27 shot in Chicago

With all your tranny talk lately I almost forgot you hate black people too!

TOS, black people hate black people. And white people. Hell, blacks just plain hate.

Now that I think of it, there are plenty white folk who live in hopeless desperate poverty too. I used to be one of them. Well, two of them- white and poverty-stricken. Three times over at last count.

Are there any "white ghettos" in the U.S.?

Is there really any massive hate-driven white on white murders in this country?

I don't mean mass murders, I mean massive hate-drive white on white murders.

Even the white right-wing survivalist anti-government racist hordes don't go killing ANYONE at the rate of 27 in a weekend. Anywhere.

The Black population is just plain fucked up. Agree with it, deal with it, accept it.

Don't be a POS, TOS. :beer:

If one day steve-o starts a thread about "Hey guys, black people are having issues in their communities! Let's try to identify the cause of those issues and suggest some soloutions!" then I'll respond nicely.

Posting a link and then a limpwrist emoticon is stupid. It doesn't deserve any kind of respectable response. And neither does tranny steve.

Steve is Steve. Let him be. Plenty of bandwidth around here.

I really disagree with some of your bullshit but I long ago saw some cool in you and it's still there. Always will be.

It ain't no thang. None of it.

We should parallel each other, with an occasional skew. But right angles?

Never liked 'em.
I will never understand the right wing's obsession of Chicago like somehow it's democrats fault that crime happens in urban areas.

you're right nutjob; how silly of some to wonder why the very people the Left has the most influence on refuse to live by the Left's so-called stated values

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