19 polls show voters want taxes on wealthy raised

Why do you hate your fellow americans?

Billionaires are not my fellow Americans.

My fellow Americans are police, teachers, truck drivers, bank tellers, secretaries, nurses, and so on.

So now rich people aren't Americans. Why so bitter? Are you poor? :lol::lol:

I'm poor like you're rich.

I'm for the poor and the middle class because the country is built on the backs of the poor and the middle class.

You are for rich people who would spit on you if you got in their way.
But....but.....it is the wealthy who give us ......Jobs

If we raise their taxes they will get mad and fire us all

Just because they are mad? Brilliant. Do you realize:

1) Hmm...we take money out of businesses, and the businesses have to let people go. I don't get it, it must be because the owners were mad. That's all you can come up with?

2) Companies invest in project that create value. Now think about this, if you raise taxes, then projects that were profitable before the taxes were raised are no longer profitable enough to invest in. The owners then stop the project. Now, the tricky part. A test. What happens to the workers who worked on the project?

Well put...

But what is taxed? Profit is taxed, not overhead. Salaries, facilities, utilities are not taxed. Nobody says to tax at rates where business is no longer profitable......but then again, a free ride on ever increasing profits is not being reflected in increased hiring
But....but.....it is the wealthy who give us ......Jobs

If we raise their taxes they will get mad and fire us all

Just because they are mad? Brilliant. Do you realize:

1) Hmm...we take money out of businesses, and the businesses have to let people go. I don't get it, it must be because the owners were mad. That's all you can come up with?

2) Companies invest in project that create value. Now think about this, if you raise taxes, then projects that were profitable before the taxes were raised are no longer profitable enough to invest in. The owners then stop the project. Now, the tricky part. A test. What happens to the workers who worked on the project?

Well put...

But what is taxed? Profit is taxed, not overhead. Salaries, facilities, utilities are not taxed. Nobody says to tax at rates where business is no longer profitable......but then again, a free ride on ever increasing profits is not being reflected in increased hiring
That's lame, businesses aren't charities. They aren't just started to give some a job while the owner get's no returns. Any educated person know taxes are after profit. But if you raise taxes, you have less savings, which means less investment, a loss of jobs and a contraction of the business, or at least stagnation. Business owners have an individual standard of living to maintain and bills to pay as well.
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Reasonable people want shared sacrifice, not a partly shared sacrifice that exempts the wealthy.

I mean hey, I already said I'd support taxing the rich, 100% if needed I don't care... But I need to know if you can tell me out of 100% of the people in this country, who pays either non or the least amount in taxes. Just gotta see what you say is all, for fun, like a joke or something.

Go ahead... hit it... just knock it out of the park for us.

Could ask you the same thing. Why do you hate our elderly and soon to be elderly(Social Security and Medicare)? Why do you hate our Children(educational Cuts)?

Furthermore, why do you hate our middle class so much? You seem to want to cut everything that helps them become or remain Middle Class. Hell, why do you hate our poor? Our scared Teenage moms? Our gays?

Could ask you the same thing. Why do you hate our elderly and soon to be elderly(Social Security and Medicare)? Why do you hate our Children(educational Cuts)?

Furthermore, why do you hate our middle class so much? You seem to want to cut everything that helps them become or remain Middle Class. Hell, why do you hate our poor? Our scared Teenage moms? Our gays?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uoGLqKRPRt0]YouTube - ‪THE Children‬‏[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U_DBy34NRlY]YouTube - ‪Wisdom of the Acorn: Lets Democracy!‬‏[/ame]
It's a pretty save bet that those who want taxes raised think that they themselves will not be affected.
Only 10 points?

If TMN were starring in "Flowers For Algernon", the IQ enhancing treatment wouldn't raise her IQ above that of a turnip.
Only 10 points?

If TMN were starring in "Flowers For Algernon", the IQ enhancing treatment wouldn't raise her IQ above that of a turnip.

I'm not saying her IQ is 10 points lower than mine. (God help me...)

Just that I feel a great need to dummy-up in order to even try to get in the conversation.

It's a physical reaction.
Reasonable people want shared sacrifice, not a partly shared sacrifice that exempts the wealthy.

I mean hey, I already said I'd support taxing the rich, 100% if needed I don't care... But I need to know if you can tell me out of 100% of the people in this country, who pays either non or the least amount in taxes. Just gotta see what you say is all, for fun, like a joke or something.

Go ahead... hit it... just knock it out of the park for us.

No one pays NO taxes. Everyone pays taxes. Once again... Just because they may not pay and Federal INCOME TAX... doesn't mean they are tax exempt. They pay sales tax every time they purchase something... they pay school taxes in their localities. They pay Gasoline tax every time they fill up. They pay FICA, Medicare taxes(Payments, actually) every time their employer processes their paychecks. There are probably dozens more that I can't think of.

But the only one YOU guys seem to care about is Federal Income Tax. There's a reason they don't pay Federal Income Tax... they're fucking poor. I know the number $33K has been floated around. My kid makes about that much... he's a single guy with zero dependents. He pays Federal Income tax. He got a small refund... but he overpayed to get that refund.... and it was a far smaller number than what he paid in.

Perhaps the people who get it all back are people making $33k with 2 or 3 kids. Wow... do you really hate poor Families that much?
They're all the same. And hence, monotonous in their idiocy.

Well the polls showed that 70% of the voters didn't want obiedickcare too so wadda ya gonna do? :fu:

knuckle head didn't read any of the actual polling data. she barked at the sexy title of the article and went with it....color me shocked. she framed her own bow wow thread title despite the fact its misleading as to the article title as well...

The question in all of the polls that supplied the data is always asked the way it is 'framed' in Q 50 see below..then see the next Q, 52, see the huge disparity?

Why? people answering Q 50 have but one choice a yes means yes - IF it wil go to the Federal debt.

BUT in 52, you'll see a difference, because they are offered a CHOICE, and there is no direction as to FED Debt only...... hello.

I think people know- IF you believe that ANY and ALL money taken via new taxes will go directly to retire debt ., you are living in an alternate universe, so they hedge back to roughly 50 50.

oh and here;

go to Q 51- I have added at the bottom funny huhu? 21 to 19 to..tax only 21% , spending cuts 19 % and taaadaaa....BOTH at 45%.....incl. CUTS for entitlements....

so, as usual, its just another TM thread heavy on heavy breathing, limited on reality...sorry but here it is.


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Gotta love this stupid bullshit

Most people would like free sex on demand too.. not to mention a lifetime supply of their favorite food at the expense of someone else... or no taxes for life...

Of course people would rather have someone else foot the bill.... but that's not in the realm of equal treatment by government, now is it.. and exactly why we are supposed to have a constitution that protects us from the tyranny of mass whim

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