2013: Resist or Disarm. Start deciding now what form your resistance will take.

If a Predator Drone comes knocking you're slaughtered with or without your AR15 bruh LOL

the US and Obama would never kill American citizens with a predator missile, that would be an impeachable offense...no way.....

It'd be a lot easier to simply execute a search for AW's when the gun-nut is at work.

It would also be easy to rig your shot gun so when someone opens the door it will shoot them. Don't use real amunition tho, instead of pellets use rock salt. It won't kill them, but they will wish they were. So freewill would you still want to come to someone's house uninvited and break in? Just sayin.
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But first they begged the ATF to pump it full of flammable gas for 6 hours to make sure it 'caught'....

Koresh again?

Fucking pedophile got his just desserts

And the kids, did they get their just desserts you moron.

Just how involved was Holder in the assassination of the victims of Waco? You're right the kids didn't hurt anyone it was out and out murder. Thankyouverymuch Bubba Clinton.
As someone who usually (key word: "usually". I'm actually an independent) leans left, I disagree with gun control. It's a constitutional right that separates our country from all of the others. Our only problem is us.

Now, I'm all for regulation and taking anonymity away. But I'm not for gun control.
There is only so much you can prevent.

Not often I can pos rep you, and I don't agree with you completely, but I appreciate you making the statement that your liberal brothers-in-arms find so distasteful.
There is only so much you can prevent.

"Bothers in arms"????? The anti-gun people? You are so stupid that we must love you.
Wehrwolfen stirring the pot for gullible rw'ers here w/ her driveby cut 'n paste jobs. :rolleyes:

Mean while, every conservative is free to shoot his lawyer if he gets pissed.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9tkMYoOLAhk]Lawyer Dodges Bullets - YouTube[/ame]
Wehrwolfen stirring the pot for gullible rw'ers here w/ her driveby cut 'n paste jobs. :rolleyes:

Mean while, every conservative is free to shoot his lawyer if he gets pissed.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9tkMYoOLAhk]Lawyer Dodges Bullets - YouTube[/ame]

Mad about a probate case? I'd lay odds the guy was another liberal freeloader... :lol:
History is repeating itself and, as always, it's due to those who don't possess the intelligence to learn from past atrocities.


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Now they are claiming that Tea Partiers are terrorists. Will they chase us down and slaughter us as the Nazi's did to anyone that opposed them.

We don't want to slaughter anyone, we just want you to work.
Both Conservatives and Liberals, OFF TO THE GULAGS WITH THE WHOLE LOT OF YOU.
Wehrwolfen stirring the pot for gullible rw'ers here w/ her driveby cut 'n paste jobs. :rolleyes:

Mean while, every conservative is free to shoot his lawyer if he gets pissed.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9tkMYoOLAhk]Lawyer Dodges Bullets - YouTube[/ame]

Mad about a probate case? I'd lay odds the guy was another liberal freeloader... :lol:

A liberal shooting a lawyer?


Thats a conservative wet dream.
Here's another conservative displaying how "seriously" he takes gun ownership.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B9_Bv1jKLNg]Nuge vs. Keyboard - YouTube[/ame]
Here's a couple more conservatives displaying their gun safety tips.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dq93T8ZhI2U&oref=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3Ddq93T8ZhI2U&has_verified=1]Stupid guy A shoots stupid guy B - YouTube[/ame]

Boy howdy..looks like such fun!
There are many ways of resistence. We should have been doing them all for a long time already. Where you spend your money, who you befriend and who you support politically are all ways of resistence. The left including the communist presidebt would not be able to withstand a truly subversive resistence by almost half the country.
There are many ways of resistence. We should have been doing them all for a long time already. Where you spend your money, who you befriend and who you support politically are all ways of resistence. The left including the communist presidebt would not be able to withstand a truly subversive resistence by almost half the country.

Your mistake:

You don't have NEARLY half the country.

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