20% Failure Rate is Now Acceptable to Obama.


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2013
I know you are all shocked. Today the website Obama said would be working perfectly December 1st is now projected to fail for about 20% of users on that date. Obama is already talking about trying to sign people up by phone or paper (or course, not saying all of the data eventually needs to go into Healthcare .gov anyway.

This crap is not going away. What a disaster. Here is the link from CNN.

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This may cement Obamas place as second only to FDR on the Inverted Presidential Greatness meter
I know you are all shocked. Today the website Obama said would be working perfectly December 1st is now projected to fail for about 20% of users on that date. Obama is already talking about trying to sign people up by phone or paper (or course, not saying all of the data eventually needs to go into Healthcare .gov anyway.

This crap is not going away. What a disaster. Here is the link from CNN.

Source: Administration eyes 80% HealthCare.gov success rate ? CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

Did you even read the article?

"The 80% figure has been discussed in the war room, but the figure is not well defined. It sounds more like a benchmark for the policy than the technical capability of the site," the source said. "A technical benchmark would measure whether people can buy health care plans online and the related metrics involved in the transaction (page load times, error rates, etc.)."

Another industry source explained some of the nuances of the November 30 goal, saying that “80% should be able to use the site effectively,” but due to a variety of issues (mainly complicated situations), some may “still have to finish up the enrollment process offline.”
Too many of the threads on this site take a headline and ignore the actual article.

It'd be amusing if it weren't so sad.
It might actually be much worse than 20%

"We are measuring progress by key metrics including error rate - once as high as 6% –now less than 1% but needs to be lower; and response time - which was eight seconds several weeks ago and is now less than one second –still working to get it faster," the senior administration source said.

That's a funny-looking >20%.
Obama has always maintained that collateral damage in the form of dead americans is acceptable.

This isn't news. What is news is that people absolutely refuse to believe the words that issue from his own lips, and his own pen. They keep assigning noble intentions to him, and pretending he doesn't *mean* the horrendous things he says, or support the ideology that he has always supported.
The reason the success rate is now 80% is that 60% (the probable rate) is closer to 80 than 100...a fact that The Genius has taken in to his calculus as to his image as a total asshole.
So..I talked to a woman today who told me...

She has had her medical covered by a charity program out of a local Lutheran hospital group heretofore....but received notification last month that she was potentially eligible for medical now, and if she was eligible it would start Jan. 1.

She has ongoing medical problems, heart problems, and open heart surgery scheduled for Dec. 2.

So she did the paperwork, and sent it in. She hasn't heard, assumes she will be eligible come Jan 1...


Her charity coverage drops her eff 11/30/13, thanks to the health care act, that is forcing hospitals and religious organizations to dump people....

So now she has no coverage for her open heart surgery, which can only be postponed at risk of her life....and she has no guarantee that she will even have medical eff 01/01/14.

So the only thing Obamacare is doing for people so far is removing their medical coverage, and putting them at risk.

Good job, progressive pukes. People are going to start dying shortly. Your dream come true...

Until it's you who ends up on the chopping block.
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So..I talked to a woman today who told me...

She has had her medical covered by a charity program out of a local Lutheran hospital group heretofore....but received notification last month that she was potentially eligible for medical now, and if she was eligible it would start Jan. 1.

She has ongoing medical problems, heart problems, and open heart surgery scheduled for Dec. 2.

So she did the paperwork, and sent it in. She hasn't heard, assumes she will be eligible come Jan 1...


Her charity coverage drops her eff 11/30/13, thanks to the health care act, that is forcing hospitals and religious organizations to dump people....

So now she has no coverage for her open heart surgery, which can only be postponed at risk of her life....and she has no guarantee that she will even have medical eff 01/01/14.

So the only thing Obamacare is doing for people so far is removing their medical coverage, and putting them at risk.

Good job, progressive pukes. People are going to start dying shortly. Your dream come true...

Until it's you who ends up on the chopping block.

Um...where does the law force them to do that?

Does it just not meet the requirements? If so, why is the charity not providing a new plan for her?
if having to get an id to vote is racist cause blacks can't get to a place to get an id. how is forcing them to sign up for insurance online not racist?
if having to get an id to vote is racist cause blacks can't get to a place to get an id. how is forcing them to sign up for insurance online not racist?

Silly Pickle, you have to pay taxes in order to pay the penalty for not having insurance. Remember, Messiah Obama makes sure that most of them can collect their checks for making babies out of wedlock and shooting up crack cocaine. After all, you should have to work to subsidize them; otherwise, you're racist!

(Note: I am not talking about all blacks here; I'm just pointing out that the same cohort of blacks who can't get an ID are also a cohort that does drugs, drops out of high school, and generally consists of the lowest rungs of society)
Am I the only one who thinks the 80% rate is highly optimistic? I sense a great deal of.

The Asian dude for Obama said last week in Congress it works at a 1% error rate for up to 25,000 users at a time. They expect 250,000 users at peak times. Wonder how that is all going to work out?

Bottom Line: I think you are correct.
I know you are all shocked. Today the website Obama said would be working perfectly December 1st is now projected to fail for about 20% of users on that date. Obama is already talking about trying to sign people up by phone or paper (or course, not saying all of the data eventually needs to go into Healthcare .gov anyway.

This crap is not going away. What a disaster. Here is the link from CNN.

Source: Administration eyes 80% HealthCare.gov success rate ? CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

The "disaster" is being resolved. ACA 2.0 is much better than 1.0, and 3.0 will be even better.

I am glad to see the GOP and the Dems working together on this, and they are right to ignore the far left and far right's whining.
I know you are all shocked. Today the website Obama said would be working perfectly December 1st is now projected to fail for about 20% of users on that date. Obama is already talking about trying to sign people up by phone or paper (or course, not saying all of the data eventually needs to go into Healthcare .gov anyway.

This crap is not going away. What a disaster. Here is the link from CNN.

Source: Administration eyes 80% HealthCare.gov success rate ? CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

The "disaster" is being resolved. ACA 2.0 is much better than 1.0, and 3.0 will be even better.

I am glad to see the GOP and the Dems working together on this, and they are right to ignore the far left and far right's whining.

See link above. Obama promised working smoothly by Dec 1 2013. He is now saying will only work for about 80% of users. Millions who have lost insurance coverage will need to sign up by Dec 15th in order to keep continuous coverage into the new year. How do ya think that's gonna all work out?

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