$123.00 for tank of gas

Big Black Dog

Platinum Member
May 20, 2009
I just filled up my Avalanche and it took $123.00 to pay for the gas. This is just wrong on so many levels. Thank you President Obama. You gave me one more reason to NOT vote for you.
I just filled up my Avalanche and it took $123.00 to pay for the gas. This is just wrong on so many levels. Thank you President Obama. You gave me one more reason to NOT vote for you.

I did the same over the weekend...$134.00..... :eek:
Obama's fault?

Buy, a guzzler watch your money be guzzled away.

Of course the last time it hit $4 I am sure you blamed Bush?
those status vehicles do not come cheap.

Hell an Avalanche is not even a real truck for hauling stuff.
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Fools blame a or any president for this, He by default keeps it less than Europe’s bucks at the pump by putting 50% of the cost per gallon on the Tax Payers credit card. So he should get a pass on this FOOLS! And we spend the same amount in taxes as to the pump prices. To keep it coming cheaper at the pump As us American's are spending for it in total somewhere around 11.50 and most likely more in total bucks per gallon. add up money spent on filling our gas reserve depot, Protecting areas of the worlds fuel flows by military and all military gas spending, War gasoline, and propping up of governments around the world, and does not this government spend a shit load on gas to keep it going to. This is a basic list of fuel cost to the tax payers to start. You foolish asshole's think the gasoline companies are paying for this from their profits? FOOLS!!!! We are Suckers! But please go blame a president as this is too much thinking and reading before you type a brain FART!!!
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In 2008 Pelosi blamed Bush for high gas prices, now in 2112 she blames Wall Street plus Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ) when he delivered the Democratic radio address did the same back then. Uuuuuummmm, sounds like politics as usual...... :lol:
I guess you all like the idea of gas costing over $4.00. Shouldn't matter what you drive. Gas should not be this high. When Bush was President, Hillary Clinton pitched a hissy fit on national tv talking about what a hobo he was for allowing the gas prices to get this high. Now, with gas being over $4.00 a gallon hardly anything is being said about Obama allowing gas prices to soar. I guess that if you're a Democratic President, gas prices aren't important. There's lots of things the President can do to bring down gas prices but this ass clown isn't going to do any of them. He wants high gas prices so he can push that "green" bull shit agenda he's so overly fond of. You guys all run right down there and vote for him again and you'll be pushing your cars because you won't be able to afford the gas.
I guess you all like the idea of gas costing over $4.00. Shouldn't matter what you drive. Gas should not be this high. When Bush was President, Hillary Clinton pitched a hissy fit on national tv talking about what a hobo he was for allowing the gas prices to get this high. Now, with gas being over $4.00 a gallon hardly anything is being said about Obama allowing gas prices to soar. I guess that if you're a Democratic President, gas prices aren't important. There's lots of things the President can do to bring down gas prices but this ass clown isn't going to do any of them. He wants high gas prices so he can push that "green" bull shit agenda he's so overly fond of. You guys all run right down there and vote for him again and you'll be pushing your cars because you won't be able to afford the gas.

Hook your super dog to truck and you will get better mileage!
I guess you all like the idea of gas costing over $4.00. Shouldn't matter what you drive. Gas should not be this high. When Bush was President, Hillary Clinton pitched a hissy fit on national tv talking about what a hobo he was for allowing the gas prices to get this high. Now, with gas being over $4.00 a gallon hardly anything is being said about Obama allowing gas prices to soar. I guess that if you're a Democratic President, gas prices aren't important. There's lots of things the President can do to bring down gas prices but this ass clown isn't going to do any of them. He wants high gas prices so he can push that "green" bull shit agenda he's so overly fond of. You guys all run right down there and vote for him again and you'll be pushing your cars because you won't be able to afford the gas.

Considering what it has to go through to become gas and how important it is, you should be thankful it doesn't cost a lot more.
Chevy 2500 hd and a doge ram 1500 van ,some weeks its 400-500 a week in gas,its starting to hurt,will have to raise rates,its inflationary,we have no real national energy policy,so ya some of this falls on the leader.
I should think Obama could come up with something to say - anything- that would calm world markets.
Not related to gasoline prices, just something leaderly regarding world affairs.
I can see hauling 1500 pounds of equipment and tools up a mountain side or into a gravel pit with a hybrid.

There's a real world out there.
Everything is going to be Fine
There is nothing wrong
It is better now


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four years ago I didn't worry much about the price of gas because I only got 10 gallons a month on average.

I used to bike to work.

Now I am just glad I have a job till tomorrow. But a lot of the money I get will go to feed the car to get there.

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