2 cops shot (one killed) in Brooklyn

Hope you retards that hate the police are happy.

If the government doesn't care about cops killing civilians without just cause why should I care about civilians killing cops?

You are a fucking loser you stupid fucking piece of shit mod.

What an intelligent argument. You sure showed me.
It now comes down to FEELINGS, not intelligence... as does much of what goes on in the world today! The THUG used no intelligence wasting those 2 cops, it was ALL FEELINGS!
There are 35,000 active duty police officers in the NYPD probably twice that in retired. The police should recognize that this is a war and start trying to win rather than roll over and die for liberal amusement.

I'm pretty sure they've been winning for a long time since almost none of them ever get prosecuted for the crimes they commit against the public rather frequently.

Haters have to HATE.... we hear you!
I would love to see the cops in NY walk off the job.

I wonder how long it would take before all those piss ant progressives in the Rotten Apple would be begging them to get back to workk
There are 35,000 active duty police officers in the NYPD probably twice that in retired. The police should recognize that this is a war and start trying to win rather than roll over and die for liberal amusement.

I'm pretty sure they've been winning for a long time since almost none of them ever get prosecuted for the crimes they commit against the public rather frequently.

Fuck you. How about that you piece of shit?
Hope you retards that hate the police are happy.

If the government doesn't care about cops killing civilians without just cause why should I care about civilians killing cops?

You are a fucking loser you stupid fucking piece of shit mod.

What an intelligent argument. You sure showed me.
It now comes down to FEELINGS, not intelligence...

:lol: no argument here
There are 35,000 active duty police officers in the NYPD probably twice that in retired. The police should recognize that this is a war and start trying to win rather than roll over and die for liberal amusement.

I'm pretty sure they've been winning for a long time since almost none of them ever get prosecuted for the crimes they commit against the public rather frequently.

Fuck you. How about that you piece of shit?

What an intellectual debater you are. I'll bet Harvard was busting down your door to recruit you. :lol:
Hope you retards that hate the police are happy.

If the government doesn't care about cops killing civilians without just cause why should I care about civilians killing cops?

You are a fucking loser you stupid fucking piece of shit mod.

What an intelligent argument. You sure showed me.
It now comes down to FEELINGS, not intelligence...

:lol: no argument here

You made it plain enough, subversive!
Can you imagine the looting in New York? Barneys....Macy's....Nordstrom.....Bloomingdales...........

Oh the joy! Oh the happiness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Loot loot loot!:banana:

There are 35,000 active duty police officers in the NYPD probably twice that in retired. The police should recognize that this is a war and start trying to win rather than roll over and die for liberal amusement.

I'm pretty sure they've been winning for a long time since almost none of them ever get prosecuted for the crimes they commit against the public rather frequently.

Fuck you. How about that you piece of shit?

What an intellectual debater you are. I'll bet Harvard was busting down your door to recruit you. :lol:

You are an embarrassment to these boards. you are a fucking mod? You are a litetal piece of retarded shit.
There are 35,000 active duty police officers in the NYPD probably twice that in retired. The police should recognize that this is a war and start trying to win rather than roll over and die for liberal amusement.

I'm pretty sure they've been winning for a long time since almost none of them ever get prosecuted for the crimes they commit against the public rather frequently.

Fuck you. How about that you piece of shit?

What an intellectual debater you are. I'll bet Harvard was busting down your door to recruit you. :lol:

You are an embarrassment to these boards. you are a fucking mod? You are a litetal piece of retarded shit.

And yet you're the one here arguing at the level of a 13 year old.
Hope you retards that hate the police are happy.

If the government doesn't care about cops killing civilians without just cause why should I care about civilians killing cops?

Because two innocent men were executed for no reason. Their families will never see them again - if they have children - their children will now grow up without their fathers. How about that?

Do not let hatred of the government blind you to speaking up about what is wrong, Don't Taz Me Bro. You're better than that.
Hope you retards that hate the police are happy.

If the government doesn't care about cops killing civilians without just cause why should I care about civilians killing cops?
Except there is no evidence of what you claim, in every instance a Grand Jury was convened. You are a sick asshole, here is hoping you need cops one day and they refuse to come.
I'm seeing a few more tweets from people happy that these cops got shot....
It's gonna get bad out there...
Hope you retards that hate the police are happy.

If the government doesn't care about cops killing civilians without just cause why should I care about civilians killing cops?
Except there is no evidence of what you claim, in every instance a Grand Jury was convened.

Oh well, that settles it then. If the grand jury said so, cuz they're so honest and reliable.... :eusa_doh:

Why grand jury indictments in police shootings are so rare - CBS News

Are you happy that these 2 are dead?

Speak into the microphone........................

Are you happy that these 2 are dead?

Speak into the microphone........................

Not at all, but I'm not going to pretend I'm saddened by it either. It was just a matter of time this was going to start happening. When you push people too far eventually they push back.

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