15 bills the House passed, but Reid refuses to schedule for votes

Yup...if govt backed off it would make it less expensive to operate a business and if they lowered taxes that would also make all businesses more profitable giving the owners who are also employers more money to either give raises or hire people with.

Or else they could just say fuck em I'm keeping the extra money. And that's why business is sitting on $2 trillion in cash right now

They could. Sure.

Or the smart ones will take that cash and put it towards expanding so they can meet the increase in demand that usually comes after a recovery...and they will watch those guys that opted to sit on the cash run around like chickens without heads doing thuir best to react and meet the demand....and likely miss the boat.

Not to insult you...but it is an insult I guess...you have absolutely no idea how a smart business mind works.

But that is becuase you are convinced that all business me are greedy and never want to expand their reach.

But that is why I say you have no idea how a smart business mind works.

No, actually I think most business men are smart and would rather follow a recovery than lead one
Just reading a little bit of the debate here, I am reminded of a few things, recently I just finished the Steve Jobs book, and in there President Obama actaully met with Jobs and several others about the current economic situation about a year before his death. What was striking in there was a few things, Jobs emplored the President to do a few things, one is ease regualtions on business to allow manufacturing to return to the US, other things mentioned was a tax holiday for offshore money, and yes the dreaded tax increase. Take that in conjunction with Bill Gates yesterday suggesting a small transaction tax on securities, you begin to see that businessmen such as these, tend to support some policies advocated by both parties. So does this not add some merit to working together for whats best for the nation rather than one's party ?
Or else they could just say fuck em I'm keeping the extra money. And that's why business is sitting on $2 trillion in cash right now

They could. Sure.

Or the smart ones will take that cash and put it towards expanding so they can meet the increase in demand that usually comes after a recovery...and they will watch those guys that opted to sit on the cash run around like chickens without heads doing thuir best to react and meet the demand....and likely miss the boat.

Not to insult you...but it is an insult I guess...you have absolutely no idea how a smart business mind works.

But that is becuase you are convinced that all business me are greedy and never want to expand their reach.

But that is why I say you have no idea how a smart business mind works.

No, actually I think most business men are smart and would rather follow a recovery than lead one

Most business men want to be prepared for the demand.
That is fact.
They do not want to be forced to react.

One does not need to be a follower or a leader of a recovery.

One needs to be prepared for it.

So you are incorrect.
Just reading a little bit of the debate here, I am reminded of a few things, recently I just finished the Steve Jobs book, and in there President Obama actaully met with Jobs and several others about the current economic situation about a year before his death. What was striking in there was a few things, Jobs emplored the President to do a few things, one is ease regualtions on business to allow manufacturing to return to the US, other things mentioned was a tax holiday for offshore money, and yes the dreaded tax increase. Take that in conjunction with Bill Gates yesterday suggesting a small transaction tax on securities, you begin to see that businessmen such as these, tend to support some policies advocated by both parties. So does this not add some merit to working together for whats best for the nation rather than one's party ?


There are no absolutes on job creation. That my plan will work 100% and your plan will work 0%. There is room to compromise, to get the best of both plans and still move forward and get Americans back to work.

That is what the people expect
They could. Sure.

Or the smart ones will take that cash and put it towards expanding so they can meet the increase in demand that usually comes after a recovery...and they will watch those guys that opted to sit on the cash run around like chickens without heads doing thuir best to react and meet the demand....and likely miss the boat.

Not to insult you...but it is an insult I guess...you have absolutely no idea how a smart business mind works.

But that is becuase you are convinced that all business me are greedy and never want to expand their reach.

But that is why I say you have no idea how a smart business mind works.

No, actually I think most business men are smart and would rather follow a recovery than lead one

Most business men want to be prepared for the demand.
That is fact.
They do not want to be forced to react.

One does not need to be a follower or a leader of a recovery.

One needs to be prepared for it.

So you are incorrect.

I happen to agree with you. Business wants to be prepared. They want to be able to bring on new people, they want to be able to expand once demand picks up

That does not lead to jobs

Nobody is going to hire new people or add capability when there is no current demand. They will wait and follow the recovery rather than lead it
Just reading a little bit of the debate here, I am reminded of a few things, recently I just finished the Steve Jobs book, and in there President Obama actaully met with Jobs and several others about the current economic situation about a year before his death. What was striking in there was a few things, Jobs emplored the President to do a few things, one is ease regualtions on business to allow manufacturing to return to the US, other things mentioned was a tax holiday for offshore money, and yes the dreaded tax increase. Take that in conjunction with Bill Gates yesterday suggesting a small transaction tax on securities, you begin to see that businessmen such as these, tend to support some policies advocated by both parties. So does this not add some merit to working together for whats best for the nation rather than one's party ?


There are no absolutes on job creation. That my plan will work 100% and your plan will work 0%. There is room to compromise, to get the best of both plans and still move forward and get Americans back to work.

That is what the people expect

I agree..

and as I said earlier...

You want to spend money to try to get the economy rolling?

Then knock some of those trivial costly regulations out the window.

Like I have been saying...

fixing a hole in a boat will do absoilutely nothing if you are drilling new holes at the same time.
Stop being afraid of taking a risk.


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Just reading a little bit of the debate here, I am reminded of a few things, recently I just finished the Steve Jobs book, and in there President Obama actaully met with Jobs and several others about the current economic situation about a year before his death. What was striking in there was a few things, Jobs emplored the President to do a few things, one is ease regualtions on business to allow manufacturing to return to the US, other things mentioned was a tax holiday for offshore money, and yes the dreaded tax increase. Take that in conjunction with Bill Gates yesterday suggesting a small transaction tax on securities, you begin to see that businessmen such as these, tend to support some policies advocated by both parties. So does this not add some merit to working together for whats best for the nation rather than one's party ?


There are no absolutes on job creation. That my plan will work 100% and your plan will work 0%. There is room to compromise, to get the best of both plans and still move forward and get Americans back to work.

That is what the people expect

I agree..

and as I said earlier...

You want to spend money to try to get the economy rolling?

Then knock some of those trivial costly regulations out the window.

Like I have been saying...

fixing a hole in a boat will do absoilutely nothing if you are drilling new holes at the same time.

I have no problem in dumping trivial regulations. Neither does President Obama. Many regulations made sense when they were passed and are no longer relevant.

I do not think that our current economic crisis is due to too much regulation. Much of the current crisis is out of our hands (Europe). I think trimming regulations is an economic bandaid and the proposed Republican bills do too much in deregulating industry for little or no economic gain
Stop being afraid of taking a risk.

OUTSTANDING, I'm going to rep you for this, I'm going to tell you why to, I have been telling my daughter for a year now, the following. When we stop saying what we CANT do and then start talking about what we CAN do then things will start to turn around. Frankly, I don't care who does it and what party you belong to, and BD if if you have the time just watch CSpan for a little bit and see how many people speak in the negative.
Stop being afraid of taking a risk.

OUTSTANDING, I'm going to rep you for this, I'm going to tell you why to, I have been telling my daughter for a year now, the following. When we stop saying what we CANT do and then start talking about what we CAN do then things will start to turn around. Frankly, I don't care who does it and what party you belong to, and BD if if you have the time just watch CSpan for a little bit and see how many people speak in the negative.

But that is what we are doing. Some of us in this thread have even changed minds or admitted that an idea they previously thought was wrong when presented properly sounds ok.

We are all going back and forth sharing our opinions and testing those opinions we disagree with....would you rather everyone just accepted whatever was said in the spirit of getting along?
LOL, holy shit, I got through the 4th one and these are laughable at best, and that's being kind. I love how these are "jobs" bills because they do away with regulations which "we all know will only lead to job creation".

Bwahahahahahahaah! You have to be a partisan asshole to truly believe that destroying our air, polluting the water, spraying pesticides and allowing big corporations to restrict internet access to the highest bidder will somehow create jobs. LOL. Give me a break.

you are too intelligent and open minded to believe that the GOP bills are designed to ruin the air we breathe and dirty the water we drink....

For you, this is a difference in ideology and why those bills mean little to you....but it is disturbing to see you use spin to respond in a debate.

That is for the partisan hacks on this sight.

They are designed to remove penalties for ruining the air and water.

Democrats are not going to let short-sighted, profit-first polluters do as they wish with our environment.
Stop being afraid of taking a risk.

OUTSTANDING, I'm going to rep you for this, I'm going to tell you why to, I have been telling my daughter for a year now, the following. When we stop saying what we CANT do and then start talking about what we CAN do then things will start to turn around. Frankly, I don't care who does it and what party you belong to, and BD if if you have the time just watch CSpan for a little bit and see how many people speak in the negative.

But that is what we are doing. Some of us in this thread have even changed minds or admitted that an idea they previously thought was wrong when presented properly sounds ok.

We are all going back and forth sharing our opinions and testing those opinions we disagree with....would you rather everyone just accepted whatever was said in the spirit of getting along?

Pilgrim, I think you misunderstood to context of my post, of course there is nothing wrong with a good debate not at all. My posting was simply to point out that the tendancy of those who represent us being a conversation based on what we cant do and speak in the negative has served no purpose but to make everyone feel as if they, be they Democrats or Republicans are doing nothing but taking up space. My posting has nothing at all to do with the spirit if the debate here because frankly, if I believe there are times when more problems are solved here than in an entire year in congress. One more thing though, I also wanted to point out that solutions to issues can come from anywhere, and when those who represent us realize that this "my way or the highway" is not working, perhaps they might craft a solution that works. That is why I liked BD's original comment, again it had nothing whatsoever to do with anyones debating style here.
LOL, holy shit, I got through the 4th one and these are laughable at best, and that's being kind. I love how these are "jobs" bills because they do away with regulations which "we all know will only lead to job creation".

Bwahahahahahahaah! You have to be a partisan asshole to truly believe that destroying our air, polluting the water, spraying pesticides and allowing big corporations to restrict internet access to the highest bidder will somehow create jobs. LOL. Give me a break.

you are too intelligent and open minded to believe that the GOP bills are designed to ruin the air we breathe and dirty the water we drink....

For you, this is a difference in ideology and why those bills mean little to you....but it is disturbing to see you use spin to respond in a debate.

That is for the partisan hacks on this sight.

They are designed to remove penalties for ruining the air and water.

Democrats are not going to let short-sighted, profit-first polluters do as they wish with our environment.

you did not read the bills.

Most havent.

Most simply belive what the President says.

I thought the left learned their lesson with Bush. I guess not.
Your take. So I repeat, since the Dems control the Senate, all the committees, why not do as our Governmental form requires and submit those LEGALLY submitted bills to committee? Is Reid afraid they will pass committee? Is he afraid if they get past committee they will somehow survive a floor vote?

You are admitting as Sarah G just did that it is perfectly ok for the democrats to refuse to do their job unless the Republicans in the House only do what the dems want.

His take?

No sir. It is not his take. If he read the bills with an open mind he would have a completely different take.

He simply reguritated the spin that Obama knew he was naive enough to regurgitate without first educating himself on the truth.

Each and every bill is an attempt to sell out the American people and present deregulation as a "Jobs Bill"

Why don't Republicans do some direct legislation for once rather than pass off all these "Trust me" bills?

Trust me.......if you waive all these environmental bills, I will hire more people
Trust me.....if you don't monitor what I am doing, I will hire more people

Trust me.....if you lower my taxes, I will hire more people.
Trust me.....if you let me bring back that $2 Trillion from overseas tax-free, I will hire more people.

This is a fun game!
Stop being afraid of taking a risk.

OUTSTANDING, I'm going to rep you for this, I'm going to tell you why to, I have been telling my daughter for a year now, the following. When we stop saying what we CANT do and then start talking about what we CAN do then things will start to turn around. Frankly, I don't care who does it and what party you belong to, and BD if if you have the time just watch CSpan for a little bit and see how many people speak in the negative.

Thank you and exactly. The first time I saw that poster I thought MAN, somebody hit the nail on the head. Productivity does not arise from negativity.
you are too intelligent and open minded to believe that the GOP bills are designed to ruin the air we breathe and dirty the water we drink....

For you, this is a difference in ideology and why those bills mean little to you....but it is disturbing to see you use spin to respond in a debate.

That is for the partisan hacks on this sight.

They are designed to remove penalties for ruining the air and water.

Democrats are not going to let short-sighted, profit-first polluters do as they wish with our environment.

you did not read the bills.

Most havent.

Most simply belive what the President says.

I thought the left learned their lesson with Bush. I guess not.
I have read the bills! And the OP has the bills right in it.
LOL, holy shit, I got through the 4th one and these are laughable at best, and that's being kind. I love how these are "jobs" bills because they do away with regulations which "we all know will only lead to job creation".

Bwahahahahahahaah! You have to be a partisan asshole to truly believe that destroying our air, polluting the water, spraying pesticides and allowing big corporations to restrict internet access to the highest bidder will somehow create jobs. LOL. Give me a break.

The House isn't getting anything until they get the jobs bill passed. They don't feel the need to work for America, nobody cares about any of their other idiotic agenda.

So the only thing they're allowed to do is whatever Obama wants, is that it? Funny, I don't remember the Constitution saying anything about the President being able to control the workings of Congress. I DO, however, remember it saying that bills passed in one house should be debated and voted on in the other.

How about if I said, "The President isn't getting anything until HE gets the House jobs bills signed"? How would that sit with you? And how can even an ignorant twat like you say, "They don't feel the need to work for America" when you just saw a list of FIFTEEN bills they passed and sent on for action? Amazingly enough, you partisan dimwit, "working for America" is NOT defined as "advancing the leftist agenda".
OUTSTANDING, I'm going to rep you for this, I'm going to tell you why to, I have been telling my daughter for a year now, the following. When we stop saying what we CANT do and then start talking about what we CAN do then things will start to turn around. Frankly, I don't care who does it and what party you belong to, and BD if if you have the time just watch CSpan for a little bit and see how many people speak in the negative.

But that is what we are doing. Some of us in this thread have even changed minds or admitted that an idea they previously thought was wrong when presented properly sounds ok.

We are all going back and forth sharing our opinions and testing those opinions we disagree with....would you rather everyone just accepted whatever was said in the spirit of getting along?

Pilgrim, I think you misunderstood to context of my post, of course there is nothing wrong with a good debate not at all. My posting was simply to point out that the tendancy of those who represent us being a conversation based on what we cant do and speak in the negative has served no purpose but to make everyone feel as if they, be they Democrats or Republicans are doing nothing but taking up space. My posting has nothing at all to do with the spirit if the debate here because frankly, if I believe there are times when more problems are solved here than in an entire year in congress. One more thing though, I also wanted to point out that solutions to issues can come from anywhere, and when those who represent us realize that this "my way or the highway" is not working, perhaps they might craft a solution that works. That is why I liked BD's original comment, again it had nothing whatsoever to do with anyones debating style here.

Oh I did misunderstand you completely! Oops :redface:

I do agree with that sentiment of finding the value in other people's ideas and concentrating on the parts of value both sides can agree on.
Wow...that is some scary legislation that shows what will happen to our country if we let Republicans have their way

Every bill is an attempt to rape the environment wrapped up as some "jobs bill"

Republicans have no shame

wow...people really DO believe ths spin.

Curious...what is it like to admire and support a man (Obama) that sees you as such an idiot that he knows you will not only BELEIVE his spin, but regurgitate it on his behalf?

I suspect it would only be upsetting if they weren't ACTUALLY the idiots he sees them as. Since they are, it probably doesn't bother them much.

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