1500 Miles Of Freezing Cold Temperatures!

And record cold in the northeast. What's your point, moron?

What was the weather where the north east storms started? Moron.

No, the question to be asked is it any different from the climate that has been enjoyed by that area for the last few centuries and the answer to that question is no. There is nothing different at all.
Weather for Billings, MT 59101
- Featured Result
  • Today

    58° | 41°
  • Fri

    62° | 36°
  • Sat

    57° | 34°
  • Sun

    46° | 29°
  • Mon

    35° | 18°
Well, looks as if Billings, Montana will finally be getting some normal weather for February by Monday.
give me some of that weather!! Not sure what is wrong with 60 degrees? What will happen in 60 degrees that that is bad?

Edit: Maybe if the temps were over 100 then there'd be some concern, but it seems they most likely have seen 60 degree weather in February before, right?
Well, if you are a rancher or farmer in that area, that means no snow for irrigation this summer.
Imagine the thinking of people up in Syracuse New York this morning? Folks in western Pa? Bangor, Maine? Or how about Cold Spring Harbor here on Long Island???.

Anybody walking out into this "Day After Tomorrow" cold who's first thought is, "Fcuk......we gotta do something about this global warming!!" is also somebody who seriously needs to be institutionalized. Imagine........the triage process at the loon bin......you have this person screaming about global warming and meanwhile, his nut sack is frostbitten and his balls blue!!!:rock::rock::gay:
Imagine the thinking of people up in Syracuse New York this morning? Folks in western Pa? Bangor, Maine? Or how about Cold Spring Harbor here on Long Island???.

Anybody walking out into this "Day After Tomorrow" cold who's first thought is, "Fcuk......we gotta do something about this global warming!!" is also somebody who seriously needs to be institutionalized. Imagine........the triage process at the loon bin......you have this person screaming about global warming and meanwhile, his nut sack is frostbitten and his balls blue!!!:rock::rock::gay:

Or perhaps they understand that weather is not climate.

I've got a high of 12 degrees forecast for Thursday here. Guess what -- it's called winter. Fucking DUH.
Imagine the thinking of people up in Syracuse New York this morning? Folks in western Pa? Bangor, Maine? Or how about Cold Spring Harbor here on Long Island???.

Anybody walking out into this "Day After Tomorrow" cold who's first thought is, "Fcuk......we gotta do something about this global warming!!" is also somebody who seriously needs to be institutionalized. Imagine........the triage process at the loon bin......you have this person screaming about global warming and meanwhile, his nut sack is frostbitten and his balls blue!!!:rock::rock::gay:

Or perhaps they understand that weather is not climate.

I've got a high of 12 degrees forecast for Thursday here. Guess what -- it's called winter. Fucking DUH.
is it the similar temperature as seen over the last 30 to 40 years? If so, that's climate.
Imagine the thinking of people up in Syracuse New York this morning? Folks in western Pa? Bangor, Maine? Or how about Cold Spring Harbor here on Long Island???.

Anybody walking out into this "Day After Tomorrow" cold who's first thought is, "Fcuk......we gotta do something about this global warming!!" is also somebody who seriously needs to be institutionalized. Imagine........the triage process at the loon bin......you have this person screaming about global warming and meanwhile, his nut sack is frostbitten and his balls blue!!!:rock::rock::gay:

Or perhaps they understand that weather is not climate.

I've got a high of 12 degrees forecast for Thursday here. Guess what -- it's called winter. Fucking DUH.
is it the similar temperature as seen over the last 30 to 40 years? If so, that's climate.

Correct, that's more at climate. Post 101, even better.
But this asshat wants to act surprised that there's a cold day in February. If we got to a point where there were NO cold days in February, we'd have been history long before that point.

Never ceases to amaze me how stupid some are willing to pose as just because they're anonymous...
Imagine the thinking of people up in Syracuse New York this morning? Folks in western Pa? Bangor, Maine? Or how about Cold Spring Harbor here on Long Island???.

Anybody walking out into this "Day After Tomorrow" cold who's first thought is, "Fcuk......we gotta do something about this global warming!!" is also somebody who seriously needs to be institutionalized. Imagine........the triage process at the loon bin......you have this person screaming about global warming and meanwhile, his nut sack is frostbitten and his balls blue!!!:rock::rock::gay:

Or perhaps they understand that weather is not climate.

I've got a high of 12 degrees forecast for Thursday here. Guess what -- it's called winter. Fucking DUH.
is it the similar temperature as seen over the last 30 to 40 years? If so, that's climate.

Correct, that's more at climate. Post 101, even better.
But this asshat wants to act surprised that there's a cold day in February. If we got to a point where there were NO cold days in February, we'd have been history long before that point.

Never ceases to amaze me how stupid some are willing to pose as just because they're anonymous...
no, he is asking where is the climate change due to CO2 when the current climates haven't changed for over 30 to 40 years. And in most cases for the last 100 + years.
Imagine the thinking of people up in Syracuse New York this morning? Folks in western Pa? Bangor, Maine? Or how about Cold Spring Harbor here on Long Island???.

Anybody walking out into this "Day After Tomorrow" cold who's first thought is, "Fcuk......we gotta do something about this global warming!!" is also somebody who seriously needs to be institutionalized. Imagine........the triage process at the loon bin......you have this person screaming about global warming and meanwhile, his nut sack is frostbitten and his balls blue!!!:rock::rock::gay:

Or perhaps they understand that weather is not climate.

I've got a high of 12 degrees forecast for Thursday here. Guess what -- it's called winter. Fucking DUH.
is it the similar temperature as seen over the last 30 to 40 years? If so, that's climate.

Correct, that's more at climate. Post 101, even better.
But this asshat wants to act surprised that there's a cold day in February. If we got to a point where there were NO cold days in February, we'd have been history long before that point.

Never ceases to amaze me how stupid some are willing to pose as just because they're anonymous...
no, he is asking where is the climate change due to CO2 when the current climates haven't changed for over 30 to 40 years. And in most cases for the last 100 + years.

NO -- he specifically cited "Syracuse New York this morning" along with "western Pa.. Bangor, Maine... Or how about Cold Spring Harbor here on Long Island". Specific spots fully expected to be cold in Winter, on a specific day. That's weather, not climate.
Weather is not "climate"...
Climate is not "weather"
Never the twain shall meet.

Now stop it.

Whatever you say s0n!!!

But we all kind of notice that Al Gore has disappeared since he said back in 2001 that we'd soon see a world without snow!!!

Then for years after talks about no link between climate change and weather!!!:2up::boobies::boobies:

fAiL............toooooooooooo many fucked up failed predictions on weather by the k00ks in the past 15 years........nobody cares about global warming in 2014.........every poll shows it on list of "concerns"..........it ranks about 21 out of 22!!!:spinner:

Climate simply is NOT weather, "s0n". Never has been, isn't now, and will not be at any time in future, ever. Your plugging in the word "change" doesn't change that -- simply makes you a dishonest hack.

Which was already the case, so we could say "some things never change".
so tell me then, how is severe weather related to global warming? See I thought you all stated that the global conditions affect climate, not weather. So which is it? Is a hurricane weather or climate? Is a tornado weather or climate? We're just trying to understand where you all are today with global warming and weather, climate or whatever?

Climate has never been "weather". Climate is not "weather" now. There is no point in the future at which climate will become "weather". Ever. Period.

You must be a mongoloid idiot.
Go buy a fucking dictionary.

We agree. So the next time the AGW supporters point to a hot day and say "see! Global Warming!" We expect you to say the same thing to them, that you are saying here.


One day never a climate makes, period, roll tape and play it back, print it, on the record, forever. K?

Cheeses Christ on a cracker, what is it, State-the-Obvious Day?
Imagine the thinking of people up in Syracuse New York this morning? Folks in western Pa? Bangor, Maine? Or how about Cold Spring Harbor here on Long Island???.

Anybody walking out into this "Day After Tomorrow" cold who's first thought is, "Fcuk......we gotta do something about this global warming!!" is also somebody who seriously needs to be institutionalized. Imagine........the triage process at the loon bin......you have this person screaming about global warming and meanwhile, his nut sack is frostbitten and his balls blue!!!:rock::rock::gay:

Or perhaps they understand that weather is not climate.

I've got a high of 12 degrees forecast for Thursday here. Guess what -- it's called winter. Fucking DUH.
is it the similar temperature as seen over the last 30 to 40 years? If so, that's climate.

Correct, that's more at climate. Post 101, even better.
But this asshat wants to act surprised that there's a cold day in February. If we got to a point where there were NO cold days in February, we'd have been history long before that point.

Never ceases to amaze me how stupid some are willing to pose as just because they're anonymous...
no, he is asking where is the climate change due to CO2 when the current climates haven't changed for over 30 to 40 years. And in most cases for the last 100 + years.

NO -- he specifically cited "Syracuse New York this morning" along with "western Pa.. Bangor, Maine... Or how about Cold Spring Harbor here on Long Island". Specific spots fully expected to be cold in Winter, on a specific day. That's weather, not climate.
and again, do you know why? The answer, as I already gave you, is because the so called experts in climate stated that there would no longer by cold or snow in the northern US. so, if you have any evidence that suggests that that prediction is accurate, his post is to state it isn't. there is still the same climate today as 30 to 40 years ago. therefore, prediction is wrong. When one challenges differently, that post will occur. 8 degrees in Chicago. Nashville, TN to see ~7 inches with the current storm headed its way. 50% of the country was below average last weekend. There are no signs of any warming patterns where many people actually live. Again his point.
Whatever you say s0n!!!

But we all kind of notice that Al Gore has disappeared since he said back in 2001 that we'd soon see a world without snow!!!

Then for years after talks about no link between climate change and weather!!!:2up::boobies::boobies:

fAiL............toooooooooooo many fucked up failed predictions on weather by the k00ks in the past 15 years........nobody cares about global warming in 2014.........every poll shows it on list of "concerns"..........it ranks about 21 out of 22!!!:spinner:

Climate simply is NOT weather, "s0n". Never has been, isn't now, and will not be at any time in future, ever. Your plugging in the word "change" doesn't change that -- simply makes you a dishonest hack.

Which was already the case, so we could say "some things never change".
so tell me then, how is severe weather related to global warming? See I thought you all stated that the global conditions affect climate, not weather. So which is it? Is a hurricane weather or climate? Is a tornado weather or climate? We're just trying to understand where you all are today with global warming and weather, climate or whatever?

Climate has never been "weather". Climate is not "weather" now. There is no point in the future at which climate will become "weather". Ever. Period.

You must be a mongoloid idiot.
Go buy a fucking dictionary.

We agree. So the next time the AGW supporters point to a hot day and say "see! Global Warming!" We expect you to say the same thing to them, that you are saying here.


One day never a climate makes, period, roll tape and play it back, print it, on the record, forever. K?

Cheeses Christ on a cracker, what is it, State-the-Obvious Day?

We are in agreement. The AGW faithful however are not so even minded as you appear to be.
No, the question to be asked is it any different from the climate that has been enjoyed by that area for the last few centuries and the answer to that question is no. There is nothing different at all.

Here's a nice picture for you.

Billion-Dollar Weather and Climate Disasters Time Series National Climatic Data Center NCDC

Compare that the Great Drowning of Men storm back in the 1600's. There are MANY storms from the past that DWARF anything we have seen in the last 100 years in terms of property damage and loss of life. The only reason why the numbers now are so much bigger is due to inflation. I thought you were a multi millionaire? Someone like that would understand the difference. Looks like you're busted yet again.
Compare that the Great Drowning of Men storm back in the 1600's. There are MANY storms from the past that DWARF anything we have seen in the last 100 years in terms of property damage and loss of life. The only reason why the numbers now are so much bigger is due to inflation. I thought you were a multi millionaire? Someone like that would understand the difference. Looks like you're busted yet again.

Oh I see. If you look back far enough you can make your point.

So let's agree to keep it within recent history.

Why is there such a big drop in the water level of Lake Mead?

Western drought brings Lake Mead to lowest level since it was built NOAA Climate.gov
Compare that the Great Drowning of Men storm back in the 1600's. There are MANY storms from the past that DWARF anything we have seen in the last 100 years in terms of property damage and loss of life. The only reason why the numbers now are so much bigger is due to inflation. I thought you were a multi millionaire? Someone like that would understand the difference. Looks like you're busted yet again.

So lets see the numbers.
Compare that the Great Drowning of Men storm back in the 1600's. There are MANY storms from the past that DWARF anything we have seen in the last 100 years in terms of property damage and loss of life. The only reason why the numbers now are so much bigger is due to inflation. I thought you were a multi millionaire? Someone like that would understand the difference. Looks like you're busted yet again.

Oh I see. If you look back far enough you can make your point.

So let's agree to keep it within recent history.

Why is there such a big drop in the water level of Lake Mead?

Western drought brings Lake Mead to lowest level since it was built NOAA Climate.gov

Sure thing. Lets' go back to the 1950's. The thing with you frauds is you only use the data that suits you. The problem with that is the Earth operates on time scales far vaster than your puny little life. So things that were set in motion hundreds of years ago are only manifesting themselves now. That's the problem when you deal with idiots, who don't know a thing about science or the planet that they live on. And don't get me started either. I can point to the atmospheric river that turned the entire San Joaquin Valley of California into a giant lake way, way back...well not really, it was only in 1862. So you see dear little fraud, bad weather is as common as dirt. It's only in the tiny little minds of you progressives that weather becomes "scary".

Grow up.

"January 13, 1950 was one of the worst winter days in Western Washington history with hurricane force winds mixing with single digit temperatures in Bellingham while our friends to the south in Seattle were buried in feet of snow. It was just one storm in a record-setting series of arctic storms in 1950 that have yet to be rivaled since.

University of Washington research meteorologist Mark Albright grew up in the Bellingham area and recently found a treasure trove of newspaper articles from the Bellingham Herald that his parents had meticulously cut out and saved during the winter onslaught. He scanned them online to make a nice gallery of history and the Herald has graciously given me permission to reprint and showcase them here."
A look back at the epic blizzards of 1950 Weather Blog Seattle News Weather Sports Breaking News KOMO News
The answer, as I already gave you, is because the so called experts in climate stated that there would no longer by cold or snow in the northern US.

No, they didn't. You're simply making crap up now.

If you're not making crap up, show us these experts saying such things. If you can't, have to honesty to admit that you just made it all up.
The answer, as I already gave you, is because the so called experts in climate stated that there would no longer by cold or snow in the northern US.

No, they didn't. You're simply making crap up now.

If you're not making crap up, show us these experts saying such things. If you can't, have to honesty to admit that you just made it all up.
I could provide you with the links, but you'll call it biased, you call it not from peer review, anything to avoid admitting to what it is I provided. you know they're there and you refuse to acknowledge. Not my problem.

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