1ST responders emails re "mass graves in PR mudslides as Trump denies body count


Gold Member
Mar 3, 2018
This goes along with the other thread rolling but I don't want the details of this to get buried in the other. EVIDENCE. The process of counting 'deaths' post catastrophic event or 'event of war' have protocols, methods and standards. These aren''t wide eyed liberals or conservatives. They use mathematics, averages, statistical sampling, interviews and DEATH CERTIFICATES. It was explained to me in reference to Rowanda and Kosovo after BUSH DENIED 900,000 'excess deaths' in Iraq through 2005. THEY STOPPED COUNTING AFTER THAT!

I got it. Then and now. TRUMP IS A FUCKING MORON NEVERTHELESS AN ASSHOLE. This isn't hard.

First responder emails appear to undermine Trump's narrative on Hurricane Maria


09/13/2018 04:34 PM EDT

Emails released Thursday by congressional Democrats show correspondence between first responders that appears to undermine the Trump administration’s public reporting of the human toll from Hurricane Maria last year.

In one email, dated Sept. 29, 2017, a first responder — whose name has been redacted — describes “finding mass graves in mud slide areas,” and requests counseling support for federal first responders in the area. An unnamed Army National Guard general is included in the correspondence.

Only 16 deaths were publicly acknowledged when President Donald Trump arrived at the island days later to survey damage and meet with local officials. That number climbed to 34 hours after he left.

Independent researchers at George Washington University subsequently estimated the casualties at 2,975, a figure accepted by Puerto Rico’s commonwealth government.

Trump claimed in a tweet Thursday that the death toll from Hurricane Maria had been inflated after the storm. It’s unclear whether he was ever briefed on the discovery of hurricane victims in the U.S. territory described in the documents...

First responder emails appear to undermine Trump's narrative on Hurricane Maria
Mass graves? As in a graveyard? The phrasing here is most interesting. Not bodies found. Not houses and bodies found.

Graves. Means the people had already been dead.
First responder emails appear to undermine Trump's narrative on Hurricane Maria

First responder emails APPEAR to undermine.....
When you left wing children begin to deal in facts not innuendo and guesses we will begin to communicate the news of the day until then its just more Bullshit.....the last count was 65 people killed and that was a made up lie...now its at 3000?.............yeah we believe that...when pigs fly!!!!!
Mass graves? As in a graveyard? The phrasing here is most interesting. Not bodies found. Not houses and bodies found.

Graves. Means the people had already been dead.
And one dare not make the assumption that the PR may be responsible
------------------------------------------ 'puerto rico' was falling down as the hurricane approached . Lots of info talks about poorly maintained infrastructure years before the hurricane .
Its a lie...just like everything coming from the dems and the media these days.....if they have no proof disregard the whole story.....if the have unnamed sources disregard the whole story....if they start with maybe....appears.....could be.....If....(my personal favorite).....disregard the whole story...
Mass graves? As in a graveyard? The phrasing here is most interesting. Not bodies found. Not houses and bodies found.

Graves. Means the people had already been dead.
Mass graves certainly imply that someone buried these bodies. Drug cartels perhaps.

AND FEMA found the infrastructure so freaking bad they had to get Congressional approval to repair it. The PR government is rotten to the core.

"Andrea Mitchell on Wednesday unsurprisingly attempted to politicize disaster relief, lecturing the FEMA administrator about responsibility for infrastructure. She even went back to Hurricane Katrina as an example. To her annoyance, FEMA’s Brock Long corrected her on the facts.

Mitchell lectured Long: “But the fact is, just after Katrina, there was terrible infrastructure in parts of New Orleans. That is a federal responsibility. These are American citizens.” The FEMA administrator shot back: “No, you are actually wrong on that. It’s not a federal responsibility to upkeep the infrastructure. Actually, most of the infrastructure” is “owned by the private sector.”

He added:

If you remember when I went back for the third supplemental after Congress I had to ask for special authority — that’s never been done before — to fix the deferred maintenance or the infrastructure that was allowed to rot. So we don’t own it. "

Andrea Mitchell Hammered as She Tries to Politicize Disaster Relief
This goes along with the other thread rolling but I don't want the details of this to get buried in the other. EVIDENCE. The process of counting 'deaths' post catastrophic event or 'event of war' have protocols, methods and standards. These aren''t wide eyed liberals or conservatives. They use mathematics, averages, statistical sampling, interviews and DEATH CERTIFICATES. It was explained to me in reference to Rowanda and Kosovo after BUSH DENIED 900,000 'excess deaths' in Iraq through 2005. THEY STOPPED COUNTING AFTER THAT!

I got it. Then and now. TRUMP IS A FUCKING MORON NEVERTHELESS AN ASSHOLE. This isn't hard.

First responder emails appear to undermine Trump's narrative on Hurricane Maria


09/13/2018 04:34 PM EDT

Emails released Thursday by congressional Democrats show correspondence between first responders that appears to undermine the Trump administration’s public reporting of the human toll from Hurricane Maria last year.

In one email, dated Sept. 29, 2017, a first responder — whose name has been redacted — describes “finding mass graves in mud slide areas,” and requests counseling support for federal first responders in the area. An unnamed Army National Guard general is included in the correspondence.

Only 16 deaths were publicly acknowledged when President Donald Trump arrived at the island days later to survey damage and meet with local officials. That number climbed to 34 hours after he left.

Independent researchers at George Washington University subsequently estimated the casualties at 2,975, a figure accepted by Puerto Rico’s commonwealth government.

Trump claimed in a tweet Thursday that the death toll from Hurricane Maria had been inflated after the storm. It’s unclear whether he was ever briefed on the discovery of hurricane victims in the U.S. territory described in the documents...

First responder emails appear to undermine Trump's narrative on Hurricane Maria
Why would the White House cover it up? The number could be 100,000 dead and it still wouldnt have anything to do with Trump. If people died, its because PR sucks.
This goes along with the other thread rolling but I don't want the details of this to get buried in the other. EVIDENCE. The process of counting 'deaths' post catastrophic event or 'event of war' have protocols, methods and standards. These aren''t wide eyed liberals or conservatives. They use mathematics, averages, statistical sampling, interviews and DEATH CERTIFICATES. It was explained to me in reference to Rowanda and Kosovo after BUSH DENIED 900,000 'excess deaths' in Iraq through 2005. THEY STOPPED COUNTING AFTER THAT!

I got it. Then and now. TRUMP IS A FUCKING MORON NEVERTHELESS AN ASSHOLE. This isn't hard.

First responder emails appear to undermine Trump's narrative on Hurricane Maria


09/13/2018 04:34 PM EDT

Emails released Thursday by congressional Democrats show correspondence between first responders that appears to undermine the Trump administration’s public reporting of the human toll from Hurricane Maria last year.

In one email, dated Sept. 29, 2017, a first responder — whose name has been redacted — describes “finding mass graves in mud slide areas,” and requests counseling support for federal first responders in the area. An unnamed Army National Guard general is included in the correspondence.

Only 16 deaths were publicly acknowledged when President Donald Trump arrived at the island days later to survey damage and meet with local officials. That number climbed to 34 hours after he left.

Independent researchers at George Washington University subsequently estimated the casualties at 2,975, a figure accepted by Puerto Rico’s commonwealth government.

Trump claimed in a tweet Thursday that the death toll from Hurricane Maria had been inflated after the storm. It’s unclear whether he was ever briefed on the discovery of hurricane victims in the U.S. territory described in the documents...

First responder emails appear to undermine Trump's narrative on Hurricane Maria
Why would the White House cover it up? The number could be 100,000 dead and it still wouldnt have anything to do with Trump. If people died, its because PR sucks.

Yup. The Govt. of PR was inept to say the least. FEMA did all they could.

A hurricane killed the people. Not Trump and the PR Govt. sure as hell let the people down.

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