35 Questions for Mitt


Diamond Member
Feb 27, 2008
Hating Hatters
Great article in Forbes.

35 Questions Mitt Romney Must Answer About Bain Capital Before The Issue Can Go Away - Forbes

1. Are you contending that an individual can simultaneously be the CEO, president, managing director of a company, and its sole stockholder and somehow be “disassociated” from the company or accurately classified as someone not having “any” formal involvement with a company?

5. You earned at least $100,000 as an executive from Bain in 2001 and 2002, separate from investment earnings according to filings with State of Massachusetts. Can you give an example of anyone else you personally know getting a six figure income, not dividend or investment return, but actual income, from a company they had nothing to do with?

7. If you did nothing to earn this salary, did the Bain managers violate their fiduciary duty by paying you a salary for no discernible reason?

8. Are there other companies that pay you six figures a year as earned income, not investment income, for which you have no involvement?

Many more good questions at the link. :)
Best question for this A-hole:

Are your magic mormon underwear bulletproof?

I'm not insulting the religion, just thinking that maybe it will make the Secret Service's job a little easier. Although, abusing foreign prostitutes appears to be pretty rigorous work.

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