143 million Americans to pay lower taxes next year


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
143 Million Americans to Pay LOWER Taxes Next Year
The Republican tax law just signed by President Trump benefits most American taxpayers, at least until key provisions sunset.

That’s the conclusion of a look at the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act by the Tax Policy Center.

The good news is that there aren’t many who will pay higher taxes next year — about 8.5 million, compared to the some 143 million who will get lower taxes.

For the most popular bracket of what the Tax Policy ........................

Notice the title SHEEP

President Trump Forced To Sign Tax Bill Early Due To MSM Lies

Oh the Trump haters will deny, deny, deny. And why? Because indoctrianted democratic dumb asses don't understand the system enough to realize their democratic pricks have lead them down the road of bs enslaving them via taxes and more. But when you are in love with your cult leader (s ) they're to stupid to see reality.

Long may he Presidate! :) I will drop 6% in brackets. But for most taxpayers the largest advantage will be the doubling of the standard deduction. Incredible savings right there.
Next we need to address the Democrats newly found concerns about deficits by whacking the hell out of spending.
Oh boy.....the regressives are going to be like...

You can call it a tax cut for the Middle Class, but it's really more of a "Teaser Tax Cut".

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