2020 Election Proves Majority of America Is Still Conservative Through BIG Democrat Losses


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Interesting how all of the Democrats who voted to give Biden the win did not vote for many other Democrats in other races, giving Republicans MASSIVE wins....

It's not exactly clear how it happened. No one expected it, least of all the media and pollsters. But that promised big blue wave of Democratic victories across the country turned instead into a red tidal wave from coast to coast. Most progressive ballot issues in the states -- from tax increases to racial preferences -- also came crashing down.

A big reason for this turnaround in the election was the massive turnout for President Donald Trump on Election Day. The irony is that Trump's coattails pulled hundreds of Republicans over the goal line -- but they didn't save him from a razor-tight defeat.

In the U.S. House, Nancy Pelosi thought her troops would gain 10 to 12 seats. Instead, they lost, at last count, 9.

The GOP gained a total of 192 House and 40 Senate seats. Republicans flipped control of three chambers.

As a result of these big and improbable wins, Republicans now have majority control in both House and Senate chambers in 31 of 50 states. Democrats have control in only 18 states. That's a map of the USA that looks awfully red throughout middle America, with only the rusting Northeast and the West Coast colored blue.'.

You are arguing that people voted against Trump. I won't argue that he was a big motivator to get such a large turnout.

I've been told that Trump was the true "Conservative".


'What is truly stunning about this story is that Democrats and liberal/progressive donors (Michael Bloomberg, George Soros, Mark Zuckerberg, et al.) poured hundreds of millions of dollars into the states to take over legislatures with unprecedented spending in Florida, Texas and Pennsylvania.

The American Legislative Exchange Council president, Lisa Nelson, estimates that Democrats outspent Republicans "at least 3-to-1 in the states." And all they got was a lousy T-shirt.

Money just doesn't buy you love with voters.'

It could not buy winning candidates...or liberal policies / ideological wins, either....

'In Illinois, Colorado and California, major tax hikes lost, and tax cuts were approved by voters. Racial preferences, rent control and pro-union measures went down in flames in California -- the cradle of progressive wacko ideas.
Even Democrats admit that their party's embrace of socialism was a major turnoff to voters. Rep. Abigail Spanberger, D-Va., won her race, but she isn't a happy camper. "We need to not ever use the words 'socialist' or 'socialism' ever again," she says. Democrats, she angrily continued, "lost good members because of that."

'What is truly stunning about this story is that Democrats and liberal/progressive donors (Michael Bloomberg, George Soros, Mark Zuckerberg, et al.) poured hundreds of millions of dollars into the states to take over legislatures with unprecedented spending in Florida, Texas and Pennsylvania.

The American Legislative Exchange Council president, Lisa Nelson, estimates that Democrats outspent Republicans "at least 3-to-1 in the states." And all they got was a lousy T-shirt.

Money just doesn't buy you love with voters.'

It could not buy winning candidates...or liberal policies / ideological wins, either....

'In Illinois, Colorado and California, major tax hikes lost, and tax cuts were approved by voters. Racial preferences, rent control and pro-union measures went down in flames in California -- the cradle of progressive wacko ideas.
Even Democrats admit that their party's embrace of socialism was a major turnoff to voters. Rep. Abigail Spanberger, D-Va., won her race, but she isn't a happy camper. "We need to not ever use the words 'socialist' or 'socialism' ever again," she says. Democrats, she angrily continued, "lost good members because of that."

I've argued this for years. It isn't money, it's the candidate.
You are arguing that people voted against Trump. I won't argue that he was a big motivator to get such a large turnout.

Please do not try to speak for me - you have proven you SUCK at it. I am pointing out the recorded FACT that the majority of Americans rejected Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrat candidates, policies, and ideology.
You are arguing that people voted against Trump. I won't argue that he was a big motivator to get such a large turnout.

I've been told that Trump was the true "Conservative".

Trump is not a Conservative. He's a business man who cares about his country.

Trump got more votes than anyone ever. More Mexicans voted for him, ever. More blacks voted for him, ever.
Biden had to cheat to win.
You are arguing that people voted against Trump. I won't argue that he was a big motivator to get such a large turnout.

Please do not try to speak for me - you have proven you SUCK at it. I am pointing out the recorded FACT that the majority of Americans rejected Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrat candidates, policies, and ideology.

And Trump.
Dems went from a 36 seat majority in the house to a 9 seat majority.

That lying ice cream eating bag of botox and fake tits claims that losing a net 27 seats is a MANDATE! :rofl: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301:
Dems went from a 36 seat majority in the house to a 9 seat majority.

That lying ice cream eating bag of botox and fake tits claims that losing a net 27 seats is a MANDATE! :rofl: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301:
They let that happen because if they won everything, nobody would believe it at all.

2024 spoiler alert... Democrats win.

Democrats are fundamentally transforming the country into the ussr 2.0. It doesn't matter how many people vote for you if the people counting the votes are treasonous democrats.
Dems went from a 36 seat majority in the house to a 9 seat majority.

That lying ice cream eating bag of botox and fake tits claims that losing a net 27 seats is a MANDATE! :rofl: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301:
They let that happen because if they won everything, nobody would believe it at all.

2024 spoiler alert... Democrats win.

Democrats are fundamentally transforming the country into the ussr 2.0. It doesn't matter how many people vote for you if the people counting the votes are treasonous democrats.

Republicans are like battered wives....they let the Democrats come home drunk and beat the shit out of them and they do nothing about it.
Dems went from a 36 seat majority in the house to a 9 seat majority.

That lying ice cream eating bag of botox and fake tits claims that losing a net 27 seats is a MANDATE! :rofl: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301:
So if there is a conservative majority, why didn’t the Conservative party take control of the House?
Dems went from a 36 seat majority in the house to a 9 seat majority.

That lying ice cream eating bag of botox and fake tits claims that losing a net 27 seats is a MANDATE! :rofl: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301:
They let that happen because if they won everything, nobody would believe it at all.

2024 spoiler alert... Democrats win.

Democrats are fundamentally transforming the country into the ussr 2.0. It doesn't matter how many people vote for you if the people counting the votes are treasonous democrats.

Republicans are like battered wives....they let the Democrats come home drunk and beat the shit out of them and they do nothing about it.
The American people are either going to live on their knees or fight on their feet. We will know soon enough...
Dems went from a 36 seat majority in the house to a 9 seat majority.

That lying ice cream eating bag of botox and fake tits claims that losing a net 27 seats is a MANDATE! :rofl: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301:
So if there is a conservative majority, why didn’t the Conservative party take control of the House?
Fraud. Democrats couldn't allow to much republican victory because nobody would believe biden won. If Republicans took the house and had the senate, they would remove Biden.
Interesting how all of the Democrats who voted to give Biden the win did not vote for many other Democrats in other races, giving Republicans MASSIVE wins....

It's not exactly clear how it happened. No one expected it, least of all the media and pollsters. But that promised big blue wave of Democratic victories across the country turned instead into a red tidal wave from coast to coast. Most progressive ballot issues in the states -- from tax increases to racial preferences -- also came crashing down.

A big reason for this turnaround in the election was the massive turnout for President Donald Trump on Election Day. The irony is that Trump's coattails pulled hundreds of Republicans over the goal line -- but they didn't save him from a razor-tight defeat.

In the U.S. House, Nancy Pelosi thought her troops would gain 10 to 12 seats. Instead, they lost, at last count, 9.

The GOP gained a total of 192 House and 40 Senate seats. Republicans flipped control of three chambers.

As a result of these big and improbable wins, Republicans now have majority control in both House and Senate chambers in 31 of 50 states. Democrats have control in only 18 states. That's a map of the USA that looks awfully red throughout middle America, with only the rusting Northeast and the West Coast colored blue.'.

A "massive" win?

You lost the Presidency, you lost the House, and you still might lose the Senate.

But down is up in Trump's Bizzaroworld.
A "massive" win? You lost the Presidency, you lost the House, and you still might lose the Senate.

Losing 9 of 12 House seats is a HUGE win for Republicans. The GOP never 'lost' the House because they did not 'own/control' the House to begin with.

Gaining a total of 192 State House and 40 Senate seats...flipping control of three chambers...having majority control in both House and Senate chambers in 31 of 50 states. Democrats have control in only 18 states - That is a HUGE win for Conservatives and a HUGE loss for Democrats.

You're just so pathetically partisan you can't admit it.
Interesting how all of the Democrats who voted to give Biden the win did not vote for many other Democrats in other races, giving Republicans MASSIVE wins....

It's not exactly clear how it happened. No one expected it, least of all the media and pollsters. But that promised big blue wave of Democratic victories across the country turned instead into a red tidal wave from coast to coast. Most progressive ballot issues in the states -- from tax increases to racial preferences -- also came crashing down.

A big reason for this turnaround in the election was the massive turnout for President Donald Trump on Election Day. The irony is that Trump's coattails pulled hundreds of Republicans over the goal line -- but they didn't save him from a razor-tight defeat.

In the U.S. House, Nancy Pelosi thought her troops would gain 10 to 12 seats. Instead, they lost, at last count, 9.

The GOP gained a total of 192 House and 40 Senate seats. Republicans flipped control of three chambers.

As a result of these big and improbable wins, Republicans now have majority control in both House and Senate chambers in 31 of 50 states. Democrats have control in only 18 states. That's a map of the USA that looks awfully red throughout middle America, with only the rusting Northeast and the West Coast colored blue.'.

But you’re all convinced that the election was rigged, so Democrats didn’t really lose all of those seats, right?
Biden got almost seven million more votes than trump. Were it not for this ancient electoral system this present republican party would have been sent to the dog house decades ago. That or they would have had to reform by getting rid of their crooks and quit only representing the very wealthy and corporations.

We lost a net 26 seats in the house.....ITS A MANDATE! :rofl:

Fucking retards, as is anyone who votes Dim.

Democrats are worse than stupid. They are treasonous pedophile enablers.

Just how Democrats say America has a systemic racist problem. The democrat party has a systemic pedophile problem. Most Democrats are pedophiles and don't even know it. This is why they watch/defend cuties and don't find Biden creepy.

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