2 Largest obamacare co-ops FOLD. 400,000 left w/o insurance


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2012
Burley, Idaho
Two largest Obamacare co-ops fold, 400,000 left without insurance

We;re talking to the 2 largest here folks
You dems own this. It;s yours
Why didn't croft ask obama about this on 60 minutes.
Read how much money was lost, holy mac-role. Unreal.
This why we conservatives don't fall into the excuse that the rich need to be taxed. You libbies are so irresponsible with money.
Prove your responsible, hell... I'll tax the rich.
This is just asinine.
2 down 18 to go, right Obama. This is your legacy. More lazy thinking from obama
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I just shared the news on another thread as well; amazingly stupid law!!

Thank you.Love you tag line!!!

Insurance companies should be outlawed, IMO, and all of their executives should be tried in a court of law and lynched.
I just shared the news on another thread as well; amazingly stupid law!!

Thank you.Love you tag line!!!


Gee whiz!! You are just busting at the seams with joy! You can hardly contain yourself. Such a great American!

Actually I'm an Australian and I said years ago that it was stupid to follow OUR lead into meddling with your heath-care system....one of the best in the world. I am deeply SADDENED by it because it was so bloody avoidable!! But the free shit ARMY HAD TO HAVE ITS WAY!!


I just shared the news on another thread as well; amazingly stupid law!!

Thank you.Love you tag line!!!


Gee whiz!! You are just busting at the seams with joy! You can hardly contain yourself. Such a great American!

Actually I'm an Australian and I said years ago that it was stupid to follow OUR lead into meddling with your heath-care system....one of the best in the world. I am deeply SADDENED by it because it was so bloody avoidable!! But the free shit ARMY HAD TO HAVE ITS WAY!!




That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard an Aussie say.
The customers are covered and will select new co-ops beginning 1 Nov during the ACA enrollment season. OP is afraid to deal the whole story. What the story means is that an insurance company is going out of business.

"The ACA's third open-enrollment period begins Nov. 1, when Health Republic's members will have to select a new health plan on New York's exchange.

“Given Health Republic's financial situation, commencing an orderly wind-down process before the upcoming open-enrollment period is the best course of action to protect consumers,” Anthony Albanese, acting superintendent of the New York Department of Financial Services, said in a news release.

Three other co-ops have ceased operations this year: Nevada Health CO-OP, Louisiana Health Cooperativeand CoOportunity Health. Nineteen co-ops are left in the program." New York's co-op, largest in the nation, will shut down
Congratulations, Jake (not from state farm) you just became a rat on a sinking ship.
Silly boy, you just made a silly statement. No one is losing their health care. They will be going to new health co-ops during registration beginning on the 1st or to ACA itself.
Two largest Obamacare co-ops fold, 400,000 left without insurance

We;re talking to the 2 largest here folks
You dems own this. It;s yours
Why didn't croft ask obama about this on 60 minutes.
Read how much money was lost, holy mac-role. Unreal.
This why we conservatives don't fall into the excuse that the rich need to be taxed. You libbies are so irresponsible with money.
Prove your responsible, hell... I'll tax the rich.
This is just asinine.
2 down 18 to go, right Obama. This is your legacy. More lazy thinking from obama

one did not even need a model to predict this outcome
Obamacare is a fail. Trump and Carson will tear it out root and branch, by executive order if necessary and replace it expanded medical savings accounts and free market, competitive insurance
Obamacare is a fail. Trump and Carson will tear it out root and branch, by executive order if necessary and replace it expanded medical savings accounts and free market, competitive insurance
No, they won't. That is simply your old, failing brain talking parrot, Frank.
Obamacare is a fail. Trump and Carson will tear it out root and branch, by executive order if necessary and replace it expanded medical savings accounts and free market, competitive insurance
No, they won't. That is simply your old, failing brain talking parrot, Frank.

Sure they will, Jake. Hopefully you'll see it before Trump deports you
Obamacare is a fail. Trump and Carson will tear it out root and branch, by executive order if necessary and replace it expanded medical savings accounts and free market, competitive insurance
No, they won't. That is simply your old, failing brain talking parrot, Frank.
Right now, the facts are failing into his favor.
Obamacare is a fail. Trump and Carson will tear it out root and branch, by executive order if necessary and replace it expanded medical savings accounts and free market, competitive insurance
No, they won't. That is simply your old, failing brain talking parrot, Frank.

Sure they will, Jake. Hopefully you'll see it before Trump deports you
Jake's a wetback. I needed someone to move my pipe. LOL
Request for Deportation

Dear Soon To Be President Trump,

We write to ask you to consider deporting the following person (s):

Jake Starkey________________________________________

For the reasons listed below:

 Is an Illegal and Voted for Obama in ‘08 and ‘12
 We suspect he’s an Illegal
x He’s not an Illegal, but he’s always saying America sucks, so Adios!
x Needs to be traded for a legal, tax paying, America loving Immigrant and we’d all be better off
x He’s a Reactionary Progressive
 Other, Please explain. Make it brief too, because I run out of patience fairly quickly

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