12-Year-Old CEO Runs $150k Business!


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

Awesome what kids can do given the support of parents. He should be an example for all kids.

Read more @ This 12-Year-Old CEO Runs a 150 000 Business
Good thing his parents weren't on assistance, or else he wouldn't have been able to be successful.
Good thing his parents weren't on assistance, or else he wouldn't have been able to be successful.
Oh really! The kid showed intelligence and a desire to get ahead on his own. He should be lauded for it. Not some simpy responce to belittle his achievement.
Good thing his parents weren't on assistance, or else he wouldn't have been able to be successful.
Oh really! The kid showed intelligence and a desire to get ahead on his own. He should be lauded for it. Not some simpy responce to belittle his achievement.

Do you even know what you are talking about? Sure, I am proud of his achievement, it's terrific!

What I am getting at, is IF he had come from a poor home. . .

IF his parents, and his Grand parents were below the poverty line, IF his family depended on GOVERNMENT ASSISTANCE, then he would never have been able to do what he did. THE GOVERNMENT would have prevented his entrepreneurial efforts. ALL POVERTY based programs look at the income generated by a household, and then base the amount of assistance given to that household on that income.

Since the entrepreneurial efforts of this kid could not be guaranteed to bring in a steady source, or reliable source of income, the parents of a sub-poverty level existence would be crazy to risk their government support on such a venture, as all of the child's income are counted as the parent's income as they are minors. This is one of the ways the government discourages the poor from trying to better themselves and pull themselves out of poverty. Any risky venture is NEVER undertaken. It CAN'T be. There is no margin for error, risk or miscalculation when the difference between success and failure is living on the streets or going hungry, and a roof over your head.

Children need safety and security, not experimentation and entrepreneurship. It is SOO terrific that this kid came from a middle class home that didn't depend on government where he could do this. Unfortunately, the folks that need to do this the most. . . the poor? They are never allowed to do this, because of the way the bureaucracy is set up.

I appreciate the effort you took in your post but you make it appear you believe there is a government conspiracy to keep poor people poor and stifle any chance at advancement.

[I _almost_ agree with you.]

However, millions of people have lifted themselves up from poverty with hard work and an effort to bring their ideas to fruition.
Do you even know what you are talking about? Sure, I am proud of his achievement, it's terrific!

What I am getting at, is IF he had come from a poor home. . .

IF his parents, and his Grand parents were below the poverty line, IF his family depended on GOVERNMENT ASSISTANCE, then he would never have been able to do what he did. THE GOVERNMENT would have prevented his entrepreneurial efforts. ALL POVERTY based programs look at the income generated by a household, and then base the amount of assistance given to that household on that income.

Since the entrepreneurial efforts of this kid could not be guaranteed to bring in a steady source, or reliable source of income, the parents of a sub-poverty level existence would be crazy to risk their government support on such a venture, as all of the child's income are counted as the parent's income as they are minors. This is one of the ways the government discourages the poor from trying to better themselves and pull themselves out of poverty. Any risky venture is NEVER undertaken. It CAN'T be. There is no margin for error, risk or miscalculation when the difference between success and failure is living on the streets or going hungry, and a roof over your head.

Children need safety and security, not experimentation and entrepreneurship. It is SOO terrific that this kid came from a middle class home that didn't depend on government where he could do this. Unfortunately, the folks that need to do this the most. . . the poor? They are never allowed to do this, because of the way the bureaucracy is set up.
WTF are you babbling about? A kid does well and that makes you go off on a unrelated foaming rant about government assistance? Poor people don't have the same economic opportunities? No shit Sherlock, that's the way it's always been, glad you finally figured it out.
Do you even know what you are talking about? Sure, I am proud of his achievement, it's terrific!

What I am getting at, is IF he had come from a poor home. . .

IF his parents, and his Grand parents were below the poverty line, IF his family depended on GOVERNMENT ASSISTANCE, then he would never have been able to do what he did. THE GOVERNMENT would have prevented his entrepreneurial efforts. ALL POVERTY based programs look at the income generated by a household, and then base the amount of assistance given to that household on that income.

Since the entrepreneurial efforts of this kid could not be guaranteed to bring in a steady source, or reliable source of income, the parents of a sub-poverty level existence would be crazy to risk their government support on such a venture, as all of the child's income are counted as the parent's income as they are minors. This is one of the ways the government discourages the poor from trying to better themselves and pull themselves out of poverty. Any risky venture is NEVER undertaken. It CAN'T be. There is no margin for error, risk or miscalculation when the difference between success and failure is living on the streets or going hungry, and a roof over your head.

Children need safety and security, not experimentation and entrepreneurship. It is SOO terrific that this kid came from a middle class home that didn't depend on government where he could do this. Unfortunately, the folks that need to do this the most. . . the poor? They are never allowed to do this, because of the way the bureaucracy is set up.
WTF are you babbling about? A kid does well and that makes you go off on a unrelated foaming rant about government assistance? Poor people don't have the same economic opportunities? No shit Sherlock, that's the way it's always been, glad you finally figured it out.

Hey, all I said was, "Good thing his parents weren't on assistance, or else he wouldn't have been able to be successful."

And that was the truth. It was a no bullshit statement. Kids in poverty don't have any opportunity to try to get ahead. The way government regulations are set up for poor families, discourages kids from attempting to try to go out and get jobs or attempt to be entrepreneurs. That is the simple truth. Middle class kids can get summer jobs and have their own money, poor kids can't. Simple truth.

Their only entrepreneurial opportunity is selling drugs or pimpin' hoes b/c of government regulation. The black market is the only way for the poor to get ahead b/c of government regulation. Just sayin'

Government needs people's dependance to stay in power and grow in power. It needs people to be powerless. I didn't just figure that out. I was commenting on MSM and government propaganda. Do you think that piece would have been published and made a big deal if the kids color had been white?

I'm sorry you are too ignorant to understand how the "war on poverty" penalizes people for helping themselves. I never said it was a "conspiracy." It is just a simple fact. Call it poor policy, call it helpful to keeping statist and big government politicians in power, whatever.

If your TV watching ASS is too obtuse to understand, don't go off all half-cocked and start insulting someone that has done in depth study of these issues. If you still don't understand, go down to a DHS office, grab an assistance form, AND STUDY IT. Maybe you will UNDERSTAND THEN.

Are you that obtuse. REALLY?
I've seen Moziah interviewed on Fox Business a couple of times. He's wonderful! He said he wanted to be a "snappy dresser" - and he's made a business out of it. Very sweet.
No agenda here, just stating the facts.
No such facts were relevant, it's a different subject matter and you trying to twist it your way won't work.

1. Let's, hypothetically say he was from a family that was receiving public aid.

2. Let's say he had started making money at this. But his family was below the poverty line. Before the business grew very large at all, the first thing they would have had to do is report the extra income to the DHS.

3. The DHS would then would have had to adjust the assistance that they get in all of the programs accordingly. Which programs do below poverty families usually get? Food benefits, Cash assistance, Section 8 Housing. Hence, their Food benefits would have been cut and the amount of asset liquidity that they had to devote toward food would have had to increase. Second, they would have also had to report the increase in income to the Section 8 housing subcontractors. That would have caused a cut in the assistance to amount granted to rent payments, also necessitating an increase in liquid cash assets going toward rent.

4. All of this would decrease the amount of money and time available to reinvest in making bow ties. Possibly even putting the family out on the streets and causing starvation. Thereby effectively destroying the bow tie business before it even got off the ground.

5. The end result, the family would have been worse off before the kid even tried the entrepreneurial effort.

6. We haven't even touched on how this would affect eligibility for medicaid.

Thus, my original statement holds true. This is a great human interest story. But in the end, you DO need to have money to make money. You can't just go from rags to riches. Don't believe this is some rags to riches story. This family was doing all right before this business took off.
No agenda here, just stating the facts.
No such facts were relevant, it's a different subject matter and you trying to twist it your way won't work.

1. Let's, hypothetically say he was from a family that was receiving public aid.

2. Let's say he had started making money at this. But his family was below the poverty line. Before the business grew very large at all, the first thing they would have had to do is report the extra income to the DHS.

3. The DHS would then would have had to adjust the assistance that they get in all of the programs accordingly. Which programs do below poverty families usually get? Food benefits, Cash assistance, Section 8 Housing. Hence, their Food benefits would have been cut and the amount of asset liquidity that they had to devote toward food would have had to increase. Second, they would have also had to report the increase in income to the Section 8 housing subcontractors. That would have caused a cut in the assistance to amount granted to rent payments, also necessitating an increase in liquid cash assets going toward rent.

4. All of this would decrease the amount of money and time available to reinvest in making bow ties. Possibly even putting the family out on the streets and causing starvation. Thereby effectively destroying the bow tie business before it even got off the ground.

5. The end result, the family would have been worse off before the kid even tried the entrepreneurial effort.

6. We haven't even touched on how this would affect eligibility for medicaid.

Thus, my original statement holds true. This is a great human interest story. But in the end, you DO need to have money to make money. You can't just go from rags to riches. Don't believe this is some rags to riches story. This family was doing all right before this business took off.

Agreed, the system locks people in to not making extra money, although I think it was easier in the 1950's for my generation. Paper routes, mowing lawns, shoveling snow, helping mom with the ironing she took in. Those particular side jobs not so available any more to families struggling.
. Those particular side jobs not so available any more to families struggling.

always remember the economy would boom tomorrow with 30 million new jobs at much higher wages were it not for liberals who are anti business. All we have to do is:

eliminate corporate tax
make unions illegal again
make federal debt deficits and inflation illegal
ship 20 million illegals home
It amazes me how not one poster has congratulated this young man for his intelligence, ingenuity, and stick-to-it attitude. He should receive some kind of Man of the Year award without all the liberal crap shoveled his way.
Yeah, but Obama will tell him "YOU DIDN'T BUILD THAT!"

Imagine what our standard of living would be like if the top 100 capitalists of the 20th century had be raised in in very liberal households! Bill Gates would have gone into govt service and wound up doing the obamacare programming instead of founding Microsoft!

Liberalism =ignorance
Imagine what our standard of living would be like if the top 100 capitalists of the 20th century had be raised in in very liberal households! Bill Gates would have gone into govt service and wound up doing the obamacare programming instead of founding Microsoft!
He was, his dad is an uber left big whig lawyer in Seattle. It's probably where he learned all the dirty tricks to rise to the top.

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