2/3 Of Republicans Believe The 2020 Election Was Stolen

Poll: Two-thirds of Republicans still think the 2020 election was rigged

Twenty-eight percent of independent voters also said they think Trump was the rightful winner of the 2020 election, as did a small 3 percent of Democrats.

A total of 36.4 million registered voters identified themselves as Republicans, representing 29.2% of registered voters in these states.

Tell people what they want to hear, and they will believe it.

Believing, accepting something you don't know is true.
That you fuckers cheated and got away with it. Yup.
Nah, I don't believe the Dems cheated. I think America was sick and tired of magaturds and tossed their entitled asses out at the polls. There is much support for this assessment.

You guys claim voter fraud. Yet, there is little support for this assessment.

Simple math.

And even though the magaturds did lose fair and square, it's like America is still kind of sick of them. So, this shit doesn't seem like it's over by a country mile.

Best strap in.
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Really? How about William F Buckley, Dwight Eisenhower, Douglas MacArthur, Laura Ingram, Larry Elder, Ted Cruz, Colin Powell. Lots of GOP people disagree with Donald Trump, too.

Ya want stupid people as Dems? Maxine Waters, AOC.
You were OK until you tried to slip in Laura, Larry, and Ted (skip the state, they can't even keep the lights on) Cruz.
And 50 other genders too. It's THE SCIENCE. lol

Science??? It's so fucked up today that even Albert Einstein (if he were still alive that is) would be saying that's a new name for it and shaking his head. (Like he's probably currently rolling in his grave.)
Yes, Most Democrat KNOW this. 17% were honest enough to admit it anonymously. The left-wing lemmings here aren't bright enough for independent thought. They only parroting what the Party bosses tell them to say
They simply lack the courage of their convictions, they are all liars, every one of them! They cannot speak the truth, and the truth is they all know the election was stolen and they all loved that it was stolen, "ends justifying means!" They simply cannot acknowledge truth of it, they are cowards, moral reprobates...

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