1991 Cease Fire resumed as "Liberation of Iraq"


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
History Lesson for DUMMIES!

Iraq Invades Kuwait 8/2/1990
The Iraqi attack began shortly after midnight on August 2. About 150,000 Iraqi troops, many of them veterans of the Iran-Iraq War, easily overwhelmed the unprepared and inexperienced Kuwaiti forces, which numbered about 20,000.

On February 24,1991 the coalition launched its long-anticipated land offensive.

On February 28,1991, with the collapse of Iraqi resistance and the recapture of Kuwait—thereby fulfilling the coalition’s stated goals—the coalition declared a cease-fire.
The land war had lasted precisely 100 hours.
The cease-fire came shortly before coalition forces would have surrounded Iraqi forces.

On March 2,1991 the UN Security Council issued a resolution laying down the conditions for the cease-fire, which were accepted by Iraq in a meeting of military commanders on March 3.
March 1991 to 1998..

There were twelve resolutions from 1991-1998 declaring Iraq in violation of the cease fire, demanding compliance, and threatening "serious consequences."

Clinton's "serious consequences"..drops 241,000 pounds of bombs on Iraq, sends 1,100 missiles
December 16, 1998 8:51 p.m. EST (0151 GMT)
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- From the Oval Office, President Clinton told the nation Wednesday evening why he ordered new military strikes against Iraq.
"Their mission is to attack Iraq's nuclear, chemical and biological weapons programs and its military capacity to threaten its neighbors," said Clinton.
Timeline Iraq War IRAQ events... time line
In the first three months of 1999, U.S. led-forces bombarded Iraq with 241,000 pounds of bombs just shy of the 253,000 pounds dropped under President Bush in the eight months leading up to the final UN resolution before the war.

By August of 1999, American and British pilots had fired more than 1,100 missiles against 359 targets that year alone.

The Raw Story | Clinton bombing of Iraq far exceeded Bush's in run-up to war; Bush 'spikes of activity' questioned

"Iraq has declared that it produced about 8,500 litres of (anthrax), which it states it unilaterally destroyed in the summer of 1991.

September 18, 2001, one week after the September 11 attacks. Letters containing anthrax spores were mailed to several news media offices and two Democratic U.S. Senators, killing five people and infecting 17 others.
2001 anthrax attacks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The absolutely obvious ineffectiveness of the UN in its dealings with Saddam Hussein is overwhelming.
It's interesting to note that President Bush did not actually need senate joint resolution 46 or any further authorization from the Congress or the United Nations before resuming the Persian Gulf War.
By 2002 it was clear that Saddam Hussein had not, and would not comply with the conditions of the 1991 cease-fire.

Where’s the WMD?
Tell us where the 2001 anthrax was produced. Don't run to Hannutsy dot com and look for an answer.

What a dumb f..k...g QUESTION!

Of course EVERYONE KNOWS NOW you dummy ! Hindsight is always 20/20!

Produced here by if you read closely my link..
2001 anthrax attacks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Done here in USA...
BUT you IDIOT where were you ???

5 people died 17 injured less then a week after 9/11!
AND YOU think investigations weren't focused on the hijackers??

"Experts at the Johns Hopkins Center for Civilian Biodefense Strategies (CCBS) concluded that one of the nineteen 9/11 hijackers, Ahmed al-Haznawi, likely had been exposed to anthrax''

But YOU dumb shit... you don't take the time and read closer do you?

Geez I really know now why idiots like you are so dependent on the MSM/Democrats
for information, food, LIFE.. What a dolt!

AGAIN you evidently were in some hole because MANY Americans thought the Anthrax attacks were from TERRORISTS!

Some authorities have speculated that the sponsor of the anthrax-laced letters sent to NBC, CBS, ABC, and the U.S. Capitol, among other places, is most likely a domestic citizen.
However, a 48% Americans tend to believe that non-U.S. citizens are responsible.
Latest Summary: American Public Opinion and the War on Terrorism

BUT of course you living in a hole KNEW all about Bruce Edwards Ivins long before the FBI.. RIGHT!
I still don't see the "immediate threat" they touted. It was a terrible decision, considering that it extended the Afghanistan mission to the point where the Taliban have been able to mount a resurgegence.
History Lesson for DUMMIES!

Iraq Invades Kuwait 8/2/1990
The Iraqi attack began shortly after midnight on August 2. About 150,000 Iraqi troops, many of them veterans of the Iran-Iraq War, easily overwhelmed the unprepared and inexperienced Kuwaiti forces, which numbered about 20,000.

On February 24,1991 the coalition launched its long-anticipated land offensive.

On February 28,1991, with the collapse of Iraqi resistance and the recapture of Kuwait—thereby fulfilling the coalition’s stated goals—the coalition declared a cease-fire.
The land war had lasted precisely 100 hours.
The cease-fire came shortly before coalition forces would have surrounded Iraqi forces.

On March 2,1991 the UN Security Council issued a resolution laying down the conditions for the cease-fire, which were accepted by Iraq in a meeting of military commanders on March 3.
March 1991 to 1998..

There were twelve resolutions from 1991-1998 declaring Iraq in violation of the cease fire, demanding compliance, and threatening "serious consequences."

Clinton's "serious consequences"..drops 241,000 pounds of bombs on Iraq, sends 1,100 missiles
December 16, 1998 8:51 p.m. EST (0151 GMT)
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- From the Oval Office, President Clinton told the nation Wednesday evening why he ordered new military strikes against Iraq.
"Their mission is to attack Iraq's nuclear, chemical and biological weapons programs and its military capacity to threaten its neighbors," said Clinton.
Timeline Iraq War IRAQ events... time line
In the first three months of 1999, U.S. led-forces bombarded Iraq with 241,000 pounds of bombs just shy of the 253,000 pounds dropped under President Bush in the eight months leading up to the final UN resolution before the war.

By August of 1999, American and British pilots had fired more than 1,100 missiles against 359 targets that year alone.

The Raw Story | Clinton bombing of Iraq far exceeded Bush's in run-up to war; Bush 'spikes of activity' questioned

"Iraq has declared that it produced about 8,500 litres of (anthrax), which it states it unilaterally destroyed in the summer of 1991.

September 18, 2001, one week after the September 11 attacks. Letters containing anthrax spores were mailed to several news media offices and two Democratic U.S. Senators, killing five people and infecting 17 others.
2001 anthrax attacks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The absolutely obvious ineffectiveness of the UN in its dealings with Saddam Hussein is overwhelming.
It's interesting to note that President Bush did not actually need senate joint resolution 46 or any further authorization from the Congress or the United Nations before resuming the Persian Gulf War.
By 2002 it was clear that Saddam Hussein had not, and would not comply with the conditions of the 1991 cease-fire.

Where’s the WMD?

So what. North Korea has been violating that ceasefire since the '50's. Does that mean Bush was wrong NOT to invade North Korea?
Tell us where the 2001 anthrax was produced. Don't run to Hannutsy dot com and look for an answer.

What a dumb f..k...g QUESTION!

Of course EVERYONE KNOWS NOW you dummy ! Hindsight is always 20/20!

Produced here by if you read closely my link..
2001 anthrax attacks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Done here in USA...
BUT you IDIOT where were you ???

5 people died 17 injured less then a week after 9/11!
AND YOU think investigations weren't focused on the hijackers??

"Experts at the Johns Hopkins Center for Civilian Biodefense Strategies (CCBS) concluded that one of the nineteen 9/11 hijackers, Ahmed al-Haznawi, likely had been exposed to anthrax''

But YOU dumb shit... you don't take the time and read closer do you?

Geez I really know now why idiots like you are so dependent on the MSM/Democrats
for information, food, LIFE.. What a dolt!

AGAIN you evidently were in some hole because MANY Americans thought the Anthrax attacks were from TERRORISTS!

Some authorities have speculated that the sponsor of the anthrax-laced letters sent to NBC, CBS, ABC, and the U.S. Capitol, among other places, is most likely a domestic citizen.
However, a 48% Americans tend to believe that non-U.S. citizens are responsible.
Latest Summary: American Public Opinion and the War on Terrorism

BUT of course you living in a hole KNEW all about Bruce Edwards Ivins long before the FBI.. RIGHT!

Why did Bush in a December 2005 press conference admit that there were no WMD's if there were?

Why would he lie about that?
The idiots who won't admit the Iraq war was an unmitigated disaster perpetrated on the basis of lies are going to plague all of us for all time.
I'm not sure what your point is, Clinton dropped more bombs so that makes what Bush did okay and because Saddam made had anthrax that means he mailed it to the U.S. Is that your point?

What does a "Cease Fire" mean???
It means for the time being no more firing RIGHT??

WELL Saddam broke the "CEASE FIRE"!

Are you people that totally DUMB by NOT understanding that:
On March 2,1991 the UN Security Council issued a resolution laying down the conditions for the cease-fire, which were accepted by Iraq in a meeting of military commanders on March 3.
March 1991 to 1998..

There were twelve resolutions from 1991-1998 declaring Iraq in violation of the cease fire, demanding compliance, and threatening "serious consequences."

WHY is the simple fact Saddam did not comply with 12 resolutions!
I'm not sure what your point is, Clinton dropped more bombs so that makes what Bush did okay and because Saddam made had anthrax that means he mailed it to the U.S. Is that your point?

What does a "Cease Fire" mean???
It means for the time being no more firing RIGHT??

WELL Saddam broke the "CEASE FIRE"!

Are you people that totally DUMB by NOT understanding that:
On March 2,1991 the UN Security Council issued a resolution laying down the conditions for the cease-fire, which were accepted by Iraq in a meeting of military commanders on March 3.
March 1991 to 1998..

There were twelve resolutions from 1991-1998 declaring Iraq in violation of the cease fire, demanding compliance, and threatening "serious consequences."

WHY is the simple fact Saddam did not comply with 12 resolutions!

None of that made the war a good idea.
History Lesson for DUMMIES!

Iraq Invades Kuwait 8/2/1990
The Iraqi attack began shortly after midnight on August 2. About 150,000 Iraqi troops, many of them veterans of the Iran-Iraq War, easily overwhelmed the unprepared and inexperienced Kuwaiti forces, which numbered about 20,000.

On February 24,1991 the coalition launched its long-anticipated land offensive.

On February 28,1991, with the collapse of Iraqi resistance and the recapture of Kuwait—thereby fulfilling the coalition’s stated goals—the coalition declared a cease-fire.
The land war had lasted precisely 100 hours.
The cease-fire came shortly before coalition forces would have surrounded Iraqi forces.

On March 2,1991 the UN Security Council issued a resolution laying down the conditions for the cease-fire, which were accepted by Iraq in a meeting of military commanders on March 3.
March 1991 to 1998..

There were twelve resolutions from 1991-1998 declaring Iraq in violation of the cease fire, demanding compliance, and threatening "serious consequences."

Clinton's "serious consequences"..drops 241,000 pounds of bombs on Iraq, sends 1,100 missiles
December 16, 1998 8:51 p.m. EST (0151 GMT)
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- From the Oval Office, President Clinton told the nation Wednesday evening why he ordered new military strikes against Iraq.
"Their mission is to attack Iraq's nuclear, chemical and biological weapons programs and its military capacity to threaten its neighbors," said Clinton.
Timeline Iraq War IRAQ events... time line
In the first three months of 1999, U.S. led-forces bombarded Iraq with 241,000 pounds of bombs just shy of the 253,000 pounds dropped under President Bush in the eight months leading up to the final UN resolution before the war.

By August of 1999, American and British pilots had fired more than 1,100 missiles against 359 targets that year alone.

The Raw Story | Clinton bombing of Iraq far exceeded Bush's in run-up to war; Bush 'spikes of activity' questioned

"Iraq has declared that it produced about 8,500 litres of (anthrax), which it states it unilaterally destroyed in the summer of 1991.

September 18, 2001, one week after the September 11 attacks. Letters containing anthrax spores were mailed to several news media offices and two Democratic U.S. Senators, killing five people and infecting 17 others.
2001 anthrax attacks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The absolutely obvious ineffectiveness of the UN in its dealings with Saddam Hussein is overwhelming.
It's interesting to note that President Bush did not actually need senate joint resolution 46 or any further authorization from the Congress or the United Nations before resuming the Persian Gulf War.
By 2002 it was clear that Saddam Hussein had not, and would not comply with the conditions of the 1991 cease-fire.

Where’s the WMD?

Clinton lied. Peace loving Iraq never did such things!!!! I'm shocked!!!! :eek: :D:D:D
The idiots who won't admit the Iraq war was an unmitigated disaster perpetrated on the basis of lies are going to plague all of us for all time.

You should work for the "Ministry of Truth", .... I mean the "State Department". :lmao:
I'm not sure what your point is, Clinton dropped more bombs so that makes what Bush did okay and because Saddam made had anthrax that means he mailed it to the U.S. Is that your point?

What does a "Cease Fire" mean???
It means for the time being no more firing RIGHT??

WELL Saddam broke the "CEASE FIRE"!

Are you people that totally DUMB by NOT understanding that:
On March 2,1991 the UN Security Council issued a resolution laying down the conditions for the cease-fire, which were accepted by Iraq in a meeting of military commanders on March 3.
March 1991 to 1998..

There were twelve resolutions from 1991-1998 declaring Iraq in violation of the cease fire, demanding compliance, and threatening "serious consequences."

WHY is the simple fact Saddam did not comply with 12 resolutions!

None of that made the war a good idea.

No War is a Good Idea, who are you kidding?

Where were you when Barry went off of the Reservation???

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