100k reward being offered for Whitehouse Fast & Furious documents

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
Reward offered for White House Fast & Furious info | Oklahoman.com

Their reward poster reads: "If you have verifiable evidence that President Obama or one of his aides knew about Operation Fast & Furious while it was underway, Call 1-888-692-7374 toll free. This is your opportunity to save yourself before Operation Fast & Furious comes crashing down like Watergate. Don't go to jail. Turn states evidence now just like John Dean did. The truth will come out. Will you be caught in the web of Operation Fast & Furious, or will you avoid jail time?"
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Reward offered for White House Fast & Furious info | Oklahoman.com

Their reward poster reads: "If you have verifiable evidence that President Obama or one of his aides knew about Operation Fast & Furious while it was underway, Call 1-888-692-7374 toll free. This is your opportunity to save yourself before Operation Fast & Furious comes crashing down like Watergate. Don't go to jail. Turn states evidence now just like John Dean did. The truth will come out. Will you be caught in the web of Operation Fast & Furious, or will you avoid jail time?"

Wow! That is s c a r e y
Obama callin' out the bad guys...
Report: 5 named in Fast & Furious probe
WASHINGTON, July 30`12 (UPI) -- Investigators have determined five Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms agents are responsible for a failed gun-walking program the Los Angeles Times said.
The newspaper reported Monday it had obtained a copy of a report by Republican investigators finding five senior ATF officials are collectively responsible for the Fast and Furious operation. The report found the failed operation was "marred by missteps, poor judgments and inherently reckless strategy," the newspaper said.

The House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, chaired by Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., voted last month to find U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt because he had not turned over documents the committee demanded. The Republican-controlled House also voted to hold Holder in contempt.

The report to be released this week alleged the Justice Department had a role in the Fast and Furious program, citing an assertion by Kenneth E. Melson, formerly acting director of ATF, that his superiors in the department "were doing more damage control than anything" else amid public disclosure of the failed operation.

Republican investigators said they will issue two more reports, focusing on what they called "the devastating failure of supervision and leadership" at the Department of Justice and an "unprecedented obstruction of the [congressional] investigation by the highest levels of the Justice Department, including the attorney general himself," the Times reported. Five people were indicted July 9 in the death of U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry in 2010. Two guns found at the scene of Terry's death were traced to the Fast and Furious program.

Read more: Report: 5 named in Fast & Furious probe - UPI.com
Reward offered for White House Fast & Furious info | Oklahoman.com

Their reward poster reads: "If you have verifiable evidence that President Obama or one of his aides knew about Operation Fast & Furious while it was underway, Call 1-888-692-7374 toll free. This is your opportunity to save yourself before Operation Fast & Furious comes crashing down like Watergate. Don't go to jail. Turn states evidence now just like John Dean did. The truth will come out. Will you be caught in the web of Operation Fast & Furious, or will you avoid jail time?"

Progressives create problems so they can claim to fix them - it keeps them in power. This is a fantastic example - giving criminals guns, so they can create crime in which democrats will immediately step up and claim to solve.

Just like how progressive elitists keep poor people poor just so they can pander to them and claim to solve their poverty via welfare in exchange for their vote...
Reward offered for White House Fast & Furious info | Oklahoman.com

Their reward poster reads: "If you have verifiable evidence that President Obama or one of his aides knew about Operation Fast & Furious while it was underway, Call 1-888-692-7374 toll free. This is your opportunity to save yourself before Operation Fast & Furious comes crashing down like Watergate. Don't go to jail. Turn states evidence now just like John Dean did. The truth will come out. Will you be caught in the web of Operation Fast & Furious, or will you avoid jail time?"

Progressives create problems so they can claim to fix them - it keeps them in power. This is a fantastic example - giving criminals guns, so they can create crime in which democrats will immediately step up and claim to solve.

Just like how progressive elitists keep poor people poor just so they can pander to them and claim to solve their poverty via welfare in exchange for their vote...
Very true and the solution is always more government.
Reward offered for White House Fast & Furious info | Oklahoman.com

Their reward poster reads: "If you have verifiable evidence that President Obama or one of his aides knew about Operation Fast & Furious while it was underway, Call 1-888-692-7374 toll free. This is your opportunity to save yourself before Operation Fast & Furious comes crashing down like Watergate. Don't go to jail. Turn states evidence now just like John Dean did. The truth will come out. Will you be caught in the web of Operation Fast & Furious, or will you avoid jail time?"

Wow! That is s c a r e y

Perhaps you are too young to know about Watergate. Yes, it is scarey. I hope it is effective.
Eminently worthwhile effort, similar to Breitbarts efforts to obtain the Obama/Khalidi tapes which the LA Times has possession of, but refuses to release. Sure makes ya wonder what's in 'em.

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