10k Pigeons Anally Probed

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Nervous Chinese Authorities Perform Anal Security Checks On 10 000 Pigeons

To that end, authorities reportedly performed "anal security checks" on 10,000 pigeons in Beijing ahead of China's National Day holiday on Wednesday. China's state-owned newspaper, The People's Daily, reported on the security probe in a Tweet on Tuesday, helpfully including a picture of what a suspicious pigeon might look like:


Bob McDonnell's new job?
Sounds like a good new career path for low information dimocrat types here in Barry's America. Give them a few years and the Federal Department of Bird Ass Inspectors will burgeon to several thousands with an annual budget of $24.6 Billion and its own Swat Team.
Well, at least the Chinese now have some truly penetrating insights as to the nature of various common fowl of the family Columbidae.
Never let it be said Chinese security isn't thorough. :)

Reminds me of US attempts to use bats during WWII as incendiary delivery instruments. Worked too, but wasn't deployed.
Nervous Chinese Authorities Perform Anal Security Checks On 10 000 Pigeons

To that end, authorities reportedly performed "anal security checks" on 10,000 pigeons in Beijing ahead of China's National Day holiday on Wednesday. China's state-owned newspaper, The People's Daily, reported on the security probe in a Tweet on Tuesday, helpfully including a picture of what a suspicious pigeon might look like:


Bob McDonnell's new job?

And in other news, Ebola is reported in Texas and Hawaii, both caused by carriers flying in from Africa.
From people on the other end of the spectrum of "anal retentiveness"
who didn't do enough security checks!
Those Chinese are FREAKS.

Sad thing is, they probably think the same of us.

People in American prisons, who have brutally tortured victims in serial killings,
don't get put to death because of mental illness or other legal issues.

While people in China have been imprisoned, tortured or killed without defense or appeals
over civil issues as religious exercise!

Why not trade Prisoners? Send our convicts to China who NEED their
heads crammed into buckets of crap the way Falun Gong followers are tortured.

And let religious protestors come here and exercise their outreach in our prisons.
Might actually do more good than the mess that goes on now.

We may think they are out of line for killing nonviolent protestors disproportionately who didn't commit atrocious crimes,
but they must also think we are nuts for paying to support violent offenders on our tax dollars without holding them to proportional consequences either.

Opposite extremes!
Nervous Chinese Authorities Perform Anal Security Checks On 10 000 Pigeons

To that end, authorities reportedly performed "anal security checks" on 10,000 pigeons in Beijing ahead of China's National Day holiday on Wednesday. China's state-owned newspaper, The People's Daily, reported on the security probe in a Tweet on Tuesday, helpfully including a picture of what a suspicious pigeon might look like:


Bob McDonnell's new job?
To what end?

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