24 hour rep limit?

Two suggestions.

1. People should have both POS rep and NEG rep ratings.

2. And somebody with a big neg rep points should be granted super NEG rep abilities just as somebody with POS rep has super POS rep powers.

Now think about it before you completely dismiss this idea as goofy.

Sometimes you're defined by how much people cannot stand you as by how much people like you. I'm proud of the fact, for example, that some people cannot stand me. I'd be worried if they liked me, in fact.

We've got some fairly good posters here who other people cannot stand.

Their obnoxious posts generate a lot of ASCII.

They make us think.

They challenge us to refute their ideas.

If nothing else can be said about them positively, they make us look good by comparison.

They deserve credit for that.

And we deserve NEG credit for them not liking us, too.


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