Dems have been in control of congress for less than six months- if you remember Teddy was on his death bed, THIRTEEN DAYS IN SESSION, hater dupes.

B) After the shyttte that was Nixon, the president can appoint 3 people to run the IRS- all your stupid conspiracy bs is just that, MORON.:fu::funnyface:

Actually the democrats never had that 60 seat control.

If you remember, the gop governor of Minnesota made sure that Al Franken wasn't seated until July 2014. By then both Ted Kennedy and Robert Byrd had left the senate because of their health. They both died not long after leaving the senate. While they still had the seats, there was no one there to case any vote.

The gop still had the power to stop all legislation with their endless filibusters.
riiighhhttttt....now is this the final answer before the election......or will the issue be fogged up again next report........cause record foodstamps and such doesnt really scream economic salvation
The Dems had 13 days, with Ted replaced, and in session...

I'm sorry but Al Franken didn't take his senate seat until July 2009. His was that 60th seat. Unfortunately that recount in Minnesota took 8 months to complete. Which is the longest I've ever heard of a recount. The gop governor made sure that it took as long as possible for Franken to take his seat.

Kennedy suffered a seizure on January 20, 2009. He was in and out of the hospital until his death August 2009. He wasn't in the senate to vote.

There might have been a window between July and August before his death that he could have broken a filibuster and I believe he did leave the hospital once to cast his vote to end the gop filibuster for Obamacare.

If Kennedy had been healthy then there would have been that 60 seat majority when Franken was sworn in 7 months after everyone else in congress had been sworn in and taken their seats. But by then, Kennedy was extremely ill and only had around a month and a half left to live.

If the recount in Minnesota had not been drawn out for over half a year, Al Franken would have been in his rightful seat in the senate at the same time the rest of congress was sworn in, yes the democrats would have had that 60 seats in the senate.
The Dems had 13 days, with Ted replaced, and in session...

I'm sorry but Al Franken didn't take his senate seat until July 2009. His was that 60th seat. Unfortunately that recount in Minnesota took 8 months to complete. Which is the longest I've ever heard of a recount. The gop governor made sure that it took as long as possible for Franken to take his seat.

Kennedy suffered a seizure on January 20, 2009. He was in and out of the hospital until his death August 2009. He wasn't in the senate to vote.

There might have been a window between July and August before his death that he could have broken a filibuster and I believe he did leave the hospital once to cast his vote to end the gop filibuster for Obamacare.

If Kennedy had been healthy then there would have been that 60 seat majority when Franken was sworn in 7 months after everyone else in congress had been sworn in and taken their seats. But by then, Kennedy was extremely ill and only had around a month and a half left to live.

If the recount in Minnesota had not been drawn out for over half a year, Al Franken would have been in his rightful seat in the senate at the same time the rest of congress was sworn in, yes the democrats would have had that 60 seats in the senate.
Read the link. Kennedy was replaced by an appointee when he died.

Democrats only had a veto proof majority for 24 working days Fact Left
Every American household has lost thousands of discretionary dollars annually as a result of this moronic and sinister administration's energy policy yet democrat stupidity results in a bogus thread like this one. Too stupid to even realize how much they continue to lose. Buying power and economic expansion vanquished by a hack admin. But he's on their team so they remain ignorantly loyal. Lap dogs.

Looks like a lap dog named 'old rocks' dog-bit my post and ran.
The entire "they do glowing GDP then revise it down later" crowd won't notice this, anymore than they remember Q3 last year. Shit that isn't convenient to a stupid argument is easily forgotten.
Every American household has lost thousands of discretionary dollars annually as a result of this moronic and sinister administration's energy policy yet democrat stupidity results in a bogus thread like this one. Too stupid to even realize how much they continue to lose. Buying power and economic expansion vanquished by a hack admin. But he's on their team so they remain ignorantly loyal. Lap dogs.

Looks like a lap dog named 'old rocks' dog-bit my post and ran.
What idiot channel do you watch? We just became the world's biggest energy producer, btw.
Every American household has lost thousands of discretionary dollars annually as a result of this moronic and sinister administration's energy policy yet democrat stupidity results in a bogus thread like this one. Too stupid to even realize how much they continue to lose. Buying power and economic expansion vanquished by a hack admin. But he's on their team so they remain ignorantly loyal. Lap dogs.

Looks like a lap dog named 'old rocks' dog-bit my post and ran.
What idiot channel do you watch? We just became the world's biggest energy producer, btw.

It's about 'enough', not just 'a lot'. Obama is denying 'enough' and selling you the propaganda about 'a lot'. You are a dupe.

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