2 Planes + 3 Steel Framed Skyscrapers = 9/11/2001


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
Let's put the New Clean Debate Zone to the ultimate test.

How did two planes collapse three steel-framed skyscrapers on 9/11/2001?

I suggest limiting our debate to World Trade Center 7, a 47-story building untouched by either aircraft on that fateful day. Specifically, I would like to start with the 2.25 seconds of free-fall acceleration displayed by WTC7 over about eight stories.

Let the civility begin (I hope)

"A major piece of evidence in the WTC 7 collapse is the fact that WTC 7 underwent free-fall acceleration for a period of at least 2.25 seconds.[3]

"A free-falling building means there is no supporting structure whatsoever below to slow the building’s fall.

"The NIST (National Institute of Science and Technology) theory does not explain this astounding fact.

"However, if their theory is to believed, the 2.25 seconds of free fall must have resulted from near-simultaneous buckling and breaking of the 58 perimeter columns and most of the 25 core columns over eight stories."

A Scientific Theory of the WTC 7 Collapse
"We owe a valid scientific explanation to the 3000 victims on that day, the steadily dying health-stricken first responders, the dead and wounded soldiers, and the untold thousands upon thousands of dead and injured Afghans and Iraqis resulting from the terrifying never-ending 'war on terror'"

Someday a generation of Americans will look back on those of us alive on 9/11 and see generation of cowards afraid to challenge the biggest lie in history.

A Scientific Theory of the WTC 7 Collapse
Please don't forget there was a terrorist attack in the basement first. I believe it was the unsteady foundation coupled, with the two planes.:smoke:
Please don't forget there was a terrorist attack in the basement first. I believe it was the unsteady foundation coupled, with the two planes.:smoke:
The biggest unanswered question I have regarding WTC7 is the 2.25 seconds of documented free-fall:

"A major piece of evidence in the WTC 7 collapse is the fact that WTC 7 underwent free-fall acceleration for a period of at least 2.25 seconds.[3] A free-falling building means there is no supporting structure whatsoever below to slow the building’s fall. The NIST theory does not explain this astounding fact.

"However, if their theory is to believed, the 2.25 seconds of free fall must have resulted from near-simultaneous buckling and breaking of the 58 perimeter columns and most of the 25 core columns over eight stories. The only evidence NIST provides to support their theory is in the form of a computer model.

"While it could possibly be argued that the model does show some buckling occurring over eight stories, it most certainly does not show a period of free-fall.

"So NIST’s theory has absolutely no scientific evidence whatsoever for the fact of free-fall. In other words the NIST theory cannot explain key empirical data."

A Scientific Theory of the WTC 7 Collapse

Another source I've read makes claims 400 structural steel connection would've had to fail uniformly every second across all 8 floors to produce the observed free-fall effect.

Your government's explanation reduces essentially to two words:
"Office fires."
Building 7
The Secrecy-Shrouded Building Holding Giuliani's Command Center

Building 7 was the dark flat-topped 47-story skyscraper immediately north of the World Trade Center super-block, across Vesey Street. Its designation as 7 World Trade Center is somewhat misleading: whereas WTC 1 through 6 surrounded the WTC plaza and were completed in the 1970s, Building 7 was 300 feet from the plaza and its construction did not begun until 1985. 1 It was of an entirely different architectural style than the other six buildings. It was completely destroyed late in the afternoon on September 11th.

Building 7 was privately owned from the beginning, in contrast to the other six buildings, which were publicly owned until the summer of 2001. Building 7 was formerly the headquarters of the junk-bond firm Drexel Burnham Lambert, which contributed to the savings and loans collapse and $500 billion bailout of the latter 1980s.
Emergency Command Center

The 23rd floor of Building 7 had received 15 million dollars' worth of renovations to create an emergency command center for then-Mayor Rudolf Giuliani. The features of the command center include:

Bullet- and bomb-resistant windows
An independent, secure air and water supply
The ability to withstand winds of 200 mph

These renovations were applied only to the 23rd floor. 2 3 The command-center bunker was the the subject of much ridicule when it was created. 4
Structural System

Building 7 was a 100% steel frame building. Like most modern skyscrapers, it had a series of columns ringing its perimeter, and a bundle of columns in its core structure. Its perimeter columns numbered 58 and its core columns numbered 25, according to the rather vague description provided in FEMA's WTC Building Performance Study.

9-11 Research: Building 7
FEMA's Investigation
The FEMA WTC Building Performance Study

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) produced the first official government report attempting to explain the destruction of the three World Trade Center towers as structural collapses induced by plane crashes and fires. It also appeared to play a central role in the "cleanup" of Ground Zero, which led to the destruction of nearly all of the body of evidence any thorough investigation would need.
Investigation History

In the wake of the attack a group of engineers from the the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) volunteered to investigate the structural responses of the WTC buildings to the September 11 attack. Eventually FEMA took over the investigation of the ASCE volunteers, dubbing them the Building Performance Assessment Team (BPAT).

W. Gene Corley, Ph.D, Senior Vice President of Construction Technologies Laboratory in Skokie, IL, served as principal investigator. Corley was also the principal investigator for FEMA's study of the 1995 Murrah Federal Office Building attack. The BPAT's investigation was funded by $600,000 from FEMA and $500,000 in ASCE in-kind contributions. 1 By december of 2001 $100,000 had been spent on the investigation.

The BPAT lacked subpoena power, hence was unable to obtain access to important documents such as engineering drawings of the buildings. 2

In May of 2002 FEMA released its World Trade Center Building Performance Study. Available at http://www.fema.gov/library/wtcstudy.shtm until March of 2005, is has since showed up at . http://www.fema.gov/rebuild/mat/wtcstudy.shtm We have reproduced it in full at this permanent mirror.
FEMA's Report

FEMA published its Report in the form of PDF documents only. The anonymous author who created the nerdcities.com/guardian website provided most of the chapters in HTML, several with added comments. Those chapters are listed here as well as in our partial mirror of the nerdcities.com/guardian website.

9-11 Research: FEMA's Investigation
Building 7 was the only building that did not collapse on its own. It was ordered destroyed by the owner to keep fire from spreading.
Actually, this was a cover-up. Video cameras at the WTC captured footage of Mossad operatives carrying boxes of high explosives into the building at 2 a.m. on 9/11/2001, with the goal of sparking an international war on Islam. The Mossad conspirators were allowed onto the scene by Mayor Giuliani, whose real name is Noah Goldberg (his family changed their name when they emigrated from Italy, but they are actually Italian Jews).

I know this is good information because Ed Spacer has confirmed it via audio tape.
Actually, this was a cover-up. Video cameras at the WTC captured footage of Mossad operatives carrying boxes of high explosives into the building at 2 a.m. on 9/11/2001, with the goal of sparking an international war on Islam. The Mossad conspirators were allowed onto the scene by Mayor Giuliani, whose real name is Noah Goldberg (his family changed their name when they emigrated from Italy, but they are actually Italian Jews).

I know this is good information because Ed Spacer has confirmed it via audio tape.
Makes sense, especially since recently the Noah Goldberg news broke.

Who is Noah Goldberg?

Interestingly enough, Giuliani/Goldberg was an investor in Milcan, and a close friend of Arnon Milchan's who is a well known Israeli operative inside the US. He had to flee the US because he was indicted for selling nuclear arms components to the Israelis.
Actually, this was a cover-up. Video cameras at the WTC captured footage of Mossad operatives carrying boxes of high explosives into the building at 2 a.m. on 9/11/2001, with the goal of sparking an international war on Islam. The Mossad conspirators were allowed onto the scene by Mayor Giuliani, whose real name is Noah Goldberg (his family changed their name when they emigrated from Italy, but they are actually Italian Jews).

I know this is good information because Ed Spacer has confirmed it via audio tape.
Makes sense, especially since recently the Noah Goldberg news broke.

Who is Noah Goldberg?

Interestingly enough, Giuliani/Goldberg was an investor in Milcan, and a close friend of Arnon Milchan's who is a well known Israeli operative inside the US. He had to flee the US because he was indicted for selling nuclear arms components to the Israelis.

I see you are familiar with the story. Most recently, Milchan helped to bilk the U.S. taxpayers out of billions in the Solyndra swindle. Solyndra, of course, was merely a front for a Jewish "star wars" defense system that will shield Israel from nuclear attack in the coming Islamic apocalypse.
Actually, this was a cover-up. Video cameras at the WTC captured footage of Mossad operatives carrying boxes of high explosives into the building at 2 a.m. on 9/11/2001, with the goal of sparking an international war on Islam. The Mossad conspirators were allowed onto the scene by Mayor Giuliani, whose real name is Noah Goldberg (his family changed their name when they emigrated from Italy, but they are actually Italian Jews).

I know this is good information because Ed Spacer has confirmed it via audio tape.
Makes sense, especially since recently the Noah Goldberg news broke.

Who is Noah Goldberg?

Interestingly enough, Giuliani/Goldberg was an investor in Milcan, and a close friend of Arnon Milchan's who is a well known Israeli operative inside the US. He had to flee the US because he was indicted for selling nuclear arms components to the Israelis.

I see you are familiar with the story. Most recently, Milchan helped to bilk the U.S. taxpayers out of billions in the Solyndra swindle. Solyndra, of course, was merely a front for a Jewish "star wars" defense system that will shield Israel from nuclear attack in the coming Islamic apocalypse.
Yes, and folks think our space program is dead. :rolleyes: Milchan has been out of jail for a while now and is a well-known investor in Solyndra. His $40,000 fine was nothing to him. But, it's not so much the money lost in Solyndra, it's more the fact that it was nothing but a money laundering operation to cover for more nuclear and aerospace components. Nothing has changed. Obama is the status quo POTUS with respect to Israel, only this time it's more blatant with Solyndra.
Actually, this was a cover-up. Video cameras at the WTC captured footage of Mossad operatives carrying boxes of high explosives into the building at 2 a.m. on 9/11/2001, with the goal of sparking an international war on Islam. The Mossad conspirators were allowed onto the scene by Mayor Giuliani, whose real name is Noah Goldberg (his family changed their name when they emigrated from Italy, but they are actually Italian Jews).

I know this is good information because Ed Spacer has confirmed it via audio tape.

I have Certified that Catz has Posted this Post. :thup:


Building 7
The Secrecy-Shrouded Building Holding Giuliani's Command Center

Building 7 was the dark flat-topped 47-story skyscraper immediately north of the World Trade Center super-block, across Vesey Street. Its designation as 7 World Trade Center is somewhat misleading: whereas WTC 1 through 6 surrounded the WTC plaza and were completed in the 1970s, Building 7 was 300 feet from the plaza and its construction did not begun until 1985. 1 It was of an entirely different architectural style than the other six buildings. It was completely destroyed late in the afternoon on September 11th.

Building 7 was privately owned from the beginning, in contrast to the other six buildings, which were publicly owned until the summer of 2001. Building 7 was formerly the headquarters of the junk-bond firm Drexel Burnham Lambert, which contributed to the savings and loans collapse and $500 billion bailout of the latter 1980s.
Emergency Command Center

The 23rd floor of Building 7 had received 15 million dollars' worth of renovations to create an emergency command center for then-Mayor Rudolf Giuliani. The features of the command center include:

Bullet- and bomb-resistant windows
An independent, secure air and water supply
The ability to withstand winds of 200 mph

These renovations were applied only to the 23rd floor. 2 3 The command-center bunker was the the subject of much ridicule when it was created. 4
Structural System

Building 7 was a 100% steel frame building. Like most modern skyscrapers, it had a series of columns ringing its perimeter, and a bundle of columns in its core structure. Its perimeter columns numbered 58 and its core columns numbered 25, according to the rather vague description provided in FEMA's WTC Building Performance Study.

9-11 Research: Building 7
"World Trade Center Seven collapsed on September 11, 2001, at 5:20 p.m. There were no known casualties due to this collapse. The performance of WTC 7 is of significant interest because it appears the collapse was due primarily to fire, rather than any impact damage from the collapsing towers.

"On the contrary, it appears the collapse was due primarily due to a controlled demolition. Prior to September 11, 2001, there was little, if any, record of fire-induced collapse of large fire-protected steel buildings. Before September 11, no steel framed skyscraper had ever collapsed due to fire."

Do you agree?

Chapter 5 - WTC Seven - The WTC Report.
Building 7 was the only building that did not collapse on its own. It was ordered destroyed by the owner to keep fire from spreading.
Are you conceding WTC 7 was destroyed by controlled demolition?
If so, what time of day was the order given?
How long does it take to prepare a controlled demolition?
Do you even bother to read what you post?
Actually, this was a cover-up. Video cameras at the WTC captured footage of Mossad operatives carrying boxes of high explosives into the building at 2 a.m. on 9/11/2001, with the goal of sparking an international war on Islam. The Mossad conspirators were allowed onto the scene by Mayor Giuliani, whose real name is Noah Goldberg (his family changed their name when they emigrated from Italy, but they are actually Italian Jews).

I know this is good information because Ed Spacer has confirmed it via audio tape.
Actually, Dick did it.
Jesse says so.

"Former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura was a guest on 'Piers Morgan Tonight' this evening, and gave his theory on what happened on 9/11. 'I believe Dick Cheney knew it,' said Ventura. 'It's not rational' countered Piers Morgan.

"'They allowed it to happen to further their agenda in the Middle East,' said Ventura – Piers described the theory as 'madness.'"

Jesse Ventura's 9/11 theory: Dick Cheney "allowed it to happen to further their agenda" – Piers Morgan - CNN.com Blogs

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