2 Black thugz beat to death 88 yr old WWII Vet

I don't know and don't care, he served the point. And as I recall you had a few things to say about Zimmerman as well.

Yeah! And my problem had nothing to do with race and everything to do with a wanna be cop following a teenager for a no reason.
But I am not turning this into a Zimmerman thread. If you want to do that, there is about 1000 threads here.

I see your bias showing thru again, I don't recall you telling Body to take it elsewhere when she compared the two events.....

If you don't want me to respond, don't direct the bullshit at me.
Yeah! And my problem had nothing to do with race and everything to do with a wanna be cop following a teenager for a no reason.
But I am not turning this into a Zimmerman thread. If you want to do that, there is about 1000 threads here.

I see your bias showing thru again, I don't recall you telling Body to take it elsewhere when she compared the two events.....

If you don't want me to respond, don't direct the bullshit at me.

What bullshit, you posted some ignorant crap devoid of facts and gt called on it, woman up and ACCEPT IT
Where's the outrage, the NAACP, Jessie Jackson, Calypso Louis, Al Sharpton and the rest of you pathetic fucking Libberhoids.....

SPOKANE, Wash. -
WWII veteran Delbert Belton survived being wounded in action during the Battle of Okinawa only to be beaten and left for dead by two teens at the Eagles Lodge in Spokane on Wednesday evening.

WWII vet, beaten by teens outside Eagles Lodge, dies | Spokane/E. WA - KXLY.com

I guarantee you that if it was the other way around, two white boys killed an 88 year old black man, Al would be out in full regalia, screaming for a civil lawsuit over racial hate crimes.

A white guy shot a black man here at the beginning of the summer, did you hear about it?

No. That was before it was politically advantageous for Al to jump up and down like the retard he is to score political points.
I posted my opinion about Zimmerman. I am sorry, I stopped discussing that case after the verdict. I saw no point.
Now you are mad that I am not still obsessed with it.
THIS HATE CRIME IS OK WITH THE LEFT and the BLACK Community as these boys where BLACK.

Only whites can be racist!

Simply not true.

You wasted no time in this thread comparing the crime to Zimmerman, now did you? Claiming that Martin was the victim and unfairly criticized as a thug. Which of course ignores the Jury verdict which found Zimmerman INNOCENT because of self defense. How does one defend themselves against an innocent 12 year old? And win in a trial in open court on self defense?
THIS HATE CRIME IS OK WITH THE LEFT and the BLACK Community as these boys where BLACK.

Only whites can be racist!

Simply not true.

You wasted no time in this thread comparing the crime to Zimmerman, now did you? Claiming that Martin was the victim and unfairly criticized as a thug. Which of course ignores the Jury verdict which found Zimmerman INNOCENT because of self defense. How does one defend themselves against an innocent 12 year old? And win in a trial in open court on self defense?

Do you disagree with my comment saying that it is simply not true that only whites can be racist? :eek:
Simply not true.

You wasted no time in this thread comparing the crime to Zimmerman, now did you? Claiming that Martin was the victim and unfairly criticized as a thug. Which of course ignores the Jury verdict which found Zimmerman INNOCENT because of self defense. How does one defend themselves against an innocent 12 year old? And win in a trial in open court on self defense?

Do you disagree with my comment saying that it is simply not true that only whites can be racist? :eek:

You mean before or after you tried to compare these two thugs to Martin?
I strongly suggest that for those of you who use Facebook to Like and Share this reported incident.

Liberals use social media much more effectively than do conservatives.

Beat them at their own game.

Mr. H. has spoken.
THIS HATE CRIME IS OK WITH THE LEFT and the BLACK Community as these boys where BLACK.

Only whites can be racist!

Simply not true.

You wasted no time in this thread comparing the crime to Zimmerman, now did you? Claiming that Martin was the victim and unfairly criticized as a thug. Which of course ignores the Jury verdict which found Zimmerman INNOCENT because of self defense. How does one defend themselves against an innocent 12 year old? And win in a trial in open court on self defense?

How does a woman kill her child and get off? Zimmerman could be innocent but a trial doesn't prove they were actually innocent. Shit! If he had been convicted he could have still been innocent.
Simply not true.

You wasted no time in this thread comparing the crime to Zimmerman, now did you? Claiming that Martin was the victim and unfairly criticized as a thug. Which of course ignores the Jury verdict which found Zimmerman INNOCENT because of self defense. How does one defend themselves against an innocent 12 year old? And win in a trial in open court on self defense?

How does a woman kill her child and get off? Zimmerman could be innocent but a trial doesn't prove they were actually innocent. Shit! If he had been convicted he could have still been innocent.

You do understand US Justice system I assumed, perhaps I should not make that assumption. You see DEAR under US law, one is INNOCENT till proven guilty. A not guilty verdict means he is"gasp" still innocent as presumed by the justice system.
You wasted no time in this thread comparing the crime to Zimmerman, now did you? Claiming that Martin was the victim and unfairly criticized as a thug. Which of course ignores the Jury verdict which found Zimmerman INNOCENT because of self defense. How does one defend themselves against an innocent 12 year old? And win in a trial in open court on self defense?

How does a woman kill her child and get off? Zimmerman could be innocent but a trial doesn't prove they were actually innocent. Shit! If he had been convicted he could have still been innocent.

You do understand US Justice system I assumed, perhaps I should not make that assumption. You see DEAR under US law, one is INNOCENT till proven guilty. A not guilty verdict means he is"gasp" still innocent as presumed by the justice system.

I will explain my point since you missed it. Winning proves nothing. It only proves 6 jurists thought he was innocent.
Or was OJ innocent?
How about OJ?

I did not pay any attention to the Anthony trial or hoopla so I have no opinion one way or the other, other then to note that after a trial a JURY decided she was not guilty of the charges.

As for OJ I watched that trial. The prosecution failed to prove any point they attempted to make and the evidence clearly showed that in that trial OJ did not kill his x wife or Goldman.

The only reason the civil trial went differently is because the judge refused to let the defense present the theory that he was set up by the cops ( which he clearly was).

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