2016 Movie and Obama's UN Speech


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
I saw this movie out of curiosity and was generally unimpressed-- It seemed to be little more than a 90 minute political commercial. However, one theme was stressed that Obama himself mentioned during his recent UN speech: Anti-colonialism. Although it is popular to condemn Western annexation of foreign lands in the 19th and early 20th centuries, it is quite another matter to imply that the US currently has territorial designs on other countries or is deliberately undermining their economic development.

The interesting part of the movie portrayed Obama's father and many of his early mentors as anti-colonial freedom fighters, particularly from Africa and India. This seems to be where the reference in the UN speech comes from: Rich (i.e., Western) countries taking the natural resources of poor countries while leaving the local populations in poverty.

I wonder how many of you agree with this view?
obama believes that his father and grandfather were anti colonial freedom fighters because that's what he was told by his mother. obama's father was actually a criminal and a bigamist.
Anticolonial ? Obama is pro-colonial he lifted military restrictions for Indonesia, he is selling helicopters to hunt West Papua's hiding in the jungles, he attends the USINDo_Org lobby parties, he profits from the American mining of the colony.

Why are Freeport and BP mining a colony that is meant to be protected under the 1962 United Nations trusteeship agreement known as the “New York Agreement” ? When will West Papua be allowed free speech or freedom for the news media ?

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