30 and Over~

They might if they make further inroads. NAMBLA used to be part of the mainstream gay rights movement and was really just dumped because of the obviously bad publicity that they brought, but I suspect that the more radical activists still support their aims.
Nor is there an increase in the percentage of the population. Actually in the US the percentage of people who are child molesters is much lower than 50 years ago.
Aaaaaahh I don't know... I don't think I'm too inclined to agree with you two. I think the internet being, in great portion, all PORN, and the kids of today LIVING on the internet, they think nothing of it. Young girls want to dress like a whore at an earlier age every decade. Bare bellies hanging out, pants waistlines keep getting lower and lower, tramp stamp tattoos on their back sides, low cut tops showing their cleavage. Go to the mall, look around. If girls dressed like that back in my day they'd have been sent home to their mama, in shame. They take pictures of themselves with their phones and then send them to each other, little girls kissing, groping each other, showing private parts, naked, and the boys aren't any better. This whole thing is centered around and driven by the ever available smut and porn on the internet, and morals are in decay. No, I think there are more perverts today than there was years ago. A lot more. And the sad thing is, with the coming of tolerance to homosexuals and their agenda, some may disagree, but I believe the next big push from those people will be for the acceptance of pedophilia. Things aren't staying the same... things are getting worse.
homosexuals will never push for pedohilia to be accepted especially giving the fact there are more "heterosexual" pedophiles than there is "homosexual" pedophiles. For one pedophilia is usually considered it's own sexual orientation. One thing that is still true is that more men molest girls than they do boys. I don't Nambla is going to become an actual group that is accepted anytime soon.

I don't think the point was that homosexuals will push for it, but rather in a more permissive society it would be easier for them to be accepted.
They might if they make further inroads. NAMBLA used to be part of the mainstream gay rights movement and was really just dumped because of the obviously bad publicity that they brought, but I suspect that the more radical activists still support their aims.
Looking to get neg repped again by the anti agna brigade? :lol:
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First public opinion will shift for approval of heterosexual sex between consenting teens above a certain age and other teens of the same age or older or with adults and the laws will be relaxed. After that the law will be tested for heterosexual sex.
Mus we forget where the largest population of pedophiles has been protected? Sorry, but even if the gay community as a whole "accepted" it, the churches have demonstrated they support it. ;) Just basing it on reality.
I agree. The world is a lot different than it was when I was a kid coming up. Born in 1951 I have seen lots of changes in my life time. Seen some truly amazing things and some things I wish I had never seen. Our lives were much different than the world of today. As kids, we would never behave like the kids of today behave. For example, if you were going to go uptown for some reason you would get all gussied up to look really good because you never knew who you might run into while in town. Today, kids look pretty sad with the way they dress and with their pants hanging half-way off their asses. Go to the mall and have a seat on any bench and just watch and listen to what comes by. The kids of today are rude, crude, very impolite and simply don't have the same values of the kids back in our day did. My parents would have absolutely killed me if I acted like the kids you see at the mall these days. The kids of today are spoiled with things we never dreamed of when I was a kid. In a lot of ways, I do think kids of today have it much easier than we did but I don't see that same "happiness" on their faces as I remember seeing on the kids faces when I was coming up. The world has changed and maybe not so much for the better.

I think the kids today are as good or better than we were. Today I was working a hot dog stand in my old hometown. I did it to help out a friend. Her and I were sitting on a bench, when suddenly I hear, "Oh Ms. D! I can't believe I'm seeing you!" Big hug! I knew the face, but ah couldn't come up with a name, 15 minutes later, it came to me, Paige. LOL! She's a senior in high school, haven't seen her since she visited me in school when she was a freshmen. She has 8 friends with her and my hair was a mess, wearing an apron, and she starts telling them that I was her favorite teacher ever.

Now if that were only one kid, well...but it's not. Nearly every year I get letters from former students, others will stop by and visit-even when in college! I've gotten invitations to graduations and got my first wedding invitation from one this summer!

We would not have taken the time to do what these kids do, some of that I do put down to their saving information, including favorite assignments, pictures, and such on computers.

Oh they seem blase at times when walking with their friends and such, but not when they know you. I hear you with the dress, but that changed by the time I was in jr high, I'm just a few years younger than you. My parents wouldn't consider flying without being dressed when I was a 'kid', by then it had loosened up a lot.

I do think kids today are missing out too often in their experience to think on their own, they spend little time alone. Until high school, most of the time they are in organized activities and the only time they are just with friends is under supervision of parents or at the mall. We spent most of our time after 6 or so, away from adult eyes. Which as EZ said, was probably why other adults felt free to discipline.
Mus we forget where the largest population of pedophiles has been protected? Sorry, but even if the gay community as a whole "accepted" it, the churches have demonstrated they support it. ;) Just basing it on reality.

The largest protected population of pedophiles is in our public school system.
I had to kill grizzly bears with my Trapper Keeper on my five-mile walk to school.

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