14 minutes for the cops to show up for a home invasion. A gun in the hand is more timely....

These two women with a 2 year old child had to hide on the roof of their home as they waited for the police to arrive. A home invader was ransacking the house for 14 minutes....long enough to murder everyone in the home...

'WHERE ARE THE COPS?' | Highlandtown home-invasion victims waited 14 minutes for police

As Baltimore Police scrambled to the scenes of shootings early Saturday morning, two young females and a 2-year-old boy were trapped on a rooftop.

Shannon Gaasch says she had just gone to bed when she heard the sound of glass shattering.

Someone had thrown a brick through her friend’s door and were inside the house.

Immediately, the homeowner grabbed her son and ran to the room where Shannon was sleeping.

Trapped on the second floor, the three had only a rooftop run to.

For nearly 15 minutes, Gaasch was on the phone with 911.

During the call, Gaasch said: “I keep telling the dispatcher, 'They’re still in the house, they’re still in the house. Where are the cops? We need them here. We have nowhere to go.”'

At least they didn't get killed trying to shoot the guys.

So you're saying women are to incompetent to use a firearm?
She is a misogynist

Its proven fact that most people who use a gun against an intruder get shot themselves.

its proven fact that most people who use a gun against an intruder get shot themselves. - Google Search
We all know how the anti-gun activists compile their statistics:
Step 1 is we are supposed to agree that we are all equal.
Step 2 is that now means there is no difference between guys like that:

And guys like these:
When seconds count, the police are minutes away

Call for pizza call for police, see who arrives first.

Police are reactive. Not proactive. They can't do a damned thing till a crime is committed.
Then why do they fine me for a faulty tail light even though I did not cause an accident with it?
Safety hazard.
Hahaha a faulty tail light is a safety hazard and the criminals who just got pardoned by NY Gov Cuomo are not?
Yes they are, but I was just answering your question.
I'm glad I had my gun the evening our door was kicked in, and I confronted the intruder roughly 10' in front of me in my living room. He looked down the business end of my 9mm and time stood still. I told him to freeze and wanted to hold him for police. He bolted, instead of waiting see what he was going to do, I fired 2 shots at him and did not hit him.

I saved his life that night as I could of dropped him on the spot just because he made the stupid decision of kicking our door in. If he had been armed, he would be dead


Well you are better than me.

Unarmed or not I would have blown his head off with my shotgun.

I think that is the reason for the law stand your ground, your ground, your home.
I'm glad I had my gun the evening our door was kicked in, and I confronted the intruder roughly 10' in front of me in my living room. He looked down the business end of my 9mm and time stood still. I told him to freeze and wanted to hold him for police. He bolted, instead of waiting see what he was going to do, I fired 2 shots at him and did not hit him.

I saved his life that night as I could of dropped him on the spot just because he made the stupid decision of kicking our door in. If he had been armed, he would be dead


Well you are better than me.

Unarmed or not I would have blown his head off with my shotgun.

I think that is the reason for the law stand your ground, your ground, your home.

My ground is wherever I happen to be at the moment.
These two women with a 2 year old child had to hide on the roof of their home as they waited for the police to arrive. A home invader was ransacking the house for 14 minutes....long enough to murder everyone in the home...

'WHERE ARE THE COPS?' | Highlandtown home-invasion victims waited 14 minutes for police

As Baltimore Police scrambled to the scenes of shootings early Saturday morning, two young females and a 2-year-old boy were trapped on a rooftop.

Shannon Gaasch says she had just gone to bed when she heard the sound of glass shattering.

Someone had thrown a brick through her friend’s door and were inside the house.

Immediately, the homeowner grabbed her son and ran to the room where Shannon was sleeping.

Trapped on the second floor, the three had only a rooftop run to.

For nearly 15 minutes, Gaasch was on the phone with 911.

During the call, Gaasch said: “I keep telling the dispatcher, 'They’re still in the house, they’re still in the house. Where are the cops? We need them here. We have nowhere to go.”'

At least they didn't get killed trying to shoot the guys.

So you're saying women are to incompetent to use a firearm?
She is a misogynist

Its proven fact that most people who use a gun against an intruder get shot themselves.

its proven fact that most people who use a gun against an intruder get shot themselves. - Google Search

You are wrong, you link just takes us to a google search page.......

Americans use their guns 2.4 million times a year to stop criminals...

As more Americans have used their guns, at home and in public over the last 25 years gun murder has gone down 49%, gun crime down 75%, and violent crime down 72%....

You don't know what you are talking about.
I'm glad I had my gun the evening our door was kicked in, and I confronted the intruder roughly 10' in front of me in my living room. He looked down the business end of my 9mm and time stood still. I told him to freeze and wanted to hold him for police. He bolted, instead of waiting see what he was going to do, I fired 2 shots at him and did not hit him.

I saved his life that night as I could of dropped him on the spot just because he made the stupid decision of kicking our door in. If he had been armed, he would be dead


Well you are better than me.

Unarmed or not I would have blown his head off with my shotgun.

I think that is the reason for the law stand your ground, your ground, your home.

And you show you have no idea what Stand Your Ground or the Castle doctrine are..

The Castle Doctrine means you don't have to run out of your own home before you can attempt to defend yourself if you are attacked in your home.

Stand Your Ground means that you are not required to run away at all possible cost before you are allowed a legal case for self defense....
At least they didn't get killed trying to shoot the guys.

So you're saying women are to incompetent to use a firearm?
She is a misogynist

Its proven fact that most people who use a gun against an intruder get shot themselves.

Negative. Publicly expressing desire to be a victim is exactly what criminals salivate over, live for. Everyone I have known who has been armed for life, law enforcement or civilian, has proven unmatched responsibility and capability and safety with their privately and professionally owned firearms.

Now that's a great slogan for 2nd Amendment rights in America!

Armed For Life!
Armed For Life!

I go by what I stated. No one desires to be a victim, but if one is dumb enough to try and outwit a guy with a gun you just might be.
So everyone should just be a victim and not even attempt to protect themselves or their family ?

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