Appeals Board Upholds High School Bathroom Policy For Transgender Teen


Senior Member
Aug 12, 2014
A transgender teenager, who was born male but identifies as a female, can continue to use a women's restroom and locker room at a Jefferson County Public School.
In a 5-to-1 vote, an appeal board upheld Atherton High School's nondiscrimination policy Thursday, which states the school must accept the gender identity each student asserts and shouldn't discriminate on the use of school space on the basis of gender identity nor gender expression.
The current JCPS policy allows individual schools to set their own policies on the use of facilities.

Appeals board upholds high school bathroom policy for transgende - News Weather Sports

The story is so controversial that I had to spend several minutes just digesting it and coming to an opinion. And I had to say I am shocked.
First, I didn’t get from the article if the kid has already undergone the transgender surgery (haven’t found either if such surgery is even possible for teenagers). Because if he is physically a boy than it’s not really healthy to let him go to girls’ restroom.
Second, has anyone asked the girls how they would feel about a boy coming to their lady’s room? I bet they don’t care that he’s a girl in his head. So I wonder why it is considered ok that the right of the many for privacy is overruled by the right of one for… what, exactly?
Though I sympathize the kid in his/her struggle for identity and all, I don’t see the situation and the resolution as fair.
The key of course like the OP says, is whether he's had the surgery or not. Just deciding one day you want to be a girl doesn't make it so until the surgery.
Just like Bradley Manning, until he's had all the surgeries and treatments I refuse to call him Chelsea.
Second, has anyone asked the girls how they would feel about a boy coming to their lady’s room? I bet they don’t care that he’s a girl in his head. So I wonder why it is considered ok that the right of the many for privacy is overruled by the right of one for… what, exactly?
I wonder what would happen if any of the real girls there were to object to this arrangement.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Would I be one of them if I was there? Yes. To me, a male in a dress is still a matter what it is that they have done to themselves to try and cross over.
A transgender teenager, who was born male but identifies as a female, can continue to use a women's restroom and locker room at a Jefferson County Public School.
In a 5-to-1 vote, an appeal board upheld Atherton High School's nondiscrimination policy Thursday, which states the school must accept the gender identity each student asserts and shouldn't discriminate on the use of school space on the basis of gender identity nor gender expression.
The current JCPS policy allows individual schools to set their own policies on the use of facilities.

Appeals board upholds high school bathroom policy for transgende - News Weather Sports

The story is so controversial that I had to spend several minutes just digesting it and coming to an opinion. And I had to say I am shocked.
First, I didn’t get from the article if the kid has already undergone the transgender surgery (haven’t found either if such surgery is even possible for teenagers). Because if he is physically a boy than it’s not really healthy to let him go to girls’ restroom.
Second, has anyone asked the girls how they would feel about a boy coming to their lady’s room? I bet they don’t care that he’s a girl in his head. So I wonder why it is considered ok that the right of the many for privacy is overruled by the right of one for… what, exactly?
Though I sympathize the kid in his/her struggle for identity and all, I don’t see the situation and the resolution as fair.
You're clearly suffering from indigestion.
Second, has anyone asked the girls how they would feel about a boy coming to their lady’s room? I bet they don’t care that he’s a girl in his head. So I wonder why it is considered ok that the right of the many for privacy is overruled by the right of one for… what, exactly?
I wonder what would happen if any of the real girls there were to object to this arrangement.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Would I be one of them if I was there? Yes. To me, a male in a dress is still a matter what it is that they have done to themselves to try and cross over.

The end result is someone with junk in the girl's bathroom.
A transgender teenager, who was born male but identifies as a female, can continue to use a women's restroom and locker room at a Jefferson County Public School.
In a 5-to-1 vote, an appeal board upheld Atherton High School's nondiscrimination policy Thursday, which states the school must accept the gender identity each student asserts and shouldn't discriminate on the use of school space on the basis of gender identity nor gender expression.
The current JCPS policy allows individual schools to set their own policies on the use of facilities.

Appeals board upholds high school bathroom policy for transgende - News Weather Sports

The story is so controversial that I had to spend several minutes just digesting it and coming to an opinion. And I had to say I am shocked.
First, I didn’t get from the article if the kid has already undergone the transgender surgery (haven’t found either if such surgery is even possible for teenagers). Because if he is physically a boy than it’s not really healthy to let him go to girls’ restroom.

Second, has anyone asked the girls how they would feel about a boy coming to their lady’s room? I bet they don’t care that he’s a girl in his head. So I wonder why it is considered ok that the right of the many for privacy is overruled by the right of one for… what, exactly?
Though I sympathize the kid in his/her struggle for identity and all, I don’t see the situation and the resolution as fair.

c_clayton_jones said:
You're clearly suffering from indigestion.

Was that supposed to be funny?

Don't ever try your luck at stand-up, son.

It will be painful. :thup:
If you look at brains scans of male transsexuals you see that they don't match those of men, but that doesn't mean they are women because their brain scans don't match those of women either.,

It is inaccurate to say that these guys are women trapped inside of a man's body. It is accurate to say that they are not-men trapped inside the body of men.
Damn I'm old

raise your hand if you went to school with someone who was confused about what gender they are?

Seriously, when did this become a thing?

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