2nd hearing set on bid to unseal Romney testimony


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Oct 26, 2011
EarthLink - Political News

2nd hearing set on bid to unseal Romney testimony

CANTON, Mass. (AP) — A Massachusetts probate judge will hold another hearing Thursday before deciding whether to unseal testimony that GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney gave in the divorce case of Staples founder Tom Stemberg.

Ex-wife Maureen Stemberg Sullivan appeared in court Wednesday with lawyer Gloria Allred. They said they didn't object to a Boston Globe motion to lift an impoundment order on Romney's testimony in the case from the early 1990s.

Attorneys for Romney and Staples asked the judge for more time to review two booklets of testimony.

Stemberg's attorney said he had only been able to review about 20 pages. Romney's attorney says he doesn't anticipate objecting but Romney would like time to review the entire transcript.

No one would say exactly what's in the testimony but it appeared to relate to financial issues.

Staples was founded with backing from Romney's firm, Bain Capital.

"Attorneys for Romney and Staples asked the judge for more time to review two booklets of testimony".

does anyone know what this may be about ???

why would Romney be giving testimony in a divorce suit ?

an October surprise ???
EarthLink - Political News

2nd hearing set on bid to unseal Romney testimony

CANTON, Mass. (AP) — A Massachusetts probate judge will hold another hearing Thursday before deciding whether to unseal testimony that GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney gave in the divorce case of Staples founder Tom Stemberg.

Ex-wife Maureen Stemberg Sullivan appeared in court Wednesday with lawyer Gloria Allred. They said they didn't object to a Boston Globe motion to lift an impoundment order on Romney's testimony in the case from the early 1990s.

Attorneys for Romney and Staples asked the judge for more time to review two booklets of testimony.

Stemberg's attorney said he had only been able to review about 20 pages. Romney's attorney says he doesn't anticipate objecting but Romney would like time to review the entire transcript.

No one would say exactly what's in the testimony but it appeared to relate to financial issues.

Staples was founded with backing from Romney's firm, Bain Capital.

"Attorneys for Romney and Staples asked the judge for more time to review two booklets of testimony".

does anyone know what this may be about ???

why would Romney be giving testimony in a divorce suit ?

an October surprise ???

Because maybe they need time to review the testimony to see if there is any relevance for release to the press?

What is the puprose of this except to make Romney look bad?

Shouldnt the other party (the husband) have the right to contest the release of sealed information?
It is about Romney possibly perjuring himself on the stand denying Stapels stock had a certain value (saying it was undervalued) and this woman getting a lot less in her divorce settlement. Then the stock went public later and she lost millions due to her shares being undervalued. Romney was the vulture capitalist he's always been cheating people to make himself and his friends rich. I've also heard a rumor that there is "a child" custody thing involved also--some speculating it might be Mitt's. I doubt it but then again, anything is possible as we have seen over the years with infidelities.
EarthLink - Political News

2nd hearing set on bid to unseal Romney testimony

CANTON, Mass. (AP) — A Massachusetts probate judge will hold another hearing Thursday before deciding whether to unseal testimony that GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney gave in the divorce case of Staples founder Tom Stemberg.

Ex-wife Maureen Stemberg Sullivan appeared in court Wednesday with lawyer Gloria Allred. They said they didn't object to a Boston Globe motion to lift an impoundment order on Romney's testimony in the case from the early 1990s.

Attorneys for Romney and Staples asked the judge for more time to review two booklets of testimony.

Stemberg's attorney said he had only been able to review about 20 pages. Romney's attorney says he doesn't anticipate objecting but Romney would like time to review the entire transcript.

No one would say exactly what's in the testimony but it appeared to relate to financial issues.

Staples was founded with backing from Romney's firm, Bain Capital.

"Attorneys for Romney and Staples asked the judge for more time to review two booklets of testimony".

does anyone know what this may be about ???

why would Romney be giving testimony in a divorce suit ?

an October surprise ???

Much aso about nothing. It's just more BS to muddy the waters.
There is no perjury. This is to conflate Mitt Romney with a business associate who got divorced. If a stock later rises in value, that doesn't mean it was undervalued to begin with, it means that the stock increased in value at a later date.
this has Obama written ALL over it..He did this with his opponent in Illinois..

IF this is the type of person you want running your country, then vote for the puke again
this has Obama written ALL over it..He did this with his opponent in Illinois..

IF this is the type of person you want running your country, then vote for the puke again


But in Illinois it was Jack Ryan's divorce, now it's the divorce of someone else. Maybe obama can come up with someone who knew someone who knew Mitt Romney and got divorced.
Let's see, we know know that Obama lied, so we're talking about Romney's testimony in a divorce case.

Romney characterized the Staples stock as "overvalued," adding, "I didn't place a great deal of credibility in the forecast of the company's future."

Partly as a result of Romney's testimony, Maureen got relatively little in the divorce, but we're told just weeks after the divorce ended, Romney and Tom went to Goldman Sachs and cashed in THEIR stock for a fortune. Short story -- Romney allegedly lied to help his friend and screw the friend's wife over.

And there's more ... Our sources say years later, Maureen, who suffered from MS and had multiple bouts with cancer, got a visit from one of Tom's guys, who gave her papers informing her that Tom was cancelling her health insurance. Our sources say the irony here is that we're told Tom was working as one of then Governor Mitt Romney's chief health care advisers.

Romney characterized the Staples stock as "overvalued," adding, "I didn't place a great deal of credibility in the forecast of the company's future."

Partly as a result of Romney's testimony, Maureen got relatively little in the divorce, but we're told just weeks after the divorce ended, Romney and Tom went to Goldman Sachs and cashed in THEIR stock for a fortune. Short story -- Romney allegedly lied to help his friend and screw the friend's wife over.

And there's more ... Our sources say years later, Maureen, who suffered from MS and had multiple bouts with cancer, got a visit from one of Tom's guys, who gave her papers informing her that Tom was cancelling her health insurance. Our sources say the irony here is that we're told Tom was working as one of then Governor Mitt Romney's chief health care advisers.


OMG..you people are just way desperate, but who can blame you

Obama can LIE to us about the reasons our Ambassador was killed, YOU PEOPLE YAWN..
but we are suppose to WORRY about someones friggen DIVORCE
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EarthLink - Political News

2nd hearing set on bid to unseal Romney testimony

CANTON, Mass. (AP) — A Massachusetts probate judge will hold another hearing Thursday before deciding whether to unseal testimony that GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney gave in the divorce case of Staples founder Tom Stemberg.

Ex-wife Maureen Stemberg Sullivan appeared in court Wednesday with lawyer Gloria Allred. They said they didn't object to a Boston Globe motion to lift an impoundment order on Romney's testimony in the case from the early 1990s.

Attorneys for Romney and Staples asked the judge for more time to review two booklets of testimony.

Stemberg's attorney said he had only been able to review about 20 pages. Romney's attorney says he doesn't anticipate objecting but Romney would like time to review the entire transcript.

No one would say exactly what's in the testimony but it appeared to relate to financial issues.

Staples was founded with backing from Romney's firm, Bain Capital.

"Attorneys for Romney and Staples asked the judge for more time to review two booklets of testimony".

does anyone know what this may be about ???

why would Romney be giving testimony in a divorce suit ?

an October surprise ???

Because maybe they need time to review the testimony to see if there is any relevance for release to the press?

What is the puprose of this except to make Romney look bad?

Shouldnt the other party (the husband) have the right to contest the release of sealed information?

The bottom line being transparency. Why would anyone object to the release of any testimony they have given under oath?
Why would anyone object to the release of testimony they have given under oath?

they are SEALED for a reason..I don't care to hear all their stinking dirty laundry

The question is a simple one, why would anyone object to testimony they have given under oath being released? I can think of one reason only, they didn't tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth either under oath, or if they did, subsequent statements conflict with said testimony.
It is about Romney possibly perjuring himself on the stand denying Stapels stock had a certain value (saying it was undervalued) and this woman getting a lot less in her divorce settlement. Then the stock went public later and she lost millions due to her shares being undervalued. Romney was the vulture capitalist he's always been cheating people to make himself and his friends rich. I've also heard a rumor that there is "a child" custody thing involved also--some speculating it might be Mitt's. I doubt it but then again, anything is possible as we have seen over the years with infidelities.


The woman is just a woman scorned who has an axe to grind. She's a huge Obama supporter who's been posting at huffpo.

This is such a joke. :lol:

Mr Romney reportedly testified about Mr Stemberg's role as a father to his four sons from two ex-wives during court proceedings surrounding his 'messy' divorce from Maureen in 1987.

RadarOnline.com quoted a source as saying: 'Governor Mitt Romney gave sworn testimony about his observations of Tom's role as a father to his four sons.'

Romney Stemberg papers: Romney 'testified in divorce of ex-Staples CEO that the company's stock was "overvalued" ¿ and his wife missed out on a windfall' | Mail Online
Romney characterized the Staples stock as "overvalued," adding, "I didn't place a great deal of credibility in the forecast of the company's future."

Partly as a result of Romney's testimony, Maureen got relatively little in the divorce, but we're told just weeks after the divorce ended, Romney and Tom went to Goldman Sachs and cashed in THEIR stock for a fortune. Short story -- Romney allegedly lied to help his friend and screw the friend's wife over.

And there's more ... Our sources say years later, Maureen, who suffered from MS and had multiple bouts with cancer, got a visit from one of Tom's guys, who gave her papers informing her that Tom was cancelling her health insurance. Our sources say the irony here is that we're told Tom was working as one of then Governor Mitt Romney's chief health care advisers.


If he characterized it as overvalued, wouldnt the wife then be entiled to more shares to match the monetary compesation the judge was seeking?

Do you people even read the crap you post?
Why would anyone object to the release of testimony they have given under oath?

they are SEALED for a reason..I don't care to hear all their stinking dirty laundry

The question is a simple one, why would anyone object to testimony they have given under oath being released? I can think of one reason only, they didn't tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth either under oath, or if they did, subsequent statements conflict with said testimony.

Romney has no problem with his testimony being released. I gather the ex husband is fighting this.

They've been at each others throats for 25 years.

He testified to the value of the company and testified as to the character of the father regarding custody.

But earlier today Romney's lawyer Robert Jones told Time magazine that his client had no issues with the testimony being made public.

'This is a decades-old divorce case in which Mitt Romney provided testimony as to the value of a company,' he said. 'He has no objection to letting the public see that testimony.'

Romney Stemberg papers: Romney 'testified in divorce of ex-Staples CEO that the company's stock was "overvalued" ¿ and his wife missed out on a windfall' | Mail Online
"Attorneys for Romney and Staples asked the judge for more time to review two booklets of testimony".

does anyone know what this may be about ???

why would Romney be giving testimony in a divorce suit ?

an October surprise ???

Because maybe they need time to review the testimony to see if there is any relevance for release to the press?

What is the puprose of this except to make Romney look bad?

Shouldnt the other party (the husband) have the right to contest the release of sealed information?

The bottom line being transparency. Why would anyone object to the release of any testimony they have given under oath?
Ask ken starr....liberals fought that tooth and nail...it was only a sitting president......

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