307,000 veterans died waiting for health care

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
But the government should take it all over and make it "free"

Hundreds of thousands of veterans listed in the Department of Veterans Affairs enrollment system died before their applications for care were processed, according to a report issued Wednesday.

The VA's inspector general found that out of about 800,000 records stalled in the agency's system for managing health care enrollment, there were more than 307,000 records that belonged to veterans who had died months or years in the past.

VA inspector general finds 307,000 veterans died waiting for health care
I remember dealing with the VA back in the 60s and 70s. It was a mess long before then and its only gotten worse.

IMO, disabled vets should be issued a card that guarantees them care in any hospital, clinic and doctor's office in the country.
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I remember dealing with the VA back in the 60s and 70s. It was a mess long before then and its only gotten worse.

IMO, disabled vets should be issued a card that guarantees them care in any hospital, clinic and doctor's office in the country.

Seems like a pretty simple solution, which is why it completely escapes Congress.
I remember dealing with the VA back in the 60s and 70s. It was a mess long before then and its only gotten worse.

IMO, disabled vets should be issued a card that guarantees them care in any hospital, clinic and doctor's office in the country.

Seems like a pretty simple solution, which is why it completely escapes Congress.

They were willing to give their ALL and many gave much more than we had a right to ask of them. And yet, we can't take care of them now?

This is part of what Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert are working on but really, I can't see that they can change what has taken several generations to completely muck up.

Jon Stewart is also fighting R congress to give health care to the 9/11 responders. I doubt they'll do anything though.

I remember dealing with the VA back in the 60s and 70s. It was a mess long before then and its only gotten worse.

IMO, disabled vets should be issued a card that guarantees them care in any hospital, clinic and doctor's office in the country.
This is a good idea, we are a decent while away from UHC, I want a two tier system, but alas, nothing is perfect. Medicare/Medicaid/etc are all great things, however, I know some rwers will claim these cards you propose are government interference in private healthcare -.-
But the government should take it all over and make it "free"

Hundreds of thousands of veterans listed in the Department of Veterans Affairs enrollment system died before their applications for care were processed, according to a report issued Wednesday.

The VA's inspector general found that out of about 800,000 records stalled in the agency's system for managing health care enrollment, there were more than 307,000 records that belonged to veterans who had died months or years in the past.

VA inspector general finds 307,000 veterans died waiting for health care

Yep.. One of my gun show friends died while waiting for a simple procedure. I had no idea what was going on till it was too late. I took him to an oncologist and paid for the workup. The result was had the VA actually done their job he would most likely still be alive (90%). However, because they waited so damned long he was stage 4 and beyond help. We were able to extend his life long enough for his kids to come and visit one last time but that was it.
But the government should take it all over and make it "free"

Hundreds of thousands of veterans listed in the Department of Veterans Affairs enrollment system died before their applications for care were processed, according to a report issued Wednesday.

The VA's inspector general found that out of about 800,000 records stalled in the agency's system for managing health care enrollment, there were more than 307,000 records that belonged to veterans who had died months or years in the past.

VA inspector general finds 307,000 veterans died waiting for health care

Yep.. One of my gun show friends died while waiting for a simple procedure. I had no idea what was going on till it was too late. I took him to an oncologist and paid for the workup. The result was had the VA actually done their job he would most likely still be alive (90%). However, because they waited so damned long he was stage 4 and beyond help. We were able to extend his life long enough for his kids to come and visit one last time but that was it.
The issue is, this just shows we need to fund the VA and crack down heavily, or switch to the card idea. We can't just scrap the VA, I know veterans who have benefited from it, even though it's a disaster. We can't just throw veterans out and expect for profit healthcare to pick them up..
But the government should take it all over and make it "free"

Hundreds of thousands of veterans listed in the Department of Veterans Affairs enrollment system died before their applications for care were processed, according to a report issued Wednesday.

The VA's inspector general found that out of about 800,000 records stalled in the agency's system for managing health care enrollment, there were more than 307,000 records that belonged to veterans who had died months or years in the past.

VA inspector general finds 307,000 veterans died waiting for health care

Yep.. One of my gun show friends died while waiting for a simple procedure. I had no idea what was going on till it was too late. I took him to an oncologist and paid for the workup. The result was had the VA actually done their job he would most likely still be alive (90%). However, because they waited so damned long he was stage 4 and beyond help. We were able to extend his life long enough for his kids to come and visit one last time but that was it.
The issue is, this just shows we need to fund the VA and crack down heavily, or switch to the card idea. We can't just scrap the VA, I know veterans who have benefited from it, even though it's a disaster. We can't just throw veterans out and expect for profit healthcare to pick them up..

I agree but this is a small scale version of what is going to happen as obummer care kicks in full force. Progressives love to talk about how great the British or Canadian systems are but the reality is they suck and people who can afford to, come here for treatment.
But the government should take it all over and make it "free"

Hundreds of thousands of veterans listed in the Department of Veterans Affairs enrollment system died before their applications for care were processed, according to a report issued Wednesday.

The VA's inspector general found that out of about 800,000 records stalled in the agency's system for managing health care enrollment, there were more than 307,000 records that belonged to veterans who had died months or years in the past.

VA inspector general finds 307,000 veterans died waiting for health care

Yep.. One of my gun show friends died while waiting for a simple procedure. I had no idea what was going on till it was too late. I took him to an oncologist and paid for the workup. The result was had the VA actually done their job he would most likely still be alive (90%). However, because they waited so damned long he was stage 4 and beyond help. We were able to extend his life long enough for his kids to come and visit one last time but that was it.
The issue is, this just shows we need to fund the VA and crack down heavily, or switch to the card idea. We can't just scrap the VA, I know veterans who have benefited from it, even though it's a disaster. We can't just throw veterans out and expect for profit healthcare to pick them up..

I agree but this is a small scale version of what is going to happen as obummer care kicks in full force. Progressives love to talk about how great the British or Canadian systems are but the reality is they suck and people who can afford to, come here for treatment.
No, it's really not, have you looked at the latest life expectancy numbers? The "healthcare migration" myth is overhyped and goes both ways, you see, they prioritize treatment based on the severity of something, if it's cosmetic or life threatening, if you are going to die, you will get treated, and trying to point at obamacare is not even remotely relevant to universal health care. They suck? Sorry bud, Canadians and those in Britain defend them to the death, they know it's better then the overpriced bullshit here in the states, my grandparents lost everything thanks to that shit..
But the government should take it all over and make it "free"

Hundreds of thousands of veterans listed in the Department of Veterans Affairs enrollment system died before their applications for care were processed, according to a report issued Wednesday.

The VA's inspector general found that out of about 800,000 records stalled in the agency's system for managing health care enrollment, there were more than 307,000 records that belonged to veterans who had died months or years in the past.

VA inspector general finds 307,000 veterans died waiting for health care

Yep.. One of my gun show friends died while waiting for a simple procedure. I had no idea what was going on till it was too late. I took him to an oncologist and paid for the workup. The result was had the VA actually done their job he would most likely still be alive (90%). However, because they waited so damned long he was stage 4 and beyond help. We were able to extend his life long enough for his kids to come and visit one last time but that was it.
The issue is, this just shows we need to fund the VA and crack down heavily, or switch to the card idea. We can't just scrap the VA, I know veterans who have benefited from it, even though it's a disaster. We can't just throw veterans out and expect for profit healthcare to pick them up..

I agree but this is a small scale version of what is going to happen as obummer care kicks in full force. Progressives love to talk about how great the British or Canadian systems are but the reality is they suck and people who can afford to, come here for treatment.
No, it's really not, have you looked at the latest life expectancy numbers? The "healthcare migration" myth is overhyped and goes both ways, you see, they prioritize treatment based on the severity of something, if it's cosmetic or life threatening, if you are going to die, you will get treated, and trying to point at obamacare is not even remotely relevant to universal health care. They suck? Sorry bud, Canadians and those in Britain defend them to the death, they know it's better then the overpriced bullshit here in the states, my grandparents lost everything thanks to that shit..

Totally untrue. In Canada for instance, your wife develops breast cancer. They won't treat her till it's stage 3. By then her recovery rate is 10-20%. Hell a Canadian politician developed cancer and SHE came here to the States for treatment. The problem is they define life threatening as imminent. Cancer is a timed killer. If you get it early your chance of recovery is significantly greater than if you wait. Canada, and the Brit NHS are great for healthy people. But once you get sick you are in real trouble.

"The number of Canadian patients who travelled abroad in 2014 to receive non-emergency medical treatment increased 25 per cent from 2013, according to a study conducted by the Fraser Institute, a Canadian independent research and education organization."
More Canadians go beyond border for medical treatment
But the government should take it all over and make it "free"

Yep.. One of my gun show friends died while waiting for a simple procedure. I had no idea what was going on till it was too late. I took him to an oncologist and paid for the workup. The result was had the VA actually done their job he would most likely still be alive (90%). However, because they waited so damned long he was stage 4 and beyond help. We were able to extend his life long enough for his kids to come and visit one last time but that was it.
The issue is, this just shows we need to fund the VA and crack down heavily, or switch to the card idea. We can't just scrap the VA, I know veterans who have benefited from it, even though it's a disaster. We can't just throw veterans out and expect for profit healthcare to pick them up..

I agree but this is a small scale version of what is going to happen as obummer care kicks in full force. Progressives love to talk about how great the British or Canadian systems are but the reality is they suck and people who can afford to, come here for treatment.
No, it's really not, have you looked at the latest life expectancy numbers? The "healthcare migration" myth is overhyped and goes both ways, you see, they prioritize treatment based on the severity of something, if it's cosmetic or life threatening, if you are going to die, you will get treated, and trying to point at obamacare is not even remotely relevant to universal health care. They suck? Sorry bud, Canadians and those in Britain defend them to the death, they know it's better then the overpriced bullshit here in the states, my grandparents lost everything thanks to that shit..

Totally untrue. In Canada for instance, your wife develops breast cancer. They won't treat her till it's stage 3. By then her recovery rate is 10-20%. Hell a Canadian politician developed cancer and SHE came here to the States for treatment. The problem is they define life threatening as imminent. Cancer is a timed killer. If you get it early your chance of recovery is significantly greater than if you wait. Canada, and the Brit NHS are great for healthy people. But once you get sick you are in real trouble.

"The number of Canadian patients who travelled abroad in 2014 to receive non-emergency medical treatment increased 25 per cent from 2013, according to a study conducted by the Fraser Institute, a Canadian independent research and education organization."
More Canadians go beyond border for medical treatment
Yeah, bullshit, sorry. My friend Brandon lives in Canada and his mother got treated there nearly immediately. Yeah, which is why they live longer..
Yep.. One of my gun show friends died while waiting for a simple procedure. I had no idea what was going on till it was too late. I took him to an oncologist and paid for the workup. The result was had the VA actually done their job he would most likely still be alive (90%). However, because they waited so damned long he was stage 4 and beyond help. We were able to extend his life long enough for his kids to come and visit one last time but that was it.
The issue is, this just shows we need to fund the VA and crack down heavily, or switch to the card idea. We can't just scrap the VA, I know veterans who have benefited from it, even though it's a disaster. We can't just throw veterans out and expect for profit healthcare to pick them up..

I agree but this is a small scale version of what is going to happen as obummer care kicks in full force. Progressives love to talk about how great the British or Canadian systems are but the reality is they suck and people who can afford to, come here for treatment.
No, it's really not, have you looked at the latest life expectancy numbers? The "healthcare migration" myth is overhyped and goes both ways, you see, they prioritize treatment based on the severity of something, if it's cosmetic or life threatening, if you are going to die, you will get treated, and trying to point at obamacare is not even remotely relevant to universal health care. They suck? Sorry bud, Canadians and those in Britain defend them to the death, they know it's better then the overpriced bullshit here in the states, my grandparents lost everything thanks to that shit..

Totally untrue. In Canada for instance, your wife develops breast cancer. They won't treat her till it's stage 3. By then her recovery rate is 10-20%. Hell a Canadian politician developed cancer and SHE came here to the States for treatment. The problem is they define life threatening as imminent. Cancer is a timed killer. If you get it early your chance of recovery is significantly greater than if you wait. Canada, and the Brit NHS are great for healthy people. But once you get sick you are in real trouble.

"The number of Canadian patients who travelled abroad in 2014 to receive non-emergency medical treatment increased 25 per cent from 2013, according to a study conducted by the Fraser Institute, a Canadian independent research and education organization."
More Canadians go beyond border for medical treatment
Yeah, bullshit, sorry. My friend Brandon lives in Canada and his mother got treated there nearly immediately. Yeah, which is why they live longer..

Tell that to these folks. Oh look he's only the Premier of the province. And lookey here, she's a MP and she had to go to California for some of her treatment. For every success story you trot out, I can trot out 40,000 failures. If you want to go with personal stories a good friend of mine who has worked for BC Corrections for 30 years sold his house so he could pay for cancer treatments in Santa Barbara so that his wife could live. Otherwise, based on Canadian wait times she was looking at surgery in 8 months when she needed it NOW.

Danny Williams, Canadian Official, Seeks Heart Surgery In US

The premier of Canada's east coast province is undergoing heart surgery in the United States this week because the treatment he is seeking was not available in his home province.

Danny Williams, Canadian Official, Seeks Heart Surgery In US

OTTAWA–Belinda Stronach, the MP for Newmarket-Aurora and former cabinet minister, travelled outside Canada's health-care system to California for some of her breast cancer treatment earlier this year.

Stronach, diagnosed in the spring with a type of breast cancer that required a mastectomy and breast reconstruction, went to California in June at her Toronto doctor's suggestion, a spokesperson confirmed.
Stronach travels to U.S. for cancer treatment | Toronto Star

Long Canadian wait times send patients south for surgery | Video
The issue is, this just shows we need to fund the VA and crack down heavily, or switch to the card idea. We can't just scrap the VA, I know veterans who have benefited from it, even though it's a disaster. We can't just throw veterans out and expect for profit healthcare to pick them up..

I agree but this is a small scale version of what is going to happen as obummer care kicks in full force. Progressives love to talk about how great the British or Canadian systems are but the reality is they suck and people who can afford to, come here for treatment.
No, it's really not, have you looked at the latest life expectancy numbers? The "healthcare migration" myth is overhyped and goes both ways, you see, they prioritize treatment based on the severity of something, if it's cosmetic or life threatening, if you are going to die, you will get treated, and trying to point at obamacare is not even remotely relevant to universal health care. They suck? Sorry bud, Canadians and those in Britain defend them to the death, they know it's better then the overpriced bullshit here in the states, my grandparents lost everything thanks to that shit..

Totally untrue. In Canada for instance, your wife develops breast cancer. They won't treat her till it's stage 3. By then her recovery rate is 10-20%. Hell a Canadian politician developed cancer and SHE came here to the States for treatment. The problem is they define life threatening as imminent. Cancer is a timed killer. If you get it early your chance of recovery is significantly greater than if you wait. Canada, and the Brit NHS are great for healthy people. But once you get sick you are in real trouble.

"The number of Canadian patients who travelled abroad in 2014 to receive non-emergency medical treatment increased 25 per cent from 2013, according to a study conducted by the Fraser Institute, a Canadian independent research and education organization."
More Canadians go beyond border for medical treatment
Yeah, bullshit, sorry. My friend Brandon lives in Canada and his mother got treated there nearly immediately. Yeah, which is why they live longer..

Tell that to these folks. Oh look he's only the Premier of the province. And lookey here, she's a MP and she had to go to California for some of her treatment. For every success story you trot out, I can trot out 40,000 failures. If you want to go with personal stories a good friend of mine who has worked for BC Corrections for 30 years sold his house so he could pay for cancer treatments in Santa Barbara so that his wife could live. Otherwise, based on Canadian wait times she was looking at surgery in 8 months when she needed it NOW.

Danny Williams, Canadian Official, Seeks Heart Surgery In US

The premier of Canada's east coast province is undergoing heart surgery in the United States this week because the treatment he is seeking was not available in his home province.

Danny Williams, Canadian Official, Seeks Heart Surgery In US

OTTAWA–Belinda Stronach, the MP for Newmarket-Aurora and former cabinet minister, travelled outside Canada's health-care system to California for some of her breast cancer treatment earlier this year.

Stronach, diagnosed in the spring with a type of breast cancer that required a mastectomy and breast reconstruction, went to California in June at her Toronto doctor's suggestion, a spokesperson confirmed.
Stronach travels to U.S. for cancer treatment | Toronto Star

Long Canadian wait times send patients south for surgery | Video
And I can show you the millions of lives ruined thanks to medical debt and a fear of seeking healthcare due to costs. Nothing is perfect.
I agree but this is a small scale version of what is going to happen as obummer care kicks in full force. Progressives love to talk about how great the British or Canadian systems are but the reality is they suck and people who can afford to, come here for treatment.
No, it's really not, have you looked at the latest life expectancy numbers? The "healthcare migration" myth is overhyped and goes both ways, you see, they prioritize treatment based on the severity of something, if it's cosmetic or life threatening, if you are going to die, you will get treated, and trying to point at obamacare is not even remotely relevant to universal health care. They suck? Sorry bud, Canadians and those in Britain defend them to the death, they know it's better then the overpriced bullshit here in the states, my grandparents lost everything thanks to that shit..

Totally untrue. In Canada for instance, your wife develops breast cancer. They won't treat her till it's stage 3. By then her recovery rate is 10-20%. Hell a Canadian politician developed cancer and SHE came here to the States for treatment. The problem is they define life threatening as imminent. Cancer is a timed killer. If you get it early your chance of recovery is significantly greater than if you wait. Canada, and the Brit NHS are great for healthy people. But once you get sick you are in real trouble.

"The number of Canadian patients who travelled abroad in 2014 to receive non-emergency medical treatment increased 25 per cent from 2013, according to a study conducted by the Fraser Institute, a Canadian independent research and education organization."
More Canadians go beyond border for medical treatment
Yeah, bullshit, sorry. My friend Brandon lives in Canada and his mother got treated there nearly immediately. Yeah, which is why they live longer..

Tell that to these folks. Oh look he's only the Premier of the province. And lookey here, she's a MP and she had to go to California for some of her treatment. For every success story you trot out, I can trot out 40,000 failures. If you want to go with personal stories a good friend of mine who has worked for BC Corrections for 30 years sold his house so he could pay for cancer treatments in Santa Barbara so that his wife could live. Otherwise, based on Canadian wait times she was looking at surgery in 8 months when she needed it NOW.

Danny Williams, Canadian Official, Seeks Heart Surgery In US

The premier of Canada's east coast province is undergoing heart surgery in the United States this week because the treatment he is seeking was not available in his home province.

Danny Williams, Canadian Official, Seeks Heart Surgery In US

OTTAWA–Belinda Stronach, the MP for Newmarket-Aurora and former cabinet minister, travelled outside Canada's health-care system to California for some of her breast cancer treatment earlier this year.

Stronach, diagnosed in the spring with a type of breast cancer that required a mastectomy and breast reconstruction, went to California in June at her Toronto doctor's suggestion, a spokesperson confirmed.
Stronach travels to U.S. for cancer treatment | Toronto Star

Long Canadian wait times send patients south for surgery | Video
And I can show you the millions of lives ruined thanks to medical debt and a fear of seeking healthcare due to costs. Nothing is perfect.

I never met anybody from Europe who thought that our corporate health care system was anything but a joke. This includes ACA, which I think is a joke also.
I agree but this is a small scale version of what is going to happen as obummer care kicks in full force. Progressives love to talk about how great the British or Canadian systems are but the reality is they suck and people who can afford to, come here for treatment.
No, it's really not, have you looked at the latest life expectancy numbers? The "healthcare migration" myth is overhyped and goes both ways, you see, they prioritize treatment based on the severity of something, if it's cosmetic or life threatening, if you are going to die, you will get treated, and trying to point at obamacare is not even remotely relevant to universal health care. They suck? Sorry bud, Canadians and those in Britain defend them to the death, they know it's better then the overpriced bullshit here in the states, my grandparents lost everything thanks to that shit..

Totally untrue. In Canada for instance, your wife develops breast cancer. They won't treat her till it's stage 3. By then her recovery rate is 10-20%. Hell a Canadian politician developed cancer and SHE came here to the States for treatment. The problem is they define life threatening as imminent. Cancer is a timed killer. If you get it early your chance of recovery is significantly greater than if you wait. Canada, and the Brit NHS are great for healthy people. But once you get sick you are in real trouble.

"The number of Canadian patients who travelled abroad in 2014 to receive non-emergency medical treatment increased 25 per cent from 2013, according to a study conducted by the Fraser Institute, a Canadian independent research and education organization."
More Canadians go beyond border for medical treatment
Yeah, bullshit, sorry. My friend Brandon lives in Canada and his mother got treated there nearly immediately. Yeah, which is why they live longer..

Tell that to these folks. Oh look he's only the Premier of the province. And lookey here, she's a MP and she had to go to California for some of her treatment. For every success story you trot out, I can trot out 40,000 failures. If you want to go with personal stories a good friend of mine who has worked for BC Corrections for 30 years sold his house so he could pay for cancer treatments in Santa Barbara so that his wife could live. Otherwise, based on Canadian wait times she was looking at surgery in 8 months when she needed it NOW.

Danny Williams, Canadian Official, Seeks Heart Surgery In US

The premier of Canada's east coast province is undergoing heart surgery in the United States this week because the treatment he is seeking was not available in his home province.

Danny Williams, Canadian Official, Seeks Heart Surgery In US

OTTAWA–Belinda Stronach, the MP for Newmarket-Aurora and former cabinet minister, travelled outside Canada's health-care system to California for some of her breast cancer treatment earlier this year.

Stronach, diagnosed in the spring with a type of breast cancer that required a mastectomy and breast reconstruction, went to California in June at her Toronto doctor's suggestion, a spokesperson confirmed.
Stronach travels to U.S. for cancer treatment | Toronto Star

Long Canadian wait times send patients south for surgery | Video
And I can show you the millions of lives ruined thanks to medical debt and a fear of seeking healthcare due to costs. Nothing is perfect.

Correct, nothing is perfect. So why do you approve of something that is going to be even worse than what it is replacing? Gruber himself admitted that they were lying to the dumb Americans to pass this shit. Why are you not up in arms over that?
No, it's really not, have you looked at the latest life expectancy numbers? The "healthcare migration" myth is overhyped and goes both ways, you see, they prioritize treatment based on the severity of something, if it's cosmetic or life threatening, if you are going to die, you will get treated, and trying to point at obamacare is not even remotely relevant to universal health care. They suck? Sorry bud, Canadians and those in Britain defend them to the death, they know it's better then the overpriced bullshit here in the states, my grandparents lost everything thanks to that shit..

Totally untrue. In Canada for instance, your wife develops breast cancer. They won't treat her till it's stage 3. By then her recovery rate is 10-20%. Hell a Canadian politician developed cancer and SHE came here to the States for treatment. The problem is they define life threatening as imminent. Cancer is a timed killer. If you get it early your chance of recovery is significantly greater than if you wait. Canada, and the Brit NHS are great for healthy people. But once you get sick you are in real trouble.

"The number of Canadian patients who travelled abroad in 2014 to receive non-emergency medical treatment increased 25 per cent from 2013, according to a study conducted by the Fraser Institute, a Canadian independent research and education organization."
More Canadians go beyond border for medical treatment
Yeah, bullshit, sorry. My friend Brandon lives in Canada and his mother got treated there nearly immediately. Yeah, which is why they live longer..

Tell that to these folks. Oh look he's only the Premier of the province. And lookey here, she's a MP and she had to go to California for some of her treatment. For every success story you trot out, I can trot out 40,000 failures. If you want to go with personal stories a good friend of mine who has worked for BC Corrections for 30 years sold his house so he could pay for cancer treatments in Santa Barbara so that his wife could live. Otherwise, based on Canadian wait times she was looking at surgery in 8 months when she needed it NOW.

Danny Williams, Canadian Official, Seeks Heart Surgery In US

The premier of Canada's east coast province is undergoing heart surgery in the United States this week because the treatment he is seeking was not available in his home province.

Danny Williams, Canadian Official, Seeks Heart Surgery In US

OTTAWA–Belinda Stronach, the MP for Newmarket-Aurora and former cabinet minister, travelled outside Canada's health-care system to California for some of her breast cancer treatment earlier this year.

Stronach, diagnosed in the spring with a type of breast cancer that required a mastectomy and breast reconstruction, went to California in June at her Toronto doctor's suggestion, a spokesperson confirmed.
Stronach travels to U.S. for cancer treatment | Toronto Star

Long Canadian wait times send patients south for surgery | Video
And I can show you the millions of lives ruined thanks to medical debt and a fear of seeking healthcare due to costs. Nothing is perfect.

Correct, nothing is perfect. So why do you approve of something that is going to be even worse than what it is replacing? Gruber himself admitted that they were lying to the dumb Americans to pass this shit. Why are you not up in arms over that?
Err, universal healthcare, empirically, is better for the people then a private health system.
Totally untrue. In Canada for instance, your wife develops breast cancer. They won't treat her till it's stage 3. By then her recovery rate is 10-20%. Hell a Canadian politician developed cancer and SHE came here to the States for treatment. The problem is they define life threatening as imminent. Cancer is a timed killer. If you get it early your chance of recovery is significantly greater than if you wait. Canada, and the Brit NHS are great for healthy people. But once you get sick you are in real trouble.

"The number of Canadian patients who travelled abroad in 2014 to receive non-emergency medical treatment increased 25 per cent from 2013, according to a study conducted by the Fraser Institute, a Canadian independent research and education organization."
More Canadians go beyond border for medical treatment
Yeah, bullshit, sorry. My friend Brandon lives in Canada and his mother got treated there nearly immediately. Yeah, which is why they live longer..

Tell that to these folks. Oh look he's only the Premier of the province. And lookey here, she's a MP and she had to go to California for some of her treatment. For every success story you trot out, I can trot out 40,000 failures. If you want to go with personal stories a good friend of mine who has worked for BC Corrections for 30 years sold his house so he could pay for cancer treatments in Santa Barbara so that his wife could live. Otherwise, based on Canadian wait times she was looking at surgery in 8 months when she needed it NOW.

Danny Williams, Canadian Official, Seeks Heart Surgery In US

The premier of Canada's east coast province is undergoing heart surgery in the United States this week because the treatment he is seeking was not available in his home province.

Danny Williams, Canadian Official, Seeks Heart Surgery In US

OTTAWA–Belinda Stronach, the MP for Newmarket-Aurora and former cabinet minister, travelled outside Canada's health-care system to California for some of her breast cancer treatment earlier this year.

Stronach, diagnosed in the spring with a type of breast cancer that required a mastectomy and breast reconstruction, went to California in June at her Toronto doctor's suggestion, a spokesperson confirmed.
Stronach travels to U.S. for cancer treatment | Toronto Star

Long Canadian wait times send patients south for surgery | Video
And I can show you the millions of lives ruined thanks to medical debt and a fear of seeking healthcare due to costs. Nothing is perfect.

Correct, nothing is perfect. So why do you approve of something that is going to be even worse than what it is replacing? Gruber himself admitted that they were lying to the dumb Americans to pass this shit. Why are you not up in arms over that?
Err, universal healthcare, empirically, is better for the people then a private health system.

Theoretically maybe, but in practice they have never lived up to the hype. In the UK they let a 22 year old die because he was a heavy drinker and he killed his liver. They never gave him the chance to mend his ways. This is the world you want to live in...

Alcoholic Cirrhosis Kills 22 Year Old Londoner Who Was Denied a Liver Transplant

Alcoholic Cirrhosis Kills 22 Year Old Londoner Who Was Denied a Liver Transplant
Yeah, bullshit, sorry. My friend Brandon lives in Canada and his mother got treated there nearly immediately. Yeah, which is why they live longer..

Tell that to these folks. Oh look he's only the Premier of the province. And lookey here, she's a MP and she had to go to California for some of her treatment. For every success story you trot out, I can trot out 40,000 failures. If you want to go with personal stories a good friend of mine who has worked for BC Corrections for 30 years sold his house so he could pay for cancer treatments in Santa Barbara so that his wife could live. Otherwise, based on Canadian wait times she was looking at surgery in 8 months when she needed it NOW.

Danny Williams, Canadian Official, Seeks Heart Surgery In US

The premier of Canada's east coast province is undergoing heart surgery in the United States this week because the treatment he is seeking was not available in his home province.

Danny Williams, Canadian Official, Seeks Heart Surgery In US

OTTAWA–Belinda Stronach, the MP for Newmarket-Aurora and former cabinet minister, travelled outside Canada's health-care system to California for some of her breast cancer treatment earlier this year.

Stronach, diagnosed in the spring with a type of breast cancer that required a mastectomy and breast reconstruction, went to California in June at her Toronto doctor's suggestion, a spokesperson confirmed.
Stronach travels to U.S. for cancer treatment | Toronto Star

Long Canadian wait times send patients south for surgery | Video
And I can show you the millions of lives ruined thanks to medical debt and a fear of seeking healthcare due to costs. Nothing is perfect.

Correct, nothing is perfect. So why do you approve of something that is going to be even worse than what it is replacing? Gruber himself admitted that they were lying to the dumb Americans to pass this shit. Why are you not up in arms over that?
Err, universal healthcare, empirically, is better for the people then a private health system.

Theoretically maybe, but in practice they have never lived up to the hype. In the UK they let a 22 year old die because he was a heavy drinker and he killed his liver. They never gave him the chance to mend his ways. This is the world you want to live in...

Alcoholic Cirrhosis Kills 22 Year Old Londoner Who Was Denied a Liver Transplant

Alcoholic Cirrhosis Kills 22 Year Old Londoner Who Was Denied a Liver Transplant
Not theoretically, look at life expectancy, medical debt, the people who get care without worry. Wait, what? A 22 year old who was a heavy drinker killed his liver? Ok? What's your point? I know cuban immigrants (illegal) who ran back to cuba because they couldn't afford healthcare here, LOL.
I remember dealing with the VA back in the 60s and 70s. It was a mess long before then and its only gotten worse.
You are full of BS

I have been using the VA for the last 4 years.

I've been given timely appointments. All the procedures were done in a professional manner. And the doctors, nurses, and staff, have been great. ...... :cool:

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