2 Things a Tyrannical Government Cannot Survive: An Armed and Mobile Citizenry

Right., freakish cultists like you might break their oaths.

Of course, then they would be the worst kind of traitors, to be shot on sight.
No, boot lickers like you would willingly comply with totalitarian orders to get government benefit. That Nazis had no trouble getting the Wehrmacht to swear allegiance to Hitler. What makes you think today's woke young people are any different?
I wouldn't be so confident about the resistance of service people to government oppression.
I would. It's been less than a decade since I retired from active service, I don't think things have changed that much. If the Government was an actual totalitarian government and issuing illegal orders for the US military to attack civilians it would get shut down rather quickly IMO.
If you are a conservative who has incurred the wrath of some deep state politician, your car can be disabled.

Only boot lickers don't see the downside of giving government control over your life.

The above is why I'm working on a completely un-computerized scooter that runs on homemade fuel.

Let the leftists who love sucking the government tit be stuck at home or begging permission to go to the grocery store on the crammed public transit or walking -- IOW starving.

It'll be pretty.

Those of us who survive will make great movies about it.

Makes sense…

If someone steals your car, it can be remotely disabled
If you are driving recklessly and are a danger to others, your vehicle can be disabled
If you are a wanted criminal trying to escape, your car can be disabled
or if you vote the wrong way or speak about a topic against the rules. you have no idea where this can go. Why do you want to be a slave to the government? Remember, the dem/libs will not always be in control.
or if you vote the wrong way or speak about a topic against the rules. you have no idea where this can go. Why do you want to be a slave to the government? Remember, the dem/libs will not always be in control.

More paranoid Conservatives

When has anything CLOSE to that ever happened?
It absolutely would NEVER happen. Our Constitution keeps us safe, not our guns.

But the paranoid insist on protecting themselves from the Evil Gubmint

In the sense that it allows for the citizenry to possess arms you are correct. It protects us from a tyrannical government in that way.
It absolutely would NEVER happen. Our Constitution keeps us safe, not our guns.

But the paranoid insist on protecting themselves from the Evil Gubmint

Your Constitution keeps you safe.

I can see you waving the Constitution the next time you get raped by an illegal. That'll work!

or if you vote the wrong way or speak about a topic against the rules. you have no idea where this can go. Why do you want to be a slave to the government? Remember, the dem/libs will not always be in control.
There is no remote kill switch. It’s a fake conspiracy that internet weirdos believe.
So, let’s get this straight…

If we put kill switches in cars to help police, the Evil Gubmint will use them to disable everyone’s cars and take them away from us
There is no remote kill switch. It’s a fake conspiracy that internet weirdos believe.

Famous last words.

It's not just the conservatives that they're going to screw.

That's why it's going to be so pretty when it happens. Y'all will squeal loud.

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In the sense that it allows for the citizenry to possess arms you are correct. It protects us from a tyrannical government in that way.

In over 200 years, our citizens have NEVER had to use privately held weapons against a tyrannical government.

Instead, our citizens have used freedom of speech, freedom of the press and THE VOTE to keep government in check
So, let’s get this straight…

If we put kill switches in cars to help police, the Evil Gubmint will use them to disable everyone’s cars and take them away from us
That's not point. The Government has no business doing so. It shouldn't be in their purview. I'm lost as to why you would want to give them that power. It 100% restricts or could be used to restrict your freedom of movement. And once the precedent has been established that it does have this power what's to stop them from expanding it? Doing the things on the list I gave a number of posts back that you've conveniently ignored?
In over 200 years, our citizens have NEVER had to use privately held weapons against a tyrannical government.

Instead, our citizens have used freedom of speech, freedom of the press and THE VOTE to keep government in check

Great post.

Keep it up. You just get funnier by the second.

You could write musical comedy for Broadway.

If Broadway exists after demosleaze finish demolishing New York.


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