2 Black thugz beat to death 88 yr old WWII Vet

I want the black community to shame this kind of behavior like the white community shames our people that hurt others.

SHAME on the Black community for not condemning this kind of Animal, savage behavior.

So, when my family asks me "why would a black guy live way the hell up in nowhere Montana" I tell them about instances like this.

This country is riding a hell-bound train...headlong into disaster.

You are Black and you are condemning it, I am part Black and a Liberal and I am certainly condemning it. Do you really think that "the Blacks" need to have some stupid march to condemn the behavior of those less than animal scumbags? Really?
Maybe they should just interview some Black people and ask them what they think about what those bastards did to an 88 year old man, person, regardless of his WW2 service. The fact that they could do that to ANYBODY is pretty horrific.

Actually yes I do. What better way to express your solidarity with decent people than to STAND and make your voice known? Would it necessarily affect any change? I highly doubt it, however, it would serve notice to those animals that the majority of blacks out there (1) are fed up with this senseless black on black crime (2) It would serve to point out that crime (in general) is too high. and (3) it would serve to put these "parents" on notice. WE ARE WATCHING YOU.

This country is NOT going to change itself. Black men and women have GOT to take the "bull by the horns" and begin the process.

Or - as the old woman said in Stephen King's "The Stand" -

"It's time to make your STAND!"
It's economic, but thanks for the race baiting, 50% racist Pub dupes, the cause of our economic problems. Well, for stupidly being the chumps of pander to the rich, distract and divide the dupes, greedy idiot lying Pub a-holes.

race baiting?.....after what you said to me about Mexicans?....go fuck yourself you fucking hypocrite...
Joe Blam
I'm afraid the last month of blacks murdering whites is only the beginning of what's coming and it's gonna be a big bloody mess.

Please - Try not to sound so happy about it.

you mean like the way you get when you find a story where some little kid was killed by a gun so you can throw up your anti gun bullshit?.....like that?.....
SHAME on the Black community for not condemning this kind of Animal, savage behavior.

So, when my family asks me "why would a black guy live way the hell up in nowhere Montana" I tell them about instances like this.

This country is riding a hell-bound train...headlong into disaster.

You are Black and you are condemning it, I am part Black and a Liberal and I am certainly condemning it. Do you really think that "the Blacks" need to have some stupid march to condemn the behavior of those less than animal scumbags? Really?
Maybe they should just interview some Black people and ask them what they think about what those bastards did to an 88 year old man, person, regardless of his WW2 service. The fact that they could do that to ANYBODY is pretty horrific.

Actually yes I do. What better way to express your solidarity with decent people than to STAND and make your voice known? Would it necessarily affect any change? I highly doubt it, however, it would serve notice to those animals that the majority of blacks out there (1) are fed up with this senseless black on black crime (2) It would serve to point out that crime (in general) is too high. and (3) it would serve to put these "parents" on notice. WE ARE WATCHING YOU.

This country is NOT going to change itself. Black men and women have GOT to take the "bull by the horns" and begin the process.

Or - as the old woman said in Stephen King's "The Stand" -

"It's time to make your STAND!"

You know Randall, though we may differ on approaches and point of view, I respect your point of view, and you may have a good point there. For some reason, i have never been a big fan of "marches" and boycotts accompanied by marches. I prefer action and a dignified boycott where people aren't marching around the store or institution they are boycotting against. In my opinion, they tend to be public relations nightmares.

Though some people may differ on opinion, there are plenty of Black people standing up for what is right, in my opinion they just don't get the attention other polarizing figures get. I just don't think that we have to make a parade to satisfy other people (who most likely won't change their opinion of us) that we are against such bad behaviors. Those protests and marches, while well meaning, tend to attract people that bad people can take out of context and try to make those dolts define the march or protest.

There are plenty of Black, Latino, etc. people trying to make a good difference, but the media ON ALL SIDES of the spectrum seem to want to focus on the negative instead of the positive. If one states that they are a conservative, and they claim that they don't look at groups, "races", etc., and focus on the INDIVIDUAL and INDIVIDUAL responsibility; why do they feel the need to state that "the Blacks" need to protest against "those bad Blacks"?

I think that a better approach, instead of a damning and demeaning approach would be one of positive motivation. One that praises the good people of all sides of the political and social spectrum. Don't praise the idiot who rails against "those Blacks" so they can "make their bones", praise the people who are doing good in a positive manner.

In my opinion, this all starts at HOME, this all starts with the INDIVIDUAL, I don't care what color, religious persuasion, political persuasion; we have to clean up Our own house before we can clean other people's houses.

My regards and respect to you.
I won't stop pointing it out until
1. Blacks and whites are treated equally within the leftist media.
2. Blacks wake up to their own problems and work to stop the violence. Start taking care of their children.

I won't stop posting and pointing it out as such shit will just get worse until if it does.
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And yet the only blacks and Latinos the MSM puts on are the race baiting hate mongering racists that promote hate and support the divide between races.

100 Black Men of America, Inc.

Latina Leadership Forum: Trailblazers -Their Journey & Story

The MENTOR Program - National Forum for Black Public Administrators

Mentoring Campaign | Steve Harvey Mentoring Program for Young Men

Hispanic Mentoring - Big Brothers Big Sisters

I know that some people may try to find something wrong with the above organizations and programs...............oh well.
If these three where whites against a black kid you can bet luissa will be crying about white hatred. This WOULD BE A RACIAL ISSUE. That's a fact.

Wrong thread, dude.

He has a point, in the Zimmerman thread you had no problem with the left calling him white. As for him being a wanna be cop that was destroyed by the defense. The cops offered to make him an Auxiliary Officer and he refused. If he was a wanna be cop exactly why would he refuse such a position?

I also don't recall you complaining about all the racist shit said about Zimmerman. Now it is, nothing to see move along...
If these three where whites against a black kid you can bet luissa will be crying about white hatred. This WOULD BE A RACIAL ISSUE. That's a fact.

Wrong thread, dude.

He has a point, in the Zimmerman thread you had no problem with the left calling him white. As for him being a wanna be cop that was destroyed by the defense. The cops offered to make him an Auxiliary Officer and he refused. If he was a wanna be cop exactly why would he refuse such a position?

I also don't recall you complaining about all the racist shit said about Zimmerman. Now it is, nothing to see move along...
What racist shit? That he was racist?
No, I didn't mind. I think he is, especially against Mexicans. Do I think he shot Martin because he was black? No.
Which I stated in the Zimmerman threads.

And smart one, the whole problem was he was never going to go to trial. The case was obviously not cut and dry. Martin deserved for there to be a trial.
And he was a wanna be cop. Sorry!
He might have actually defended himself, but his actions and life scream wanna be cop. I could give a shit what they proved in the trial.
My opinion has nothing to do with anyone's race. My problem with men playing wanna be cop has nothing to do with their race, and everything to do with their gender.
So If you want to attack me. Try sexism.
Wrong thread, dude.

He has a point, in the Zimmerman thread you had no problem with the left calling him white. As for him being a wanna be cop that was destroyed by the defense. The cops offered to make him an Auxiliary Officer and he refused. If he was a wanna be cop exactly why would he refuse such a position?

I also don't recall you complaining about all the racist shit said about Zimmerman. Now it is, nothing to see move along...
What racist shit? That he was racist?
No, I didn't mind. I think he is, especially against Mexicans. Do I think he shot Martin because he was black? No.
Which I stated in the Zimmerman threads.

And smart one, the whole problem was he was never going to go to trial. The case was obviously not cut and dry. Martin deserved for there to be a trial.
And he was a wanna be cop. Sorry!
He might have actually defended himself, but his actions and life scream wanna be cop. I could give a shit what they proved in the trial.
My opinion has nothing to do with anyone's race. My problem with men playing wanna be cop has nothing to do with their race, and everything to do with their gender.
So If you want to attack me. Try sexism.

So you hate men.... Got it, you just happen to hate white men more, got it.
If these three where whites against a black kid you can bet luissa will be crying about white hatred. This WOULD BE A RACIAL ISSUE. That's a fact.

Wrong thread, dude.

He has a point, in the Zimmerman thread you had no problem with the left calling him white. As for him being a wanna be cop that was destroyed by the defense. The cops offered to make him an Auxiliary Officer and he refused. If he was a wanna be cop exactly why would he refuse such a position?

I also don't recall you complaining about all the racist shit said about Zimmerman. Now it is, nothing to see move along...

And speaking of Spokane... There was two black men murdered by white men in the last few months. Did you see me posting those stories screaming racism?

Do I think white men kill black men because they are racist? Yes, but not most of the time. It usually involves drugs.
Do I think black men kill white men because they are racist? Yes, but not in this case.
These boys are charged with robbery along with murder. What does it tell you?
The parking lot where he was killed is off the main road with an empty lot where the old Eagle Lodge was in front of it. The neighborhood is terrible. And these boys saw an old man as an easy target, nothing more.
So instead of telling the truth, many are shaping this case to make it political. Why do the very same thing that you claimed the left did?
He has a point, in the Zimmerman thread you had no problem with the left calling him white. As for him being a wanna be cop that was destroyed by the defense. The cops offered to make him an Auxiliary Officer and he refused. If he was a wanna be cop exactly why would he refuse such a position?

I also don't recall you complaining about all the racist shit said about Zimmerman. Now it is, nothing to see move along...
What racist shit? That he was racist?
No, I didn't mind. I think he is, especially against Mexicans. Do I think he shot Martin because he was black? No.
Which I stated in the Zimmerman threads.

And smart one, the whole problem was he was never going to go to trial. The case was obviously not cut and dry. Martin deserved for there to be a trial.
And he was a wanna be cop. Sorry!
He might have actually defended himself, but his actions and life scream wanna be cop. I could give a shit what they proved in the trial.
My opinion has nothing to do with anyone's race. My problem with men playing wanna be cop has nothing to do with their race, and everything to do with their gender.
So If you want to attack me. Try sexism.

So you hate men.... Got it, you just happen to hate white men more, got it.

Yes, I hate them so much I have dated a "few" but never a black man.
No I just hate macho men who try to over compensate who put other people in danger.
Wrong thread, dude.

He has a point, in the Zimmerman thread you had no problem with the left calling him white. As for him being a wanna be cop that was destroyed by the defense. The cops offered to make him an Auxiliary Officer and he refused. If he was a wanna be cop exactly why would he refuse such a position?

I also don't recall you complaining about all the racist shit said about Zimmerman. Now it is, nothing to see move along...

And speaking of Spokane... There was two black men murdered by white men in the last few months. Did you see me posting those stories screaming racism?

Do I think white men kill black men because they are racist? Yes, but not most of the time. It usually involves drugs.
Do I think black men kill white men because they are racist? Yes, but not in this case.
These boys are charged with robbery along with murder. What does it tell you?
The parking lot where he was killed is off the main road with an empty lot where the old Eagle Lodge was in front of it. The neighborhood is terrible. And these boys saw an old man as an easy target, nothing more.
So instead of telling the truth, many are shaping this case to make it political. Why do the very same thing that you claimed the left did?

In case you don't believe me.

What racist shit? That he was racist?
No, I didn't mind. I think he is, especially against Mexicans. Do I think he shot Martin because he was black? No.
Which I stated in the Zimmerman threads.

And smart one, the whole problem was he was never going to go to trial. The case was obviously not cut and dry. Martin deserved for there to be a trial.
And he was a wanna be cop. Sorry!
He might have actually defended himself, but his actions and life scream wanna be cop. I could give a shit what they proved in the trial.
My opinion has nothing to do with anyone's race. My problem with men playing wanna be cop has nothing to do with their race, and everything to do with their gender.
So If you want to attack me. Try sexism.

So you hate men.... Got it, you just happen to hate white men more, got it.

Yes, I hate them so much I have dated a "few" but never a black man.
No I just hate macho men who try to over compensate who put other people in danger.

The evidence in the Zimmerman case clearly proves he was not a "macho" guy out for kicks. Once again he was offered the position of Auxiliary Officer, he would have been a cop just without pay. If his intent was to act like a cop that would have gotten him a uniform and a right to openly carry while performing duties as a cop. He turned it down.

He did not stalk Martin either, his neighborhood had a rash of burglaries by YOUNG BLACK MEN. Martin was cutting through yards and checking out houses. He was followed because he acted suspiciously.

Now as I understand it if when he left the local mart and went straight home he would have never even been seen by Zimmerman. Instead he chose to meander around and check out homes in the dark and the rain.

Further Zimmerman did not confront Martin, Martin confronted Zimmerman and attacked him. All brought out in the trial.

So much for your "macho" guy routine. Give it a rest it does not match the facts as established before the trial and as confirmed BY THE TRIAL.

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