$113 Billion spent to defend Ukraine’s border as they lose the war…Dems didn’t want to spend $20B on our own border to protect our own people.


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Congress and the American public are growing tired of spending on a war that does not yield any potential ROi for taxpayers…on a war that does not keep American’s safer nor protect their interests.
Folks should be reminded of how excited Libs / Democrats have been about sending boat-loads of cash to Ukraine, they should also be reminded of how firmly they stood against Trumps wall and the $20B it would have taken to build and protect it. Remember, Dems were so against the wall and border security that they forced the longest government shutdown in history…34 days.
People need to ask themselves….if Dems would have embraced Trumps border security initiatives like they have Ukraines how many fewer Americans would have died from fentynal, how many fewer illegals would have been thrown in the laps of Americans?
How much does the U.S. spend on the border each year?

Enhances Border Security and Immigration Enforcement.

The Budget includes nearly $25 billion for U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), an increase of almost $800 million over the 2023 enacted level when controlling for border management amounts.Mar 9, 2023

FACT SHEET: President Biden's Budget Strengthens Border Security ...​

Congress and the American public are growing tired of spending on a war that does not yield any potential ROi for taxpayers…on a war that does not keep American’s safer nor protect their interests.
Folks should be reminded of how excited Libs / Democrats have been about sending boat-loads of cash to Ukraine, they should also be reminded of how firmly they stood against Trumps wall and the $20B it would have taken to build and protect it. Remember, Dems were so against the wall and border security that they forced the longest government shutdown in history…34 days.
People need to ask themselves….if Dems would have embraced Trumps border security initiatives like they have Ukraines how many fewer Americans would have died from fentynal, how many fewer illegals would have been thrown in the laps of Americans?
Well put.
Congress and the American public are growing tired of spending on a war that does not yield any potential ROi for taxpayers…on a war that does not keep American’s safer nor protect their interests.
Folks should be reminded of how excited Libs / Democrats have been about sending boat-loads of cash to Ukraine, they should also be reminded of how firmly they stood against Trumps wall and the $20B it would have taken to build and protect it. Remember, Dems were so against the wall and border security that they forced the longest government shutdown in history…34 days.
People need to ask themselves….if Dems would have embraced Trumps border security initiatives like they have Ukraines how many fewer Americans would have died from fentynal, how many fewer illegals would have been thrown in the laps of Americans?
That's because the DEMs are the party of war and they leaped at the chance to feed the war machine. They don't want to spend 20 bucks much less 20 billion to control our border. Hell they have exactly what they want, the Drug Cartels are in charge attacking the country with hundreds of thousands of people, Fentanyl and sex traffickers.
How much does the U.S. spend on the border each year?

Enhances Border Security and Immigration Enforcement.

The Budget includes nearly $25 billion for U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), an increase of almost $800 million over the 2023 enacted level when controlling for border management amounts.Mar 9, 2023

FACT SHEET: President Biden's Budget Strengthens Border Security ...​

Fact Sheet. Kid Drowning *Joes budget does nothing more than process millions more illegals into the country where they disappear.
Congress and the American public are growing tired of spending on a war that does not yield any potential ROi for taxpayers…on a war that does not keep American’s safer nor protect their interests.
Folks should be reminded of how excited Libs / Democrats have been about sending boat-loads of cash to Ukraine, they should also be reminded of how firmly they stood against Trumps wall and the $20B it would have taken to build and protect it. Remember, Dems were so against the wall and border security that they forced the longest government shutdown in history…34 days.
People need to ask themselves….if Dems would have embraced Trumps border security initiatives like they have Ukraines how many fewer Americans would have died from fentynal, how many fewer illegals would have been thrown in the laps of Americans?

The Ukrainians are gaining ground. Most of the aid is in weapons systems. Helping Ukraine is degrading the Russian military and exposing how troubled the Russian military is.
Congress and the American public are growing tired of spending on a war that does not yield any potential ROi for taxpayers…on a war that does not keep American’s safer nor protect their interests.
Folks should be reminded of how excited Libs / Democrats have been about sending boat-loads of cash to Ukraine, they should also be reminded of how firmly they stood against Trumps wall and the $20B it would have taken to build and protect it. Remember, Dems were so against the wall and border security that they forced the longest government shutdown in history…34 days.
People need to ask themselves….if Dems would have embraced Trumps border security initiatives like they have Ukraines how many fewer Americans would have died from fentynal, how many fewer illegals would have been thrown in the laps of Americans?

Republicans who blew trillion dollar holes in the budget with tax cuts want to say something about someone spending something?

Nagger please.

P.S. your 100+ billion number is bullshit.
Congress and the American public are growing tired of spending on a war that does not yield any potential ROi for taxpayers…on a war that does not keep American’s safer nor protect their interests.
Folks should be reminded of how excited Libs / Democrats have been about sending boat-loads of cash to Ukraine, they should also be reminded of how firmly they stood against Trumps wall and the $20B it would have taken to build and protect it. Remember, Dems were so against the wall and border security that they forced the longest government shutdown in history…34 days.
People need to ask themselves….if Dems would have embraced Trumps border security initiatives like they have Ukraines how many fewer Americans would have died from fentynal, how many fewer illegals would have been thrown in the laps of Americans?
It's oppositional politics....
Meaning that the people the politicians are supposed to represent are more interested in fighting than working to find solutions.

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